Thank you for posting nearly 5000 reasons we all love Izzo.
He made the right decision and he will be reminded of this in the years to come
(to the tune of spiderman)
Izzo man, Izzo man, does whatever a Izzo can; He's our man, he's our man; Spartan forever that's his plan.
Gives the most, gives the most, turns all other teams to toast.
Breaks the rules, slams the ball; gets those kids to win them all.
Now we're the best, not like the rest; Cavaliers flunked the test.
Time for us to give a hand to the best coach in the land!
Go Tom! Go! We love you!! :)
Nanette A., Haslett
I just wanted to offer my own huge THANK YOU for staying with MSU and for all you and your family have done for the university and the entire state of Michigan. I watched your news conference last night and you did a great job of putting that jerk (Henning) in his place. Iam a '70 alumni and you and the Spartans have provided me and my family with tons of exciting, wild, and great memories of MSU basketball. I can only wish you and all the rest of us Spartans the best of luck in the future and I know we'll be making more great memories on our way to the next National Championship! Thanks Tom!
Chuck Noffke '70, Coloma, MI
Down Goes Henning!
Thanks Tom!
Mike, Grand Rapids, MI
As a four year member of the Izzone and a perpetual supporter of Izzo, all I can say is Thank You Tom! No one can or should blame you for investigating your options. I'm sure I speak for MSU Fans everywhere when I say that we appreciate how loyal you are, how unbelievable your accomplishments are on and off the court, and last but not least, how grateful we are for what you and your family have already given to MSU, as well as whatever the future holds. God Bless you and your family Tom! We will always support, and appreciate you!
Ken W., Rochester Hills, MI
Thanks Tommy, Your a damn good man!
Nick Half, EL!!!
I hope izzo understands that Henning doesn't speak for any of us. If I were that douchebag I would hope my boss didn't watch that, and if my boss did see or hear of this, I'd make a hasty public apology to coach because... wow... Crybaby. Whining about how he wasn't able to attend the dinner. Whining about how Izzo didn't call him back... HOW SELF-CENTERED ARE YOU?? That press conference was NOT supposed to be about LYNN HENNING but he sure as hell made it that way.
Joe Spartan, EL
Being a life long Cavs fan and MSU grad, I was torn on this issue. I'm glad Izzo stayed.
John, NE Ohio
Thank you Izzo for staying with us. You are a true Spartan for life! The Izzone wouldn't be the same with you gone and our elite program lives and dies by you. We are your loyal fans and bring the title back home!
Andrew E, Livonia, MI
Thanks for staying in the Big Ten. You are a classy individual. The Big Ten is much better with you in it! I wish you much luck...except when you play Wisconsin!
Dan Braker, Beaver Dam, WI
oh and anyone who thinks that there is anyone better then Izzo (coach K is the only argument) you no NOTHING so your opinion is close to nothing. GO STATE !!!
JC , Lansing
Thank You ! GO STATE !!!!
JC, Lansing
Dear Coach Izzo, from one lifer to another, the love in East Lansing could never be matched by a pro environment - thank you for staying!
Michael D., Phoenix, AZ
Thank you.....................
Tom..Thanks for staying in the Big Ten. In a world that needs class, you are a big contributor. The Big Ten conference is richer with you in it. I wish you a lot of luck...except when you play Wisconsin!
Dan Braker, Beaver
Every night for the last week while saying our bedtime prayers with my three young Spartan fans we said "Please let Coach Izzo make the right decision for his family and the program we love"... Thanks for answering our prayers Coach.
Steve jackson, Stevensville, Michigan
...thanks Tom!!!
Tim B '76, Marshall, MI
So glad the Wolverines are on this site too. They'd kill to have Izzo...who is he a coach? I am jealous of one thing tho...the UM has their own TV station....ESPN Classic. Enjoy all your good times there...with Beynobody and Richie Rod and his trailers, your best years are behind you.
They don't appreciate tom in lansing why the hell would he stay
WOLVERINE, Ann Fuggin Arbor
Tom Izzo is Mediocre, Tom Izzoland
Thank you for staying at home because watching every game in San Diego makes San Diego feel more like home! San Diego Spartan for life!
Julie, San Diego, CA
Coach- the alumni can't thank you enough. Continue to work hard and be the face of MSU. We will continue to support you.
JRK, Chicago
You are a picture of class and grace. Your passion is inspiring. You are Michigan State and we love you madly.
Joy Watson, Phoenix
Tom has brought us immeasurable joy and pride as our basketball coach. He's a guy of talent, character, and the dedication and patience to nurture talent and character create a quality program for the long term. I am thrilled that Tom is staying. He is irreplaceable!
Ginnie, Mason
He's a Yooper and a helluva guy/coach!
Jeremy Symons (, Upper Peninsula
He has his priorities straight.
Mary Ann McLachlan, Clearwater, FL
All I can say is Final Four here we come! So glad you decided to stay!
Chrissy, Westland, MI
Because his talent to teach and develop young men to be winners and successful beyond the court is too important to not continue doing at MSU.
Bart Vanstaalduinen MSU '96, Vancouver
because he IS east lansing
eb, EL
"You can't leave. All the plants will die." Bill Murry, "Stripes" :)
Ken Orlich, Lansing
Thanks for continuing the dynasty, now I can book my Houston hotel and flight.
Grant, Cadillac
You are a true Spartan and never waver. You are motivating, inspirational and amazing. I cannot wait to see you coach and end up in the hall of fame!
Jessica Revill, MSU 08, Chicago, IL
Once again you have given us Spartans another reason to be proud!
S. Couchot, Dayton, Ohio
Mr. Izzo owed it to himself and his family to seriously consider such an intriguing offer from an NBA franchise. And he showed the world why Michigan State loves our coach when he explained his reasons for deciding to stay. A class act and one of Michigan's finest citizens. Thank you for everything Coach, I have a feeling the best yet to come.
James, East Grand Rapids
Tom, I was never a Basketball Fan and especially did not follow college basketball. However, my son went to MSU and your name became a household word. Our family would never miss a game. More importantantly, I learned so much about you and your generous nature. So that made me proud of you. You have given so much of yourself to MSU and the state of MI. The only thing I can pass on to you is this. Money cant't buy love and you are truly loved Tom Izzo by your players and fans. I'd say your the richest man alive.
MaryAnn, Chicago, Il
I always like it when my non-MSU friends say "whats up with your boy?" and i know they're talking about izzo. That's right, Izzo is my boy and the MAN.
Rosa, Mt. Pleasant, MI
I lived in EL when you were an assistant; I now follow you on internet and thru friends, cheer you whenever you and the Spartans are in Indy, and am so, so, so glad you are staying at MSU. I have such respect for you and the wonderful work you do with those kids!!! THANK YOU FOR STAYING.
Marie, Indianapolis, IN
Resignation :-(
IZZO-nation :-)
Steve Cameron, Alma, MI
Tom I am studying in Brasil and I dont even go to MSU, but have been a fan since I was 5. And for the past 5 days I have been checking Yahoo sports to see if there were any updates. Glad to hear youre staying!
Campinas, Brazil
You have nothing to apologize for and nothing to prove to us, Tom. I'm glad you think you have something to prove to yourself; that's what makes you, your/our teams and Michigan State great. You're a class act all the way!
C Dixie, Great States
Izzzzzo! He's the reason for the season!
Connie, East Lansing
Coach Izzo, you make me incredibly proud to be a Spartan. Thank you for continuing to support MSU. I, like yourself, will be a lifer. GO GREEN!
Meghan, Chicago
WOOHOO!!!!!!!! GO GREEN!!!!!! GO WHITE!!!!!!!
Spartans, Everywhere
Best ever, Coach Izzo --- best always to you, your family and the great teams that you coach --- thank you.
Smitty, Michigan State, 1983, Austin, TX
Coach, you are the greatest! I would have supported you no matter what your decision because you are a great person, but I am SO HAPPY you are staying with Michigan State. Your class and dedication is unmatched by anyone else in NCAA basketball and the NBA. What your players showed last night at the press conference displays everything you mean to MSU. Thank you, thank you, thank you for being a Spartan for life (that is a FANTASTIC thing), and yes PLEASE help our football team too! :)
Tina Rajski, class of '94, Chicago, IL
I am an MSU graduate married to an MSU graduate. (BA '74, MS'94, BS'74) Both of my children graduated from MSU ('02,'05) and my son is a D.O., who graduated from the osteopathisic school ('08). He, also was a Spartan Football player.We bleed green!
In all my years as a "Spartan" I have never been so proud , as Iwas , when I listened to Coach Izzo, last night. As I listened to him speak, I realized that I was thankful to him, whether he had stayed or he had moved on. He built a program that is truly outstanding and has done it with such character and myeyes fill with tears, when I think of the news conference and more importantly that Tom Izzo is staying.
Last year at a wedding, he readily agereed to have his picture taken with my daughter and her fiance. I have a dear friend at Dobie Road Nursing Home and I watched , as Lupe visited her father with such love. I can not even begin to think of all the charities that he has supported. As a teacher, I have watched, as he developed his young players basketball talents but more importantly how he taught them the lessons of life. He is not only man, who makes MSU proud but he does the same for the whole state of Michigan. I would like to thank him for being the honorable and emotional "winner" that we should all try to emulate.
Rick Bryce '74
1985 Riveria DR, East Lansing, MI
he has done it again folks! He has made us ALL proud to be a part of Spartan Nation. Thanks Coach, your love and dedication to MSU will never be forgotten.
Bryan P. McNamara, Harrisburg, PA
Thank you so much for staying with us. You are one of Michigan's best mentors and you encourage this state to work hard, give us hope and follow your heart. You not only teach a basketball team the fundamentals of the game of basketball, you teach all of us fundamentals of life. Thank you.
My two-year-old thanks you too:
Andrea Ness, Dimondale, MI
thank you tom for staying. i heard you say that you coach that best players in the world and you do and they have the best coach in the world too and coaching staff in the world. go green go white .
kevin, lansing
Never blamed you for looking...we'd all do the same. Just SO glad you are staying.
Pam, Salem Indiana
In this day and age it's rare to find a coach in either the college or professional ranks that bleeds integrity. Tom Izzo is such a man.
Jeff, Kalamazoo, MI
Thanks Tom! We're so glad you decided to stay... for LIFE! We salute you!
Spartan for LIFE, Lansing
Thank you Coach Izzo for all you have done and all you continue to do for Sparty! You make us proud to be Spartans not simply because of the wins and success of the basketball program but because you are such a class MAN in all you do. We are thrilled that you and your family decided to stay and can't wait for the season to begin! Thank you for your loyalty. SpartyOn!!
Brad & Kier MSU 1985, Bonita Springs, FL
A great day to be a Spartan alum! Thank you Tom for everything you have done to represent all MSU fans and alums. You truly are the face of MSU and make be proud to be a Spartan.
Spartan 4Life, Okemos
THANK YOU TOM! As a kid I grew up in a blue state, It is now a green state and I am damn proud Thank you Thank you Thank you. (I must say I never believed you would leave however!)
Len, Northville
oh man Tom, you had us goin for a second there. We are so greatful that you decided to stay. Bless you and your family, and best of wishes to yourself and MSU!!!!!
Austin, East Lansing Michigan
Thanks Coach for giving us something to believe.
Kathy, Grand Haven
You make me very very proud of MSU. I am confident the Community, University and Alumni..will forever be in your corner. Your contributions are well recognized.
Jeffery Roe, MSU Alum 81, Nebraska
Thank you Coach Izzo! My love for basketball has grown because of you!
Jeanne C., East Lansing, MI
Yesterday was a great day for MSU. My son Cody got his acceptance letter from MSU and Coach Izzo accepted the love and his destiny to follow in the steps of John Wooden to continue create a legacy in this era of MSU college basketball. Coach Izzo did it all with class and no one can ever dispute that! Thank you Coach and Cody we are very proud of you!!!
Rick Mansberger - and proud parent of newly accepted MSU student - Cody, Haslett, MI
Because nothing makes me smile more when I see GREEN & WHITE on the streets of NYC. THANK YOU FOR STAYING!
Lauren, New York, NY
Tom, you said it all in your press conf last night. But two things stand out: one--you told us how your family influenced and were CRUCIAL in your decision to stay: and we can see how you VALUE your family and your roots. And two--you included the MSU Leadership team around you--Mark H, Mark D, Lou Anna: and we can see how that TEAM is so important to you. THIS is why MSU will WIN, SUCCEED, and will CONTINUE RISING TO THE TOP in everything we do. I have been a lifer Spartan myself and am so unbelievably proud to scream to the world that WE HAVE TOM IZZO FOR LIFE AT MSU. Thank you from the bottom of my heart, Tom.
Josie, East Lansing
thanks so much for staying
As an MSU alum I feel Tommy I personifies all that is good about MSU and the State of Michigan. Determination, great character, grace under pressure. Thanks for your decision Tom!!!!
Steven T, Kentwood, MI
If you read all these comments they essentially say the same thing: We love you, your family, your players, MSU and the State of really doesn't get any better than this!!! Thank you..............
Lynda Farnen, Grosse Pointe Park, MI
Words can't describe how joyous I am to have heard the happy news that you were staying. This is a great day for MSU and the entire Spartan nation all over the world. You are one of the things that make MSU great and I'm proud to share the title of Spartan with you. Thank you Tom!
Patrick Hammer, Dayton, OH
Thank you Tom Izzo, for always representing MSU and the state of Michigan with absolute integrity and class. You are a blessing. Win or lose, you will forever have my admiration.
Kyle Long, Charleston SC
Thank you so much for deciding to stay at MSU coach. Spartan Nation loves you and will support you for the rest of your career. National Champs 2010-11!!!
Tom, Rockford
Coach, thank you
Dan, Deaborn
hes keeps me safe at night while i sleep in my bed.
Trevor Kay, Sparta, MI
Blood runs thicker than water...
Thank you Coach Izzo
Devin W., Mercer, PA
I would just like to say thank you coach Izzo for staying with us. I cant ever imagine seeing you with a different team. You make us all proud to call ourselves spartans. Now lets go win a National Championship! GO GREEN!!!
Ty Bugbee, Onondaga Mi
...I wouldn't be a basketball fan if it weren't for you and being an MSU alum.
Justin, East Lansing, MI
Build the best program in the Nation! Leave a Legacy! Spartans!!!
Thank you Tom for making the decision to stay and become a "lifer" @ MSU! You make the whole State of Michigan proud!
Ryan , East Lansing
Just a gracious, good man. Echoing what many others have said, I had a chance meeting with Coach Izzo just awhile ago and he was simply kind and sincere, no more, no less. Clearly, a man unaffected by fame.
Who can begrudge him the opportunity to coach one of the potentially greatest players that basketball has ever known, and possibly attain a professional basketball championship? He owed it to himself, his family, and his close friends, confidants and mentors to look at the opportunity. Would we have held it against Magic to leave MSU early to join Kareem,, and the Lakers? Even Jud couldn't do that (as he's said).
While he never would have really left, we're forever grateful that Coach Izzo continues as basketball coach and one of the leaders of the Michigan State family.
Pat, Chicago
Dear Coach Izzo,
Thank you.
New Baltimore, MI
GOOOOO GREEEN! I almost had a heart attack and cried today when I heard the news. I love Tom! So happy he's staying with us and we're taking home the title this year! See you in Texas!
East Lansing, MI
He is so centered, that he can think on his feet. It was obvious in the pressie that the reporter, Henning, is so torn and confused, that he cannot. Another guy who has a problem is Jeff Goodman. He leads his article with "Izzo SPURNS Cleveland" Hey Goodman! Nice negative spin! How;s this: I SPURN Goodman and anything he writes!
Shannon, Los Angeles, CA
I'm a Detroit transplant and an MSU alum. Over the years I've had numerous run-ins with Tom. Every time that I have ever chanced upon Tom he has been nothing but gracious and genuine. After the 2000 championship, I had the opportunity to shake his hand and tell him how proud he made me and the entire Spartan Nation. He smiled and told me "thank you". Thank YOU Tom for the last 27 years and thank you for the love you have shown us. Go GREEN, Go WHITE!
Kent, Okemos
It was March 1999, my son was born early, and he had to spend some time in the ICU. We brought him home the day before we played KY to get to the Final Four. It was an emotional time. When we beat KY to get to the Final Four, I cried, a combo of the emotional roller coaster I had been on, and realizing MSU hoops had arrived. I still tell my son about that weekend, I will never forget it.
When we played FL for the 2000 NC, I went out with friends to watch the game. When I got home that night, I picked my son out of his crib, and sat in the rocking chair with him and sung him the MSU Fight Song repeatedly. It's a memory he doesn't have I will cherish forever.
It's been an awesome ride since.
John, Clarkston, MI
he's the icon for working hard , helping others, building a community all across michigan, maintaining loyalty, and doing it all with class, style, and quite grace.
steve, marquette + ypsilanti
Because he sends such a positive signal to young athletes. Watch for a dramatic increase in the "Commit" list for MSU football in coming days! Also expect the quality of the players signing to be at a very high level - (*****'s and ****'s). Count on it.
Dave, Minneapolis
Thank you for being a friend, Izzo.
Nick, East Lansing, Michigan
Coach Izzo thank you so much for staying at MSU! State wouldn't be the same without you. We LOVE you!! Go green!!!
Panchali, Raleigh, NC
he stayed
Brian, East Lansing, MI
the biggest spartan fan alive., East Lansing, MI
IZZO is the epitome of Green and White. Lead by example; forever a Spartan.
Young Yi, Fhillz, MI
he does things the RIGHT way.
You're a fantastic coach, and an even better father-figure to the young men lucky enough to call you "coach".
Kevin C., Okemos
One word - with three meanings - in which to describe coach Izzo, and for that matter our entire Spartan nation; Commitment - a) for the love of your players and the program which allows MSU to thrive as a world-class educational institution; b) your love of the game; c) your commitment to your Spartan family and the future you build each and every day by being a true Spartan!!! Go Green ! your team Spartan = C. DeVine, MSU Class of '87
Chrisser D , Grand Ledge
Thank you so much Tom. We all really do love you, and we won't forget this.
Meagan, EL, MI.
Can you simulcast the meeting you have with Lynn Henning. That could be a pay per view event and raise some nice funds for MSU.
Happy you to chose to stay Coach, but more happy that you are happy, this is behind you, and you look as driven as you ever have to keep MSU Basketball at the Elite Level you have taken it to.
Thanks Coach!
Jason Kildea, Bath
Mr. and Mrs.Tom Izzo are the #1 Ambassadors for MSU and the State of Michigan. If we all cared about our families, our community, and our State , as the Izzo family does, Michigan would be the greatest place in the world to live and work. Mr. Izzo delivered a lot of common sense and wisdom in his press conference tonight; proper Yooper upbring . The tongue lashing of the media was a long time coming! Great job in everything you did for the family, MSU, MSU basketball, and the State; and common citizens of Michigan that enjoy MSU basketball!
Sharon Schmuhl, Coloma/Amasa
Coach Izzo, thank you for your continued commitment to the university, your student-athletes, the community, your fans, and college basketball. I cannot imagine what the last few days must have been like for you and your family. I commend you on doing what you felt was necessary, and doing it with the utmost class. You will continue to be a role model and an inspiration to so many. Today is a great day, thank you again coach for all that you have done and will continue to do, both on and off the court.
Karli H. , Michigan
Thank you Tom! We love you and appreciate you!
Patty, Dewitt
The Cavs don't deserve you.
Grace, Cleveland
I am one of the thousands of fans that Henning does not speak for. You had every right to look at other opportunities and do it any way that you wanted to. I am very happy you made the decision you did. I don't think you could find fans that could love you more than MSU fans do. I suspect you will see that at our first home game this season. My wife, myself, and 2 of 3 daughters went to MSU (youngest is in high school and wants to go to MSU). My oldest duaghter was in Spartan Brass (and Marching Band) for 4 years and was with you at the Detroit Final Four. MSU and MSU Athletics gave her memories she will treasure for the rest of her life. Thnk You !!!!!........Mark A, Brighton
Tom Izzo you have shown great integrity and have proven that heart can outweigh money. You give me hope for the future in a world where the money usually outweighs heart.
Best of luck to you and I hope you can conquer the challenges you need right here at home.
houghton, mi
You care about the young men in your program - on AND off the court.
you have made all Spartan fans jump for joy today. There are few words that can describe how I feel and how excited I am for you to stay our coach. I am not ashamed to admit that I have cried more tears of happiness today than probably ever before-that is how much us Spartan fans are invested in you and the fantastic basketball program you have been instrumental in developing. I am thrilled to see what is to come. THANK YOU!
Lena, MI
Thank You, Thank You, Thank You, You are truly a class act! You made the right decision along with showing everyone what true loyality is.
Spartan fan forever, white lake mi
Man, I haven't been able to sleep since the news broke about him leaving for the NBA. Now I can get some sleep. Thank you for staying. We love you, coach!
Rithy, Connecticut
I wonder if that reporter (Lynn?), will ever contribute to the MSU Alumni Fund? Is there such a thing as excommunication from the Spartan family?
Alum '70, Jackson
You are truly a class act, Coach. God bless you.
Judy, Chesterfield, MI
Now lets make MICHIGAN our BICHIGAN!!! Go Green!
Jake, DeWitt,MI.
You made us all nervous but we had faith in you that you'd stay where the TRUE GREEN IS! Thanks for staying Coach! As always, you made Spartans all over the world proud tonight! GO GREEN! GO WHITE!
Dayna, Chicago
Coach, thank you for demonstrating once again the class and dedication you've made a hallmark of Spartan basketball, and thank you for showing us what was important -- family -- by waiting for your daughter to finish finals before considering any change with your entire family. Go green!
John, Mount Clemens
In the end, Lynn Henning, you are an unprincipaled, biased, overly-ego-driven wordsmith. That is all. How does that feel?
Robert, Milford
So glad you're staying, Tom! Hope you and your family can catch your collective breath now. Go Green!
Kathy and Mike, Birmingham MI
Tom, you are a man of wisdom and inspiration. The success and fun you have brought to Michigan State basketball are unmatchable. Beat Duke, Syracuse, and especially Michigan along with cutting down the nets in the upcoming basketball season.
Mike Sterner, Hazel Park, MI
Love your intensity!!! So glad you stayed.
dory, okemos, msu alum
Boycott the DETROIT NEWS for lack of journalistic intergity!
Mary Amm, Flint
John, Lake Orion
Bo Ryan is now pooping his pants.........
Thank you Coach Izzo! Go Green!!!!
Thanks for staying coach! You make us proud to be Spartans... Now go and cut down that net in 2011. Go GREEN!
p.s. Lynn Henning at Detroit News is a tool, don't waste your time on him
Coach Izzo: You DA man!!!
Steve Noe, Aurora, IL
you made the right decision! go green!
Sparty on for LIFE!!
Luppo, Chicago, IL
Coach- you do it right and with integrity. You are the Biggie Munn and Duffy of our time. My cousin wanted to ask you a few questions. You left MSU for Tulsa and returned. did you regret that choice? You chose not to go to Atlanta in 2000. Did you regret that choice? And you've had the chance to mold young lives, helping them become men, who appreciate that. Do you regret that? Coach, Thanks for staying at my Alma Mater. You are an inspiration to many. Go State!!!!!
Mark , Grand Haven
Damn Proud!!!!!
Alex, Stevensville, MI
Izzo is a lifer. Now, this is really a victory for MSU!
Joffrey , Chicago
Thank you Tom for all that you've done here and all that lies ahead. Your contributions to this University and the people of this state are remarkable, but there are still so many more challenges ahead. Just as you are prepared to do anything it takes, I and the rest of Spartan nation are behind you 100%! Let's continue the tradition that is Michigan State.
Garrett, Grand Rapids
TOM IZZO STAYED!!!!!!!!!!!!
We're damn proud of you, too!
Steve Noe, Aurora, IL
Many of us would have been supportive if you decided to leave but were hoping you would stay. You will love coming back to MSU when you are 80 and still adored by the Spartan family. That's got to be worth more than money can buy!
Tom Osip, Evansville IN
You are amazing Tom Izzo! What an amazing speech. We learned a lot about our community in the past nine days too and all I can say is that we are so lucky to have you. You are a class act and best of all a fantastic mentor your your team but also to your fans. Thank you!
Robin, East Lansing
I love Izzo because he is an MSU icon, and my first year at MSU, starting this fall, would not be complete without the Izzone
Allie, Sterling Heights(SOON TO BE MSU!)
Wahoo!! Thank you, Mr. Izzo. We love you. Go Green!!!!!!
Shawnsprtn, Cleveland, Ohio
Lynn Henning is a real piece of work. Get this: In the ABSENCE of information, he chooses to write an article than is derrogatory to the spirit of honesty and fairness! Now that may be his PERSONAL opinion, and he is entitled to that, but that is pretty messed up journalistic integrity if you ask me. My sense is that he was miffed because he could not get infornmation and his EGO got involved big-time so he chose the LOW ROAD. Other reasons he may have selected this approach? I know for a FACT that his visits to the university of michigan have been several multiples of the time he has spent covering Michigan State in person. Knowing the class act that Coach Izzo is, he will give him some personal time to straighten things out, but knowing how I feel, I am never reading the Detroit News again. Period.
Roger, Detroit
And the tradition continues(:
The Izzone stayss once and for all!
Liv, Ada
Tom, My entire family just did a cannonball in our pool at 10pm. Look forward to hearing from you in October. Be nice to Chris Allen.
Jarrod, Coopersville, MI
He epitomizes hard work while still maintaining high class standards. He is the perfect representative for Michigan State University and is the true Spartan. I hope for continued success on and off the court for him and his family.
Jay, Washington DC
He put me in my place
lynn henning, i live in.... shame
Thank you for your continued commitment to MSU and to the MSU nation. You handled the Press far better than they deserved. Know that those who matter KNOW your integrity, honesty, and loyalty. We are blessed to have you, Lupe and your family, and look forward to MANY more years with you at MSU!
Susan, Muskegon
Hurrah!! I am so glad you stayed :)
Julie, Waterford MI
he's a class act
Ryan, East Lansing
Thank you for staying! See you in Maui!
Denise Desprez Nielsen, Carnation, WA
Drums please.......... Go right through for MSU.....
Dave , Atlanta, GA
Thank you Tom..I have been a Spartan fan for 64years...This is one of the greatest moments in Spartan Atheletics I can remember....Dave Kaiser's field goal in the 56 Rose Bowl, 66 Football National Championship, (all MSU victories over U od M, the 79 and 2000 B Ball Championships , all the final four's...Thanks again TOM
MSU Mom 73' Karen, Haslett, MI
Thank you Tom Izzo, You are the BEST!!!!!!!!! Thank You
sandra ely, tustin
he is the heart and soul of the izzone! I
JPa, East Lansing
Bless you Coach Izzo for your loyalty to Michigan State University and for staying true to who you are. We knew we could count on you and, as always, we were not disappointed. Go Green! Go White!
Pam(Class of 1990), Shelby Township, Michigan
Coach, thank you for staying Green! We wish you continued success, and will offer you all the support we can give you.
Michigan State Alumni Club of Greater Los Angeles, Los Angeles
The grass is green. A lesson to all of us. Thank you to the Izzo family.
Sarah, East Lansing
I am SOOOOOO happy Izzo is staying GO GREEN! GO WHITE! GO MSU!
Emily Dening, Lansing, Mi
Tom, you belong in Michigan State! You've built this program and you will make it into an elite one. Staying in East Lansing for life shows dedication. Thank you, and let's win the national championship!
JSant, Troy
Coach Izzo: With my birthday being this Friday, thank you for the early birthday present!!! You rock!
Steve Noe, Aurora, IL
As a MSU alumni, and a big basketball fan. I am proud to say THANKS!
Steve, Charlotte, North Carolina
It's silly that this should mean so much....but it does. I think even in Cleveland you would have been a Spartan for life, but I'm really glad you're going to be a Spartan for life...right here in Michigan. Thank you for staying.
Suze, Billtown
Tom you are the definition of class! Can't wait to celebrate the 2011 National Championship with you!!!
Mike, Washington, DC
As another Spartan Alum, I can only say, "Tom, thank you for showing us all how to listen to our heart and to the clear true words from the mouths of our children and from those who have depended upon us. Thank you for renewing some of that waning hope we have been searching for in our sadly transforming world with your decision to stay." (ps: Would you ever consider running for governor???!!!) GO GREEN!
Judy Cavanaugh, South Lyon, Michigan, USA!
Thanks for not letting us down Izzo. Michigan State Basketball would not be the same without you leading us to victory!
JM, Detroit
Tom Izzo we LOVE you! We are proud of your decision to stay a Spartan! It is the right place for you and your family. It is right for the College, the Team and for the whole State of Michigan! Thank you!
The Brooks, J.Dee, Elaine, & Amber , MIdland, MI
Thanks Tom. Took the time - made the right decision GO STATE!!
Dave, Lansing
2011 national champions next year
Jacob warfle, Mason
From all of your alums in Vegas....THANK YOU!
Phil, Mike, Matt, Kent, Shay, Jerry, Austin, Joe, Billy, Desi, Jessica, Krystalyn, and Steph....and all others young and old!, Las Vegas, NV
I'm sure if the press had reported nothing, people would be mad about that, too. In retrospect, while very important to our immediate community, this decision is far less important that the two wars being fought and what is happening in the Gulf. As Coach , himself said, everyone has a job to do...but all's well that ends well! Coach is staying!!! And Spartans everywhere are happy again!
Thank you Izzo. Thank you.
Dan, Saint Joseph, MI
We didn't prevail against the Hungry Hippos at this evening's kickball matchup, but we won BIG at MSU -- thanks, Tom, Lupe and family, and welcome home!
Mary, DeWitt
Coach Izzo,
So glad you are staying at MSU! Just heard you talking on WJR, its incredible to hear you describe how you feel about your players.
I live in Ohio near Cleveland, and as much as I like the Cavaliers, I bleed green! Best of luck to you and your team this coming season.
Patrick O'Brien, Sandusky, Ohio
Thank you Tom! You've made my day, my week and my year! I can't wait for basketball season to start. Let's kick some blue devil butt!
Tammy, Haslett
I grew up as a Spartan, I will forever be a spartan, and so will you, IZZO! WE BLEED GREEN!!!!!
Alexa, Brighton
Coach--You made our summer. Thank you for your integrity, loyalty and devotion to MSU.
Ricky, Michelle, Whit, Nin, Mal, Lek, Tuffy and Boo & the kitties too, Jackson
Tom is a class act and a wonderful example of a true sportsman. The players love him...the students love him...the fans love him! I'm proud to say I'm a Michigan State alumni...Go Green...Go White!
Jill, Lansing, Mi
Izzo! Thank you. You are one of the many reasons MSU is such an awesome place. We're glad you're here for life!
Eric Mills, Clawson, MI
IZZ- I knew you'd stay. :)
Pam, Lowell
Lynn Henning is a douchbag
Ryan V., Royal Oak
Thank you so much Tom, I can't wait to watch the 2011 Spartans win the National Championship.
Greg, East Lansing
To the entire Izzo family, Thank you.
Karen, Okemos
I hope you understand how much we appreciate you staying in EL to continue to build an amazing program. You are a great coach and an icon for all of Michigan! You make me proud to be a Michigander and most importantly a Spartan. You are an incredibly loyal coach, and I hope you know how much your fans love you. Thank you for everything you have done for MSU and our community. WE LOVE YOU!!
Kelly, East Lansing
he loves MSU as much as we do:)
Shayna, Holland
Give it to 'em, Tom! We didn't mind the wait! 9 days to make maybe the biggest decision of your life? Pooh on those newspapers! Haven't they ever heard of delayed gratification? They should be thanking you for selling so many papers! Thanks for bleeding green!
Teri Kline, MSU '82, Rochester, MI
Coach Izzo is one of the classiest men around. We are a lucky community to have him here. Thanks Izzo for all the memories and all the years to come. Izzo for LIFE!
Jessica McCully, Lansing, MI
Thank you Tom! I will never forget being downtown when we won the Final Four in Detroit, it was one of the best weekends of my life. What you've done for this state will hopefully never be forgotten! Thank you so much for staying where so many people love you! Thank you for finally making it so I see more green and white than maze and blue :)
Ashleigh A, Royal Oak, MI
MO, Lansing
Ya hemos oido que Izzo va a quedarse para su vida en EL. Nuestro amigo, consejero, y entrenador. ¡Viva MSU! ¡Abrazos de México!
José, Ciudad de México
Do not listen to that idiotic reporter. We fellow Spartans love you and are not "sick" of you. You're one of the reasons I'm proud to be a Spartan alum!
Tom Izzo has elevated his school and his sport throughout his career with his leadership, his sportsmanship, his mentorship ... and now his loyalty. There are other schools that have very good basketball coaches. We at Michigan State University can proudly say we have a role model.
Bob Benenson, Washington, D.C.
This reporter is a joke...
Ken S, Wheeling, Illinois
Yay Izzo!! One of the many reasons I'm proud to be an MSU alum! :)
N, Chicago, IL
Thank you Tom! We love you for more than your coaching. You are a class act all the way. I knew you wouldn't pull a SABEN!!!
Laura, Howell
Izzo you are AWESOME! We are lucky to have you leading our Spartans!
Angela, New Albany, Ohio
From everyone that is a fan of yours: THANK YOU AND WE LOVE YOU!!!
Spence, Morley
So proud to be a Spartan today, even if you had decided to leave, you are a great coach and a man that kids and athletes everywhere should look up to.
Kelly, Commerce Township, MI
Because you are one-of-a kind and have proven to all of us that loyalty is beyond anything. What a great example to future basketball players, coaches and leaders of future generations. WE LOVE YOU!!
Leyla U. Lara, Oro Valley, AZ
Izzo captures the hearts of all through his good characteristics that we all know he possesses. Me and my friends all bleed spartan green. Go Green, Go White. We are the 21st century spartan gladiators.
Brian, DeWitt
I prayed long and hard and asked for God's will to be done, and boy did he answer those prayers. Thank you Tom for staying home as a true green and white Spartan. You are good for MSU, East Lansing and the State of Michigan.
Walt Saxton, Perry, MI
he is the right coach we need and will always make the right choice. I always had faith he would stay. Keep up the good work with the program coach. Thx for staying and being the classy guy you are.
Paul, East Lansing/Sterling Heights
You are the Spirit of Michigan State! Thanks for proving that to everyone! SPARTY ON COACH!
Jill Miller proud Spartan Mom, Saint Clair Shores, MI
Thanks coach. Glad you looked and took the time to make the right call. This presser is great and I agree they didn't give you a fair shake at just taking a look. Congrats on making this decision.
Jason Smith, You KNow where
Coach.. you're a class act and make both Spartan Nation and the entire state proud. Thanks for staying!
Tony, Grand Haven
In my fifty five years since graduating from Michigan State, I have never been so proud of a coach as I am of Coach Izzo. I have met the coach on several occasions, he is certainly a "class act" in every way.
Gordon, MSU Class of 1955, Grand Rapids, Michigan
You'll always bleed green, that's why you didn't leave, your a true spartan
Al ex Cannizzaro, Three Rivers, MI
Sue, Brighton, Michigan
And I'm pleased to say I am here for life at Michigan State
Tom Izzo, East Lansing, MI - FOR LIFE!
Coach, you live what you preach. You are the "class and dignity" that you speak of. Thank you for your dedication to the Green and White. Thank you.
Julie, 2004 Alum, Grand Blanc, Mi
Coach, this was an incredibly difficult decision for you to make. You did it with integrity, class and style; all things you have done your whole career at Michigan State! I am so glad you are going to be here for "life"! MSU is extremely blessed by your final decision. I hope the community and Spartan Nation can give something back to you, like you have always done for us! Thank you for staying! We truly DO love you!
Peggy , Haslett
You're more boy, Green!
Jack, livonia
Thank you for staying Coach Izzo!!!!!!!!
Jen, Chesterfield,Michigan
I heart Izzo because he is the classiest guy around. I'm so glad he's staying!
Catherine, Chicago
What a class act!! Thanks Coach.
Celebrate Good Times, C'mon! Let's change the state's nickname from The Wolverine State to Spartan Nation. Thanks Tom! Go Green, Go White for life.
Thanks, coach! Spartans will always have your back, but we're thrilled you're sticking with us.
Bob, Troy, NY
"I'm here for life at Michigan State." IZZO IS STAYING!
Megan, Michigan
Thanks Coach. Spartan nation is breathing a collective sigh of relief. If you want it, your a lock for governor now.
He is the best coach at Michigan State and because now, the grass is greener, the clouds have passed, and the Spartan Nation is stronger and happier knowing that Izzo is back to State!! You are the best, Tom and I will always bleed green!!!! GO STATE!!
Sean Gillis, Grand Ledge, MI
Spartans across the globe are watching you live right now Coach. Thank you for making the right decision. Spartans are always Spartans for life.
Ryan B. Okerstrom, 1993, Livonia, Michigan
You are exciting, you are honest and you are fair. Michigan is Happy!!
I will rest well tonight. Thanks, Coach, for your commitment to your boys and our school. Spartan Nation is stronger than ever! Much Love.
Melissa, 1997 Alumni, GR, MI
Thank you Coach!!
Greg, Holt, MI
Thank you Coach for making the decision of staying. LET'S AIM FOR THE CHAMPIONSHIP THIS YEAR!
Jo, Lansing
Thank you so much for staying, Tom! WE LOVE YOU!!!!:)
Hannah G., Grand Ledge
THANK YOU IZZO!!!!!!!!! YOU are an incredible example to coaches everywhere. THANK YOU for your enduring dedication to Michigan State, MSU Basketball, the State of Michigan, and all of us Spartans everywhere!
Lots of love from your fellow SPARTANS!
Proud Spartan, Marie Glodowski
KT, east lansing, MI
Thanks, Coach! You're a complete class act....
David and Jean, Illinois
Izzo is the best man alive!
Richmond, Illinois
Thank you Coach Izzo! You have made the Spartan Nation happy and proud!
Jake, Denver
Thank you, thank you, thank you! And...this is why we love you!
Rita Krause, White Lake, MI
Tom Izzo, first class all the way. Go GREEN!
Paula, Grand Rapids
Grey skies are green again! Thanks Tom!
Dan, Holt
Definition of "Loftier" goals... "Elevated in character", "Exhaulted", that we have in our coach. You have done more for the STATE of Michigan than you will ever know by staying. Thank you from a very loyal fan and her entire family.
Peg, Plymouth
of his continued support for our University and our state. You are the BEST, Tom!
Lindsay, Metro Detroit
MOLLY, Birmingham,MI
...he's staying! So proud to be a Spartan!!
Royal Oak, MI
Tom Izzo, making the right choice since 1995.
MSU FOR LIFE, Grosse Pointe Woods, MI
Thanks so much Coach Izzo! We are very happy that you and your family are staying at MSU. Go Green! Go Tartans!
Cynthia, Mike, Zoe and Finn, East Lansing, MI
Coach Izzo thanks for staying true to the values that you teach and have taught so many. You did the right thing.
Mr 'G ', Kent City Mi
Coach Izzo - In my heart, I know you have made the right decision for you, your wonderful family, and the entire MSU community. You have earned the respect and admiration, not to mention the love of Spartans everywhere. Your leadership is a model for the players you coach, as well as the students and alumni who cheer in East Lansing and everywhere. Congratulations. We are extremely happy your a Spartan for Life!
Dan, Zeeland Michigan
Tom Izzo is a Spartan for life.
Though I am only an incoming freshman, I have watched Izzo bring glory to MSU. I cannot wait to for the next four years. Thank you so much, Tom Izzo!!!
Dan, (soon to be) Armstrong Hall, East Lansing
From one Yooper to another....Thank You
T, Negaunee
That whooshing sound you hear is a collective sigh of relief across Spartan Land. Thanks, Coach Izzo. You make us proud.
Brenda, Port Austin
Blake, Caro, MI
he is pleased to say that he is here for life at Michigan State! WE LOVE IZZO!
Kayla K., Macomb, MI
Thank you coach!! We are all Spartans for life!!!
Jacob 2004 alumni, Marquette
he is staying at Michigan State for LIFE!
Jared, Jackson
I love Izzo because he's from the U.P., he has more passion than all of the NBA coaches combined, and he bleeds GREEN! Thank you for staying, coach!
Heidi, Plano, TX
How do we know this isn't just a negotiation ploy to get Gilbert to up the offer?
Donnie Spirit, Bloomfield
Coach Izzo, I understand and commend your desire to put your needs and the needs of your family first by conducting your own "due diligence" about Cleveland. However, I am thrilled that you've decided what's best for you is also what's best for MSU's basketball program. Thank you. Long live the Izzone!!!
Rebecca S., Kalamazoo
Thank you Izzo!! I can't wait to see what the rest of your life at MSU will bring! So excited!! Know you are always appreciated and loved by all Spartans!!!
Stephanie, Farmington Hills, MI
Lauren and Courtney, EL!
Thank you for staying Mr. Izzo, we will love you always and forever!
Mary/Tom/Carol Alumni of 2009/1966/1967, Sterling Heights, MI
THANKS COACH IZZO!!!! Your a man with a big heart!!!
MD, Ann Arbor
Even though I am a Wolverine, I am happy to have such a great coach stay in Michigan. Go Green! (as long as you are not playing UofM!)
Allyson, Trenton, MI
Tom, I appreciate all you've accomplished and all you shall accomplish. I am proud to be a Spartan and proud to follow your leadership.
Jeff, East Lansing
Tom, South Lyon
Thank You, Tom!!! Can't wait to see you in The Garden vs Syracuse in a few months! GO GREEN!!!
Michael, New York Cty
Go Blue
Hail to the victors
Wolverine, Plymouth
Thank you Tom Izzo! MSU is your home.
Brandie, HTP
NYUM NYUUUUMMMMM!!!!!!! Go Tom, Go Green, Go White
Robert, Melissa, Elliott, Royal Oak
Thanks Izzo for sticking with MSU!!! I always knew you would never leave our spartans...We love you and we look forward to an awesome season next year!!
Frankie "Rocky" Brant your biggest fan, Owosso
He hates U of M
Nick, Bradenton, FL
Thanks, Tom! "SPARTY ON!"
Randall Gearhart, The Heart of Georgia
Thanks coach izzo, you made the right decision!
Bonnie and Ron, Live in Florida
I love you, Tom! Thank you!
Elise, East Lansing
In Izzo We Trust!
Erik & Janeen Smith, Dearborn Heights, MI
We love you Izzo!! Thank you for all you've done and all you will do in the future!!!!!!! GO GREEN :)
Tom, You are the BEST part of Michigan State Basketball. I am a Spartan For Life.
Cynthia, Grand Rapids, Michigan
Izzo you're a god with a small g
Staxwell , Lansing
Thank you Coach! Go Green!
THANK YOU IZZO!!!! So glad that you will always be a Spartan @ Heart!!!! :)
Thank you
Jason, Lansing, Mi
Jenny Wilson, Fowler
The IZZONE is here to stay!!! Long Live the IZZONE! Thanks Coach and the IZZO Family!!!!! HUGS!!!!!
Sophia, East Lansing
He stayed true to his heart and is staying at MSU with his huge very loving family of students and fans. Our prayers have been answered
Cyndy Saxton, Perry, MI
Like the rest of us, he's a Spartan for life!
M, Iowa
He is Michigan State University.
Kevin, Class of 2010
You ROCK Coach!!!! Thanks for choosing MSU...our hearts go out to you and Lupe for making STATE your choice!!!! We love you!!!!
Julia, EAST LANSING, Home of MSU
Thanks, Coach! We love you, and we love MSU!
Deedee, MSU class of '75, Metro Detroit
Alba VanderBand, Tempe, AZ
Thank You Coach Izzo. We are so proud to have you as our Coach. We can never ever express what you mean to MSU or the State of Michigan. Just know that you are loved and cherish. And as much as we all wanted you to stay, 11 other teams in the Big Ten and across this Country can continue to fear the mighty mighty Spartans. Thanks and we LOVE YOU>
Mark, Pennsylvania
b/c he is the heart of MSU
Dalibor Jankovic, Croatia
Thanks Coach Izzo!
Joe, East Lansing
The Izzone lives on!
1983 alum, Seattle
He is MSU. Thanks for staying!
Mike, A
Thanks Tom and Family, you truely are one of a kind.
Sharon, Okemos
...he chose to stay.
Adam, Traverse City, MI
As an alumni, I'm truly honored that you've decided to stay at MSU. You must realize how much you're loved and valued by everyone in the Spartan community- Looking forward to seeing you lead our boys to the big dance for many years to come! GO GREEN!
Jaimee, Howell
Thanks for staying, Coach. We love you!
Lauren, Florida
Izzo is the father of the Michigan State basketball team and we love him so much that we named our .... puppy after him, Izzy Kalin....
Mallory and Alexa, Brighton, Michigan
You have singlehandedly turned things around for the State of Michigan. I have NEVER been so proud or happy to be a Spartan. You have made our basketball dreams come true! Go GREEN and we look forward to many many years with you & your family!!!!
Lynda Farnen, Grosse Pointe Park, MI
THANK YOU !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
He understands that there is more to life and happiness than money alone. Thanks for being true to yourself and staying in EL!!
Jen, Lansing
Great to hear that Coach Izzo is staying at MSU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You are more than just a great coach! Here's to another Final Four!
Donna Halinski Hondorp, Williamston, MI
Sooo happy to hear the awesome news! East Lansing & MSU wouldn't have been the same without you, Coach Izzo!
Ashley, Okemos
Tom... we love you!!!!! So glad you've decided to stay at MSU. You are a huge part of not only the University, but the State of Michigan!
Sara, Milwaukee, Wi via East Lansing
Coach Izzo's decision to stay at MSU proves it: let it never, ever, ever be said that all Tom Izzo cares about is money. He has proven once and for all that for him, it is all about and only about basketball, his players, and his community. GO STATE!!!
Tom, Los Angeles
Our daughter has green MSU blood, now her pictures taken with you can stay on our refrigerator. Thanks for staying.
Bonnie, Monroe, Michigan
Coach Izzo, I couldn't be happier when hearing your decision to remain at MSU. You are looked up to by so many people in this state and you mean more to MSU and Michigan than the tremendous things you bring to the basketball court. Go Green-Go White!
Brian Wardell, Williamston
Zeke the Wonder Dog is happy!!!!
you make us all so proud of our school after endearing years upon years of jokes about being a Spartan. Well, the joke is on everyone else, now. You're ours, for life. And we are honored.
Susan, Mayville, MI
What a great day. My little girl turned 5 years old today, and MSU just got the best news I can remember since learning that Magic was staying home to attend MSU in 1978! Thanks Tom!!! We love you!!!
Michael , Indianapolis
Coach Izzo you are the heart of East Lansing, thanks for staying for us.
Conor, East Lansing
Thank you coach for staying. We would have loved you no matter what but I can't tell you how happy we are that you are staying here. We really love you Coach! Can't wait for another championship!
The Marcero Family, Brooklyn, MI
Couldn't be more proud of you for your decision Izzo. You honor all Spartans tonight. We will return your graciousness ten fold!
Bond, East Lansing
Izzo, you're trending WORLDWIDE on Twitter. Obama isn't even doing that. You're pretty much the most powerful man in the world tonight.
LK, East Lansing
SO proud to be a SPARTAN!!! We love you Izzo! GO GREEN!
Amanda, East Lansing pride
Somethingto be said about turning down the opportunity (and the money) that potentially is yours in Cleveland. All I can say as a fan is you've, in turn, embraced the MSU community, those who will always support you, and a state that is fundamentally engrossed in their sports programs. You've inherited, for your career, a permanent place in the hearts of all MSU football fans. Congrats, Coach IZZO....we're happy to call you one of 0urs forever.
Melissa, Rochester Hills
Thank You so much for staying Izzo!!!! ~Go right through for MSU, watch the points keep growing, Spartan teams are bound to win, they're fighting with a vim....see their team is weakening, were GONNA win this game, fight,fight,rah team fight, VICTORY for MSU!!!!!!~
amber, michigan baybee
Baghdad, Iraq
Thank you Coach! As a Spartan Alum, I would like to express my sincerest gratitude. You have shown your true character by staying with MSU. Many lesser men would have sold out for the $ alone. This is why we love you. I hope you are a Spartan for life.
DH, Midland, MI
Thank you so much, Coach, for staying! Was trying to envision MSU campus without you and it just didn't look right at all! Glad to know yours is not a fickle heart. Love you, Tom Izzo! Thank you for keeping us in your thoughts while pondering your decision. Makes me feel really good knowing you care about us as much as we care about you!
Amy Tackett, Boyne City, Mi
thank you Coach, for keeping your heart and spirit GREEN and WHITE for LIFE!!!!!!!!!!
Thank you Coach Izzo! Thank you.
DRC, Arlington, VA
Yesss! We love you Tom, thank you for staying. East Lansing wouldn't be the same without you. xoxo
Katie, Boston, MA
Yes Virgina, there is a Santa Claus!
It is Christmas morning all across Spartan Nation!
Thanks Santa! (Tom)
Sally, Spartan Nation
There are so many downer things going on today in the world and in the state of Michigan. In the grand scheme of things, the coach of MSU men's basketball seems like a minor deal. But for one night, the world is East Lansing and the biggest upper we could get is the news that Coach Izzo is staying at MSU! We do LOVE IZZO!
Deb Traxinger, Haslett, MI
for staying Greeeeeeeen!!!!
Go Green!!!. Izzo won , money made no sense
Sahita Manda, 3rd grader, Novi Michigan
Thank you Izzo!!!! You will not regret this decision!!!!!! GO GREEN GO WHITE!!!
Alex, Brighton, MI
Thanks Izzo! You've given so much to our school and this community! We are so lucky to have you!
Jacob, East Lansing, MI
Awesome. We love you coach and are sure as you are that the best decision was made.
Jeremy, Haslett
Thank you Coach! You won't regret it!
Terry, Michigan
We love you, Izzo. Oh, yes we do. We love you Izzo, and we'll be true. When you're not with us, we're blue. Tom Izzo, we love you!
Go Green!, Go White!
T H A N K Y O U endlessly Coach Izzo.... GO STATE!
Ron, St. Joe/Benton Harbor, MI
Thanks Coach! You have now provided two of the three happiest days of my time as a Spartan.
I am thrilled you are staying. You are a wonderful role model for all of us.
Brenda, Chapel Hill, N.C.
COACH, YOU THE MAN. We know you couldn't leave home. IZZO > GOD
Britt, Grayslake, IL
Thanks made the right decision and all of us MSY Alumni are solidly behind you!!!!!!!! Way to go!!!!!!
Penny Maroldo, Oberlin, OH
You made the right decision Coach! We love you and we are so proud to have you as one of our own! GO GREEN!
Thanks Coach. I'd say more, but words would fail me. Thank you.
Dan, East Lansing
mom of 3, Eaton Rapids
This will be a recruiting bonanza for not only Basketball, but all sports at Michigan State University. This will extend to the academic programs as well. MSU's future, as a competitive institution of higher learning, has been secured. It is amazing that the vision of one person can have such a huge impact. These events are rare in history, but when they happen reinforce to power of the individual to have a positive impact on those around them. Brilliant, Tom!
Michael, Seattle, WA
Thanks Tom, you are MSU basketball. Couldn't be happier you're staying.
David, Ann Arbor
The entire city of, East Lansing, Mi
Congratulation everyone we did it. GO GREEN 4 LIFE!
So excited to hear you made THIS decision, Tom. All of us who love you, your integrity, the character you instill in those you influence could not be more pleased. To do all that you do and still win cannot be measured with money but by the lives you impact as you inhabit this earth. We love you and are so glad you made THIS decision. I'm sure your team was thrilled beyond measure.
Linda, Atlanta, GA
i wish he would have left...
He's staying!!!!!!!!!
That is not ture. I lve Notre Dame, but also think you are a decent coach. And by decent I mean top 50.
Will S., EL
he inspires not only his team, but his fans, too! Thank goodness he's "here for life"!!! I love Izzo :)
erin, livonia
thanks izzo now i do not have to end my life. and for the record i hate notre dame with a passion
will s., east lansing
Don't leave!!!!!!!! There will be no one to love in East Lansing if you do!!!
Ashley, East Lansing
Jake, East Lansing
Mollie jo
Class act Tom....Thank you for staying loyal to the best university in the nation
East Lansing
THANK YOU Coach Izzo!!! Thank you for loving Michigan State University and its fans as much as we love you! Thank you to your family for staying part of Spartan Nation, too! Can't wait for next season!!! THANK YOU!!!!!
Karen, Midland
Thanks Tom - you will not regret this - being a Spartan for life is a proud statement for many of us
Todd, Pinehurst, NC
Yeahhh!!!! Thank you, thank you, thank you!!! :D
Cynthia, Mulliken, MI
He really cares about the team and the school and appreciates the fans and knows how much we appreciate him.
Brittany H, East Lansing
Now I can have a life again!
Michigan, Michican
So proud to have IZZO as a Spartan for Life!
Stephanie, Troy
You should have came to Cleveland. Good luck to the Spartans though.
Go Green! Go White! We know Tom Izzo did what is RIGHT! Thanks for staying!
L. Williams, Grand Rapids, MI
Mary , Lansing Area, MI
We love you Coach Izzo!! MSU will always be the IZZONE!!! Thank you for choosing STATE!!!
J Perricone, East Lansing
I wore my Izzone shirt all day today in support. It did the job, the Izzone lives!
Matthew Meyer, East Lansing
YAAAAAAAAYYYYYYYY, Thank you IZZO, we love you!
Linda, Onondaga
IZZO is the man! And he is staying. Go Green Go White
Jeff, Rochester, MI
he is a TRUE Spartan!!!
David Price, South Lyon, MI
thank the lord!
kyle, grand Rapids
As he always does, his timing is impeccable. The choice to hold the Press Conference immediately following Obama's speech is perfect because it will deflect the focus on this issue at the national level. This guy is amazing.
Michael, Seattle
Great decision Tom!! Build his statue next to Magic's!! (just make him look taller) :) Izzo has grit!!! Hope he wins another title with some MI kids again like the Flintstones!
BZ, Okemos, MI
I LOVE YOU IZZO :) Thank you so much for being loyal to us! We know the media made the decision seem tough.. but we Spartans know where your heart was the whole time! You are the best and we will never, ever stop supporting you!
Lauren, Stuttgart, Germany
THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR STAYING! You could have went to the big money of Clevland, but you chose the heart and soul of College Basketball over the money of the NBA, that speaks a lot of not only your character, or your confidence in the team, but also the connection you have with players, students and fans from not only East Lansing, but also all over the country. Thank you so much for staying, and I look foward to seeing another of your teams Marching through the Madness for years to come!
Brad, Springport
@Linda from GA..Our news station just confirmed it about 10 minutes ago..Yes he is Staying....Go State..
Tammy, Lansing
The latest report...
We are thrilled by the news...
Press Conference just announced...tonight at 830 from the Clara Bell on Big Ten Network...Sorry Mr. President, but you don't bleed green!
EAST Lansing
My guess is that he takes Day Day, Korie Lucious, and Delvon Roe to 4 Final 4s in a row... Winning 2 of them.
MC, Chicago
The story in the Detroit News states Izzo was to meet with the players at around 6:45 tonight to tell them he was staying. Is there confirmation that indeed is what he did and says. Everyone here seems to be assuming it was but I want someone to tell me they found out for sure he did please!!!
Linda, Atlanta, GA
Goodness me, I hope this news is true! MSU basketball just isn't the same without you, Izzo!
SpartanAlumGrace, MI
Thanks for staying!!!!!!
Evan, Okemos, MI
Thanks to you and YOUR WIFE for staying. We love you both!!!
Donna, Southfield
mmmm mmmm, id go gaga for that man
icky minaj, the market, give me a quarter
Tears of JOY..Thank You Coach IZZO...
Loyal Spartan fan-Tammy O, Lansing, MI
Coach, thanks for staying at MSU. You have been an inspiration to me and also to my 8-year old boy who knows you and your players better than any other sports figures.
ycg, boston ma
When I met him, I just wanted to squeeze him so hard and kiss him, he is gloriously victouriously magical. WE LOVE HIZO
Kayla Neal Jacqueel Upshaw, Cumming, GA
We are all part of the Spartan Family...and want to continue to with you as part of the long term team....building a legacy that won't be forgotten!
We Bleed green and white so much that we had to get married on campus in front of sparty this year! Our home, Car, Kids, Cats, and even Mr. Beerens neck is coated in MSU! We would be heart broken and if we lost a big part of our MSU Family! We know there is no I in team, but there is in IZZO and with out him I don't know who could fill those shoes.....
The Beerens, Grand Rapids, MI
MrMSU (Don Kavanagh), Sterling Heights, MI
just like you I did not attend MSU but just like you I am a Sparty Faithful through and through. Thank you for taking the time in this decision but ultimately the grass can not be greener than the beautiful green grass in East Lansing
Denis Vukorep, Tampa, FL
the man shoulda gone went to the NBizzzleA
Chelsea Bonhomme, D, Michigan
We can't wait to hear the words out of your mouth that you love the Spartans Nation enough to put those NBA dreams on hold for the time being...
Alicia, MSU alumni, Greater Cleveland
because he just decided to stay at MSU..
Monte, Kalamazoo, MI
Coach, here is the Cliff Notes version: The NBA will always be there for you whenever you want to go. Give this year's Spartan Basketball team the chance to win it all with your leadership. Unlike the NBA, these players truly and honestly respect you. That is a foundation in any relationship.
Rich M. 02' MSU Alum, Howell, MI
Haley Dunnigan, East Lansing, MI
At the end of the day, it's not about the money - it's about family and love. You are like family to us and we love you. Thanks for staying.
Nora, Okemos
he is more than a great basketball coach, he is a great "face" of the university. Coach Izzo always shows such a positive image for Michigan State. He's one of the reasons that I'm a proud Spartan!
Howard, Lowell
Just heard you're staying, coach!! THANK YOU!!!! GO GREEN!!!!!!!!!!!!! All of Spartan Nation is cheering you on tonight!!!!!!!!!
Michelle, Bay City, MI
Chuck, East Lansing, MI
You have lead a team that makes me proud to be a Spartan, with out off court garbage that so many sports have. We love you.... I have patients (dogs) named after you. I hope that what is best for you and yours is to stay with us.
Valerie, Canton
Coach, do what's right for you and your family, whatever it needs to be, and if we all need to become Cavs fans, so be it. But "Go White, Wine and Gold"? I dunno....
Kathy, Royal Oak, Mi
Coach -- Go with your passion and I hope that means you're staying at MSU!!
When I hear the name Tom Izzo I think of how proud I am to be a State fan. Wearing my green and white with no hesitation. My entire family are MSU fans and we have had many conversations about how State basketball would change if Mr. Izzo left, and we came up with, EVERYTHING! Nothing would ever be the same. It would break a lot of hearts if he left. There wouldn't be any Izzone, no more chanting 'I-Z! Z-O!', as we greet out boys coming home to the Breslin as they dominate the NCAA tournament, again. Mr. Izzo if you read these please know that nobody can ever replace the place you have in a Spartan's heart. Please stay and take our team all the way to the 'ship again! We all know you are the only one who can do that being a Spartan yourself, a true leader. We love Izzo!
Alysia Lopez, Lansing, MI
We knew you'd stay!
It's been reported:
Steve, Canton
Dear Coach Izzo,
I'm sure this is a difficult decision for you and your family. I made a similar decision once. I moved from a job which I loved most of the time and where people cared and respected me. I was a big fish in a small pond. I chose to take a job in a Big Pond. I was sorry after the first year and went back to my small pond job. People at MSU, Lansing and all of Michigan LOVE you and have such respect for you. We need you here. The Big job is tempting, but they will not love you as we do. Please stay here. I believe you are the kind of coach that appreciates the respect your players and fans have for you and your family. You are still building the elite program you want at MSU. Cleveland will love the players but will never appreciate you as a coach the way we always will. God Bless you as you make this tough decision. I pray you stay here to keep life exciting for us at MSU.
Caro, Lansing
I remember the day my brother and I played hookie from school to attend the parade for the Spartans in 1979 when they won the National Championship. It was an amazing season. I would love to see you bring another one home to East Lansing. But regardless of your decision, I am grateful for the respect and pride you have brought to the entire state of Michigan. I moved 20 years ago but MSU is still a part of me and there is nothing like MARCH MADNESS! You've given us all a great gift with the years you've coached. I wish you the best wherever your journey takes you.
Sandy, Chicago, Originally from Lansing
We love you Tom. Thank you. You won't regret staying in East Lansing.
Now let's get ready for another final four run! You're the man!
Eric, Franklin, MI
Go Blue!
Willie Wolverine, Ann ARBOR!
Tom - Like you, I am 55. I've been doing the same thing professionally for many years and have been very successfull doing that. I've also thought about pursuing professional changes to provide new challenges. I know I am not getting any younger, and the time is now or never if I am ever to make a career change. I know the grass always seems greener on the other side. At the end of the day, though, I have realized that I love my life and what I do, and that's all anyone can ask for in life. I hope you also will reealize that you do have it all and will choose to stay where you are and continue making all Spartans proud as you are the best in the business.
Jim (Class of '77), New Jersey
You are just the best. Sports can break your heart, but your loyalty has been the real deal. Money and ego pale behind the values and pride you have instilled in all of us lucky enough to call ourselves Spartans.
Carey, Grand Rapids
Izzo you are a forever a spartan! You are one of the main reason I came to MSU!! The izzone loves you and will be lost if you leave!! If you stay at MSU the izzone will repay you with one heck of a season!! GO GREEN!!
Sarah K, East Lansing
Thanks you Izzo, my dreams as a child growing up in EL of one day sitting in the Izzone may still come true!!!!
Tom, it wouldn't be the same without you on the Banks of the Red Cedar! We love and appriciate you everyday!!
Dana, Lansing, mi
Hoping you stay Coach, it always brightens my day when you come in to shop where I work.
GP, Lansing
A tough decision I'm sure this is. Leaving the people at MSU doesn't mean abandoning them. Take the job with the Cavs, coach....then you can just buy tickets for your friends at MSU to come watch you in the big leagues.
Thank you, Coach!
James Hensley, Okemos, MI
Thank you for all you have done for our committee, youth, players and businesses. There is no better mentor than you. I have a nephew in your camp this week who is a Michigan fan. Who knows you maybe able to turn him into a MSU fan this week. :) Thank you for staying with MSU.
Lansing MI
Izzo, it is confirmed! Spartans and fans from all over the world have made it loud and clear what we want. Do what you need to do as a man, do it right and you will have our support either way! Good luck in your decision!
Dave Henderson, JAMMIN' DJs of , Atlanta, GA
he is one, if not THE, classiest coach in college basketball. We travelled to INDY this year to support Tom and his team. We had the opportunity to go over to him and express our sympathy to him the day after the MSU vs. Butler game while he was in the mall. He was so nice to us and thanked us for our support. I can't say enough about him as a coach b/c there isn't enough room. I"m not even from Michigan (heck, not even from the U.S!!) and I love State because of Tom Izzo. I hope he makes the best choice for himself and his family, but let's hope he keeps knows that his extended family (the team, the fans, MSU, the community, the state) love and adore him and would love to see him stay at MSU!
Jill, Canton, MI
The MSU graduates who work for Pixar Animation Studios want you to stay with MSU!!!
What is odd after I left MSU for grad school at USC is my allegiance has only increased tenfold for MSU. And that majority of that is because of Tom Izzo. I loved him while I was there, and he instills such a feeling of pride in me coming from MSU. I miss East Lansing and the Izzone.
Jonathan Jiskra, B.S., B.A. 2004, Alameda, CA
As the rumors begin to swirl about that IZZO is staying at MSU... I think this goes to show us all a great deal about his character. Money can't buy happiness - MSU appears to be where his heart is and where he wants to be.
*** - This Spartan Fan & Alum - *** wants to extend his heartfelt thanks to Tom & Lupe Izzo - for this decision I'm certain was indeed a difficult one... I hope and pray you are never in that situation again - as I am eternally grateful for what you bring to MSU, the Lansing Community - and the State of Michigan - even though, I no longer reside there - it will always be my 'home'. - ***
C.J., Denver, CO
Tom, We are your biggest fans out East here on Martha's Vineyard! I believe you will stay because of the wonderful life you have with all of its challenges. You have made such a difference in our lives but more importantly the young men lives you guide into adulthood. Lets get focused now and win your second NC!
Tim Boland, Martha's Vineyard, Massachusetts
MSU will not confirm news conference. Just say "yes" Coach. This is killing me.
Alicia, MSU alumni, OH
We hear that you are staying! Hooray!
Diane, Okemos
we are so proud of you
Libby, Lansing, MI
Stay with us, Tom!!! Michigan State loves you!!! My favorite college memories are of MSU basketball games... it just wouldn't be the same with anyone else on the side of the court. Get's get that 3rd championship!
Ann, Grand Rapids, MI
Please stay! We all love you!
Lowell, Michigan
izzo is staying. congrats everyone
nick, east lansing
Coach Izzo, can't ya feel the LOVE.....Hope rumors are true..
A loyal Spartan fan, Tammy O, Lansing, MI
Naturally, my reasons for wanting you to stay are completely selfish and I know you care deeply about the tings that affect my life-- SO STAY!!!
My wife and I are Spartan Alums who now live in Indiana and it's a Basketball State so it is just great to be watching you advance to the Final Four at our favorite Sports Taverns-- SO STAY!!!
And you have such a hectic life, you don't want to relocate, SO STAY , get back to work and enjoy your great life and oh yes---STAY!!!
Frank Maxwell, Hoosierland
I grew up watching MSU basketball, and it's a team I have always been proud of. Not only is Izzo a fantastic role model, but he inspires his players, members of his staff, and even fans to be good role models as well. I sure hope you stay, MSU basketball wouldn't be the same without you!!!
Jess, Mason, MI
I sure hope the reports are true Thank You Tom for not bolting you mean so much to the program
March Madness would not be the same without Tom Izzo.
We love you Tom!! You're a Spartan's Spartan!!! Go Green!! Go White!!
Phyllis Cohen Class '73, Rose Tree, PA
Sure hope this is true! Yea!
Alicia, MSU alumni, OH
Our son graduated from MSU although my husband and I graduated from other universities. We are MSU fans through and through. Several years ago for my birthday my husband gave me a "prime seat" ticket for a MSU basketball game (over $300 on stubhub). We have driven around the lake in ice storms to attend basketball games and have been to several Big Ten tournaments. We also attended Coaches on the Road and Izzo's Charity event and Play at MSU last May - all for Izzo and his basketball team. Wish we lived closer to MSU.
Nancy, Lake Zurich, Illinois
he is a role model to fans of all ages and makes us all proud to be Spartans.
Chris (MSU 1999), Calgary, Alberta
please stay izzo!! We need to keep Izzone at MSU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
please stay with us, you are the best
Please don't go!!! It wouldn't be the same without you. You are the man. We - and our state - need you.
Michelle, MSU alum '08, Jackson, MI
He's a great coach, an even better person, and an ambassador to the state and University that I love with all my heart.
Adam, Royal Oak, MI
I heard that Coach Izzo is staying!!! The press conf is 7pmET!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hooha!!!
Jerry D., Do not ask
Nothing better than a March spent with Tom Izzo. STAY HERE!!
Andrew, Michigan
I hope the rumors are true & you've decided to stay where you are most appreciated. Right here in Michigan. :)
Erin, Eaton Rapids
Thank you!
Allie, Lansing, MI
Izzo please don't go because of the Greedy Admin!!!
Please all supporters read and go to this post at Spartannation and read the truth about our beloved MSU Administration how they hold the Football team and Basketball team hostage and take all their hard earned money.
Well, i really dont have a story other than that I truely admire that man. He gets mad when he needs to, sometimes may be a little to mad, but he handles it with stability and ease. I know for a fact he does that will his entire life. I went out on a date with Tom once about 30 years ago when we were both young. We hit it off right off the bat, but unfortunatly I was offered a job in Texas that next day and I to0k it. I sometimes wonder what would have happened if I would have stayed. I guess I will never know. But I do know that when I left Tom was a little mad, but he handled it with ease and positivity.
Claire, Dallas, TX
Tom we love you at State and we wish you all the best, but most of all we hope you stay because it wouldn't be the same without you and we would have to rename the IZZONE!
Laura, Macomb, MI
You are one class act, that works hard to instill class, work ethic and the development of the whole person in the people you come in contact with. You started in the small town of Iron Mtn., worked hard at NMU as a player and coach, came to MSU, took a little side trip experience in Tulsa, came back and have developed a great formula for success. You were meant to elevate the expectations of the College game, and the College kids and game still need you, you are not finished. Plus, MSU is a beautiful campus, in a beautifil State, and within an easy commute to the UP, where all things are better. Money, and glamour do not appear to be what you are about. Thanks for all you do. What would March be like in MI without you at MSU. Randy MSU & NMU alum
and fellow Yooper!
After you read all the posts on this site, it just about covers it all - how much you are loved and appreciated at MSU. One other reason to stay in East Lansing - just to make the Michigan fans mad! You have dominated the wolverines and now the football team has started the same tradition - to beat Michigan year in and year out!! GO STATE and thanks to Coach Izzo for all he has done for MSU, the state of Michigan, and college basketball. We want to see your banner hanging next to Jud's some day as you continue to build your legacy at Michigan State.
MSU alum and fan
please don't go
karol, grand rapids
If we vote him in as Governor, then he would have to remain here, right? Anyways, He is THE classiest guy in the state. One way or the other you'll make the right decision for you and your family. Tom, We love you!
Chris Parsons, Jackson
I love Coach Tom because of of his easy going swagger.
Tammy, Okemos
You would do well with the cavs. You should go there, at least for the pay increase alone.
Roberto, east lansing
Olga, Chicago
My son and I have attended nearly every MSU b-ball game at the Breslin under Coach Izzo. He was four years old when Coach started and is now eighteen and will finally get a chance of being part of the Izzone. He has lofty aspirations for his career but has always dreamed of being part of the Izzone. Please don't go! You are Spartan Basketball!
Dr. Patrick and Tami Sheeran Msu grads., Jenison
We love Izzo, because he makes us proud to be a spartan. He brings alot of spirit to this region and he is awesome with the players.
kitty, Lansing, Michigan
We love izzo because he is the best coach that Michigan State ever had
Brian, St.Johns, Mi
you rock coach! what ever decision you make you will always be a spartan!
Eliza , Lansing MI
On behalf of all the wonderful young men you have guided through the years, and the many more you are destined to guide - please don't go. This is your calling. To be the best of college coaches and teachers is something to be proud of.
Chris, East Lansing
On WDIV, Channel 4 in Detroit just said IZZO STAYS!!!
Marie, Brownstown
Coach Izzo, you have tremendous class, and care for your players/students. We all respect you, and hope that you stay. It is our pleasure to be associated with you, as Spartans.
If Izzo was to leave it would be liek taking the keystone out of the arch that's our basketball team. A spartan never leaves his fellow man behind even if victory is guaranteed. We need you Izzo and your Spartan fans need you!
Tyson, Jacksonville, Florida
March Madness would not be the same without Tom Izzo.
We need you Tom!! You're a Spartan's Spartan!!
Phyllis Cohen, Rose Tree, Pa
you make us proud to be spartans! please stay for one more championship.
aileen, chicago
Coach Izzo,
Thanks for all of your efforts and dedication to Michigan State, both on the court and off. You are one of the top all-time ambassadors for MSU and would be sorely missed if you were to depart for the NBA.
Keith, Chicago
If whats reported is true, you should have came to Cleveland, you can't always stay put.
As a leader, your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more, and become more. You bring class to East Lansing, Michigan State, and College Basketball as a whole. No one will deem you "scared of a challenge" for staying, but rather, proud to ALWAYS be a Spartan.
Liz, Class of 2010, East Lansing, MI
My dad has been watching MSU basketball cence as long as i can remember I can't stand seeing you leave. When people say Izzo you think MSU, and Champs! But this is your choice not mine I told you how you impacteded my life. Do what your heart tells you to do. Think whats best for your family. and God bless your choice.
Alexis, Lansig MI
As a leader, your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more, and become more. You bring class to East Lansing, Michigan State, and College Basketball as a whole. No one will deem you "scared of a challenge" for staying, but rather, proud to ALWAYS be a Spartan.
Liz, East Lansing, MI
Coach Izzo -- You are Michigan State basketball. You created one of the few shining lights in this state at a time of great economic uncertainty during the 2009 final four run. You have carried Michigan State basketball to national prominence. Michigan State basketball would not be the same without you. Please don't go!! God Bless you and your family! Bleed Green and White!!!!
Brandy, Class of 2000, Royal Oak
Say it ain't so, Izzo, DON'T GO!!!!
Jon, Lansing, MI
Coach Izzo, your legacy could be similiar to Coach Wooden if you stay, but even if you left we will always be grateful for every thing you have done for MSU. Dan Gilbert on the other hand......
Jack, Holland, Mi
You are loved in Michigan. Please dont leave. The NBA cant even begin to show you as much love as all the MSU fans do. Your time is not up yet in East Lansing!!!
Stephanie, Wayland, MI
you are a coach, a leader and a mentor. In the NBA you are only a glorified babysitter. You can't put a dollar amount on ones ability to lead and coach. You have to go where your heart is....and your heart undoubtedly is with MSU.
Izzofan..., Michigan
He doesn't just win, but wins with class. Stay with us Tom, and another NCAA Championship is yours!
Amy, Kansas City
I am an MSU Alum ('90). When Jud retired, I was disappointed we didn't go after a big name coach. It turns out we did--he just wasn't a big name yet. I am very happy to tell everyone how WRONG I was about Tom Izzo. I think he's the best coach of any sport, PERIOD. Our players have a ton of class. They rebound. They play hard. And, they WIN. The grass isn't greener on the other side, Tom. Please stay!
Steve, Dallas
Your face & wins adorn my MSU basement. You make me glow with Spartan pride as an Alumni. You are the best thing to happen to MSU & the state of Michigan. Mostly, YOU deserve another MSU NCAA Title! You are a champion. I have had the joy of meeting you. Please stay at MSU, Mr. Izzo! xo
SpartyGirl, Naperville, IL
Who else is going to challenge the Old Gold & Black for the BigTen title??? MSU v Purdue is my favorite time of year!!!
Pete, Mackey
Izzo is just holding out for gilbert to sweeten the deal.
money talks, Greenback
You know how much we love you, and you would never throw that away! WE BLEED GREEN.
Spartan, On the banks of the Red Cedar
Another NCAA championship is in your future. Please stay and IT WILL HAPPEN.
Joan, Bay City
Coach- East Lansing + Spartan fans everywhere admire your dedication to MSU. If you do choose to leave, you will still have all the support in the world, but your Michigan State family loves you and wants you here!
Kellie class of 2011, East Lansing, MI
You make me proud to be a Spartan.
He got me interested in basketball in the first place because i got to watch my team win!! Come on izzo were on a roll you cant leave!!
Lauren, DeWitt, MI
We need you Tom Izzo! What would the Izzone be without Izzo? We love you!!!!
Dana, Fellow Spartan, EL, MI
Izzo is just as important as Sparty to MSU. We all love him, and I can't imagine March without him. He's an amazing coach, and an amazing person. STAY AT MSU!
Meghan, East Lansing
Tom, we love you because you are the best basketball coach in America. You may leave to the NBA and succeed, where other college coaches have failed. But the legacy of the NBA is players, not coaches.
You deserve to be remembered with the likes of Dean Smith and John Wooden. If you stay at MSU, a place you love, you will be sure to attain that status. And in the process, you will make all these people who love you shed a tears of joy, instead of sadness.
Spartans, Everywhere
I really hope you stay and become the legend the state of Michigan needs!!
I think it is a big obstacle for one to climb and I understand your interest in climbing another obstacle(proving to yourself you can do it)!! I just can see you as becoming the greatest coach to ever coach the NCAA!! It is a risk in life that you my friend Tom Izzo never really needs to take!! Please stay we Love You!!
Israel Ferguson, Coldwater,Mi
Coach Izzo, you have had several talks with players contemplating the move to the NBA. Your advice: do your homework. We know you are doing your homework and will do it well. We hope that our admiration and devotion to you as our coach is a voice strong enough to be heard and noticed. You are loved dearly here, for so many reasons, by so many people. Some say it’s your character, your wisdom, your compassion, your desire, your leadership, or your integrity. You have had the honor to impact so many people, young and old. As a fan, I cannot imagine college basketball without Tom Izzo. As a Michigan State fan, I cannot imagine Tom Izzo leaving his team, not now, not with so much talent, not ever. I cannot imagine Mr. March leaving his team and the chance of another shining moment, for the opportunity or the challenge to make his move to the NBA. I cannot imagine the style of coaching we praise of you, will be honored or respected in the NBA. I ask myself, why would coach want to leave? Why would he want to leave the state he calls home, the very place he served as a former assistant, an associate head coach under Jud, and now, head coach? Is it really about the love for the game? If so, why coach, would you ever consider leaving Michigan State?
Karli H. , Michigan
Coach Izzo there are a thousand reason for you to go, but stay anyway.
Go Green.
Spartan Nation, Rockford
I'll drive from Iowa to see Tom Izzo and the Spartans. I wouldn't dream of ever driving to Cleveland. Izzo IS East Lansing. Please stick around, Tom!
Zeke the Wonder Dog wants you to stay!!!!
You didn't just change Michigan State basketball but all of college basketball, if it wasn't for you the Big Ten would be a very weak basketball conference. People go to Big Ten schools to play basketball just so they can say I lost to Tom Izzo's Spartans
Jeffery L, Lansing
...he is going to bring us (Michigan State) another championship this upcoming year!!
DiVo, Macomb, MI
I love you izzo and msu basketball would not be the same without you. I hope you stay and continue the program you started
Jake, Grand Rapids, Michigan
You are more than a coach, you are a fellow Spartan! Stay true and stay Green! Don't go!
Jesse, EL, MI
Dear Izzo,
It is my will that you stay at MSU
God, Heaven
The state of michigan would be in mourning for a very long time if Izzo left, I for one would lose sleep...Coach Izzo is MSU basketball!!!!! I really hope he chooses to stay! I'd feel for the players returning for their senior season hoping for a shot at a title but if Izzo leaves...chances are slim.
Andy, Perry, Michigan
Izzo is MSU. the NBA lacks heart... East Lansing and MSU are all heart. NBA players don't hustle, they're just getting paid to move down the court. Ask the MSU Alums who used to play for you if they enjoy what they do now as much as when they played for you. I would understand if it's a family thing, being a role model and an inspiration to MSU and the state of Michigan takes a lot of time and effort - it is part of the deal. That is only exacerbated in the corporate realm - the NBA is solely business where greed and profit are the drivers. Even though there are the occasional glimpses of that anywhere you are - the drivers here at MSU are ones that you've helped to build: prestige, dignity, hard work, loyalty and sportsmanship. You make the call though, but we're here for you in East Lansing as you've been for us.
Justin, East Lansing, MI
because he's a CHAMPION!
David Price, South Lyon, MI
Tom is such a sweet down to earth, humble man. He is so great to the fans - at all of the Big Ten Tourney pep rallies in Chicago - he was always happy to stop and say hello to everyone.... taking photos and shaking hands. I would be very heartnroken to see him go... PLEASE STAY IZZ!! We love you!!!!
Kim, Chicago
TI knows that sometimes you lose a battle to win the war. Like our service men and women, it's not about the money like some contend. It's about heart, and what price you are willing to pay for what you believe in. It's about honor, respect and knowing that back at home, you are appreciated. TI must be the top paid coach in the B10 period. We love TI.
80Spartan, Brighton, MI
I remember getting Tom's autograph when he was an assistant coach in 1990 because I felt bad if I only asked Jud. I was 8 years old then. 20 years later I've had the pleasure of interacting with him four other times, each one ingrained in my memory because of the great person Coach Izzo is. He will be successful no matter what he choses to do in life - here's hoping he stays at Michigan State and continues to build a model program. Thanks Coach!
Andrew, Washington D.C.
No other college basketball coach has been loved as much as you have. Please stay!!
MSU Alum '08, Louisiana
MSU's basketball team's academic ranking is the tops in the country. Why? Tom Izzo. You have such a relationship with your players that they listen to you about the value of getting their degrees. With you as their coach, they learn the importance of TEAM, not individuals. The need to work together for a common goal. This is something important in the real world. The NBA for the most part is composed of individuals who think they are stars that don't have to act like ordinary people. Look at Kobe. As great as you have been as a coach at MSU, I think you would be disappointed and become disillusioned with the players on NBA teams. A lot of them think that they are entitled to whatever the can get. You are great at helping young players become men. Great at representing MSU and it's sports department across the country. In the NBA your value would not be in molding young people, but in trying to get the prima donnas to buy into a team first concept. Would it be possible? Please stay. I think your presence at MSU helps the university attract good quality coaches, ADs and students to the MSU.
Charlene Pickett (MSU '56) First of 3 generations of Spartans, Port Huron, MI
Tom Izzo has conducted himself and his career with such class, and always puts a great public face on the name of Michigan State University. I'm proud to be associated with MSU, and he's a big part of that. Plus, I love watching the Sparties kick a**!
Ted, Lake Orion
Everyone knows that College Sports are more exciting and pure than Professional Sports. Look at the followings for Basketball and Football. The problem is the money. Follow your heart, and we will follow you Tom.
Jonathan Rajski, Chicago, IL & East Lansing, MI
He is the Wizard of IZ. Job for life as far as I'm concerned. Go Green!
Zeke the Wonder Dog, West Chester, PA
If you thought UofM's hustle, intensity and shot selection sucked last season, all I have to say is "NBA"!!!
DJ, Orlando, FL
PLEASE don't go, we love you here.....
Tammy O, Lansing, MI
My blood runs green and white. Dan Gilbert's obviously has ice water running through his veins. No true Spartan would pull a stunt like this. His diploma should be revoked!
TOM please stay! Do you really want to work with a bunch of overpaid drama queens or stay with kids that love you and learn about being a man from you! You are not only the best coach ever, you are a leader when this city and state are clearly lacking any. We love you coach izzo! PLEASE STAY!
josh wheatley, lansing, mi
Because "NBA" and "effort" are oxymorons.
Coach Izzo has provided so much emotion and jubilation for me over the years. The March runs bring friends and families together in so many ways and are a huge part of my memories of the last 12 years. I would give him a hug to thank him if he ever came to SF. I would be quite sad to see him go, but will always support him. He is MSU.
Zach, San Francisco
Izzo, dont go. KALIN & DURRELL chose NOT to go to the NBA because they KNOW you can lead them to another Final Four, THEY didnt give in, THEY believe in you & THEY believe in State & THEY know no matter what, being a Spartan and winning is a greater deal than leaving to the NBA right now. it's not the time. you promised us another championship, please stay because you WANT TO, not because Lebron wont play for you. Draymond Green has more heart than the Cleveland Cavs in their pinky fingers. and we all know it. you're OUR coach, just give us one more. March Madness would never be the same for us Spartans. or you can go, & some other coach will come take YOUR team to yet another Final Four & reap from what YOU'VE sewn within this basketball program. PLEASE STAY.
Izzo, you embody what it truly means to be a Spartan! You have taken our program to new heights! You are a true Spartan leader! You are an excellent rolemodel! You are not only an awesome coach, you are an awesome member of the Spartan family! We need you here!
Meagan, Huntington Beach, CA
Because he celebrates St. Urho's Day.
Steven Wagner, Chicago
Just know that money is not everything... as long as you love what you do and the players love you and respect you, that's what it's about. You will not get the love and respect out of the NBA players like you do the MSU players.
pat, Bloomfield Hills
The reason all of us are care whether Tom leaves, is more than the great basketball team that Tom has coached over the years. Tom is a great ambassador for MSU.
Many years back, I attended the Spartan football game at the University of Oregon. Of course, I was decked out in my MSU gear. As I'm wandering around Autzen Stadium, I see Tom Izzo walk by. I said "Hey Tom", and he stopped, shook my hand, and chatted about the ball game for a few seconds. He then finished up... "Thank you for supporting MSU". That was the most important thing to me... Tom made me feel like I was important for supporting MSU. We would love for you to stay and being our Ambassador Tom!
Wes McKean, Yelm, WA
Tom, please don't go. We love you. MSU won't be the same without you. GO GREEN GO WHITE!! PLEASE STAY IN E LANSING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Pat, Whitmore Lake, MI
Coach Izzo: You made me want to be a Spartan. March is my favorite month because of March Madness. Please don't leave! Love, A Fan From the Izzone
Ali, California
He's been the best thing for MSU since Magic Johnson---and can still elevate the program even higher if he stays. It would be nice to stay and be compared with Coach K, John Wooden and a short list of greatest College coaches ever----They wont love you in Cleveland like we do here!
JMack, Grand Blanc Mi
On the radio I heard hes gonna go to who ever offers him a better sanwhich. Well somebodies got to step up the sanwhich game now dont they! sanwhich sanwhich sanwhich!
Bill Simonsone, The Auto Value Bumper to Bumper studio
Izzo is the coach of coaches in my mind. He never has a all-star player or a number one draft pick of a player but he always makes it deep in the tourney. Why because like Micheal Jordan he makes players better. He needs to stay at MSU because it is his legacy. Yeah the NBA sounds all great for him but if he leaves the Spartans will fall apart.
Shane Strong, Saint Johns
I understand the temptation but you have to know that there is nowhere in the world you could go where you are as loved and adored by fans than MSU. If you stay the Spartan nation will be very grateful!
Sam - MSU '93, Singapore
As an alumnus, and having had the chance to meet Coach on a couple occasions, he is one of the most down-to-earth guys, and he's friendly. If you ever met him on campus, you know exactly what I mean. He was never to busy to say "Hello", and he was "Coach" to everyone. Beyond that, his integrity and principles are a great testimony to what the MSU Athletic program should be known for. My son is 3 and he already knows who Coach Izzo is.
Aaron Jackson, Fort Wayne, IN
This stress is killing me coach! I've been glued to the TV, radio and internet more about your decision - then I did during the McCain / Obama election results. Your home is here at MSU coach. I couldn't imagine watching a MSU game without you at the helm. You are MSU !!!
Brandon R., Macomb, Mi
I like Izzo bc he gave me cheese when i had him over for the Pistons game
Wilson Pupplie, Battle Creek
Coach Izzo is the face of MSU. If he stays he has the chance of becoming the best college coach ever. If he leaves I wish him well, but he must remember the track record of other college coaches who have left for the NBA. I think Coach will succeed in anything he tries but if it doesn't work in the NBA, I don't think I could stand it if he came back to the college game somewhere else besides MSU< It just wouldn't be fair.
We love you coach
PMB, Haslett and work at MSU
he built us a program to be proud of.
Tyler, Bloomfield Hills, MI
I have been a true MSU fan forever, through the good and bad. Coach Izzo has brought respect and integrity to MSU. Reading through alot of these posts that seems to be the one thing that stands out integrity! Is there such a thing in NBA? I hope you stay we have promised our son that when he got older we would take him to a Spartan Basketball game so he can see you in action live. He is 4 and can yell GO GREEN! GO WHITE! with the best of them. Please stay!
Martha, Durand, MI
Tom Izzo is a gift to East Lansing that keeps on giving. Anyone who really knows of Tom Izzo, knows what that means as his passion and pride for his team and for his community (upper or lower) are obvious. Most important to me, however, is that all he is goes into those he coaches and the results are admired nationwide. In the end, the boys he starts with become team players and good men. Should Mr. Izzo decide to move on, I hope he can maintain the same passion and pride for his contributions to the new community and a group of experienced men. The best to you Tom Izzo, wherever you decide to call home. And Thank You. Thank you for all you have given to the MSU Spartans and the state many of us call home.
dkg, Dimondale, MI
Tom...... It wouldn't be the same.
I am an usher at the Breslin Center. The first event I worked was an early season men's basketball game. You drew a technical foul for your passion for the game. The Bres erupted in an I-Z Z-O chant louder than I've ever heard any michigan state chant (I've had season football tickets since I came to state and never heard it that loud. I was also in Detroit for the national championship and those 74,000 fans could never have drowned out the Breslin Center that night.) This school loves you. This city love you. This state loves you. Please make the right decision.
Jake, East Lansing til' I die
Whoops! W.C.Fields tombstone says, "Iwould rather be here than in Philadelphia," but Cleveland is even worse than Philly.
Gene Schneider, Lansing
He has given us reasons to be proud fans, proud alumnae, and proud Spartans. He can make even the biggest doubter believe in MSU. He makes us jump and scream at our TV's just as loud as he does from the bench. He has shown us grace in the face of defeat and humbleness during times of victory. He has taught everyone that success comes from hard work and that there is no "I" in Team.
We >3 Izzo just because.
Erin, MSU Class of 2006, Dublin, OH
Coach Izzo: If Dan Gilbert were truly a friend of yours, he wouldn't have gotten you involved in this mess in the first place. After firing Mike Brown as coach and letting Danny Ferry walk as GM, he hired a young, inexperienced GM and then announced that LeBron would have no input on the hiring of the next coach of the Cavs. It's no wonder why LeBron won't return your calls; his owner already told him that he wouldn't have any say in the matter as to who would be the next coach! Why would he endorse you or anyone else for that matter after Gilbert put him on the defensive? I don't think it's anything personal; this is between LeBron and Gilbert. Also, why has Gilbert insisted that he have a coach in place by the time the NBA draft rolls around June 24, when Cleveland is one of only three teams that doesn't even have a draft pick? It makes absolutely no sense to me. Gilbert has already run Brown and Ferry out of town, and he knows that LeBron is next. That's why he wants an answer out of you by the draft. He knows that anyone in their right mind wouldn't take that job if they waited around until July when LeBron will walk. It's a dysfunctional situation. Gilbert is setting you up for failure!!! Don't do it, Coach Izzo! Stay at MSU and cement your legacy!
Steve Noe, Aurora, IL
I was in the Izzone for my first two years of college and it was one of the most memorable experiences of my life. My family and I have always been huge Spartan fans, especially basketball. I grew up in the Lansing area and I watched many games from the stands. My father and many friends from school were brought up in the Upper Peninsula so they always had a lot of respect for Tom Izzo. I admire Tom Izzo for this relentless perseverance, knowledge of the game, and strong emphasis on defense and rebounding. His players have always had a lot of class and most of Izzo's players finished with a degree. I, as much as anyone on this website, hope that Tom Izzo decides to stay with the MSU basketball program and the community/university that loves to watch him work!!
Tom, please take a hint from the gravestone of W.C.Fields: it is engraved, "I would rather be here than in Cleveland!"
Gene Schneider, L
tommy you have more to do here , i see a title in 2011 or 2112 an yes you will become the best college coach of all time to us spartans ,,,
tommy d, lansing
Tom Izzo is the epitome of a Spartan! A great human who gives respect and gets respect! Please stay, Mr. Izzo!!!!!!!
Anonymous, Michigan
Coach Izzo: If Dan Gilbert were truly a friend of yours, he wouldn't have gotten you involved in this mess in the first place. After firing Mike Brown as coach and letting Danny Ferry walk as GM, he hired a young, inexperienced GM and then announced that LeBron would have no input on the hiring of the next coach of the Cavs. It's no wonder why LeBron won't return your calls; his owner already told him that he wouldn't have any say in the matter as to who would be the next coach! Why would he endorse you or anyone else for that matter after Gilbert put him on the defensive? I don't think it's anything personal; this is between LeBron and Gilbert. Also, why has Gilbert insisted that he have a coach in place by the time the NBA draft rolls around June 24, when Cleveland is one of only three teams that doesn't even have a draft pick? It makes absolutely no sense to me. Gilbert has already run Brown and Ferry out of town, and he knows that LeBron is next. That's why he wants an answer out of you by the draft. He knows that anyone in their right mind wouldn't take that job if they waited around until July when LeBron will walk. It's a dysfunctional situation. Don't do it, Coach Izzo! Stay at MSU!
Steve Noe, Aurora, IL
You said you wanted one more championship before you went to the NBA.
You've got no better chance to do that than this year! Please stay! Cleveland will never love you as much as we do!
Dave, Saginaw, MI
March won't be March without Izzo patrolling the sideline with the intense look, passionate fistpump, sarcastic smile from a blown call or look of true and genuine pride from his kids finally "getting it" and putting it all together for themselves and the faithful Green and White!
Jud, Antonio, Andre, Mateen, MoP, Charlie, Jason, Chris, Drew, Paul, Maurice, Shannon, Goran, Travis, Kalin, Derrick, Raymar, Dray, Adriene, Keith & all the others who laid it out on the floor for their University & Coach
I am currently a student at MSU and the positive effect that Izzo has on the students is something that very few college campuses have. He was in the census commercials and I heard multiple people say "Well Izzo told me to," so they filled out the form. He speaks highly about the students whenever he can and is always telling them to celebrate responsibly. I would be honored if my coach went on to the pros but he will not have the same effect on those players as he does the MSU team. I will respect what he chooses becuase he is a great man, coach and part of the MSU community... I hope he stays so that years to come can enjoy the same coach I have and Cleveland will never love him like we do.
Alyssa Gienapp, MSU '11, East Lansing/Birmingham, MI
Izzo: We will make a bronze statue of you if you stay. You will never get that in Cleveland. A statue - you'll be like Rocky Balboa! How many people get statues??? You and Magic...Jud doesn't even get a statue...but you, Tom. Do the right thing.
AD, 60 miles from EL
Coach Izzo, Please don't go! Most of my college memories (1998-2002) revolve around the Spartan sports season and I was there during the best of times! My sister just graduated last year and also got to experience the fun and excitement! My little brother will just be starting college in the fall...please don't let him miss out!
Amy, MSU Lyman Briggs 2002, Haslett, MI
DON'T LEAVE!!!! the NBA is garbage. Lebron is going to fart around for attention... Dont let his selfish needs ruin what you have at MSU..... Besides that personal thought, the state of Michigan needs you.. The SPARTANS need you...... WE the fans need you.... college basketball needs you....... TRY to see if coach K will let you coach the USA team.... to get that taste... IN IZZO WE TRUST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
J.....B............, CLEARWATER, FL
Take your time to really identify your goals. Everyone knows it's not the money. Perhaps it's being the first to make a mark as a college coach gone pro. You will have no impact on the lives of professional players. The impact you have on the lives of student athletes is immeasurable. The Izzone belongs in East Lansing and I am proud to call you "neighbor."
Chuck, East Lansing, MI
I was there at the beginning, when Tom became Assistant Coach. I was there when Tom became head coach. I was a member of the Izzone before it was even called that. Even though I live far away now, I am still one of his biggest fans. If he chooses Cleveland over MSU, it won't be because he doesn't love us. People move on. He has given us some great memories. I would love for him to stay, and hope he will. He has a chance to become the greatest college basketball coach of all time. At Cleveland he would be just another coach.
Dana BME '87 and MA '95, Oklahoma City
Please stay. Cleveland will never love you as much as we do!
Izzo was my college education. Covering the MSU team for The State News I saw firsthand what it took to become a successful man in this world. I still use philosophies to this day. If he leaves MSU, I fear the worst for Tom. NBA fans will never be as loving and supportive. And if Cleveland tosses him out in a few years, I would be heartbroken.
BC, Kansas City, Mo.
MSU and the community need you. You have done and continue to do so much for the younger children of the community. We all need you. You are a class act and are a great inspiration for all of us. All of Sparrow Hospital Employees want you to STAY GREEN!!! WE LOVE YOU!
Geri Green, Williamston, MI
Over the past 30 years or so MSU has had 2 coaches. I dont want to see a third coach. Please Tom stay with us we need you, you are the heart and soul of MSU basketball.
Travis G. , Leslie, MI
I was a junior when the Breslin Center opened. Back then it wasn't the Izzone, it was the Spartan Spirits. We won the Big 10 that year with Duane Stephens and Mark Montgomery, both of whom are on the bench behind Tom today. Where was Tom then? On the bench behind Jud. What Izzo has done for the Spartan Nation is so rare and special. And I mean nation -- I'm in Denver and there are Spartans all over this place. We're everywhere, and we know that once hoops season rolls around, we'll be holding our heads high and proud. Jud set the stage, but Tom has single-handedly written this script. If he leaves, I'll become something I never thought I'd become; a Cavs fan. And I know we'll be in good hands no matter what Izzo disciple takes the reigns. But we still have unfinished business, Tom. You deserve another National Championship. We're begging you to stay in E.L. But if you choose to move on, a piece of our hearts will go with you.
Jeff Kosloski, Denver, CO
Tom Izzo,
Please don't leave. You are everything MSU represents...You ARE MSU. You are everything the Green and White stands for. You are a man of integrity, a man of commitment, a man of the Red Cedar. MSU would be lost without you. You are a king in East Lansing...why would you want to give it up to be just another guy in Cleveland? You are MSU's Leonidas. Please don't leave Izzo. Stay and continue leading my Spartans onto Victory!
Patrick Hammer, Dayton, OH
I remember you and your family sitting behind my family at Lizzie's piano recital. As each of my sisters and brother played and went back to their seats Lupe told each of them what a great job they had done. I have been a huge fan of yours my entire life and I can not imagine MSU basketball without you.
Stephanie, Lansing, Michigan
Mr. Izzo has built one of the greatest basketball programs in the country. I don't want him to leave however I understand the decision process he is going through. It's difficult for him and his family. I also understand that this a chance of a lifetime and it may only come once. Mr. Izzo, whatever you decide, know that all of Michigan is behind you. We wish you all the best. Please stay. PLEASE. We're all proud of you and proud of MSU. God bless you and your family. My twin grandaughters will begin their junior year at state this fall.
Ron Yurchak- 68 yrs old., Belleville, Mich
I moved far away from my childhood home in Dimondale, Michigan and reside now in Florida. Spartan Basketball connects me to my family; Alumni and born-and-raised Spartan fans alike, even though I am no longer close by. I'm a 2008 graduate who took a very unconventional approach to college, I sort of "wandered" for a while but I finally received my degree from MSU nearly 10 years after graduating high school. It was the deep rooted tradition, the under-the-surface-magnetic-pull of this great University that eventually drew me back and motivated me to completion. Tom Izzo is just one man, yes, only a piece of the puzzle. But, Michigan State just wouldn't feel complete if he was gone. He's practically "King of East Lansing!" Tom, please know how much you mean to us. Please stay.
Marjorie D., Pembroke Pines, Florida
Watching Michigan State play defense and rebound is like watching a beautiful sunset. Watching MSU score in transition is like an ice cold beverage on a hot day. I heart Izzo for squeezing everything out of his players.
Jordan Tresvant, Jackson
Izzo is a Spartan institution. 'Nuff said.
Will - MSU Student, Lansing
All of the basketball success is great, but what I love the most about Coach Izzo is the character that he brings to the MSU community. It is the character of him, his recruits, and his program that make me hope he will stay.
Tom, Los Angeles
The 2000 National Championship was won on my 21st Birthday- you can't really have a bigger celebration than that. Go Green!
AMF, West Michigan
I hear the chicks monitoring this website are hot! Oh yeah, Stay Izzo!
anonymous, Lansing
Dear people,
If you try to make a heart out of a 3 and a <, it does not work!! But we do love Izzo and really want him to stay!!
Michelle and Corey , East Lansing, Baby
The legacy Tom Izzo has created at Michigan State University makes me proud to be a Spartan alum, and proud to have 2 and 4-year-old daughters who can shout "Go Green, Go White" with the best of them. Tom Izzo is synonymous with Michigan State basketball...he is great for the university and great for the State of Michigan. GO STATE!!
Angie, Muskegon, MI
I meant "we >3 Izzo!". Sorry!
Michelle and corey, East Lansing, Baby!
We >3 Izzo!
Michelle and Corey , East Lansing, Baby!
I am an MSU alum from 2005, and I have some of my best college, and lifelong, memories watching MSU in the NCAA tournaments from those years and the years since. I seriously LOVE you TOM. I recently had a baby boy, and we wanted to incorporate MSU into his name somehow. We looked at campus maps to see if any buildings could be used as names (Breslin, Landon, Owen....) but instead we had his middle name be Thomas AFTER YOU!! No joke. Please don't leave us.
Spartan for life, Michigan
If you leave I will throw myself down on the ground kicking, screaming and throwing a fit! you do not want to see this, just ask my mom!! stay put Izzo and GO GREEN!
James, MSU class of 2001, the ATL
I always knew you were a stand up guy. It became so real when you were willing to meet me and take a picture after a mundane victory over Bradley U. in Peoria, IL. You do not need money or a James/NBA title to prove your worth to basketball. What you do at MSU is beyond incredible especially in the era of extreme parody where a George Mason and a Butler can reach the summit. You reach it practically every year and the athletes are the better for it. You've taken street ball selfishness and reworked it into a masterpiece of teamwork on the court. Huge loss if the NBA (no visible work-ethic) gets you. Please stay and don't let this offer potentially tear apart a most magnificent legacy. You are MSU! You are college basketball the way it should be! WE LOVE IZZO because of that!
Scott Zorn, Tuscola, Illinois
it has never even been suggested that Tom Izzo or MSU basketball does anything illegal by the NCAA! How many other programs/coaches who have success can say that?? Kentucky claims they are under attack now because they're successful. Well guess what? MSU is the SCHOOL OF THE DECADE and has NEVER been under suspicion!! Why? Because of Coach!
IZZONE member, East Lansing
Izzo, You are the reason Spartan Basketball exist. The impact you have made on past present and future spartans will never be replaced. I know you bleed Green and White and always will but please make the correct choice. Whatever you ecide you will always be Spartan Basketball.
Hook, Grand Rapids, Michigan
If Izzo leaves the state of MI, so do we...
C.W., Ypsilanti
He has made every March special and April Amazing
Matthew Nieszel, Evanston
The best college coach and its not even close. We even beg you from North Dakota to stay at Michigan State!
Brock, North Dakota
Coach Izzo you are the best thing to ever happen to Spartan Basketball! Keep it going! Go Green! Go White!
Kelly - C/O 1998, Detroit
Here is my take. Leading highly paid, self serving individuals and their teams of "hanger-on's" through a 80+ game grind where coaching and strategy take a DISTANT BACKSEAT to what college basketball truly represents is not close to what you represent to yourself, your family, the university and the state: Teaching, mentoring and almost all of the time, instilling character, responsibility and passion in young men. Tom, I encourage you to take out a tape of a few NBA game’s from about Dec – Feb and what you will see is what will eat you up and drive you insane, No passion, no desire, going through the motions, waiting for the game to end to go to the club’s of choice… Your current role Tom makes us all envious --- and it is not the money you make or the things you have, or the honors bestowed upon you (well earned I may add). It is your ability to stay true to the core values that you have come to represent. Stay the course and you will look back on the decision fondly for the rest of your life. You and Coach K are COLLEGE BASKETBALL --- like Coach Wooden was before you.
Dale, Columbus, OH
IZZO - THERE CAN BE ONLY ONE!!!!!!!!!!! Stay because it's where your heart is.
Anne, MSU Class of 2004
Izzo, The State of Michigan is hurting enough as it is....and now you want to leave! This is a complete turnaround of your prior years comments. You always said you enjoyed the success because it brought the whole State joy! STAY GREEN!
Ben Starr, Monroe, MI
I sent my daughter to MSU because you are there, COACH IZZO! Stay green!
Steve S., Wyandotte
you bring true excitement and a talented squad to East Lansing every year
Dill, East Lansing stand up
Izzo, you've converted me to a MSU basketball fan, follower. I would have never converted had it not been for you and your strong leadership. There is nothing you can't do here in E.L. that you could do somewhere else. Stay here, where you're revered!
Marcin G., Farmington
he represents the state of Michigan better than anyone else! He is a take-no-crap, never-back-down-to-a-challenge kind of coach who gets kids like the Flintstones and Lucas from blue collar cities like Flint and Detroit and makes them amazing....No one else will be able to do that like he can! Please finish out the seasons with the kids you have already recruited and who love you dearly, give the rest of us time to prepare for life at MSU after Izzo, then pursue your amazingness in the NBA. Because, as we all should know, never doubt Coach Izzo! If he thinks he can be successful in the NBA, then he can just like if he thinks he can go to a Final Four, he does!!!!
devoted IZZONE member!!!!, East Lansing!!!!
mr.IZZO u cant leave it wooud be relly mean and u just just fit michigan like a mitten. PLEASE DONT LEAVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
matthhew, okemos michigan
i love u izzo! u r the best coach! please stay at MSU! our blood runs GREEN!
Molly and Eileen, Grand Ledge, MI
haha why don't wisconsin fans understand that bo ryan is not a good coach?
Tom, I started loving MSU basketball back when Magic made it magic and have followed it thru the years ever since. A couple of the saddest and happiest moments of my life occurred April 3, 2000. My dad passed away unexpectedly and MSU won the NCAA tournament. I have the Sparty S already engraved on my tombstone.
You are one of a kind and one of the best and so many, many people would hate to see you leave. Count me in that group, MSU basketball will never be the same without you!
M, Essexville MI
I never was a big basketball fan up until college... but the good ole green and white had a way of turning me into an avid follower. I owe all of the enjoyment I get from being a MSU Spartan who is able to participate in such an awesome sport to Tom Izzo. He could actually wear a spartan helmet and stand with leonidas against those damned persians... or wolverines, not sure which is worse... don't leave Izzo... here you are the material of legend
Mike Thibideau, The best University on Earth!!
You personify what every coach should...class and integrity. We have been lucky to have you at MSU and hope to keep you here for a long time to come. Do what is best for you and your family. We appreciate you no matter what you decide!
They say that "money makes the world go round". Ive also heard that money is not motivation for Tom Izzo. That finanically he's all set. I hope thats true! Then we can be assured that Izzo will stay in East Lansing where is admired and doing what he does best! Take your commited team to the top March Madness 2011.
CB, DeWitt
He links up the theatre and the sports world, and is a truly stand up individual. It would be a great loss to the community and the state if he left. MUCH love Izzo--please stay for State and for Michigan!!!!
Lauren LoGrasso, East Lansing, Mi
Tom Izzo has built a program based on hard work, effort, and accountability on and off the court. Final Fours will come and go, but it's the integrity of the program that makes me proud to be a Spartan. Tom is a role model to so many people, he should stay and continue to build history in college basektball.
Jeff Klevering, South Lyon, MI
Thanks coach! Whatever decision you make (and I hope it's to stay), I want to thank you for all the things you've done here already. I remember watching the 2000 National championship with my family when i was younger, as well as the 2005 run to the final four. You and the Spartans put away Duke that year in the tournament on my 16th birthday. My childhood is filled with great memories of MSU Basketball. And now that I've gotten to college, you've kept on giving, taking us on two mesmerizing trips to the Final Four and one championship game, making my time here at MSU all the more exciting and enjoyable. As we were traveling down to Indianapolis this year for the Final Four, my brother and I kept saying to eachother, "We are so spoiled to have Tom Izzo as our coach." As a die-hard college basketball fan, you couldn't ask for much more: a coach that the players and fans can have complete confidence in, year in and year out. So, if you leave for the NBA, never forget how much people here at MSU love you, and we'll never forget all you've done for us.
PS: If you do leave, i unfortunately can't cheer for the Cavs either way. Come on, it's Cleveland.
ZK, East Lansing
Ashley, CO
is Michigan State University. Izzo, just remember, in the NBA, you are welcomed as a hero, but are forgot about two losses later. Yeah, you might have a lot more money, and you may feel like you are moving up in your career, but trust me, you'll never get the same loyal fans than the people who love Michigan State basketball. We need you. You need us.
Matt, Royal Oak
The NBA seems to personify everything you hate about basketball - no defense, me first attitude among the players, taking games off, etc
I tried to explain to my son (12) and daughter (9)what you meant by "leaving your footprints at MSU". Have you done that? Did you start and finish the MSU job as best you can? If the program is where you expect / want it to be when you retire from the game - then it is definately time to move on.
Lee, PA - 1994 alum
You are a legend in your own time. The really great leaders can make the tough decisions and live with the consequences one way or the another. Only YOU know the entire story. Speculation by the media and your fans is not likely to help you decide. You didn't ask me to advise you so just know I respect whatever decision that is only yours to make.
Bob, Okemos
Most times, when I tell a new acquaintance that I went to Michigan State University, they bring up basketball and they bring up Izzo. You and the program are a HUGE part of the schools identity, aren't they as much a part of yours?
Claire, Golden, Colorado
Tom, we were both born and raised in the UP. I was at NMU in 1974 when you and Mooch were there. Watched you both play there too. I've followed you year by year for 35 years!! I've argued, fought and cheered you on each and every good and bad times! I Attend your golf outings, fund raisers, home games, etc.......I didn't go to MSU...I'm an FSU and Notre Dame MBA and might be your biggest fan other than your mother.......WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU THINKING-EH!?........You are an icon at MSU.....You are college basketball!.......To Hell with the NBA!..Does anyone even watch it anymore?...You belong at State.....You are a home grown hero for Yoopers and the state of Michigan alike!....We need you....Cleveland doesn't.....Retire a Spartan 30 years!.....Your integrity, intensity, and humble personality makes us all smile with a certain pride. Stay where you belong my friend.......From one Yooper to matter where you go, there you are-eh!?
Kooper, Grand Rapids, mi.
We hope you stay, we hope we make a difference, but the decision is yours, whatever happens we will always remember you as the most loved coach out there.....
But please stay!
he is the Magic Johnson of coaching...taking good players and turning them into a great team. Every player he has coached became a better player and a better person because of him.
THC, Naperville, IL
Coach, I think Lebron likes you, but face it, I dont' think he likes you
all THAT much. We do.
Jim, MIchigan
He is the heart of what it means to be a SPARTAN and he makes me PROUD to be an esteeemed alumni of Michigan State.
Lauren B., Proud Alum, Chicago
Tom-Please Stay in EL- college basketball is awesome. Does anyone really even watch pro basketball anymore? You can be so much more influential at the college level. You live in a community that respects and loves you and what you have done for MSU basketball, the college and Michigan. GO GREEN GO WHITE stay in Michigan because its right!
Tammie, Holt, MI
You are more then Spartan Basketball to a lot of people. You are part of our state and our local communities. It won't be the same without you. Please stay!
M. McLeod, Lansing, MI
I can’t say anything others haven’t already said. I think you need to do what’s best for you and your family. I will say that the fact the community has come together to show their support for you - created websites, made signs, changed billboards, written news article after news article, dominated facebook, updated on twitter - should show you how much you mean….as a skilled coach, as a man of integrity. I hope you decide that MSU and East Lansing are what’s best for you and yours.
Tom Izzo fan #8 Million, Lansing, MI
Take the Cleveland job. It's a great opportunity and it's clear you'll never be satisfied until you've tried the NBA. If you pass on this opportunity, you'll always be asking, "what if?". It's obvious your heart has moved on, time for you to do the same.
Jim, East Lansing
MSU would never be the same without you. That would be like Sparty taking a job as the Mascot for another school. It's not even fathommable.
Keith, Clinton Township, MI
I feel like I need to try and do something to help you make a decision. It really feels like you are agonizing over this. Being able to coach LeBron James in the NBA seems like a dream job on paper, but you know you will have to leave behind everything you have built here at what seems like a marriage to Michigan State. All the great things you experience here will be no more: seeing the students camp out for tickets, the senior nights, the amazement and joy you seem to get every successful March. Believe me: I wish you could coach both teams, but that's impossible and why you are up to a tough decision.
You have put a lot of work already in aligning the stars perfectly for this upcoming season. All the juniors are coming back for their senior year to win a national championship. The players come here for you because they know their hard work will translate to success with you as their leader.
I know you're a very competitive person. If you crave a challenge, try beating John Wooden's 7-straight national championships. You may seem like you have gotten into a rut with college basketball, but there is still more to accomplish. Every game that ends in a loss shows that there is more work to be done.
I want to be proud of you everywhere I go and wear my green and white -- not for me, but for all the work you do. Whatever you decide, I wish you the best of luck in the future. Especially in the postseason.
Chris Goad, MSU / Grand Rapids, MI
Izzo reminds me of a halo who has lost its angel. He needs to find the noggin of that saint (MSU), go back to it, rest his weary self where he belongs, hang his sparkly wings in his EL closet, blow a kiss to the moon and say goodbye to daydreams of something better, because he's already in heaven.
vln, denver
Izzo means Vegetable Soup in Swahili
Drew E
Watching TV with my daughter the other day there were a bunch of young girls screaming and crying histerically for some pop star. She asked me if I could ever get that way about anyone and I said "only Tommy", she said "Tommy who"...I replied "Uh Hello!! Tommy Izzo" I will still love you if you leave but I won't be happy about it!!! Please stay!!
As a life-long Spartan and '65 grad, it breaks my heart to even think of you leaving - you are too good for the NBA jungle, don't even consider a move to that dark side...
mary c.w., placitas, nm
Izzo needs to decide TODAY! Us Alumni all love you Tom, but we love our school first! MSU is now a top 3 Basketball program in the country & can & will have it's PICK of the BEST of the BEST young coaches in the Country if Izzo does jump. We all want Izzo to stay but it's time for home to make his choice.
Matthew James Riddle, San Antonio, Tx
Please Don't Go!!
Matt, Raleigh, NC
I love Izzo and hope more than anything that he stays where he belongs and where he is loved - MSU - but it's about time to make his choice! Players and recruits want & need to know who is going to be leading the pre-season #1 ranked mens basketball team in the Country! I hope stays but either way it's time to pick. I understand it's a life changing decision for him but there are a lot of kids that are also making or trying to make life changing decisions regarding where to play college basketball. Don't take the job labeled "The Mistake by the Lake" Tom!
Matthew James Riddle, San Antonio, Tx
I'm a Michigan grad, Tom, but I have always followed your career. I value you not just for your superb coaching and interpersonal skills, but especially for your integrity. You have inspired fans not just at MSU, but in the Big Ten, and all over the nation. Aristotle defined happiness as "the exercise of vital powers, along lines of excellence, in a life affording them scope." MSU will give you the scope, Tom. Please don't look elsewhere!
Karen Sampson Hudson, Reno, Nevada
Izzo=MSU Basketball You already are a "pro" basketball coach. The NBA will always be knocking at your door, dont leave college ball just yet or better yet, dont leave for a team like the Cavaliers. You deserve better!!
MSU Alumni Class of 1983, New York
For as long as I can recall, Izzo has been the glue of MSU basketball and a huge part of this university. His actions on the court and off, his community service, his interest in his players success not just in basketball but in life and in the classroom are true testaments of the character and spirit Coach Izzo brings to MSU. I sincerely hope he stays and continues his winning ways in the classrroom, community and on the court. Izzo isn't just basketball, he's MSU and his recognition is a positive point for all athletics and academics at MSU. Go Green Go White! Lets Go Izzo! Lets win it this year!
K. Floyd, Bath, MI
My 4th grade nephew wrote you a letter stating reasons why NOT to leave MSU. Even at his age, he can see how great you are for our team and how you care for our players more than any one else can. We need you IZZO!
Marcie, Lake Orion, MI
Please Tom stay...the Cavs will not appreiate you like we do here at MSU. Plus, Ohio doesn't have any Yoopers!
DeWitt, MI
I can't blame you for leaving if LBJ stays. Remember though, you have built a kingdom at MSU, and you can go down as one of the greatest college coaches of all time is you stay. Statue of you next to Magic's. Future generations will play on Tom Izzo court at the Breslin Center.
Todd, Long Beach, CA
Tom – we met at the OSU/MSU football game two years ago at Spartan Stadium. After 3 quarters of bludgeoning by the buckeyes, 80% of the fans left the game yet you stuck around. I stayed around to get an opportunity to meet you. When asked, you stayed around because you were a true Spartan. You didn’t leave then... don’t leave us now!
RJ, Boston
Is it the money, Tom? If so, I and others will gladly pitch in if it means you will stay.
Mellon, Royal Oak
Tom, we love ya but geesh! Make up your mind! Please!
zoned out, izzonia
Sparty-on....Izzo Rocks!
Molly, Royal Oak
Izzo- You are a coach that should be respected by his players. I don't believe that you will be respected in the NBA by fans, but especially by the over paid, large ego players. You are not done building an elite program at MSU, we have many more NCAA championships to win in East Lansing. You have made MSU basketball fun to watch again and you continue to make a difference in your players' lives. Please don't leave before you finish your work here at MSU, we still need you! GO GREEN! GO WHITE!
Forever State Fan, Phoenix
Been at MSU for 3 years, every year watched every game, cheered until my voice was gone. TWO straight final four's, and for my senior year (2010-2011), I want nothing more than to see IZZO coach our team to another final four and with the way our team looks, probably a national championship. Don't leave IZZO, the students, faculty, and athletes love you! You are MSU.
JC, East Lansing, BABY
WE >3 TOM!!! I am a former Izzone Member and cannot imagine MSU without you. The team, the EL Community, and the fans EVERYWHERE want you to stay. You bring such a life to the game and passion and animation that the Spartans would miss so much. Give us another reason to get excited this march...
Your Biggest fan Jes Czup, Frankfort, Il
Please, please don't leave MSU. NBA won't be near as much fun for you.
We want you to retire from MSU. You are a great coach, person and icon.
RCDC, Pleasant Lake, MI
I respect Izzo because he has created a tremendously successful basketball program at Michigan State and has not been linked to recruiting violations like many other coaches. By staying with Michigan State all these years, he has shown loyalty unmatched by almost any other coach on the professional level. Tom Izzo is Michigan State Basketball.
Steve, Lake Orion, MI
The addministrators are so busy every 5 minutes!
We Love Izzo because . . . Tom Izzo is not only a great Spartan Basketball coach but also a great role model. He is not only a role model for his players but for all MSU athletes, not only for college coaches but for all coaches, not only for MSU students but for all students. This is because he leads by example and through this has gain support and respect from many. Spartan Fans, Spartan Families, Spartan Faculty, Spartan Alumni, Spartan Students & Future Spartans . . . all SPARTANS LOVE & SUPPORT TOM IZZO. Please stay at MSU and continue to teach to all what it means to be a SPARTAN!
Bleed Green!, Go White!
We still need you, Tom...the time for your departure hasn't arrived.
Emily, Cambridge, MA
Thank you for all you have done for MSU. It's not just about winning; you represent our university, city and great state with class and humility. You epitomize what it means to be a great leader and for that you will always be respected. Please continue building your legend here at MSU, no one can love you quite like we do.
Stay where the real heart is- the NCAA!
E.Richard, East Lansing, MI
Brad Kaspe, Romeo, MI
Tom, you've not only been a great coach, but an outstanding person. You really have represented the University with class.
Wayne Edgerton, Lansing, MI
I've grown up all my life a TRUE Spartan Fan. To me when you say Michigan State Basketball you say Tom Izzo! College coaches are more respected than NBA coaches and you are one of the most respected coaches in college and should stay at MSU. You already are in the ranks of Coach K, Dean Smith and Coach Wooden so why not be like them and take MSU to the elite status! You teach more than basketball to those kids and should keep on teaching them. MSU should be your only choice!
Doug, Ingalls, Indiana
The Students, THE IZZONE
MSU wouldn't be the same without you! Please Stay!
East Lansing
Dear Tom, I grew up as a neighbor of the late John Benington and his family. Under his spell everyione in our neighborhood fell in love with the game of Basketball. You have continued the tradition of excellence,
passion and high standards. I know there are hundreds of Spartan baskeball fans scattered across the United States who are hoping you'll choose to stay with the Spartans! Sign me a die hard Spartan living in Hoosier Land.
Kathleen, Fort Wayue, Indiana
Coach Izzo is truely a class act. Not only does he always give us a great team, but the team is full of genuinely great guys. This whole community has so much respect and admiration for Coach Izzo, which is truely amazing to see - not often do you see such a large area love the coach as much as they love the team. The quality of life in East Lansing is far greater than it will be in Cleveland, but this is nothing that Coach Izzo doesn't already know. I hope and pray that he will make the decision to stay confidentely and without regret. GO GREEN!!
Coley, Fowlerville
Tom Izzo has more class, knowledge with caring and love for his students than anyone in the business. He is the best representative for our entire state let alone MSU. Coach is the greatest basketball in the world. There is no excuse for the dastardly attempt by a former MSU graduate to devastate his Alma Mater by dangling an offer in front of Coach. Dan Gilbert should never be allowed to return to East Lansing no matter what Coach's decision is. Coach do not make the biggest mistake of your life. Please stay! If you stay your name will be talked about with John Wooden, Bob Knight and Coach K as the best of all times.
Lee Erickson, Muskegon
he wins championships! PP - TPW
You have a great smile! And I want you to coach my son at MSU in the future...He is only 4 months old. Please stay! We need you
SarahL, Denver, CO
Izzo makes Spartan Basketball what it is today... the Team, the Student Section, the Atmosphere. It would not be the same with out him!!!!
M.M., Chicago, IL
Thank you for all you have done for the state of Michigan and MSU. You are a class act. Your program won me over 15 yrs ago. I know you will be sucessfull what ever you choose, but I will be selfish and ask you to STAY. My boys have gone to your summer camps and have joined me every season to watch YOU at the Breslin. Players come and go but it is you that makes MSU basketball so exciting to watch. Please Stay.
David Bonotto, Holt, Mi.
Izzo has forever changed the college basketball game. he is one of the greatest coaches to ever live and has made the college game so much more fun to watch than the NBA. he shows true passion and that is what the college game is centered around thanks to him
Tim, Minnesota
Your leadership at MSU inspires me! I sincerely hope you stay!
Whitmore, Grand Rapids
Tom you have been an inspiration not only to the student athletes you have coached but every single fan and every single person that attended MSU. You have the ability to take over and control the momentum of a game by a few simple words and you have proven to us over and over again why you bleed green and white. That is why we need you to stay and continue the Spartan tradition! Go Green!
Kyle, Los Angeles, CA
Tom Izzo is the only thing I have left.
Jonathan, Chicago
Tom is made for the collede game. Thoes pampered NBA types will not respond to his tough love.
Tim, Indy
I named my english bulldog IZZO. She is the best thing that ever happend to me, and I knew there was only one name I could give her.
Tom, Tinley Park, IL
Coach Izzo is MSU. Not just MSU basketball, but the face of the university. He is the reason I cannot stop watching MSU basketball. While at State I felt like Izzo took the time to mingle with students and showed class that you would like to emulate in your life. COACH DON'T GO!! We are going to be favorites next year to win it all and have a loaded class coming in. Keep the dynasty going!!!
Tom, Chicago
Not for a minute would I begrudge Tom Izzo a decision to take a new job. He has given more and accomplished more than any of us could have expected. Someday his tenure at MSU will be finished and his legacy will stand higher than any other coach in Spartan history.
That said, I sincerely hope you will stay at MSU for another 15 years, Tom.
Education is still the reason for MSU to be. But the quality and values of the basketball program have become emblematic of Michigan State, and generate a respect that invites attention to the other good qualities of the university. That is the true Izzo legacy. May it always be followed in athletics as well as academics.
Sure, MSU can find another coach. What coach wouldn't want to step into the program you've created? But there will never be another Tom Izzo.
Stay, Tom, and retire one day as the example to future generations that John Wooden is today. You've been a "coach" to far more people than those who have played basketball at Breslin.
But stay or go, thanks for everything you've done for MSU, college athletics, and the young men in your program.
Bill Kerans, Ludington
Because I (class of 97) get to bond with my father (class of 69)during MSU basketball and it's much more fun when we win. My wife is pregnant again. If you stay I'll name the kid Thomas Izzo. Boy or girl.
Chris , Clarkston, MI
I love MSU and everything the school represents. Coach Izzo has poise like no other and brings light to MSU and the state of Michigan. It's weird that both the city of Cleveland is pulling for their guy to stay and MSU students, fans, friends, Congressmen, and the entire state is pulling for the guy who is the face of MSU and Michigan. Please don't leave us. We love you Coach Izzo...
LeLani, Okemos
He was able to show people from our state what a championship feels like. Unfortunately, I can't say the same for his good friend Steve Mariucci. I say stick around and rub it in to him some more.
Jeff, Jackson, MI
As a MSU grad I want to thank Coach Izzo for his years at MSU. He has demonstrated integrity, a love for his student athletes and a passion for excellence. As fun as it is to watch the games, it is more enjoyable because we believe the program is based on character and playing by the rules. No NCAA sanctions here. Thank you for the positive impact you have on your players, and also on all the other students and fans who learn by your example. Please continue building these students, the program and your legacy. Someday your grandchildren will look back at your life and be proud of the contribution you made in the lives of others.
MSU'80&'86, Muskegon
He is allowing me to lead MSU back to NIT glory!
Brian G, Dayton
He makes the greatest MSU bobblehead ever!!!!!!!
Jason Budrick, Berkley, MI
He's smart enough to realize that the love and appreciation he gets from MSU fans cannot and will not be duplicated in the NBA where it's all about $$$s and ego. C'mon, Tom, show your own children what is important in life!!!
Mooney. a 1974 Sparty grad, Michigan
He's married to Lupe.
Tomas, Coronado, CA
Coach Izzo --Your talents are helping young men become better basketball players and better adults. Your talents would be wasted in the NBA.
Jody, MIdland
Coach Izzo, I think you will find that happiness and success is right here at MSU (as well as continued professional challenge). Consider these words from Henry David Thoreau:
"Happiness is like a butterfly.
The more you chase it, the more it eludes you.
But if you turn your attention to other things,
It comes and sits softly on your shoulder."
Hoping the Spartan butterfly will land on you soon, Coach.
John Mark Ellsworth, Grand Ledge, MI
Both my sons intend on attending Michigan State not only because their dad did but because of the passion they see I me as I watch my Spartan Basketball team play every season. You not only recruit top basketball players but you also are instrumental in recruiting top students. I know you need to do what’s best for your career Tom but I hope you stay.
Dave, Easton Pennsylvania
The glory of the NBA game can only last a short time: stars & celebrities, GMs, arenas, agents, budgets...these things are all fickle.
The glory of the college game can last forever. Why not solidify yourself as the greatest basketball coach of all time in a program that is already among the best, who never yielded to razzle-dazzle, who changed athletes' lives, who put an educational institution--and the people flowing in and through it--above a shiny new whatever.
GT, the UK
Tom Izzo is not only a fine coach, but a role model for so many other coaches, in other sports, as well as basketball. He teaches, not only skills, stategies and techniques for basketball, but for living your lives! Many coaches know x's and o's; Tom Izzo knows and understands young men, a special gift for a college coach, and helps them aspire for excellence! Would this special skill be lost on NBA players? Is it $$, the challenge??? I don't know, but MSU would practically "kill" to keep an honored, great professor/teacher....which Tom Izzo is! Keep him MSU!
JP, Holland
Tom, As a fellow Mountaineer and a MSU graduate I hope you will stay on at State
Bob Rigoni, Iron Mountain
Why leave to have Lebaby become your boss!? What if he doesn't end up resigning there, then Cleveland is one of the worst teams in the NBA! Coach, you are the face of MSU. You made MSU basketball what it is today, heck, even the student section is named after you. You represent the University in a positive manner and you serve as a great ambassador to the university. We came so close to winning it all last year, please don't leave us now. GO GREEN! GO WHITE!
Andrew, East Lansing
Like many others have said already, Tom Izzo is a class act and represents MSU the way that it should be. Not only do the people at MSU love Izzo, but look at all of the other comments from outside of Michigan. There is a huge respect for Izzo and what is able to do. Don't leave Tom, we love you too much.
Darin, Shelby Twp
The grass always seem greener on the other side...but how does it get any more green than in East Lansing, Michigan?!
Please stay Coach. The program, YOUR BOYS, the fans, the State of Michigan needs you!
Mollie, Spartanland
In Tom I trust. Whatever decision he makes, it will be the right one for him. I'm hoping that he chooses to stay at MSU and consolidate all the hard work he's invested the past 27 years in the program. If Tom is seeking a bigger challenge, how about making the MSU program the best, sustained program in the country--one that surpasses Duke, Kentucky and North Carolina? Tom, you can do it!
Bob B, East Lansing
I got a dish for BTN, just to see the all the MSU games because of Izzo!
David, Traverse City
We are proud to be Spartan fans in Big Sky County. Our children love Sparty because of you. Your legacy keeps us keeps us connected to home. Don't take that away.
Your biggest fan in, Townsend, Montana
He has run a program from day 1 with integrity, consistency and fire for the love of the game. There is something pure about the game of college basketball that gets lost at the NBA level. I have no doubt Izzo will find some level of success at the NBA level but it will never compare to what he can do in the college arena. MSU needs Izzo, heck any basketball program in the US needs Izzo because he loves the College game of basketball. I understand his desire to provide even greater things for his family at the next level but I think the NBA game will be too busy whining about the Refs, showboating and forgetting what the word defense means and that my friends will drive the great Coach Izzo insane.
Joe E., Commerce, Michigan
I don't care what anyone says - Izzo is the greatest basketball coach MSU has ever had and the best coach in the Country!
Barry Hicks, Jackson, MI
Your home is here...your legacy is here.
spartanfan, belleville, mi
Just say yes to Michig
spartan fan, Lansing
He is class personified. He is all the best things about Michigan State University. He is why I live in Colorado yet still have my season tickets. He puts everyone else before himself, which is why everyone loves him.
Tom Duncan, Parker, CO
THE IZZONE...enough said.
Chris, Flint
What you have already given to this proud University is the work of a lifetime for a college basketball coach (I would think). You've established nationwide respect for MSU basketball and developed the beginning of a tradition , but the job isn't done: please stay and finish what you've begun.
Douglas, Wisconsin
WE LOVE IZZO BECAUSE HE IS NOT A QUITTER!!!! He isn't done yet at MSU. His legacy is not what he has done for MSU. His legacy is what he has left to do for MSU. If IZZO stays he has the challenge of building a TRUE dynasty. If IZZO leaves... who knows? Tommy, we challenge you to finish what you started!
I selfishly want Izzo to stay because of our real chance at another national championship next year. I genuinely want Izzo to stay because he represents Michigan State and what it means to be a Spartan...passionate; hard-working; sometimes we may be discounted or under-valued but in the end we always prove our worth, and our heart.
Sara, Birmingham, AL
Hi Tom,
You have done an unbelievable job with the team, it makes me proud to be a Spartan. My friend even named his dog after you. Do you think Saban has found the happiness that you obviously have? Don't go, but if you do thanks for all the years of integrity.
Greg Lee, Philadelphia
Izzo exemplifies what both the great state of Michigan and Michigan State are all about: Family, Hard Work & Perseverance builds a Champion!
Hope to see him in Green & White for a long time to come, Great Spartan!
Paul, Frisco, Texas
Tom - You make a tremendous impact on the lives of these students - many of whom will never reach the pro's. You help lead these students to achieve the momentous achievement of obtaining a college education that will give them other successes in life outside of basketball. You are a true leader. Stay true to your legacy of Michigan State for the rewards that cannot be measured in dollars. The outcome of these students lives will truly be greater because of your inspiration and belief in their abilities to succeed. You have shown so many students and our Michigan Community how important it is to be true to your roots, to give back the blessing we have, and to contribute to the greater good of others. Please continue this legacy.
Heather Benjamin, Green Bay, WI (Hometown = Iron Mountain, MI)
he is a class act!
Austin, Texas
MSU = IZZO! Success is about who you are, not what you have. Keep the tradition going!
Caro, MI
because Izzo is Michigan State. Not only is he Michigan State, he is Michigan. He has a great team this year and I think that everyone will be let down if he takes the Cav's job.
Gibson S., Chelsea, MI
Because "your a winnner... and I like winners..." A quote you told me after winning a race....
Abdulla M A, Doha Qatar
Tom, you are such an inspiration to so many people, not just the Spartan nation. Don’t lose your shine in Cleveland or end up like one of the wiggling caterpillars in that children’s book (Hope for the Flowers) where everyone tries to get to the top by climbing up the same path as everyone else. Be like Yellow and Stripe, go down the pillar, build a cocoon (at MSU) and then you’ll fly to the top.
Jessica, South Carolina
If anything, I think his hesitation demonstrates how much he really loves Michigan State. Most anyone would have jumped ship to the Cavs at the words "$6 million per year." Izzo is still evaluating, which shows what a difficult decision this is for him. As much as I desperately want Izzo to be there for my senior year, I understand that a man has to do whatever he has to do to take care of his family and do what's right by them and what's right by him. WE LOVE YOU IZZO.
Meghan, SoCal
I am a Flintsone to the bone, love Izzo for showing the world the talent we have here. Give the man a break, he has given MSU decades of his life. He would be a fool to give up a golden op like this. Don't want him to go, but want ot see him succeed no matter what.
Flintstonesrus, duh...
The Students, The IZZONE
Please stay! But the longer you drag this out the more you will sour the throngs of faithful SPARTANS that support you. You are one of the greatest things that has ever happened to MSU and you need to continue to build upon that legacy! GO GREEN
James, Snellville, GA
Kelley - MSU ALUMNI, Grand Rapids
I-Z!...... keep this going all day!!!
The Students, The IZZONE
We all have a chance to make a difference, Tom Izzo has the opportunity to make a big difference. The NBA reflects what's wrong with our society. Tom Izzo will stay at Michigan State and continue to weave integrity into the fabric of the character of young men. He will take his place among the college coaching icons like Wooden and Rupp. Then in the twilight of his life he will raise his sights to societal injustices, run and get elected to the office of Governor of Michigan. He will then take the challenge, not to turn around a basketball program, but to turn around the state of Michigan's economy. Go Green
Darrell Hensley, Atlanta, Georgia
We love you Tom
Oh yes, we do!
We don't love anyone as much as you...
When you're not near to us
We're BLUE (OMG not GREEN)
Oh Tom, we love you!
MSU Pat, Florida
there are more reasons to even begin describing. I will take a moment to tell a story that still makes me laugh 20 years later. It was 1990 and several people were down from the U.P. / Marquette area for a bball game. With them was the larger than life character "Ducky" Perrin. Ducky had to stop by the Breslin offices to pick up tickets from Izzo, but he was late and arrived when Izzo was in a meeting regarding a recruit. Ducky promptly told the poor receptionist that Mr. Dominic Jacobetti (extremely powerful House Rep from U.P.) is here and wants to SEE HIM NOW!!! A few minutes later Izzo comes rushing into the room to find Ducky smiling at him. Words (and tickets) were exchanged from a very unhappy Izzo who had been dragged out of a Chris Webber meeting. Nice.
Anonymous, Michigan
Coach, we really hope you stay, but will support you wherever you are. Best of luck.
Spartan Al, Kalamazoo
I'll support Coach Izzo with whatever decision he makes. Although I would love to see him remain at Michigan State, he will always be a Spartan in my eyes.
Ted, Atlanta, Ga
My husband comes from a family of coaches and has always followed the teams with coaches of class. For the longest time the only college team he cheered for was Duke because of Coach K. Now he is a diehard MSU & Izzo fan and enjoys learning from you at your open practices.
I obviously want you to do the right thing for you and your family. We all want you to be happy and comfortable with your situation. Perhaps you could put a call into Coach K and get his take on why he stayed with Duke. Just throwing it out there.
And no matter what, just bask in the love that EL, Michigan, the USA has for you.
Monica, Haslett, MI
You still have one Big Ten team to beat...... Nebraska!!!!
Jack, Saginaw, MI
He's one of the greatest college basketball coaches of all time. And on top of that he's world class. He's brought so much to our state and to East Lansing. Please stay Mr. Izzo. We need you. Go Green!
Ian Ball, Grand Rapids, MI (grew up in East Lansing)
Legends don't live in the NBA, Tom...they live in the college ranks. You can do far more to help shape society where you are than where you could be. John Wooden may be gone from this earth, but his lessons will always remain. The world needs you and Krzyzewski to take his torch. Accept the flattery, then politely just say, "No, thank you".
Tim, St. Clair Shores
at least in college basketball you are as tall as a couple players...
Jonathon Syrek, Ann Arbor, MI
Izzo is Michigan State! He is as big as the universtiy itself. He is loved here more than he ever will be in the NBA. Izzo is a great leader and mentor to our future generations. The brats in the NBA wont care who he is or what he does. Izzo is the best college coach alive today. Don't go Izzo!
Raphael Weaver, Laingsburg Mi
He's a great coach, he's brought us to numerous Big 10 championships and a National Title. NBA won't respect him like we do, he is a legend in college basketball and that's where he belongs. It wouldn't feel right to see another coach out on the court...we love ya Izzo!!
My name is Matt, I live in Lansing
College Basketball is so much more exciting than NBA . We went to a Pistons game and I couldn't wait for it to be over. We paid too much for the tickets to leave early. The Prima Donnas , otherwise known as NBA players never ran the entire game ! They just sort of loped from one end to another. I was told that's because they don't want to chance getting hurt. Leave it all on the Court like a Spartan ? Not that I saw ever that night. Too many attention grabbing hoopla , too. Even during the game there were all kinds of promo things going on. The most exciting part of the whole evening was seeing Bob Seeger !
Stay , please stay , where the real Basketball is ! Where Spartans leave everything they have on the floor every game. Where the players are not bored to death during 80 games and , thus bore the crowd too. Spartans NEVER , EVER are boring !
Plus , how will you ever have the fun of having your own Son in your own Basketball Camp in Cleveland ?
Ann, Pkemos , Mi
Coach Izzo has earned the right to make up his own mind about where he should coach. However, I pray that he will stay at MSU. I understand why he would want to coach in a league where he does not have to compete against organizations with little regard for rules or ethics. But what we need is more Tom Izzos, not more Rick Pitinos. Every time a good person leaves the ranks of college coaches, the bad ones become a little more influential. Please Stay!!!
Kevin Scully , Holt, Mi
Plain and Simple. I enjoy hearing my 3 sons chant Izzo, Izzo every time they see you. Your a positive leader in an era of too many bad influences.
t. wesley, lansing, mi
You have encouraged and been a role model for so many young people throughout your career......Michgan State and the world still needs you!!!
Mary, Jackson,Mi.
Tom represents our University with class and dignity.
Craig Walsh, Atlanta, Ga.
My stepson and I got our picture with you 2 years ago and got it signed last year. We have it framed next to our family photos in the living room. We love MSU basketball and you as their coach so much, it feels like you have become part of the family -- please stay!!!!!!
Erick, Lansing
Izzo, you have not only made our players the best but you have made them a class act. Youve coached with dignity, respect, and class. All of which, the NBA lacks. Please stick with us.
Paula, Lansing
Coach, you are the round peg and Cavs are the square hole...any way you try to work it, ....not gonna fit. It's not like you to make us wait on something this important. I believe Cavs have asked you not to reveal until they have a done deal with their new coach. It makes sense to announce both, you staying and them hiring a new coach at the same time for a smoother transition. My spin....GO STATE!
Ron, St. Joe/Benton Harbor, MI
"You're the only one who can make the difference. Whatever your dream is, go for it." - Earvin Magic Johnson
In life if your goal is to make a differnce in a life or community then MSU is the place for you. If a professional challenge is what you are looking for - really how much money does someone need to be happy - and Cleveland gives you the opportunity to fullfill that challenge, then best of luck. But to make a true, meaningful difference MSU is your "home".
Lynne, Orlando
At the top of the mountain, you choose to come down or STAY and enjoy the view! John Wooden, Mike Krzyzewski, Bob Knight, Dean Smith, Adolph Rupp, and Coach Izzo what a Class.
Jim, Dublin, OH
please oh please do not go . the spartans need you and we have allways loved to watch spartans play . without you they wont look the same and they wont sound the same !!!! WE LOVE TOM IZZO!!!!!!
julia badgero, webberville mi
The spoiled rich players of the NBA don't deserve the likes of Tom Izzo.
Jason, Howell
Tom, thanks for that time when you shook my young son's hand and acted like you knew me. My son thought I was Superman for 3 years after that!
10,000 Dads in Michigan, Dewitt, MI
I'm a Spartan from the football glory days of the 60's. You have brought that same pride to all of us with your handling of the basketball program.
I now live in Pitino and Calipari land, in KY. Take their word for it - the NBA is a grave yard for great coaches. Stay where you are appreciated, not just in East Lansing but also nationally, at Mich State. State will never be the same if you leave. If you go to Cleveland, you will be in a lose-lose situation for all of us.
you represent the school, city and state with upmost respect. I have yet to meet an individual, whether it be rival, fan, or sport enthusiast, who can formulate a negative thought on your work at MSU. All your wins are secondary to the respect you bring our University. Tom Izzo is MSU and MSU is Tom Izzo. For you to leave the University would be to deprive young minds a moral compass to guide them in the future. For you to leave college basketball would be to remove the only example of winning the right way and promote the continuation of winning by flirtying with violations. Continue to make us proud, continue to recieve our love.
Matt, Representing Spartans in OHIO
IZZO don't go ! You have that special way of bringing out the best in people. You made them want to grow and to be/do their best. You have Millions who don't want to see you go. We Love you ! Want you to stay the final choice is yours . What ever you decide Love you any way!! Thank You!! and God bless you.
Gail Williams, Detroit
He has established a legacy.
James, DC
He has more class and integrity than the majority of other basketball coaches put together and we Spartan fans have been waiting for a long time to have a world class football program to go along with our world class basketball program. Would be a shame to jeopordize that when we are so close!
Christian Jensen, Portland MI
Dear Coach Izzo,
You do what is best for you, your family and your future. All I ask is that within that calculation, consider what difference you have made in the lives of all the people and players you have touched and changed for the better. When you realize your influence and affect upon others, I hope you will stay where you make the biggest difference and influence the most positive change...
Sorry, but I cannot see you dealing with the spoiled, egotistical and over-paid players in the NBA. You're worth more to our children as a Spartan then anything else.
topher, Chicago
I love Izzo because he is one of the only coaches left that does it right in college bb; its all about the kids.
Tigerland, Grand Haven
He is one of the best coaches there is!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
go green, go white
Michigan State athletics was on top of the collegiate sports world during the '50s and '60s. Then, for the next two decades, it fought an ongoing battle with mediocrity. The image of MSU athletics was restored to national prominence in the '90s due to the genius of one man, you, Coach Izzo. I have always thought that "there is something different about you." No matteer what you decide about your future--and I sure hope you stay at Michigan State--I will be eternally grateful for what you did for my beloved school and Spartans everywhere.
Len "Buck" Bokuniewicz, Clarkston, MI
You should stay because we love Lupe. Do I need to talk to her... cause I'll have a talk with her.
I went to high school with his wife Lupe and anyone who could convince such a wonderful girl to marry him has NO business subjecting himself and his family to all the egotistical monkey business that comes with pro ball.
Peter Overholt ELHS '69, Wilmette, IL.
Go Green! Tom, my son graduated from MSU 4 years ago and moved to Florida. He was and is a still faithful follower of you and your basketball team! He camped out for the Izzone, followed each and every game, and when he moved to Florida still has followed MSU and you! Please, please, don't go over to the NBA. You are influencing so many young people in a positive way that it would be a terrible loss for the future MSU students. You will not have the chance to shape those future young people and that is a true loss. You are such a part of what East Lansing and MSU are that it will never, ever, be the same again if you go.
Jane, Detroit
Regardless of all the jerks on here that post things not about Izzo or something mean and have no lives to do that, I really hope this site will stay up because people from everywhere are chiming in...people from around the world, students, faculty, staff, and fans of MSU, and even U of M fans for crying out loud. I'm a huge IZZO and diehard MSU even if he does choose to leave us, this is an amazing thing to read about why we love him and how he has affected our lives and the different points of views people have on him. And regardless of the huge rivalry between us and U of M, if they are taking the time to write something about this amazing man, that's HUGE and shows a lot of respect to us. So I'd just really like to take the time again to say thanks for making this website because it helps us to see that people are saying the things they love about Coach...some of us are truly taking this seriously. Please keep it up.
"If you put everything you can in, dreams can come true."
-Coach Izzo Final Four Pep Rally 2010-
An Admired, Resepecful IZZO fan, East Lansing, MI
My son just finished is freshman year at Michigan State and was fortunate enough to meet Tom Izzo at a football game. He also belongs to the Izzone. Tom Izzo has a very positive impact throughout the University and the State of Michigan. NBA coaches are largely baby-sitters for athletes that are making more money and don't want to learn anymore. Tom would be doing both himself and Michigan State a big favor by passing on the NBA.
Dennis Larios, Kingston, NY
The East Lansing community loves, respects, and needs you. Your players love, respect, and need you. MSU loves, respects, and needs you. Stay.
Skylab, NYC
Tom, you have done an amazing job at MSU. I hope you stay but you have earned the right to move on and do what you want. That all said I (selfishly) really do hope you will stay. It would be hard to imagine MSU basketball without you.
MSU Grad, St. Louis, MO
You can go over it hundreds of times in your can make thousands of pro and con lists...and you can talk to a million people...but in the end with a decision like this you have to go with your gut. Coach, when think about leaving Michigan State what does your gut tell you?
MSU '92, Clarkston
Izzo ???
Izzo ???????????(I love Izzo!)
Tim, Tokyo
You have everything here that most of us would gladly trade places to have. You are loved in town and across the world as a spartan. forever here you will be a hero and in a new town as a pro coach you will never be as loved and admired as a spartan. you will be loved here and should retire here. it would be a shame to retire a pro coach with spartan fans resenting your departure.
please stay
JC, east lansing
Tom - that 3rd National Championship is what separates the men from the boys in college basketball. This is probably your biggest quantifiable goal left for MSU basketball. I understand the allure and challenge of the NBA but you've got one more major goal left here. Accomplish that and then move onto the NBA if you still wish. Winning a 3rd National Championship would cement your legacy as one of the best coaches in college basketball history. I understand you wanting to prove yourself in the NBA but you've got the ultimate challenge left here at MSU!
Salt Lake City Spartan
thanks coach izzo for all the great memories ...... do whatever makes you happy
rob. s, lansing mi
Do what brings you true happiness. If a few extra million dollars a year bring you true happiness, maybe selling out and moving to Cleveland is the right choice. But can life really get any better when you are a role model and source of inspiration for hundreds of thousands of young people- past, present, and future?
James, Lansing
Dear Tom,
Please stay at MSU and give this set of newly-weds the greatest wedding gift of all time!
Lots of love,
K & M
Keith & Melody, Lansing, MI
Tom, You are everything that is right in college sports. More importantly MSU basketball. I bleed green and i know you do too!
Andy, Saint Johns
Izzo. You are the heart and soul of Michigan State University. I will never forget the story my friend told me about the Izzone campout. He said that the police were trying to clear the road and control the crowd and people weren't listening. Once you walked into the street and asked everyone to move out of the road, the way everyone listened to you immediately was amazing. Everyone loves and respects you so much and we would be more than heartbroken to lose you! Of course we want to see you stay, but we will try our hardest to understand that you will make the decision that is right for you, just as you have done for so long while coaching here at MSU for our amazing basketball team. I don't envy the position you are in, however, I truly hope you decide to stay, even just a few more years! WE LOVE YOU IZZO!
Melinda, East Lansing, Michigan
I'll never forget the joy of 2000, my first year at Michigan State. Thanks, Tom.
Tony, Clawson
I love Izzo because of the way he coaches, how he cares so much about his players. I coach youth boys' basketball and I try to emulate a lot of things that Coach does.
Dan Basom, Stanton, MI
Thomas, ohio sucks. we love you. stay here and win one more championship(next season).
ryanprice , my room
Coach, at this crossroads in your life it's essential to weigh all factors before choosing your path. First, let's examine this new path you're considering:
Cleveland, Ohio, seems to have some allure. It's the home of three major sports teams, The Drew Carey Show, and the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. On the surface, that's enough to impress anyone.
However, digging a little more deeply, we see that none of the sports teams has been crowned as a champion during the past forty-six years. The Drew Carey Show was canceled. The Rock and Roll Hall of Fame has inducted ABBA. To make a sports analogy, that would be like the Baseball Hall of Fame inducting Joe Namath. It would be like the Pro Football Hall of Fame inducting Richard Petty. It would be like the Basketball Hall of Fame inducting Digger Phelps.
East Lansing doesn't have any professional sports teams, it's not the home of a television sitcom, and it doesn't have a hall of fame that honors Swedish disco groups. What it does have is a terrific university that includes one of the best basketball programs in the country. More importantly, it has most of the people who really love you. It's your home. You'd be a fool to leave.
Jim, Iowa
You made a basketball program so good that it is why I loved MSU since 3rd grade and made it the only school I cared to apply to. Since I was little, to me, MSU meant = Gruff Sparty, Great basketball, and Tom Izzo. I will never forget being in 5th grade and watching you get MSU that 2000 championship. I don't expect it to happen again unless you are the one on the sidelines. I hope you don't go Izzo, because when all is said and done, wouldn't it be awesome to say that your legacy here at MSU, was the best of all sports? You just can't leave in the middle of writing your story. If you stay here until your book is done, it will be one heck of a book to read, I know it.
Mary, Trenton, MI
After my 1st year at MSU we made it to the final for once again and was a great time!!! and if IZZO leaves, where will i sit at the basketball games.....NOT IN THE IZZONE!!!! STAY IZZO STAY!!!
Aoston, Grand Rapids, MI
He has done so much for this university and for this state. The relationships he creates with his players are simliar to that of a father with his son, and his tough, hard-nosed style of coaching has been here for twenty-seven years, bringing us more joy than we could have ever imagined. What NBA player would say that their head coach is the best thing that ever happened to them like so many have done for Izzo? When Izzo is shown on the big screen at Spartan Stadium, the place is as loud as it is for when the Spartans score a touchdown. Even if he bring success to Cleveland, they will love LeBron far more than Izzo. If he stays, he'll coach another 5-10 years, go to at least three more Final Fours, and win another title. He'll coach his last game at Breslin by thumping Michigan to clinch a Big Ten title. It'll be a night where 15,000 people chant his name as tears stream down their faces while his banner is hung from the rafters and the court is named "Tom Izzo Court", forever preserving his "Izzone". Hell, they may even change the name to the "Izzo Center", the man is that big of a deal. He will have surpassed Bobby Knight as the greatest coach in Big Ten basketball history and will forever be remembered as the greatest Spartan of all time. Nothing he does in Cleveland will ever make their people love him as much as we do. Please stay, Coach Izzo. We truly love you.
Eric S., Okemos, MI
Izzo you make these boys stronger and you teach them and lead them. Why go someplace where the "men" you are coaching have nothing to learn except that they need to make money? You help these kids to be better and we are all still learning from you. You are a very respectable person who belongs in Lansing. You have years left in you for Michigan State. Don't leave us now!
A true Spartan, Saginaw, Mi
He is the exact image of what people from Michigan are. Hard-working and never gives up. Two years ago when MSU was in the final four, Izzo showed his team the Detroit area and why it was so important to win. That showed alot about Izzo
Jack T, Grand Rapids, MI
The only thing i will say is why go somewhere that some of the players don't care if they play. Also Why leave when the guys you are in Charge of don't have to listen to you. Like Rick Patino from Louisville said if he could tell you anything it would be to Stay.
Vinny , Brandon FL
Coach; It takes a wise man to realize that its not money that makes a man rich, rather the respect and admiration of his fellow humans... You are a wise man... MAKE THE RIGHT CHOICE! STAY GREEN! You have done so much for the university and surrounding communities... you will be missed if you go...
A Spartan, in Florida
He personifies all the right things in college basketball -- teamwork, loyalty, hard work, character, passion, and integrity.
Jason, Temecula, CA
there are so many reasons, it's hard to even start...first off, you aren't just MSU basketball, you are college basketball! You aren't just a coach, you're a life changer! You are truly an enigma...a force to be reckoned with...yet the all-American nice guy whom everyone wants to have at least shook hands with. The impact you've made at MSU and in college basketball has been tremendous, but we have faith there is more. We care, we believe in you, and we know that you care too. That is why I have faith that you will not waste your God-given gifts on those who will not value or learn from them. GO STATE!
Nicki, Grand Rapids
You show the country that Michigan State is more than a farm college. Yes, our football team may not be the best. But that gives us all the more reason to look forward to our basketball season. We know that our boys have been working hard and that you have kicked them in the butt to get them to work hard. You make the team and like previously states you turn boys into men. You make Michigan proud!
Jillian, Columbus, Originally from Lansing.
Thanks Coach.
Ernie Pantusso, Ft. Lauderdale, FL
Tom, I wonder if you read this; in hopes you may, I'd like to take thirty seconds and tell you why I love Tom Izzo. I love Tom Izzo because you are exactly what the state of Michigan signifies: hard work, rough, tough, and honest. You make men out of boys and keep the area a buzz every year. Yes, you take every Kalin Lucas from my alma mater, but I'm ok with that. You ARE the reason I watch college basketball. You are the reason I fell in love with college basketball. You are the reason the blue collar workers in the state of Michigan sell out the Breslin Center and pack NCAA arenas year in and year out. Much love from the University of Michigan. Stay, but give Beilien a win here or there.
University of Michigan Fan, Ann Arbor, MI
He's never too busy to stop on the runway at an airport in St. Louis and take a picture with a Spartan Brass member.
Bryan, Saint Joseph
Tom is the heartbeat of Michigan State basketball. Without Tom, MSU basketball is null. I can't imagine going to another basketball game without seeing Izzo standing on the sideline doing what he does best. STAY GREEN IZZO!!!!
Jacob Zells, Highland, MI
You make us proud Tom.
kevin, Rockford
I am a widow with 2 kids and have watched MSU sports since i don't know when. Coach Izzo you are a Spartan no matter what.But from what i can Tell you are happy here so why leave? Money? Well we all know it can't buy happiness. Plus if you left there would be no promise you would still be in the NBA as a head coach in 2 or 3 years. Your home is here your happiness is here as well as your fans and most important of all the men you wanted to come to MSU is here. Please don't leave Coach.
Charles B, Jackson, Michigan
Oh, P.S.
Theresa, Chicago
The Era of Izzo is not over yet! Cheers to more great Michigan State basketball to come.
Theresa, Chicago
Izzo you are the best coach ever! MSU Men's Basketball coached by the best Tom Izzo is the only game I want to watch! We love you always! Go Green Go White!
Dottie, Atlanta, GA
oh tommy, we need you now more than ever. please don't go. oh tommy.
Lance, Flint, MI
Izzo promotes everything that we want our college sports programs to emulate. He makes us proud to be Spartan fans and shows that class is something that we can obtain through dedication and hard work.
Sharon, Commerce Twp.
Coach your the greatest thing that's happened to the state of Michigan. This community isn't ready for you to leave, and we simply cannot handle it. You've accomplished a ton, but can only do more good. We need you here and if you leave who knows what will happen to the program. Too many people love you coach, just look around at what you've this community loves you, we all know you bleed green, not gold and maroon.
Casey, Grandville MI
Tom -- You are a great coach and have nothing to prove to anyone. Please don't listen to the writers who say what you can or can't do. I pray you will listen to your heart and stick it out with MSU. Cleveland can find another coach, but you are a legend here at MSU. You're needed and appreciated here for far more than victories and trophies. You make a difference in the lives of students. You change lives and help launch futures. I encourage you to not give that up to coach a bunch of professionals who won't appreciate who you are as a person anywhere near as much as the student athletes who have committed to play for you. I'm hoping to see you on the sidelines again this fall. My daughter and I have great respect for you and come up often just to watch you coach.
Clare Jewell, Auburn, Indiana
we dont want or need another Nick Saben - so stay
Randy, Jackson
He is the greatest coach alltime and he is a chunk of what makes Michigan State Great!
Jeremy, Grandville
of the final four week-end in Detroit. That was the greatest sports week-end of all time. What a proud moment for all Spartans, four days of pure JOY and excitement....
Tim, Sterling Heights
Attended an MSU alumni function prior to the game at UCLA and then was at Home Coming the following fall and even though Coach does not know me personally, it seemed like he remembered me and made me feel a friend. It is Coach's ability to connect with everyone and what helps him to be the amazing coach he is. Please do not leave.
Robb, I live in Omaha.
Coach Izzo, stay!!! A Chinese student at MSU!
Tailang Yizuo, East Lansing, MI
March at MSU won't be the same without you!
Steve N., Aurora, IL
?????? We Love You Izzo From
Brasco Wu, ?? Beijing
Izzo is a great basketball coach and a great person. He has been the face of MSU basketball for as long as I can remember. He can coach and can get the best from the players. The kids respect him and will play their hearts out for him.
MSU basketball will never be the same if Tom Izzo decides to leave.
Brian S (Class of 2002), San Diego, CA
I agree Mai Tai...
Izzy the cat , Saint Clair Shores
Please Stay at MSU. I am so proud of the program that you created. Please stay.
Andrew , Arizona
There's nothing that can be accomplished in the NBA that means more to basketball fans than what you have and will continue to do at Michigan State. For as long as I've been a sports fanatic, I can't recall anyone in any sport that is as respected, well loved, and looked up to as you, Coach. Whatever you decide, we thank you for all you've done (and hopefully will do) at MSU. GO GREEN! GO WHITE! LET'S GO STATE!
Brian, Houston
The 3 years that I have been a Spartan have been the best three years of my life and March Madness is a huge part of that. Please make my fourth and final March Madness in East Lansing as good, if not better, than the last three! I love you Tom Izzo!
Maddie, Birmingham
He is currently the most respected and loved coach in all of basketball. He runs clean programs and inspires players to be great. He make me proud to state that I am a Spartan.
Kevin, Charlotte, N
You're a purrfect coach, don't go...
Mai tai the kitty, Rochester
I love Tom Izzo because the first time I saw him - I wanted to kiss him on the mouth. Seriously though, Izzo has a contagious passion for basketball and mentoring/coaching. He has turned boys to men and fans to die-hards.
Drew, New Orleans
Coach, you made my years as a student in the Izzone great. I am proud of my basketball program and what it stands for. I will always be grateful for what you have done for Michigan State. I would love you to stay and go down as one of the all time greats. Thanks for everything.
Bob Griese, Sterling Heights, MI
I love you tom
VaJean, Chicago
You represent everything that is right about college athletics: hard work, persistence, tough-love, and intelligence. You have one heck of a run here and I'm glad you let me ride along so far. Do your thing, take your time, and do what's really right. You'll always be a Spartan no matter what you decide, but remember that you look best in green and white.
Brad, Chicago
He is close, very close, to replacing Coach K as the most synonymous name associated to any college basketball program. We can all agree to love Izzo that much more because we hate Duke oh so much. You owe us that distinction. You've always said, coach, that you want Michigan State Basketball to be respected as a top-tier program. Only you can make that happen. It's been your vision, and now it continues to be millions of your fans' passion that it comes to fruition. I know it's only a matter of time as long as you are here in East Lansing doing what you do best.
Eric; Class of '99, West Chester, PA
Tom, really, the NBA is so about the $$$ and not about the game. The Players don't all play for the love of the game. YOU do! Your Team does. You will be so unhappy in the NBA, stay at MSU! Money is not everything, the soul of the game is everything!
Derameth, Lansing, Michigan
Why Izzo Should Stay...
1) You impact lives here outside the game of basketball. Nowhere in the NBA could give you that satisfaction.
2) This team has talent and could make a run AGAIN!!!
3) You inspire people to improve themselves in all facets of life.
4) The best thing to date that the Cavaliers' franchise has done is win the lottery for Lebron James and there is no guarantee he's coming back!!!!
5) Above all, you are loved by the state of Michigan and all fans of Spartans basketball
I understand the temptation of the NBA, it's sexy, but so is my friend's sister. That doesn't mean it's a good idea
Johnny, Grand Rapids
The best ncaa coach of alltime! please stay to build the dynasty!
Chris, Lansing,MI.
I will immediately become a Wolverine if Tom leaves! MSU will have nothing.
Kristina, East Lansing, MI
You've built something amazing here. You may do well in the pros, but it will never be like the community you've built in East Lansing. Very few coaches ever get a chance to do what you've done. Please stay and take MSU to ever greater heights. The pros, for all they offer, are just a business. MSU is a community. No matter what you decide to do, thank you for all you've done for Michigan State.
Rob, Brighton
NBA is all about money MSU ball is about the love of the game !
Sam, Flint, MI
he brings Spartan Spirit to EL...When March comes everyone is sooo happy!
you bring it EVERY year! Your alumni love you!
D, Northern Virginia
....Tom loves the kids and the game of basketball. Tom, you are a great ambassador for MSU, a great recruiter, a great mentor, a great coach, a great disciplinarian....I could go on....please, Tom, don't end what you do best....teach. College basketball is great because the kids want to play and learn the game. Pro basketball is alot of overpaid athletes that won't appreciate the lessons that you have to teach.
Sure, you could jump to the NBA and continue to use your awesome plays, but you won't be able to instill the values that you have instilled in the MSU program. The NBA won't offer the family atmosphere that you have at Breslin NBA arena has alot of drunk "fans" that aren't the place for your young children to roam...Steven will not be able to sit behind your bench and learn, as he does today...he will have to sit up in a box far from you because 1) those seats are high priced season ticket holder seats, and 2) your family would hear alot of profanity that you will not be able to stop from the players and the fans.
Tom, MSU gave you the opportunity to be a head coach and you have built a near-elite program. Please stay at MSU and continue to build on the foundation that you have established. You will become a legend at MSU and in college sports.
Whatever you decide, please let all of us know soon. I know the current team and our recruits need to know, so they can decide what they will do. Leaving them in limbo is going to jeopardize the future of the MSU basketball program.
Thank you, a proud Alumnus
Kara, Sterling Heights, Michigan
I would never watch college basketball again if Izzo leaves and because the NBA is worthless, basketball would be out of my life forever!
Mike, East Lansing
We are not the same...I am a SPARTAN!!!
Tom, you are one of us.
Weezy, Rikers
You light up the Breslin...stick around and help us put up another ten banners.
Go green.
ESJ, Washington, DC
If loving Tom Izzo is wrong, I don't want to be right.
Earl Morgan, Chicago, IL
Please don't go. YOU are Michigan State University.
Cammie, DeWitt
I cannot count the times in my life where I have looked to your blueprint for success as an inspiration. (jay-z pun intended.) The players that you recruit are equally inspiring... guys like Ibok. I wish you the best in life, and I hope that your decision will best allow you to continue to inspire people everywhere.
Balls Johnson, Chicago
As a man, I'm kind of in love with him. His tenure at MSU has provided the backdrop to some of the most memorable, poignant moments in my life. If he leaves, all I will think is, "I could have done more." Please Tom, stay. In this crazy, crazy world, you are the only thing that makes sense; you are the maxim of the good guys winning. Build on that, for us, for you, for college basketball.
Harry, Washington DC
I grew up in a Spartan family, and I knew who Tom Izzo was before I knew my extended family. Izzo is not only synonymous with basketball, but with pure Spartan spirit. His dedication to his team and school has always been inspiring, and has always been well respected on campus. He has built an extraordinary basketball empire within the NCAA, and is envied for a reason. I will be utterly heartbroken if Tom Izzo leaves East Lansing. The Izzone camp out is on my birthday weekend every year, and I will truly miss Tom waking us up with that obscenely loud bullhorn. Please stay, Tom, to continue the Spartan tradition.
Alaina, Detroit, Michigan
Please don't go coach I've been a huge fan as long as I can remember. College basketball is the purest type of basketball you will find anywhere in the world. The pros won't play with the same desire your collge players will. Please don't go!
Austin, Elmria, Michigan
What's more important.....molding the lives of young men or "coaching" a bunch of overpaid egomaniacs? Do what God intended for you to do!
CL, Ann Arbor
Too many stories to tell, but BOSTON is asking you to remain a Spartan!
Matt '04, Boston
There is no Izzone without Izzo. We've always had your back, now have ours!!
I pray that you stay with the Spartans. They look up to you and you give them encouragement so, why would you want to leave them? The relationship you have with your team is priceless! Money isn't everything and don't let greed take over. I have never met you, but always admired you.
Arlieta Sawyer - Retiree - MSU - Cyclotron Lab, Bath, MI
Don't go coach! MSU needs you more than ever! Title #2 is right around the corner.
ASP BEAR, East Lansing, MI
Dear Coach, We are a family of five and I have three beautiful daughters. I will never forget when my wife's water broke at the end of the Syracuse game back in 2000. And then I held a five day old in my arms and watched that One Shining Moment. You are intertwined into our family. My daughters and I hold a bond watching basketball games in March. Thanks for all the good life lessons you give my kids. P.S. We are also Catholics, and we will be praying for you during this difficult time. Remember that family always comes first.
Maciejewski family, Clarkston
Tommy you put the izz in the shizz. If you leave me now, you'll take away the very heart of me (stellar jam)...but seriously, if you head south, the ever cloudy city of East Lansing may forever stay overcast. We'll see ya back next year!
Stever, Royal Oak, MI
Iron Mountain! Stay at MSU buddy money can't buy happiness!
Brian, IM Michigan
You've done so much not only for Michigan State and the fans, but for the entire state of Michigan. Remember just last year, at the Final Four in Detroit, how a crowd of over 20,000 gathered at the mall in Detroit to greet you and the team? Do you think Cleveland will appreciate you the same way? Of course not! Look at Mike Brown. Fired after two seasons, despite having the best record in the NBA. Why would the Cavs treat you any differently? As soon as you fail to make the finals, that city will turn on you faster than you can breathe. Michigan State is your HOME. This university loves you. This state loves you. I'm begging you, Tom, stay at Michigan State. It's the right thing. And deep down, in your heart, I believe you know it too.
Chris, Macomb
I think Fred from Chicago summed it up! Either way, whatever choice is best for the Izzos we will love and respect you. Always a Spartan. Go Green!
Michelle, Detroit
stay for the love of the game...
LZ, Bay City
Izzo-We all wish the best for you and your family. You will forever be a Spartan and forever will be a Michigan State icon. You have built a program and a legacy for Michigan State basketball that will live on. We hope to continue to create memories and records. We are all hungry for that 'ship and we want you to take us there. As a third year IZZONE member, I hope to see you at the campout :) Find our tent and we will have a hotdog waiting!
Izzone Member, East Lansing <3
He'll finally realize that leaving MSU to babysit an overrated Jordan wannabe isn't going to make him happy. Stay in EL, Tom. You're on the path to legendary status....Wooden, Rupp, Smith, Knight, Izzo...
C.J., Chicago
You make me very proud to be a graduate of Michigan State University. You have given me so much pleasure for many years. It is not that you have been successful. It is the way you have done it. You inspire us in ways that impossible in the NBA. Here in the City of Angels, they just lost John Wooden. Although it is a very large city with many diversions - and he coached many years ago, you can still feel the sense of gratitude and the loss.... The impact on young men and women at a special time of our lives is much greater than you can achieve in the NBA. When Phil Jackson goes, as great as he is, it's not the same. You know that. Don't do it.
Cory S., Santa Monica CA
Michigan basketball is synonomous with Tom Izzo... it's one and the same. Take away Izzo... and you're taking away the heart of the team... not only the team..but the fans as well.
Mary, Michigan
I think this is great opportunity for you to coach the Cavs who just so happen to be my favorite NBA team but MSU also just so happens to be my favorite college. The only problem with you leaving is the name of our student section, it's called "THE IZZONE" what are we suppose to do when you leave??? Well where ever you go I'll still be a fan!!! Good luck with your decision cause it going to be a tough one, choosing between where you have touched so many lives and going pro. If you do leave come back to EL and visit! ~Best of wishes~
Brittany Love, Lansing, MI
In these remaining hours, have faith Spartans. Izzo isn't a coach, he's a role model and a teacher to these young men, and I think in the end his unique ability to change these kids' lives will ultimately keep him here. You can't find that type of life-leadership in professional sports, and even if he does decide to go, something tells me he will find his back in one way or another. Thanks for the memories Coach. Hope there's more to come. These men, this school, and this city still need you.
East Lansing, MI
As a born Ohio resident, but a proud MSU alumnus, I can say that Izzo will not be appreciated nor respected in Cleveland. Go GREEN!
Kristen, Canton, OH
You have the opportunity to become a legend at MSU. We recently had a Sales a Kick-off at a Fortune 50 US corporation. John Wooden was quoted throughout. Tell me an NBA coach who left a legacy? It's not what you got, it's what you give. You can make history.
Ronster, Milton, Georgia
I chose Michigan State because you made it great to be a SPARTAN again. Please stay and bring your second national championship to MSU in 2010.
Brett, Traverse City
Coach, I love you for sooo many reasons, and most of them are I'm sure already written here. You are the face and leader of this school, and someone who everyone respects. We are so loyal to you and it is evident just based on this website that we love and care for you. However is it worth putting us through this? If you are going to leave, leave. Because I believe we deserve more loyalty as fans. If you are going to stay then I will be extremely happy but don't put as through this again. We love you, Go Green!!
Nikki, Spartan Country <3
The NBA is just a bunch of lazy ego crazy babies. It's not worth leaving MSU! Look at what you and your teams have createdover the years. We will love and support you either way coach!!!!!
Tom Izzo is the most successful college coach in the history of the state of Michigan...not only did he do it without cheating, he beat the schools who did cheat (within the state and outside the state). Tom Izzo's greatest legacy that you can be a champion on a national level without selling your soul. He is a true gentleman and leader.
Jeff, Grand Rapids
YOU and the Izzone were the best part of my college experience - and continue to bring excitement to me, my friends and family as alums.
Always a class act. Thank You.
Stacey, MI
don't you dare leave. our basketball attendance will fall and tuition will rise if you leave. not to mention you have a handful of players that stayed for you.
Luvya TI hope you decide to stay, either way we'll always be your fans
West O , Kalamazoo
Coach, you go to the Cavs, you get rich. You stay at MSU, you become immortal.
Fred, Chicago
As a former Izzone member I loved how down to earth and approachable Izzo always was. He seemed like the coolest, most down to earth guy in the world out there with us. Joking about U of M, taking the time to make us feel like each and everyone in that section mattered to him. Izzo has more heart than any other coach out there and because of that he has the undying loyalty of MSU, alumni, fans and the entire state of Michigan. I admire the man so much I even named my cat after him!
M, Williamston
During the 2005 fall Izzone Campout, Coach Izzo and his son were in the tent directly behind mine. Early in the morning he opened up my tent door and woke me up. We spoke for about 5 minutes. He seemd interested in getting to know me.
You're the man Coach!
Madison Wisconsin, Madison, WI
Coach Izzo, you are an amazing person!! The MSU community LOVES you and all of us Spartans, are behind you!!!
Much Love,
~Kyra C.
Kyra Renee' Clay, East Lansing, Michigan
You own the State of Michigan. We love you HERE! You own the respect of the entire college basketball world. That's a lot to give up for the gamble of winning an NBA championship. I'll love and appreciate you regardless of your decision. I just want you to know that the grass isn't really greener in the NBA. All that's green that really matters is right here in Michigan. GO GREEN!
Joe Tower, Michigan
might as well go.
BOBBY BOB JR, madtown , wi
I graduated from MSU in 1976. Since then I have been a class room teacher at the same high school for the last 34 years because I make more of an individual impact on my students as a teacher then I would as an administrator. Sure, I could make more money as an administrator. However, that is not what teaching is about. Don’t sell out. You cannot buy self respect, happiness and self fulfillment.
ABGifford, ROME, GA
Stay at MSU and become one of the all-time greatest legends in college basketball. John Wooden, Adolph Rupp, Dean Smith, Coach K and Tom Izzo. Boy doesn't that have a nice ring to it!
It will happen, there is no doubt in my mind.
Because he's one of us. I took a class from Coach at State and the first day he saw that everyone was kind of nervous. He told us if people didn't lighten up, we'd have to bring drinks next class. That kind of approachability is rare-no matter how much success he attained, he's still the same guy from Iron Mountain. He is Michigan State.
Matt, Chicago
Met the Coach and was shocked that he wanted to know what I was all about- Not just a great coach but a great human. I'd love to have him stay, but if he leaves I will always be a fan and wish him the best.
Dano , Rochester
go state.
Seann, Fort Collins, CO
There ate so many moments and things that I love about Izzo that I can't pick just one to write about. But I do know that you're an amazing coach and an even better person. I'll cheer for any team you coach, but I pray that ot will be Michigan State for many years to come. Please please PLEASE don't make me have to do the biggest sin in the state of Michigan and root for an Ohio team!
Jeff Hunt, Traverse City, MI & Los Angeles, CA
he always stops and says Hello to the marching band.
Carin, Holt
When I was little He inspired me. I told my parents that when I grew up I wanted to be Tom Izzo. Not Michael Jordan. Not Magic Johnson....Motha Fricken Tom Izzo!
Adam, Chicago
When graduating high school I chose MSU over another "academically stronger" in state school because I wanted to sit in the Izzone. The last 4 years were the best of my life because of the memories I have in the Breslin Center. My pants got ripped off when we stormed the court after beating #1 Wisconsin and regardless I still jumped in the snow after the game!!! I cannot imagine any other coach treading the green and white and leading a basketball team with such fierce intensity and developing in-state players. I start graduate school at Duke in the fall. Pleaassse don't make me question my loyalty to this great basketball program coach.
Jason Sosnowski, EL--> Durham
OMG Tommy Izzo i luv u soooooo0 muuuuuucchh
Ryan Abboud
Coach, you are the best thing that has ever happened to this school. My 2 year old cousin shouts IZ-ZO!!!, when ever he sees you on TV. You have a great chance at winning at championship at MSU this year. Lucas, Summers, Allen, they stayed for you. They believe in you coach. Now stay for them and win a ring!
Alex Mussat
Izzo we have unfinished business. Lets get that National Championship!
Phil Golas, East Lansing
He is Michigan state university. He is what I think of when college basketball is brought up. Coach K is good and all but no one beats Izzo. He is a guy who can even command a wolverines respect...
Dominic , Sterling Heights...
You bring consist excitement every year. I, like so many others, have watched you from Midnight Madness all the way till March Madness year after year. You do not disappoint us EVER. You receive unconditional love here, much like a child has for their father. I hope you choose to keep bringing the joy to Michigan State fans. We have not doubted your commitment to us, please see that we are committed to you also!
Linda, New Baltimore
Tom u are a legend at MSU. we all love and respect you... just look at this site. If u leave it will kill spartan basketball and break my heart
Jonny blaze, east lansing
you inspire us all to be the best we can be...proud SPARTANS! Thanks for all that you do for Michigan State University, your basketball players, and the State of Michigan. We love it when you come to Indianapolis to play!
Heather, Indianapolis, IN
Even if we lose 5-6 games during the season, I have confidence that Izzo will prepare the team for the tournament and be successful.
Allen, Colorado Springs
he is the greatest coach in the history of college basketball.
I am so proud of what Tom Izzo has accomplished, I just hope this isn't the end to the IZZONE era. What ever he does, I still like the guy. He's one in a million. I hope he realizes how much his program has done for Michigan State University.
Roger, Anderson, SC formerly Saginaw Mi
You can't Leave.
Rob G, Miami, FL
I hope you get a chance to talk to Mooch and ask him what he thinks about coaching the pros. A whole different breed of athlete. Please don't turn your back on student athletes. Is it worth a couple of million dollars?
Steve Dow, Laguna Hills, CA
He is not just a coach he is also a teacher, and a mentor to many young men. He has changed the lives of so many that have come in contact with him, it would be hard to say where they would be without the influence of Coach Izzo.
Tammi, Lansing, MI
Year after year, you are passionate about the school, excited to coach a winning team, and able to inspire those young men to do things they never believed they could can never affect as many lives in the NBA as you do where you are right now!!!!!!!!!!! Please don't go!!
Andrea, MSU alumni , Grove City, Ohio
I look up to you, Tom. You are a true class act from the GREAT Lakes State. Every time I've met you, you've been nothing but humble and down-to-earth . . . somewhat similar to the late great Ernie Harwell.
Terry, Detroit
he brought class, hard work, and consistency to MSU basketball, as well as respect to our great university. Having said that, I would only want him to stay in EL if his heart is there. He should give this "other opportunity" a great deal of consideration; that's only fair. But I sincerely hope he realizes that just because the NBA represents a different kind of challenge doesn't mean it is a better opportunity than college basketball. College students NEED what Izzo has to offer; NBA players think they have all the answers. We love you, Coach. I hope you stay. True teachers are a valuable commodity and leave a lasting impact. NBA coaches come and go...
A. Fan , Okemos
you make a difference in the lives of young men and women !!!!!!!
Rhonda K . Marquoit, Boyne City
how can we have the izzone without izzo?
He shoots 100 free throws a day and made Bruce Weber just look silly. GO STATE! GO TOM! 4 LIFE!
Steve, Dallas, TX
Coach, you are a legend. I moved out to Australia after I graduated at MSU and named my dog after you. No one here has any idea what 'Izzo' means, but it makes me happy and proud every time I get to explain that my pooch is named after THE BEST and most respected college basketball coach out there!
Sarah B., Melbourne, Australia
He has too much heart to be a NBA basketball coach.
He kicks UofM's butt every year. Even though they aren't really our rivals in basketball anymore, he still enjoys it thoroughly!
The Izzone campout and being in the Izzone were some of the best memories from my freshmen year at MSU! Can't imagine the next few years without 'em...
Joel, Traverse City
From one educator to another, please think about the impact that you have had and can continue to have on the students of MSU. You present such as positive image to the students by who you are as an individual. A man of great intrigrity. A man who leads by example. A man who cares about his students and the entire student body of MSU. A man who constantly gives back to his community. Think about all young athletes you are affecting this week during camp.
I have always thought of you as the Joe Pa of MSU, the man who gives everything he can to the students of his university for as long as he can give it. Please Coach, think of the students and all that you have given to them. You change lives; you mold futures; you guide and direct. You make a different! What more can any man give to the world he shares with others.
Remember Coach, your contribution to MSU and our entire community is so much more than what you do on the basketball court.
Lynne, Michigan
He humbles the press by having them play against his team....and they love it. :)
Us Clevelanders love Izzo too! See you soon, Tommy my boy!
Drew, Cleveland!
Dick Vitale only loves the ACC, and Tom Izzo!!!!
Coach Izzo, you have such a way with college athletes who are in it for pride and heart, not dollars or fame. I was a student 1998-2001 and admire your attitude and spirit. Good luck with your decision. MSU loves you.
Jill, Cleveland
of your work ethic and high standards. You'll be a legend at State...the NBA isn't so kind. Either way we love your style and class. You deserve what's best for you and the family.
Joe, Wyoming
He named his son after one of my favorite MSU guards of all time
Amy, Royal Oak, MI
He is the heart and soul of this state. And every year we have the top players coming in in the country. So keep it that way. Izzo has been the best college coach in the last 10 years. And he even has the student section named after him.. Izzo=Greatness
Drew, Grand rapids, Mi
Bo Ryan is scared of him.......
Shelley, Grand Ledge, MI
MSU wouldn't be the same without you!
Madeleine, East Lansing
Tom Izzo, you are MSU basketball. Please don't leave us to coach that clown.
You're sexy.
Melissa, Chicago, Il
I was born into a Spartan family and today I am a proud alumni of MSU. For my entire life, the word Izzo has represented Michigan State University as much as ... Spartans, ... Green and White. If Tom Izzo left MSU, it would be as if a chunk of the school left with him.
what other coach is willing to spend the night outdoors with his student section??? you care far beyond what's required of a coach, and we will never replace that!
Lucas, Gainesville
With IZZO: 2011 NCAA CHAMPS...enough said
M, E.L.
I lied to my boss and said I was sick so I could go to the rally at Somerset Mall last year before the Final Four and see you and all the boys. I would have lost my job for you! PLEASE STAY!!! GO GREEN!!!
Ain't this the truth.....
You gotta stay, the program is bound in a few years to fail without you!! PLEASE STAY!!!!!
Mitchell Niewoonder, Greenville, MI
Nick Saban SR, Alabam
Cleveland is waiting with open arms.
Cavalier fan, Cleveland Ohio
To me... you were a big part of my college experience....
Maria, Chicago
You thought Kalin got cocky? Imagine trying to control that over-paid king of all babies! If you gotta go, do it after you bring us a second championship! You taught us how to win by working hard and believing! You brought respect back to our sports programs! You made MSU the #1 college in Michigan and national contender! You brought MSU to Wal-Mart! You bleed green like the rest of us! You are MSU and we are YOU!
SSS, Michigan
Coach Izzo! You ARE Michigan State! A true hero from the UP who leads our Green & White towards great success! We would be lost without you. Do what you need to do, but let's keep Coach Izzo a Spartan now & forever more. GO GREEN !!
G Prudden, Downers Grove IL
He sets the bar for college basketball -- high and his program brings the right attention to Michigan State University, as well as the state of Michigan.
Jeannie, Cleveland, TN
Dear Mr. Izzo,
DO NOT LEAVE TO COACH THAT PRIMADONNA BABY LEBRON. You mean way to much to East Lansing, Michigan State University, the State of Michigan, and College Basketball as a whole to leave for the NBA. Not only are you a great coach, you are a classy, stand up guy who is the epitome of hardwork. We KNOW you will make the right decision
Cameron Weaver, East Lansing, MI
we don't know an MSU without you. most of the current students were 5 or 6 when you started coaching, we have never seen an MSU basketball team without you on the court and don't wish to anytime soon...
Jim, East Lansing
You gotta stay, the program is bound in a few years to fail without you!!
Mitchell Niewoonder, Greenville, MI
You said you were staying until you win another one. I feel like you feel when one of your best players leaves early for the NBA. I'm proud but sad.
Singing the Blues, Motown
because he represents all that is great about college sports and Michigan State wrapped up into one person.
you let us have someone to root for from december to april, we don't stop in march
kurt, Lansing, Mi
Your players need you coach, You are their Hero. You cant do that to Durrell and Kalin, they came back for you. Derrick was in tears at the rally because you are "the best thing thats ever happened to him"
Crandell, East Lansing
Tom Izzo is god.
Colin, Grand Haven
He is the best college basketball coach and is part of the best University out there. He is a down to earth guy, he made the MSU basketball program explode and made it into an elite program. I remember April 2000 when we won the National Title, I was at the Breslin Center and that was the best feeling even though the game was in Indianopolis but the spirit at Breslin Center felt like we were in Indianapolis. He is just a regular guy who cares about his players a lot and they give him respect and will listen to what he has to say. He loves his players like they were his own kids. I
Betsy Kateyiannis, Chicago, IL
My sisters and I have been Spartans since we were born. You are a big part of that and we would hate to see you leave. I am sure my father would cry. Stay at MSU and continue to make a difference in the lives of Spartans.
Kristin, Dillon, CO
i'm so sick about you leaving i can't even talk about it. i actually wrestled at msu back in the early 90's and i love and follow msu basketball more religiously than any other sport. that's because college basketball and the ncaa tournament is by far the single greatest sporting event on the face of the earth...not the nba finals!!! and i loved watching the pistons in the early nineties and the last ten years. college basketball has the greatest tournament in the world because college basketball is still pure and untainted. that is the reason so many people love to watch it come march. and you have a chance to go down as one of the greatest coaches of all a spartan....don't go!!!!
randy, grand haven
Love Izzo!
Mike, North Hollywood
I think it's clear that the Nick Saban poser on here is in love with seeing his name in type. Ring it up, pretty sure it won't be intelligent reasons you love Izzo, so it will be even more dismissible and people won't care. Have fun.
You are Michigan State.
Ann-Marie, GR
If you leave Tom, we gotta change the name of the izzone, and its not gonna sound nearly as awesome.
The Derek S., Boston
Coach Izzo, Whatever you choose I will support you best I can. But I've grown up rooting for you and The Spartans. I remember begging my dad to let me stay up for the '00 Champ game. Things would never be the same with your absence. Players keep coming back, the Izzone keeps cheering, and fans pour into malls, kids wait in blizzards , this is all for you Coach. You Are MSU Basketball
D.D, rochester, NY
Katie, East Lansing
Tom Izzo defines what it means to be a Spartan. A strong character, will, and determination to succeed. Please stick with us. We need you.
B, New York, NY
he takes the time to wake up each and every one of us up at the izzone campout.
Holland, MI
I am not usually one to tear up... but this news really struck home. You mean so much to Michigan, not just MSU. You bring great hope and joy to your home state with all that you have done, I hope choose to stay.
Wes, Kalamazoo
I never cared about any sports until Tom Izzo became the head coach at MSU while I was there as a student. I am now a huge fan of MSU basketball. I now understand the value of sports for individuals and for a school and the importance of a coach. He teaches his players how to be great players and great men and teaches all of us by example to be outstanding in all we do. I no longer live in MI, but I still follow the Spartans and adore Tom Izzo. It wouldn't be the same without him.
Christine L., NC
When people think of Michigan State, they think of our basketball domination and IZZO.
Kevin, East Lansing
He is to Michigan State as David Hasselhoff is to Germany...
Jeff, East Lansing!
I'm goin to sate in the fall and I would be sad too not experience izzos coaching while I was here for the next 4 years of my life
Brandon, Ohio
Please make a decision so that my husband starts sleeping again at night!!!
Rhonda, Fairfax,VA
cuz I'm a grown ass man and I've cried numerous times watching him speak to his players, fans and media. He has made me proud to be a Spartan Alum and all around a better person. GO GREEN GO WHITE!
Nick McConeghy, The Swamp (aka Florida)
he is an amazing man and an amazing coach. My heart will be broken if he leaves but I will always be a proud Spartan.
Gretchen Walraven, Essexville, MI
You are my Idol and have been since you have made MSU the best college basketball program in the nation! Your a father figure in the state of michigan to so many young adults and would be sorely missed in the great state of MEECHIGAN!! Please Stay WE LOVE YOU!!
Nick, Head Coach for 8 years.., Bay City, mi
Before coming to college at MSU, I admit I wasn't a big sport person. But the energy surrounding MSU basketball is undeniable. This is thanks to Tom Izzo. He has made countless people (including me) love the game. In 2009 him and his team inspired an entire nation, showing everyone what hard work and motivation will get you. 2009 was just ONE circumstance of this. Izzo IS MSU basketball. There is simply no other way to put it.
It wouldn't be the same without you.....
I live in Chicago... but I'm from East Lansing.
... he coached a player who could dribble and shoot with either hand and another player who played basketball and football for MSU. Also because he is best friends with Steve Marriuci.
Stay and finish as the best MSU coach ever ... leave and you leave the door open for your legacy to someday be surpassed!
Carl, DC
Go and coach Labron.
Jake, Kalamazoo
PLEASE DONT GO COACH !!! In my 25 + yrs of following STATE Bball it is bcuz of you that we are where we are. I truly believe we have a chance to be great and cut down the nets after the championship game. I remember you saying you want another National Championship more then anything.......I believe next yr will be the yr. this is what you wanted and its within grasp.......plz take us to that promise land again. even if you went to Cleveland and won back to back championships....they will NEVER love and appreciate you the way we do. WE LOVE IZZO ! WE NEED IZZO !!! your roots have been planted...plz continue to grow
#1 Spartan Fan, Lansing
Tom, you are the classiest man I know.
College coaches change lives...NBA coaches change teams. You're the best thing that ever happened to MSU basketball coach. You've built something that few people ever achieve, please don't walk away from it. We love you!
Melissa Rogers, Dallas, TX
I think a lot of people think the Spartans are being selfish wanting Izzo so bad. I think that's ridiculous. He's an integrated part of MSU, and we love him enough to let him go but god we'd really love him to stay. There's a lot of ass left for Tom Izzo and the Spartans to kick. We just really want to see them do it.
Please don't go! We need you!
J, Detroit, MI
Coach Izzo, you are Michigan State basketball. despite the storied history of our school, you are MSU basketball to my generation. When I think MSU basketball, I think Magic Johnson, Jud Heathcote, the '00 NCAA championship team and Tom Izzo. You are more than a coach, you have transcended what it means to be part of an institution. It would be hard for current spartans & future spartans to go to the Bres and you not be on our sidelines. And I believe that we need you more than ever now, we have not lost a step despite our senior departures we have the ability to win the championship. Truth is we do not make the final four last year if you were not coaching. Same can be said about this year, we have the talent and the ability, but we NEED our coach. Tom please search your heart and see that State is where home is. (And a side note: what would we name the student section if you're gone?) Go Green! Go White!
Omar, Baltimore, MD (MSU c/o 13)
Msu would not be the same school without him!!! please stay coach
Marlin Koetje, kalmazoo, MI
I've grown up watching him lead the Spartans. This year is going to be huge for MSU. Izzo, the team and spartan fans everywhere deserve to see it happen.
Stacy, Northville
I remember the first time I saw him when I was walking back to my dorm from a football game. My friends will forever make fun of me for how nervous i was to talk to him, but he couldn't have done a better job at making me feel completely comfortable. From then on, I ended up seeing him a lot around campus throughout the semester. It was always a great surprise. He always said hi to me. It felt like I knew him for years the way he would talk to me. I appreciate him as a coach and more importantly a person. I will be extremely sad if he decides to leave. I won't know what to think. Just please please please stay Coach Izzo!
Robert Binder, Macomb, MI
You make us alumni proud to be from MSU. Even while we're living on the other side of the country!
Bryan Lundman, Las Vegas, Nevada
Please Coach you ARE Michigan State Basketball. I can't imagine this school without you. You have done such an amazing job at state and have inspired tons of people, how could you leave it all behind? Regardless of whatever you choose to do, thank you for all you have done for MSU. You are an amazing person and coach.
Sydney, Michigan
We >3 Izzo! He makes MSU, MSU. He knows everyone loves him and that everyone wants him to stay. MSU will never be the same without him. The IZZONE won't be the same without him!
Meagan G., Metamora, MI & MSU
Izzo Knows basketball. Izzo Knows freethrows. Izzo Knows rebounding. Izzo Knows preparation. Izzo Knows March Madness. Izzo Knows The Final Four. Izzo Knows UM. Izzo Knows Purdue. Izzo Knows IU. Izzo Knows Florida. Izzo Knows Calhoun. Izzo Knows BigTen Titles. Izzo Knows recruiting. Izzo Knows 8 NBA players. Izzo Knows NGC.
Tom Izzo IS SPARTAN BASKETBALL. Even if he leaves, we will always appreciate everything he has done here for us. I'm a 2010 MSU grad, I come from a Spartan family, we respect and love Tom Izzo, and I can only hope he stays where he is MOST APPRECIATED.
I >3 Izzo
Go Green, Go White, GO STATE!!
Jessi, East Lansing, MI
I've always wanted to see a State game coached by our very own Tom Izzo. My boyfriend is going to State in the fall, and this is my chance! Please don't leave!!!
Rebecca, Manistee, MI
He's the ONLY man I call "Coach".
Dave, Troy/Saginaw/East Lansing
You are MSU!!! No other team will love you, appreciate you or respect you the way we do!!! Please remember your fans and how much we love you!!! MSU needs you Coach Izzo!!!!
Lisa, Holt
MSU is a great school, and all Spartans know that. But outside of campus, MSU is often seen as being second-best to the Wolverines. Since Izzo's been with us, the whole country has caught on to the fact that MSU is in fact a first-rate school. This has given Spartans something to be PROUD to be recognized for, and we owe this to IZZO!
Angie, East Lansing
Cleveland Tourism Video... I wouldn't go.
Those NBA players do not deserve you! We need you coach!!! YOU ARE SPARTAN BASKETBALL! No other team on the face of the Earth will ever appreciate you more than we do at MSU!!!
Alex , Brighton, MI
You not only create wonderful bb players but you create good men. Please continuing doing that.
My 12yo son didn't want christmas presents this year, he wanted spartans bb tickets.
susan, from Romeo
HE KNOWS WHAT HES DOING and seems super down to earth! GO IZZO >3 I hope you continue to coach the great SPARTANSSSS!!!!
Michelle, Michigan
On March 15, 2009 my Dad had a massive heart attack. Thankfully he survived it. He came home on March 19th, a day before the 2009 Final Four run. What Coach Izzo and his men did that year was something pretty damn special. He not only lifted the spirits of many in our beloved state but he made our household smile and gave us the inspiration to get Dad better.
Coach Izzo, you are one of us, born in Michigan and raised in Michigan. Please remember that when you make this tough decision, your values were formed here, in Michigan. We trust you will make the right decision. Thank you for all that you have done.
Spartan Family, Grand Haven, Michigan
I have enjoyed watching coach Izzo with the Spartans for as long as I can remember. And I, like everyone else would love for him to stay in East Lansing. One thing I know for sure is that Coach Izzo will never have the kind of fans and supporters he has at MSU. We love you Izzo, you are more than just a coach to us, you're family!!
whitney, haslett
I was able to go to the last two Final Fours and root for my green and white.
Don't go Coach!!! Your fans and community respect and admire you. This community needs a positive force such as yourself. Go Green and Go State!!!!!!!
Mary Jo Cove, Bath, MI
Tom Izzo. I have come to basically all your home games. And all the 6 FINAL FOURS in the past 12 years. good times and bad (though mostly good) if you leave now, who will lead MSU to victory. Who will be there to cut down the last bit of the net when we win it all... If you leave now, im not saying msu will fail, im just saying it wont be the same.
Dont leave coach, we all love you.
Is there a bring coach izzo to clevaland website with this much enthusiasim?
scott, rome
Don't Go!!!!!!!!!
Nancy , Michigan
Coach, you are the greatest thing to ever happen to Michigan State and one of the greatest things to ever happen to the state of Michigan. You are always there for people to look up to. Don't leave us. Become the legend that you were born to be, greatest College Basketball coach of all time!
Phil, Michigan
You took us from the middle of the road to the front of the pack. You brought a program to the pinnacle of college basketball. Program of the Decade, 6 Final Fours, 1 National Championship. What more could you ask for? ANOTHER NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP!!! Stay at least until 2016. Please don't go!!!
Brian L., 14, Parents are '82 grads, Future Spartan, Detroit, MI
Tom, your talents are so well suited to the College game..mostly because you understand that in the NCAA coaching is about way more than just the game. You have shaped so many lives for the better. Your winning record is great, but your player's characters are a testament to you as a man. Thanks for all you have done!
Karen Everhart, Lansing Mi
Coach, you are the definition of a Spartan. Stay or go, I am proud of your affiliation with MSU now and forever.
Nathan, 2004, Port Huron
Our student section is the Izzone! Without you we'd just be the Michigan State student section... LAME. Stay and bring us another National Championship. You're the best!
Brody Complex!
About 10 years ago (following the 2000 Nat. Champ.) I was one of those kids hanging on your every word at your basketball camp(I cut the lawn, cleaned the house, and did more than just chores, etc. just to pay to go!) Now I'm about to be a Senior at MSU and cannot imagine my last year without you as our Coach. From camp to graduation Tom make all of us believe that being a Spartan is a lifelong commitment and a lifelong honor!
Alex McMall, Saginaw, MI/East Lansing, MI
Please, Please do NOT want to move to Cleveland. I have been here for 10 years now and I will leave ASAP. There are lots of positive things about the town, but many more negative at this time. The Cavaliers are not known for treating their people well....and MSU is the GREATEST!
So, do yourself and all of us Spartans (me, class of 1970) a favor and STAY PUT. Please Please.
Penny Maroldo, I live in Oberlin, Ohio
Ive been a spartan since birth lol I have wanted to attend Michigan State University since I was a little kid it was the only school I applied to!!! I loved my experience at MSU. Making some of my best friends there. My proudest moment was walking across the stage last yr.... The Spartans have such team spirit and love for the school.... MSU just wont be the same without IZZO. He has built such a legacy at State... Please stay IZZO
Mishae Liggon, Lansing MI
Hit the road Tom. You won't regret it.
Nick Saban
The Spartans have been totally unbelievable these past few seasons. We have dominated basketball and my time on campus during the winter and March in particular were contagious. I love that when we win a game you can hear all the shouting through your closed dorm window. That school spirit is honestly the number one reason that I love MSU. It makes me so proud. I think MSU will be prideful no matter who comes or goes, but Tom Izzo is such a huge source of our pride and he has MADE these seasons great with his absolute insane spirit and drive. He's part of our school and he belongs here.
You've earned the right to leave however you'd like, and we'll always appreciate what you've done. 100's of players, 1000's of Izzoners, millions of fans have watched our program prosper with integrity.
MSU is a better place in every aspect because you were here. Hope you stay, but thanks for everything regardless. And good luck.
Anthony (Class of '05), Chicago
Coach Izzo, you made this giant nerd actually care about the sport of basketball. Watching you work your magic turned me from a disdainful freshman to a curious bystander to a proud fan. Please, don't go.
Jimmy Madison, Grand Blanc, MI
Izzo, even if you decided to go to the next level you will still be my role model. It is your choice, and don't let other people make up your mind. Everyone in the state of Michigan loves you, and I bet in other parts of the country as well. You are one of the best basketball coaches ever. GO SPARTANS!!!
Ben , The Sky
Coach you have too stay at MSU, your like king Leonidas and all of us Spartans need you to lead us
Mason Montroy , Olivet, MI
"players play, tough players win". And "we’ll play anybody, anyplace, anytime. It doesn’t matter, morning, noon or night, and it doesn’t matter who it is". Two quotes that all Spartans can agree on!
Jason Miller -08', State College, PA
i started watching college basketball because of you! I'm going to be a freshman at state next year and I want the opportunity to be part of the IZZONE.
Cammy, East Lansing
Ohio isn't the solution.. they are the opponent!!
Pamela Babcock, and work in East Lansing
... you epitomize class and excellence both on and off the court. You not only create men out of your players, but better people out of those of us that follow your teams. I know this is you and your family's decision and I wish you all the best in making it, I'm also selfish and want the best for my team. The best is Izzo.
Felicia E., Bethesda, MD
Coach Izzo, you are my facebook picture. You are much better looking than me. Don't leave. I don't want to take your picture away.
LOVE IZZO, go green!
Tom, you mean more to MSU and the lives of the young people you touch here than you could ever mean to the NBA. Please, please...stay.
Kristen, Jackson, MI
Tom, I love the spirit that you bring to the game and how you have an uncanny ability to project this same spirit to the team! Thank you for everything you have done for us - I hope that you will stay and finish what you have started with an amazing line-up. We appreciate you and everything the Izzo family has done to help others in the area.
Danielle, Tampa, FL (formerly of Lansing)
He was a part of the best four years of my life, thank you for everything
Tony Servitto -'06, Royal Oak
Coach, I am just 9 months old, so please stay another 10 years. I want to be at your camp in EL,
possibly playing for you 17 years later!!!
Sona, Tokyo, Japan
you make a difference in so many people's lives!! I want my 1 year old son to grow up knowing the pride that goes along with MSU Basketball with you as the coach!! We love you please don't leave us for the NBA and Lebron!!
Brandy, St. Johns
Tom i have been a strong MSU fan through thicck and thin my dad graduate in 86 and said that u have done things that make u look better than heathcote come on man wouldnt u rather make Kalin the next lebron rather than leaving for some guy Please stay at MSU
Cam, Maine
I used to hate sports. But I mean, how can you hate sports when Tom Izzo coaches your team?!?!
Izzo is one of the best things about MSU, and such a blessing to the school. Please stay at MSU!!!!!
Katie, Lansing, MI
he had a team sleepover in the Breslin and brought his son along with him.
Michelle, East Lansing, MI
You mean so much to the MSU athletics program, and I understand the pressure to leave now on the heals of so much success.... but I suggest you stay and win the NCAA tourney next year!!!
Casey, Atlanta, GA (formerly Okemos)
Izzo, you should stay because you want to say. You shouldn't stay because you know that college coaches don't transition well into the NBA. You shouldn't stay because you're scared that you won't thrive in the NBA. You shouldn't stay because of the guilt you may feel for letting down Spartan fans everywhere. You should stay because coaching Michigan State is what you love to do. You should stay because you love recruiting raw talent. You should stay because you want to stay. That's the coach we want.
Chicago, IL
Tom makes a difference in the lives of the student athletes he comes in contact with,and that difference is not only in the basketball players he coaches. This is a precious gift that he has and it will probably be wasted if he leaves
Wayne, Newport,MI
When we take our son to "Izzo Camp" he is approachable and relates to all the kids. Tom Izzo is MSU and MSU is IZZO! We want you stay and keeping making a difference in the lives of the students AND your future students!!
Sue Horak, Grand Ledge
Tom Izzo is a legend - a leader - a person who is so much more than just a basketball coach. He means something to the students, to the community, to Spartans world-wide. The Cavs would never be able to appreciate him as much as we do. Lebron or the money will never be able to replace the love we have for you.
TM, Chicago, IL and current MSU Spartan
Think about the sacrifice that Kalin and Durrell made to come back and play another year to win a National Championship. They came back to play for you. No one else. How could you go and leave them out to dry like that? They passed on the NBA, why can't you?
Tom, Detroit, MI
Coach Izzo,
You will be a legend when you end your career at MSU. I am sure you will be regarded much greater than Coach Wooden and Coach Krzyzewski. MI and the Spartan Nation loves you. At the end, I know that you will make a good decision! Thank you for what you have done at MSU. Go Green!
Ganesh Reddy, Okemos
Graduated 30 years ago..but I know every march, I can gather with other Spartan fans here in San Diego and watch MSU Basketball, but more importantly win or lose our head is held high...for one reason...the integrity and class that Coach Izzo brings to our sideline. Duke has it, North Carolina and UCLA had it..and we have it.
Coach K, Dean Smith, John Wooden and Coach Izzo...that is how you make us feel coach. Not just the students in the stadium, but all of us spartans, everywhere. You have no idea how many people you touch.
You deserve all the money you can get, but I am fearful that you won't be happy in Cleveland....recruiting will seem like nothing, when you have to deal with millionaires who have other agendas and commitments. And the fact is the NCAA tourney is a bigger event in this country than the NBA Finals...the NBA is an eroding brand.
You are a teacher....I hope you will continue to teach at Michigan State. My partner who knows nothing about basketball, was heard last NCAA saying..."i think izzo is a class guy and lupe seems like a cool lady"
scott, san digeo
You have been the coach at MSU for my entire life and I can't imagine watching an MSU basketball game without you on the sideline. You have inspired so many people in the state of Michigan and we all love you for it. No where else in the country, especially the NBA, will you receive the dedication of fans that you have in East Lansing. Stay here!!
Jack, Bloomfield, MI
Coach, we believe in you.
Daniel Rohrer, Cedar St.
Coach Izzo: You may have the NBA itch now, but you will be itching to be back at MSU every March!
Steve N., Aurora, IL
Coach, you are the reason I am proud to be a Spartan. You exemplify everything that a coach and educator should be. You have affected so many lives in such wonderful ways. Not only your players, but fans, our kids, the community -- I am panicked at the thought of losing the positive impact you bring to the MSU family and this state. My eight-year-old daughter announced you as her hero this past March. Not Hannah Montana - Tom Izzo! Every year, I watch the seniors kiss the "S" at center-court and am brought to tears. Your program at MSU is so special, I cannot bear to see it end. You are the heart and sould of college basketball please don't leave us.
Kelly , Dewitt
No matter whether you stay - or go - you will always be one of us and we will always love you and your wonderful family. Thank you for all that you've done for MSU, the greater Lansing area - and our whole State. One could never find a better ambassador - we have been so blessed to have a coach of your integrity and character. You've more than earned a chance to be considered for such a great job - although if your looking for advice.......
Joel Kuiper & Family, Lansing
Still have a picture of a NMU basketball camp I attended and you coached at. You perfected your game, mine not so much. Seems like you, basketball and Michigan have always been part of my life. Wish you luck either way. Just hoping that luck is delivered to MSU!
Chris, Dumfries, VA
Tom, you are an outstanding coach, MSU wouldn't be the same without the IZZONE. I hope you stay, but you deserve your shot at the highest level. Good Luck with your decision and I hope it works out for you. No matter what you will forever be the Michigan State Spartans Basketball Coach.
Matt, Lake Orion, MI
WE LOVE YOU, IZZO!!! Ignore the U of M and Ohio trolls, you know how we love you and support you and all that you've ever done for MSU no matter what you choose. Best wishes to you and yours!
Coach Izzo is a genius when it comes to getting the most from his players. I hope he stays because he has brought MSU basketball to a whole new level.
Players play. Tough players win. Tom Izzo is the tough winning coach for Michigan State. Tom said he wanted to win another championship. Let's go for more than one!!! Bleed green and continue to lead the SPARTANS !!!
Joanie , Sturgis, Michigan
Coach I have admired you ever since I met you during one of your clinics. My son was very much influenced by you during his stay at MSU. While I sincerely wish you well you will never be happier and obtain more satisfaction than you have now.
One thinks of MSU and Tom Izzo in the same breathe as one thinks of Duke and Coach K or UCLA and Coach Wooden. Please do not tarnish the brilliant legacy you have created.
Warm regards
John B. Tomey
John B. Tomey, Novi, MI
Tom, We love you and will respect the decision you make but we hope it will be to stay in E. Lansing. We haven't had this much fun being Spartan Fans in years.........maybe since 1965. GO GREEN
Don, Rochester Hills
I live in AL and I love having MSU to cheer for rather than the Crimson Tide. Please stay!
Carol, Huntsville, AL
I had the picture of you and Mateen winning in 2000 on my bedroom door from 8th grade until I came to MSU and finally became a Spartan myself. Please stay so we can win the title again and I can post it on my one year old niece's door for her to grow up with :)
bleeding green and white
Worked at the Bres for the entirety of my university career. I cannot express the enormous feeling of pride that you are overcome with when the Izzone works their magic on gameday.
It really reflects on a coach when former players return to be honored and the crowd/coaching staff/players are all moved by the gratitude and love for the Spartan Basketball program. Tom Izzo can bring me to tears and his influence will always give me goosebumps.
I bleed green and we know you do, Tom. Stay with your family! We love you!
Jessica, New York, NY
Each and every year he molds a group of boys into men, and teaches them to work as a team to obtain goals and become winners on and off of the court. All the while, bringing hope and inspiration to the state they represent.
Ryan, Fowlerville
the man , the myth, the legend...
we love you coach!
Tom, bleed green.
Jeff, Chicago
Tom, class of '52, I come from a family with six of us allumni of MSU and
a granddaughter plresently a junior. Now surrounded by the buckeyes,
it is very refresing to have them be aware of the tremendous accomplishments of Tom Izzo and their respect for his handling of his
athletes. I also have a camp and have been going to the UP for 50
some years, in fact just sent an email to all my family members explaining how some many of your talents relate to being raised in the
UP atmosphere with their dedication to family and loyalties. Many
thousands would feel very depressed were you to leave MSU and move
to Ohio, the land of the Buckeyes. Best Wishes
Clark E. Purdy, Dublin, Ohio
I have no doubt in my mind that you can win multiple NBA Championships. Just as I know that we’ll win more National Championships under your guidance. Your hard work and sacrifices have brought MSU and you to this point. Should you walk away from what you worked so hard to build. If you leave things will never be the same even if you come back. There’s no NBA city that will love or appreciate you more even if you leave. We’ll love and appreciate you just the same no matter what. If life isn’t any good in E. Lansing then you definitely should leave but if life is good in E. Lansing then stay. If you are happy now what are the chance that you can be even happier somewhere else? I'm hoping you stay.
Bruce, Seattle, WA
In 15 years you will be the best college coach of all time!
Al, Rochester Hills, MI
Izzo is Michigan State; Michigan State is Tom Izzo
Ryan Brown, Grand Rapids
First off, Who the hell would leave Michigan for Ohio? Ohio is a joke. Izzo is staying, the bres will now be deemed coach Izzo's Court.. and a stadium/facility will be named after Cach Izzo. Thanks for everything coach. DON'T LEAVE US!!
Cavscan BloMee, Spartan Country
Tom, you are a great teacher, mentor, coach and father figure to your young players. Think of the impact you have have on the lives of these kids and the great things that they will do having known and worked with you. You're already one of the greatest college coaches ever. Maybe that's what you're meant to be! The promise of greater riches is appealing but at the final buzzer, money is nothing. It' s the love and respect that you've given and received that counts.
Dave, Royal Oak
Coach Izzo, Your the best!! I've been a SPARTAN for 45 years now and to me and my family and to alot of students i've had there' s nothing better than being a SPARTAN and you and your family have been sooooo special to all of us. Thank you so much.
Mr.' G ', Kent City Michigan
Tom, if you're reading these posts you can see that it's not just about the men on the court and the sport of basketball but about hope and inspiration and pride that you bring to the entire MSU community worldwide. I'm sure you'd have a lot to offer the Cleveland community as well, but Michigan is your home. Please stay and continue your magnificent unparalleled run as our coach. Peace.
Gary, Birmingham, MI
I read an article today in the state news that talked about Izzo's legacy being diminshed because of flirting with the NBA. For one, if we all truly love Izzo like we say we do, we will remember that he has always wanted to coach in the NBA. It has been a dream for him for as long as I can remember. Coaching for the Cavs and if Lebron actually stays will be a wonderful experience/challenge for him. If he wants to go accomplish one of his dreams by all means, go. I wish him the best of luck and hope he makes a legend in the NBA like he wants to. We all know he can do it. However, I want/NEED everyone to remember at least this one thing. He has never ever been in it for the money. Coaching is what he loves and he has done an amazing job. When you love what you are doing so much like Tom, the money is never a factor. He has built MSU basketball from the ground up and will forever be loved and cherished by fans. Regardless if you stay or go, COACH IZZO, YOU ARE A LEGEND IN MY BOOK!
Michelle W, Michigan State University
If you leave, I will become a michigan fan. There is your ultimatum decide what you want. I love you.
Bryn, Haslett, Mi
Thank you all for your support. I assure you that I am indeed staying in the great state of Michigan to continue my legacy and become the best colligate coach of all-time. I could never leave the glorious town of East Lansing, no matter how much money is thrown into my face. And I assure you, I could never live in Ohio. Thanks again for all of your support.. SPARTY ON!!
- Coach Izzo
Tom Izzo, East Lansing
Mr. Izzo,
When I was little, I had a "future spartan" tee shirt that my dad got for me. Then, as I grew older, all of my big cousins became Spartans...It was not long after that I followed in their footsteps. I have "bled green" as long as I can remember! During my four years at MSU, the friends that I made turned in to family, and the memories that were shared will never be forgotten - Luckily, even though I have moved to Arizona, I am surrounded by Spartans everywhere I go. My friends and I faithfully gather for MSU games and it simply wouldn't be the same without you. We all know what a great opportunity is in front of you, but you ARE MSU Spartan Basketball...Those boys come here TO play for you, and you are obviously a campus hero ~ Please stay with us!
Shivon, Chandler, AZ
I love you because u r manly
Well it would be great if you could stay! But hell I would take that damn money! Considering its so tempting..but even if you do go you will always be a Spartan :)
The Dotyllama, Whitetrashville, MI
Follow your heart, but I hope you stay.
Mike B, Haslett
Tom Izzo is an institution in and of himself at MSU. He has been there for so long. I remember going to basketball camp in the 80s and him being there..I remember in the 90s when my brother went to camp and Izzo was there. Then I went to MSU and Tom was still there. It would be a shame if he left now. Tom is a teacher. He excels in making young players into citizens that are ready for the world. He won't be able to do that in the NBA. Those are grown men, who often are very difficult to coach. What is more important, money or the quality of the job. Besides, MSU has a real shot at the title in 2011. Don't leave, stay at MSU where you belong.
Aimee DiPonio, Novi, MI
Michigan is where you've chosen to work and live and raise your family. Why?? Because the state of Michigan is in your blood. And so is MSU. I can't think of a better place to raise your kids than in the embrace of the Spartan family and the state of Michigan. The NBA is no place to raise your kids, so for no other reason than to provide the best atmosphere for your family, I implore you to stay at MSU and bring home another NCAA Championship to Michigan!!!
Kathleen, Royal Oak
yvette r, chicago
My daughter just learned to say "Spartan" this week...I want her to continue to grow up hearing about Coach Izzo...not Former Coach Izzo. ;)
KSL, Grand Ledge, MI
I will bow down to you if you stay!
Tom is the Heart of our Mighty Spartans....College Basketball is my Passion....and Tom Izzo sets the bar for the entire country... March Madness is watching Tom defending our honor in battle !!! Stay at home Tom...where you are ALWAYS appreciated.
John Hodgkin, Class of '92
Thanks for all that you bring to the table. MSU wants you and needs you to be the face of the university. You bring great pride and honor to the university and the athletic program. I guarantee that will not be the case if you go to the NBA. I have never respected a coach in any sport as much as I respect you. We all know it's difficult, but you do it the right way - with 100% integrity and class. Thanks for the memories and we all plead with you to bring us many more as we're all certain you would. You're the best!
Edward, the Big D
Legends are made by the people they touch. You'll never receive the love you get here, anywhere else. Stay our legend.
Jason, Lansing, Mi
yvette r, chicago
Coach- I am prolly your biggest fan ever. Just to let you know. But anyways I think you should seriously......S T A Y
I've been a Sparty and an Izzo fan my whole life! Please don't go!! East Lansing would never be the same!
We love you TOM, you are Michigan State. You are in the process of building the BEST basketball program ever. National Champs 2011. dont leave us!
grand rapids, mi
Coaching at Michigan State Tom teaches basketball an
melanie Hornberger , lansing
Izzo just stay! youre already a legend here, why go else where, where you need to prove yourself again. Coach because you love the game, not because of the money.
Mr.L33, Lansing
Hey Tom,
You're the greatest NCAA coach of alltime. Even if you do leave.
i have always thought that football is more popular than basketball. But when you think of michigan state, the first thing that comes to mind is Tom Izzo, not Mark Dantonio. that is why IZZO NEEDS TO STAY!!! msu wouldn't be the same without him! and thats why its called the IZZone, not just the zone!!
Allison, east Lansing
Wow, this outpouring of support for you from MSU fans is insane. I know the NBA is tempting, but this unconditional love from your fans is priceless. This is definitely something that should be considered in your decision...
I have watched Spartan basketball since the early 60's. I've suffered through the thin years when we actually played a plumber. Now is not the time to leave, you still have things to accomplish here at MSU. Please stay, I can't take another mediocre team. Coach Izzo you're the greatest!
William Capps, Florida
Tom you are the perfect fit for MSU and the college game. If you go to the pros you wont have the oppertunity to mold the young kids into great young men like you have done so much in the past. Plus it will be harder to instill the team concept that you have in the college game.
Joe, Charlotte
Command is getting Rowdy....
Dean Sinadinoski, Chicago, Ill
If Izzo leaves MSU for the Cav's I will jump from The Ambassador Bridge!!!!!!
Matthew James Riddle, San Antonio, Tx
If you leave to go to Cleveland now, LeBron decides to go elsewhere after July 1 and sticks you with the equivalent of an NBA expansion team, and one of your former assistants guides MSU to the title next March, you will regret leaving MSU for the rest of your life. You've worked so hard to position this team for your highly coveted 2nd NCAA title. Why throw it all away now? The NBA can wait, although I certainly hope you follow in your mentor Jud Heathcote's footsteps by going out as a Spartan.
Steve N., Aurora, IL
The greatest college basketball coach in the nation, and the heart and soul of Michigan State Basketball. Not only does Izzo win games, he helps young students become successful men. The college game is about more than just success on the court, and Coach Izzo has the rare tools to help STUDENT athletes hold successful careers AFTER basketball. LeBron James and the Cavaliers do not need a mentor, they are grown men. Coach stay at MSU and continue to set the bar for other programs. I am a current MSU student and cannot picture watching Kalin, Durrell, and the others without the luxury of sitting in the IZZONE.....don't go coach, stay where you are needed and loved by all.
Kevin, East Lansing, MI
I have loved watching you coach from when I was a child and you were an assistant, to just a couple months ago, when I was present for the first two rounds in Spokane. You transformed basketball into my favorite sport.
You have maintained class and integrity throughout your career, and that is what's always been most admirable about you. If you leave, Michigan State will not only lose an amazing basketball coach, but also one of its finest people. Please stay!
Sarah, Corvallis, Oregon
Coach Izzo ,
As a Spartan Graduate I truly appreciate all your contributions to MSU and I wish you the best of luck.
I must confess that I am a selfish Spartan and can't help but say please stay at Michigan State. Go MSU
My name is Jalal Harb, I live in Lakeland, Florida
he is a NCAA tournament legend. Watching March Madness with fellow Alumni won't be the same without Izzo; its tradition! I almost skipped my job interview for my current job to stay in Detroit for the NCAA 2009 finals because I love Izzo so much. Maybe its selfish of us...but look what happened to UofM football when Rich Rod came..please don't let that happen to our bball program!
Kayla, Virginia
Tom Izzo became the basketball coach when I was a freshman in to me, Tom Izzo IS Michigan State Basketball. I can't imagine watching a game without seeing his fire and tenacity...and knowing that he backs that up with integrity and grace is just so rare to find in a coach these days. I love knowing that the basketball program from the University I grew up loving and eventually graduated from (twice!) is in his hands, b/c I know that he does the right thing, even if it's unpopular...if it's in the best interest of his players. I truly believe he sees them as people first, and then basketball players, which is why he is able to influence their lives in such a positive way. Much love to you, TI!
Karen, Lansing, MI
Michigan is your home---no one will love you more---those boys at camp love you and most of them are there to see you-----we need a national champion...but we need you more!!
kathy, corunna
You would think that a MSU alumn aka owner of the Cavs, would love what izzo has done to his alma mater and would not try to persuade him to leave! If I was the owner of the cavs, and a MSU alumni, i'd leave izzo where he is at.
TOMMY!! We can't lose you Bubba!!! I've been a Spartan since I was born!!! Without you, it's not Michigan State!!! Please stay in SPARTAN COUNTRY!!!!
Justin L., East Lansing
I didn't go to MSU, but I can honestly say I have never seen such an outpour of love for someone. Izzo would be crazy to leave this kind of support behind!
Observant Lex, Lansing MI
You make March seem like there really is hope despite gray and cold and wind. You make countless kids from all over the country choose MSU. You make me proud to wear Green and White in Godforsaken Buckeyeland.
Holly, Lancaster, Ohio
without coach izzo Michigan will lose one of very few rays of hope it has left
Tom: Don't go. You are march madness!!
MSU and the whole state need you.
From a huge B-ball fan.
Barb Ferguson, Jackson
Please stay, Izzo! Without you, Spartan Basketball will never be the same!
Eric, Mason, MI
MSU alum, class 1992. Was there for Jud's exit and Izzo's beginning with us. Coach Izzo has become synonymous with the Spartans and I can't imagine him coaching anywhere else. He'll be good for another 4 or 5 Nat'l Championships if he stays, and will only become more beloved over time, if that's possible. Please, Coach...STAY!!!
Everyone will have a strong opinion, but first and foremost you have an amazing opportunity and no-ones opinions execpt for your family really matters. We love you, you are the HEART of East Lansing, but if most of these people were offered this opportuntiy, they would most likely take it. You are a blessed man to be so loved, respected and admired. Whatever you choose, I wish you the very best of Luck!
Jennifer, DeWitt
Tom Izzo is the embodiment of what is good in college sports; the kind of mentor and teacher that every parent wishes their children can learn under.
Kyle, Baton Rouge, LA
I think he should stay the college level, the pros are whole different ball game.
chuck, Troy
Please stay izzo we need you here you are GOD
We come from California to MSU basketball camp because of tom izzo with out him it would be half as good.
He is an inspiration to everyone, the way he inspires his players to graduate, his work with Operation Hardwood, Izzo does Broadway, and all other charities he's been involved with. He is an inspiration to the community, the state, and the country. I've always loved Michigan State and he is the best person for the University.
Ben, East Lansing
Dear Tom: You will never be loved in Cleveland like you are beloved right here. Money can't buy you love, baby - and you've got all the happiness you need right here in the land of the Green & White.
A Proud Yard-Sign Putter-Upper
We've never met, but I've been to some of your games. I'd love to go to more, except no more Izzone for me, I just graduated... p.s. now you can beat Nebraska too.
Mitchell B, Lansing
he is amazing and he is the definition of Spartan Basketball!
Tina, East Lansing, MI
Tom Izzo is one of the reasons I chose to attend MSU. His charisma, work ethic, and loyalty are to the likeness of Gene Keady, John Wooden, Mike Krzyzewski, and Dean Smith to name a few. I can't imagine tuning into seeing my Spartans without Tom Izzo manning the bench. We all love you Tom!
Kyle, Iowa City
He needs Michigan State as much as it needs him. He dedicates his time to transform lives of human beings not just the skills of basketball players. He is more than a coach, but a teacher. He bleeds green and white and will always be a spartan at heart.
Will, Seattle, Wa
As an MSU alum, I have followed Tom Izzo and his inspiring teams from my current home in California ever since he became head coach in 1995. I have watched him inspire team after team to greatness, which is no coincidence, but rather, demonstrates his unique talents as a coach. MSU is fortunate to have Mr. Izzo and I sure hope he stays, because his presence inspires many alums, including me, to maintain their ties with the community that is Michigan State University.
Denise Olrich, Petaluma, California
MSU would not be the same without Tom Izzo...all 3 of my older children have experienced the togetherness of the Izzone, and want my 4th who will be starting there this Fall to experience it as well! Please don't go Mr. Izzo!!!
Ann, Illinois
Izzo, I remember watching that more memorable night back in 2000, when you brought our Spartans to victory. I was watching it at my grandma's house. She was a huge MSU fan. Even though she isn't around any more, she would not want any other coach coaching our team, and neither do I. You are the heart of opur Spartans. You keep them moving. We need you Izzo. There is not another coach in the world that compares to you. You built up this team, so please stay and continue to bring our Spartans to victory. Please, stay for your fans and most definitely stay for your team. Stay for your Spartans! WE LOVE IZZO!!!
Deborah , Lansing, MI
One of my proudest days as a Spartan came nearly 10 years ago when you announced that you were turning down the millions being offered by the Atlanta Hawks to remain at MSU. It was the right decision then, and it's the right decision now, especially with you on the verge of winning your second NCAA title. Do me and the rest of Spartan Nation proud once again by showing the world that the only green that truly matters to you is Spartan Green!
Steve N., 1991 MSU grad, Aurora, IL
You will find Cleveland to be a wonderful place. Go Cavs, continued success to the Spartans but sorry it will be without Coach Izzo.
J, Ohio
Don't go because coaching basketball is only a fraction of what you do. You are the heart and pride of MSU!!!!!
John, Chicago
He is MSU basketball. Please stay Mr. Izzo
Eric Stanish, Temperance Michigan
The NBA just doesn't have the heart that college basketball does. Sure it would be a great challenge, and the pay would be nice, but what greater legacy than helping these young men excel at basketball and LIFE?! You are and hopefully will remain our Tom Izzo. Someone to be proud of and let our kids look up to.
Jami, Lansing
Tom I met you at a high school basketball tourament twenty some years ago and you were as humble as you are today. Please don;t go stay and keep theIZZONE alive. thank you.
Donn Messenheimer, Gaylord
Izzo is thee best!
Jenna, Michigan
Dear Mr. Izzo,
I am a 2007 graduate and live all the way in Arizona. My friends and I religiously get together to watch MSU basketball games, and for me you are a huge part of that reason. You ARE MSU basketball as I know it...those boys thrive off your expertise and seasoned coaching experience. I understand that this is an amazing opportunity, but we all know where your heart is. And do you really those silly pro athletes will appreciate you like our Spartans do at MSU? I think not.
Regardless, sir, you are a privilege to have had at MSU for as long as we have had you (I hope your reign continues). You are a class act always. Good luck on all your ventures from here on out. Thanks for making the State basketball program what it is.
Alison, Chandler, AZ
Look at all the people that have already posted on this website, and thousands more would post if they knew about it. MSU fans around the state and college basketball fans around the nation love you for what you have built at MSU.
Andrew, East Lansing
he is sexy, and the best D1 basketball coach, and will go down in history as one of the best all time
Alex, Youngstown, New York
What's not to love! He coaches because he loves the game and you can tell that in his every action! The young men that play for him play because they love the game. He is a mentor to many, more than just the young men that play for him. Keep the Izzone in EL. We love you and your family! You all support our communities. You are great.
Heather, Grand Ledge, MI
My parents and I are State fans despite the rest of our family being fans of the "other school". MSU Basketball is like religion in my house. Ever since the 2000 Championship I have been addicted to the games and Tom Izzo is the only coach I remember growing up. Losing him is like losing a family member. PLEASE STAY COACH! MSU Basketball, and life, will not be the same if you leave us... =(
Mollie Jo, Newaygo, MI
Keep molding boys into men. MSU and Michigan need you. Best of luck in your decision.
East Lansing, MI
You have done so much for all of us Spartans in so many ways, and I think I speak for everyone in saying that we're honored for having you help represent MSU. I'm not going to lie, I would be heartbroken if you left, but ultimately, do what's best for you and your family. I hope that means you'll stay here at MSU, but if not, I wish you and your family well, and you will always hold a special place in the heart of every Spartan.
Becky, East Lansing, MI
Sledgehammering a game tape only works with Spartans playing for Pride.
Robert (Class of '93), Denver
When games [Big 10, MLB...] went cable and "What time is the game on" became "Oh, is there a game today?", we lost a lot of the sense of unity that sports can provide for a community. Except for Coach Izzo, our common denominator - the link between 'town and gown'. It is our "Izzoness" that binds us together through good times and bad. Please let this be one of the good times.
Beth, Lansing
Izzo, we love you! I still haven't recovered from Saban leaving MSU after my freshman year! We need you!
Lori, Grand Blanc
He's the best!
Waleed, EL
Izzo, you have never disappointed and I know you will not now! Stay at MSU and continue to inspire and mold the lives of not just your team, but of every kid that puts on the green and white and joins team MSU! Continue to successfully mentor college kids and teach by living as an example - that has to be the greatest challenge there is!
Cooper, Lansing
What happened to Mateen Cleaves?
Mateen Cleaves, Michigan
The State of Michigan needs you! MSU needs you! Cleveland will never be as grateful to have you! I beg you, don't go.....but if you do, I wish you nothing but the best of luck, and you will always have a home in East Lansing's heart.
JJ (proud Spartan alumna, Class of 2002), Warren, MI
Izzo, Please stay at MSU! You have have made such an impact on your players, the MSU community, the state of Michigan and anyone who watches college basketball. Please continue your legacy as one of the greatest coaches to ever coach college basketball. Go Green!
Jeff (2004 MSU Grad), Montevideo, Uruguay
Your blood is green, you need to stay a Spartan. If you leave, i vow to turn into a U of M fan!
Aaron, Grand Ledge
Izzo should stay just because of the comment left below by Dennis from Grand Ledge. You need to prove everyone wrong that we are NOT like U of M and that you have class and actually care more about the morale of the sport than the money!
Anna, Grand Rapids, MI
Coach Izzo, please stay! East Lansing would not be the same without you!
Alyssa, East Lansing
We want you to be the most successful coach in MSU's history and college basketball!! You've done such a great job developing the program into a powerhouse, keep it going.
tim p., cleveland,oh
...keeping it very simple, You can stay on as coach of the SPARTANS for the rest of your LIFE if you wish making enough money to sustain your family for the rest of their lives. SIMPLY PUT...STAY ON OUR TURF.
Denis J. Metty Sr., Mt. Clemens
Ever since in was in the sixth grade I knew Michigan State was the college for me, and now as I approach my senior year I'm filling out college apps to make that dream come true, I want to be a part of the Spartan Legacy that Tom Izzo has helped create. As all of u Michiganders know, the economy is in shambles right now, people are losing their jobs, and their houses, and when everyone else turned their backs on us amd laughed at us, Tom Izzo kept faith. Tom was born and raised in Michigan, he is one of us. I can't see him leave. He has had an impact on so many lives. Derrick Nix was a part of a rally and he was quoted saying "Coach Izzo was the best thing that ever happened to me"..that is how much respect we have for this man. Kids go into michigan state immature and not knowing much about life and come out young gentlemen, who respect each individual around them. Tom, you can't leave us. U belong in the state of michigan, how could u trade the love u have from ur players and fans for the NBA? Yea, u get paid more, but the connection is lost, bc they are big-headed rich guys, who won't even listen to u. You are a father figure to these young men. Dnt leave kalin lucas and durrell summers who just decided to stay another year to help win another championship. I thank u for everything that you've done, and I am sorry if I'm selfish for wanting u to stay but we need u here. What would the Izzone be without an Izzo? It'll never be the same without u, and I agree we def. need a Tom Izzo statue! I love u man, pleeeaaassseee stay... Forever & Always A Spartan, Amber Brown
Amber Brown, Lowell, Michigan
As a native Michigander and Spartan alumna who now lives in Cleveland, I would be heartbroken if Tom left MSU. He is the ultimate coach and has done a superb job over the past 15 years.
Laura, Cleveland, Ohio
Tom, you are an AMAZING coach, teacher and very respected as a man. So many young men come here to MSU because of you. I hope you DON'T leave MSU and go to the NBA, you would be missed dearly. We all want you to stay, you can read it EVERYWHERE.... make a good decision....
Austin Family, Williamston, Mi
I hope Izzo doesn't turn into Nick Saban. He has more class than that.
Please stay, we all love you.
Trevor, Grand Ledge
Msu basketball just wouldnt be the same without the "izzone"
alissa izzo, east lansing, mi
you make me proud to be a Spartan!
Carol, Ray Township
I am a proud MSU alumni and I want Coach Izzo to stay at MSU!!
Pat Edgel, Grand Ledge
you can be Govenor if you stay!!!!!!!!!!!and continue a great bball program for MSU before then!!!!!!!!!!!!
mack, Lansing
My 3 1/2 yr old daughter just woke up from a nap. She came downstairs still not fully awake and the first words out of her mouth were, "We love Izzo! We love Izzo!". I couldn't agree more.
Erin Mansfield, East Lansing
Please people. We have heroes dying in the Middle East. Our waters are being destroyed by large corporations. This is basketball. A stinking game. Sure Tom Izzo is an excellent coach but he's human and will go where the money is. Get your priorities straight. Just the fact that he's talking to Cleveland should tell you something.
I'm a U of M grad. If he was Michigan's coach I'd say the same thing. Somehow I don't think your school will cease to exist if he leaves.
Dennis, Grand Ledge
Dear Coach Izzo
When you become the BEST at what you do, the world will beat a path to your Door. Coach you have earned the right to field these offer’s and do whatever you want to. College Basketball is the greatest sport in the world and you are one of the very few pillars that helps hold this game high above all others. The NBA is a business and can’t be compared to the college game in anyway. The game will miss you as much as the Spartan nation if you move from a great game to a business, all the best to you and yours.
Big George, Okemos MI
He has to bring home the TROPHY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Grant Glover, Ypsilanti,MI
I'm a parent of an MSU English Creative Writing Major. I've being following Mr. Izzo and the teams since 2005. My daughter Kacee and myself have the most admiration and respect for your service as coach. We love you and we and the MSU community would feel a deep loss if you leave. Please stay a while longer there is still much work to do in your position there. The students and parents need you as well. You are indeed to us the greatest!!!
Carol Clay, Farmington Hills Mich.
MSU pay Izzo what he is worth. He is the best college basketball coach since John Wooden
Tim, Rochester
i have hated Lebron ever since he came into the NBA and if you went there i would have to be a fan of his. Please don't make me like something i hate.
Rip Hamilton, detroit, MI.
He's earned the right to go but it would be gutting to see him depart. I hope his heart and love for the kids keep him in EL. He has become an icon and role model for us all...hard work, dedication, and guts.
D-Man, Seattle
Izzone alum here. Coach Izzo is Michigan State Athletics. In a time when Spartans sports were unstable, he brought stability. When MSU needed leadership, he led. When students would not listen, he got them to listen. He is Michigan State Athletics, and also happens to be the best college coach in the country. Tom Izzo needs MSU and MSU needs Tom Izzo. GO GREEN!!!
Don, Grosse Pointe Woods, MI
He's the man!
Brandon Binkley, Dewitt, Michigan
You are the face of Michigan State! You seem like such a good man...anyone can tell that you genuinely care about your players. You aren't just a coach, you are a role model and motivator for young adults all over the country. Please stay and get another National Championship; this will be the year!
Merissa Kokovich, Charleston, SC (daughter of an '81 alumni)
You know in your heat and your head there's no place like home and MSU is your home. Take a lesson from your friend Mariucci and stay where you are LOVED.
Susie and Roger, Troy, MI
I can't believe we're all so insecure and don't think enough of our program to be happy for coach. Yeah we'll probably fall to the middle of the big ten and lose some games over the next couple years, but to beg him to stay here, when he's capable of being so much more. Congrats coach.
Sarah, E.L.
Coming to MSU was a dream for me...another dream was meeting TOM IZZO randomly at a Spartan football game. I shyly asked to shake his hand and he was very obliging and smiled, saying "nice to meet you too". Things like this show his class, sincerity, and INVOLVEMENT in MSU CULTURE.
IZZO, PLEASE DON'T GO!!!!!!! Spartans love you, East Lansing loves you, basketball players and fans everywhere love you. YOU are a sports ICON and without YOU, MSU will never be the same!!! No one could ever come close to your talent, skill and dedication to the players, the team, the school and so importantly, the community.
Izzo, you were a huge part of my MSU career for so many reasons. MSU will never be the same without you and a cloud of doom will hang over Spartans everywhere for years.
You rock, IZZO!!!!!!!!
Marie Sajewicz-Glodowski, Brownstown, Mi
More than anyone, Tom Izzo exemplifies what it means to be from Michigan. With so many people leaving our beloved state, those of us who have lived here all our lives point to him as an example of what it means to be from Michigan. This is not just an MSU thing- it means everything to our state. Tom, if nothing else in these trying times in our state we all know we can look forward to watching you & your team carry us through the winter & spring. Please don't leave us, we can never replace you. From a true Spartan & a graduate of Flint Norhtwestern Hgh School.
Lynda Farnen, Grosse Pointe Park, MI
you are the best NCAA coach there has ever been! And why would u want to leave when East Lansing is the best place to be where u have lots and lots of people who love and support you!!!
Rachel, East Lansing MI
Mr. Izzo or should I say coach please stay in East Lansing and coach the mighty spartans. If you do go to Cleveland and don't win a championship in 3 years with or without LeBron you will be like every other college coach who tried their luck in the NBA. You would probably be let go. If you stay you will always be the coach until you are tired of coaching. Please stay!
Tyrell, East Lansing
Bring him to Cleveland, you guys had your fun, now its our turn to win, we never win at anything, just asking for one championship in my lifetime.
Christopher Dillon, CLEVELAND
Coach Izzo is a class act. MSU Basketball would not be the same without him. Coach Izzo please stay!!!!
Pam, Shelby Township, Michigan
Mr Izzo, You make every Spartan proud. It's beyond winning, it's dignity and demanding the best of your players, yourself and the university. Thank you so much. By the way, I have never, ever written a fan letter of any kind!
Cindy Hubbard, Class of 1972, Commerce Township, Michigan
I am a MSU grad and was a member of the original IZZONE! I watch every game on the big ten network. We all know you can coach in the NBA. You are much more than a basketball coach! You are part of the MSU family and you will never have that in the NBA. I haven't followed the NBA since the "Bad Boys". It is a different game. A friend of mine got free tickets to the Milwaukee Bucks this year and we left at halftime to go to the casino. Sometimes you don't know how good you have something until it's gone. We'll love you either way you choose, because you are family!
Dan L, Portage, WI
He's one of the few people in the world who are having a positive impact on many, many young people. We need more Izzos in young people's lives.
Let him leave, he has no loyalty. If he loved MSU, like MSU loves him... he wouldn't drag out this process. He would not relish this popularity and love the attention he is getting. Hope he leaves to find out how much the NBA doesn't have the same love for coaches. Selfish.
Dan, Michigan
Tell LeBron to enroll and play at MSU. Then maybe you'll win it all.
Charles, Ann Arbor
I just wanted to let ya know, in my household we LOVE MSU Basketball..We always comment on how you can see how much the players look up to you and respect you..I am not too proud to beg you to stay with OUR Team..and I certainly am not above begging you to to stay here where you are loved and admired for the job you do with our Young men on the Basketball court..You are like a part of our family...
A few yrs ago I met you at Toys-R-Us Halloween trick or treating we chatted for a few minutes and we had players and you signed our poster, we still have that poster that was a real treat for us...PLEASE STAY WITH THE TRUE GREEN----Go STATE>3
Tammy, Lansing
Tom Izzo doesn't "get" to the Final Four; he merely ALLOWS three other teams to be there with him.
Christopher Moon, East Lansing, MI
You made me fall in love with college basketball and furthered my love for MSU. You are not only an incredible coach but an even better person. Thank you for all that you've done for us! Good luck with making your decision, hoping to see you in the Bres this season! Love you Izzo!!!!
Ashley, Haslett
He is a home-grown state of Michigan man. He bleeds green and white. My son and his buddies who were in the Izzone for 3 years adore the man. "We would love to just hang out with him," they told me. (The ultimate compliment coming from a bunch of college students!)
Mike, Tecumseh
Izzo brings great leadership to the Spartans, throws one hell of a party in the Izzone and brings home titles/championships! Please don't leave!
Erika, Chicago, IL MSU Grad 2003
Izzo is the heart and soul of the Spartan basketball team - an amazing motivator, leader and person. MSU just wouldn't be the same without him. Don't go Tom!
Amy (99 MSU Grad), Farmington Hills, MI
Michigan State doesn't make sense without Izzo. He is the champion of all things green and white. East Lansing doesn't make sense without the Izzo family.
MSU Alumni, Indianapolis, IN
you really don't want to work at Quicken Loans do you? Just take a look at how they treat workers at Gilbert owned companies. You are a Michigan legend and from the sound of it a good man. Truly hope you do not sign a deal with the devil!
Troy, MI
This is Sparta! Things won't be the same without you. Please don't go!
RJP, Lansing, Michigan
We sure hope you remain at MSU. There is an old saying .....“The grass always grows greener over the septic tank” .... and there is of course a reason why. Regardless of what you decide, we wish you the very best.
Bruce, TROY
I am proud to be a Spartan from the "Magic Era" and hope you'll stay
He has been such an important part of MSU history and we can't imagine any other zone during basketball season except the IZZONE!!!!! Please stay Tom !!
Patti Gross, Shelby Township Michigan
No matter where the road takes you ,you will always be in the hearts of true Spartan fans.
Rob Schremser, Richmond Michigan
You are Michigan State!!! Whenever anyone thinks of Michigan State...they think of TOM IZZO!!!! Please don't leave your beloved college!!! Please Don't Leave Michigan!!!!!!
maureen karges, Shelby Twp
If you want to take a nap go to Cleveland. LeBron stinks stay for the national championship possibilities next year in East Lansing.
Javon, DeWitt
Do what's good for you. Yes, you're a great coach - but an NBA team is really a step up. I say go for it, reach for the stars. That's how you've gotten this far to begin with. You're great, so be great. You won't be forgotten at MSU, but continue to do bigger and better things.
Jessica, Petoskey, MI
Coach Izzo is one of the premier coaches in all of college sports. Under his leadership, we can count on a great March Madness run each year from the Michigan State basketball program. While I wish he and his family the best with their decision, I hope he decides to remain at MSU and continues his remarkable run of success.
Michigan House Speaker Andy Dillon, Redford Township
Izzo please don't go.
aruna kamara, East Lansing
Please stay and build your dynasty. All your friends are here!! Your wifes f riends are here, your childrens friends are here. This is where you need to be!
James Malinak, Laingsburg
Just stay in Michigan please.
Thank you, B.T.Simpson
Barbara Simpson, Detroit
Mr & Mrs. Izzo, We love what you have done for MSU and the community. We support you in whatever decision you make. If you decide to leave you will be missed and Wish you the best of everything you deserve it. Thank you again
Kathy Sinelli, Whittemore, MI
He's sexy.
Sophie, Brighton, MI
you're one of us. we identify with you and what you accomplish. you're like family to my family. i hope you stay.
mike, harsens island
Izzo makes me prouder to be a Spartan. He is in the midst of creating a legacy. Sure hope he sees it our way and stays in East Lansing for life.
di, oxford, michigan
this is your heaven you rule the kingdom why go? you dont need the headache stay where you are loved,happy,and a big winner you are MSU!!!!
Eric, Lansing
Tom Izzo is from our hometown of Iron Mountain, a place that bleeds Green and White and couldn't be prouder of Tom's accomplishments. From November to March, Spartan basketball is all we know. This past winter our family spent 4 months in the NICU with our daughter Katie, and EVERY game day we wore our GREEN and WHITE to show our support for Coach Izzo. Katie's isolette cover was a Spartan blanket, and we even managed to find clothes small enough for her when she weighed just 2 lbs.! Our doctor gave us an Izzo-signed basketball and a special engraved case reading, "State's Newest Fan...Katie Grace Hartman...1/8/2010". We had the whole NICU cheering for MSU througout March Madness, even though they were a bunch of Badger fans. Why am I sharing all of this? Because Coach Izzo and the Spartans gave us hope and distraction during a time of great struggle in our lives. We believe in him and trust in him to do what is right because that is the kind of person he is. He makes us proud to be from Iron Mountain, and we cannot stomach the thought of him leaving MSU. We hope Tom continues to make us proud and decides to stay at State where he are a LEGEND Coach Izzo, please STAY!!!
Tara Hartman, Iron Mountain, MI
u r a mchigander thru & thru. $ isn't everything, true sportsmanship, dedication,& loyalty is. Look deep in your heart Tom & I'm sure you will make the right decision
Rick, Royal Oak
He is MSU basketball. There is noone else. If he leaves I have a feeling that our team will not do bad. PLease stay.
Alex, Grand Ledge MI
Dear Coach
The way you go about your job inspires people all around to be the best they can be. East Lansing will not be the same without you. East Lansing loves you! Please stay!
John, East Lansing
Izzo has made an impact in our state both on and off the court. Going to the NBA and moving to Cleveland will leave a great void in our area. No one has the capability to come and replace all that he does for our communities. Tom, think beyond basketball for what you do for your community and state.
Chuck Robinson, Bay City
Please stay at State, Michigan loves you!!!!
Sarah, Detroit
We need you Tom! Please stay and continue to build your legacy at MSU. You were born and bred in Michigan and have become the face of Michigan State basketball...don't leave that all behind! We love you coach Izzo!!
Kim, Boston, MA
Don't leave us, please!
Marcus, East Lansing
YOU ARE MICHIGAN STATE!! If you gotta go...much love to ya. But PLEASE win us one more!!
Jud Heathcoat
We love Izzo because he is a Michigander through and through. He has always been a great ambassador to the state and should continue to be.
Xay, St. Joseph, MI
Not only is he one of the best coaches around, but he is one of the best people ever. He has impacted so many lives on and off the court. Many more young adults are dreaming of the chance for him to impact their lives as well. So please stay Tom, and keep changing lives.
Troy, Grand Rapids
He is the heart and soul of MSU Basketball. His players are his boys; he even named his son after one of them, for heaven's sake! He is a devoted son to his parents like his players are to him. I can't imagine him leaving them behind. Tom is best suited in the college arena; he will regret having to deal with the greed and bad attitudes of NBA players. He always said he was here to stay (at MSU); what has changed with that? He has never appeared to be concerned about money, and he has the chance to make history with MSU Basketball. Having a chance to coach one particular NBA player isn't going to fulfill him. Tom, don't let your players and fans down - you've taken us so far, and we are so close to achieving our dreams!!!
Jo Ann Kurtz, Howell, MI
Just curious, any rallies in Cleveland saying how bad they want Coach...NOT!
As a person who did not attend MSU, it would probably seem crazy that I'm such a fan, but here's the thing - you're not just a coach. You're a movement. You brought pride back to Flint when it was lost. You softened the eyes of a national with your national championship run in Detroit. You helped young kids see what it means to believe in yourself last year when players were going down left and right. You just make people around you, and those watching you and your movement better. We need more of that, and I hope that you'll stay.
Mia, Lansing
Hmmm not a Cavaliers fan but Lebron N Izzo soundz like a plan!!!
Demontay George, Lansing,MI
In these difficult times in Michigan, you have been a beacon in the dark. As we deal with failing industries and the highest unemployment rate in the country, you have stepped up and gave us hope. You have proven what the underdog can do when they put their minds to it and don't give up. You have shown faith in the young men you coach when possibly their own families have shown no faith in them. Lupe has also demonstrated what a person can do to make a difference in the world around us. I wish you all the best in whatever decision you make, but just know you are not only disappointing those at MSU but also countless people in the state of Michigan .
Elaine, Charlotte
Great Lakes, Great Times!
Please don't walk away from a team that can win you a championship this year.
Tom you r the greatest coach in the state ever we love u . please stay
Jon, MSU
You are such a good influence on your players. You don't hear of MSU alumni in the NBA getting into trouble. This is because you teach them respect and how to be a good citizen from the beginning. Even though I am a huge Cavs fan, I would hate to see you leave a college program where you have such great and lasting influence.
Tricia (wife of '87 MSU alumnus), Canton, Ohio
I want to start by saying "Thank You" to Coach Izzo. Thank you for showing the country what a great school and community MSU is. Thank you for showing class, integrity, & sportsmanship every step of the way. Thank you for showing young people what hard work and dedication can achieve. Thank you for being an outstanding role model for your players and your fans. Thank you for allowing alumni to feel like we are part of the Izzone too! I understand this decision is hard. You are a competitor and the NBA would be a new challenge. I hope you stay, but I will cheer for you in either the NBA or NCAA. I am not only an MSU fan, I'm an Izzo and always! You and your family are Spartans, please, please stay and finish what we have started!
Karen, Proud Spartan Grad, Class of 1997
Izzo, you should stay. Your heart and soul belong in EL. Your daughter goes to school here, it would be so sad to uproot her from that. Please STAY HERE where you belong, and lets make this year your year to WIN IT ALL!!! WE LOVE YOU !!
Emily, East Lansing
Thanks for everything Tom! I have never been a fan of the Cavs but if you do decide to take the helm I'll be their biggest fan. If you stay here, many more great things to come! You are such a great guy and I appreciate all you've done for the Univeristy.
Sean C., Spring Lake
Your work ethic, your passion, your drive and your honesty have been the reason for your success at MSU and have given me so many wonderful moments and memories - enjoying your great teams and their accomplishments. You are EXACTLY what college sports need - please don't leave us - we love you, your players love you and it just would never be the same without you.
Kristee, Michigan
I moved to the Lansing area in 1996 and having always been a big sports fan, and a great admirer of good basketball, it became evident to me early on that the Spartans and Tom Izzo were going to be something special. I quickly worked out a season ticket package with a friend. And I cherish all those wonderful times at the Breslin Center. It went further though. Going to Tom's coaches show at various venues in town allowed me to get to see Tom close and personal and to see what a great guy, great family man, great community person he is. I recall those holiday sings with his accordion and the team attending. Mom lives in Oklahoma and on a few trips to see me, she rode on the same plane with Tom and he was always courteous as she introduced herself, talked of Oklahoma basketball and how she loved watching his games. I'm now in Oklahoma and constantly watch how the Spartans do and always express how Tom is the best coach going. One of the top columnists in Oklahoma, Berry Tramel, considers Izzo the top coach in the nation. Nuff said. Tom, you are needed in the college game, you epitomize the college spirit and game and I want to keep following the great work you do with young guys at MSU.
Wayne , Norman, OK
Izzo, you teach these young men, those on and off the court, to have respect for one another and for everyone around them. You teach us all the heart needed to be champions of things big and small. You impact lives here, if you leave you'll always have a home in Sparty Country.
Lyle, EL
You don't know me - I'm just one of the millions of 'Up North' fans that appreciate all that you [Coach Izzo] have done for your players, your University, your State, AND the Sport of College Basketball. Tom, you owe us nothing!! You will be remembered and revered as a champion who made all of us believe! Please do whatever is in the best long term interest of your own wonderful family. I know that is what you would advise me if you knew me and I were in a position like yourself. Either way, on behalf of Greater (Northern) Michigan, I wish you well! God Bless!!
Steve Cameron, Alma, Michigan
Seriously Izzo its either MSU basketball coach or US President 2012, don't stoop to the Cleveland Cavs. YOU'RE TOO AWESOME.
I-Z-Z-O, I-Z-Z-O!!! You can hear us, your students, cheering your name. We have one of the best fan sections in the nation, THE IZZONE. What would it be called if you left? We don't mean to sound selfish, we wan't you to do what is best for you and your family. But, you are the HEART AND SOUL of Michigan State University. People all over the nation know about our school, and associate you with their knowledge. You said you wanted one more championship, you could easily accomplish that in the upcoming year. Don't leave behind Lucas, Summers, Luscious, Nix...finish what you started. Please!! I guarantee you will have more job offers after you win yet ANOTHER CHAMPIONSHIP. MSU is on its way to becoming an NCAA basketball dynasty, all thanks to you and Heathcote. Just know we appreciate everything you do for the students, the players, the community. People look up to you, and for good reason. As always, GO GREEN, GO WHITE.
Mary Beth, , MSU ALUM '10
Coach, I am soooo honored to be a Spartan for many reasons. One of the main reasons being you and our basketball program ! I know you are going to do what is best for you and your family ! Just know that you have a Spartan Nation that is 100% behind you ! We love you Coach !
P.S.... This could be the year coach, please STAY !!!!!!
Bryan Taft, Houston, Texas
he counted to infinity.... Twice.
B. Vila, China
What the hell is in Ohio anyhow!?!?! I mean come's all corn! Not to mention all the Ohio State fans lurking around every corner. I mean seriously if they have good basketball and football their heads might actually get so big that they explode. Ohioans lives are at stake here.
Spartan, Lansing, MI
he is not only a coach, but a teacher. He guides his players through life as well as through the game on the court. I wish my boys could play for him!
Emily, Sterling Heights
I never went to MSU, but you guys have always been my favorite. I even went to Ford Field alone and I have some fantastic photos. I did this because I have followed you for many years. I am too a teacher and I know how much we are devoted to our students. Tom, please don't leave MSU. There are so many young people counting on your leadership. I understand that when dollar figures are thrown in your face, we sometimes forget. I have lost many things in my life due to the economy, but one thing I will always have and that is the love I get from my students. I could actually retire if I wanted, but I know that there is a need for me to stay right now. So Tom, follow your heart and do what you know is the right thing.
Donna, Southfield
The name Izzo & MSU go hand in hand. Please don't leave us Tom! It would be such a travesty for everyone in the communities that surround MSU/E.Lansing. Our students would miss out on watching you do your magic on these wonderful boys of the team. Thanks & hope to see you at the games in 2010 & beyond!!
Marlene Kohlmeyer, Fowler, MI
is a shining light in the grease ball filled world of college basketball
Phil, Easy Lansing, MI
Coach Izzo exemplifies what it is to be a Spartan. A true leader. An amazing coach. An all-around nice guy. Good news is he will always be a Spartan, wherever he is, and I will support him no matter what - but hope with all my heart that he stays.
CMG, Michigan
...his passion is matchless, and his enthusiasm is priceless. It wouldn't be the same without you, Coach!
GO GREEN!!!!!, East Lansing
there is an order to the universe: Space, Time, and Tom Izzo.... Just kidding, Tom Izzo comes first.
B. Vila, China
his tears cure cancer.... Too bad he never cries.
B. Vila, China
Tom, as a life-long Spartan who bleeds green, I am thankful for all you have given to Michigan State. I appreciate the family atmosphere you (and Mark Dantonio) have helped create. It makes us proud and is one of the primary reasons recruits and students come to East Lansing...because family matters, and people care. I'm sure this is part of your thought process, but I only ask that you consider whether you'll find this in Cleveland. I support you in whatever decision you make; I know you will do what's best for you and your family. True Spartan fans will always be Izzo fans because of the foundation you have built...for that we are thankful!!!
Brian J. Smith, Grand Rapids, MI
Without Izzo, will the football team even win a game? Seems like the whole school will explode if he decides to quit. MAN UP YOU BETOCHES
King James, Cleveland, OH
I was lucky enough to meet him during my time at MSU. Unlike so many other 'famous' people , he looks people - even lowly college kids - in the eye when he speaks to them. He also wins basketball games.
Sam, Class of '09, Chicago, Illinois
Don't go to the NBA, you'll fail! I should have never taken the Michigan AD job. Look how I ruined my legacy
William C. Martin, I'M ON A BOAT!
He makes us all proud to be part of the Spartan nation! HE IS MSU! HE IS E. Lansing. HE IS MICHIGAN!!!!
Dianne L., Laingsburg
Stanton for Heisman! sPARTY for bowl win!
Johnny Spirit, On my bike
The one thing that we all admire that we find a hard time putting to words is the way you, year after year, take a group of basketball players with individual goals and turn them into young men with “accountability to each other”, at the foundation to their success. Each season we Spartan fans witness a metamorphosis. Not just in Breslin, not just in the tournament, but in the lives of our Spartan players, trainers and coaches. We see it in the way your former players thank you. We see it in the way their families thank you. We hope that you see how important you are to us. It’s one thing to have the best college basketball coach of all time leading your team, it’s quite another thing when his ideals speak volumes for the way a group can achieve at higher levels than the sum of their parts.
Thank you for the memories so far, thank you for the dedication, just: Thank You! I keep my fingers crossed that we’ll be able to witness your Spartan-leadership for many years to come! Go Green!!
Joe A., Lansing
I want to drink beers with you!
Frankenberry, Hermosa Beach, CA
He was a great basketball coach he was one of the best coaches msu had were gonna miss him!!!!
Brandon E, Holt, Michihan
I was a senior in 2000 when Mateen and team won the NCAA tournament. The tourney and parade are some of my best college memories. Future students should be so lucky.
The leadership and bond displayed by both Izzo and Mateen taught me so much, I took that onto my career.
Heidi Gemolas, Rochester Hills, MI
I'm sure if I ever crashed my car into yours you'd pay for the damages!
Mike Rothstein,
We love Izzo because when he gets real quiet and just simply smiles he may not be shouting but you know hes REAL MAD. Not mad because the team isn't good enough but mad because they are not playing as good as he knows they can.
Fawn D, MSU Alumna 2009, Lansing, MI
From a parent's point of view, I urge Tom to stay. Uprooting his children for ambition might backfire. He can't make a mistake if he stays. There will always be offers from the pros and when the time is right, he can take it. But, if he leaves, and then realizes he's made a terrible mistake where his children are concerned, there's no turning back. Stay put, Tom where we all love you. Let you children grow up and graduate with their friends; you know how important those lifelong friendships are. Win another championship. There will always be time for the pros,
Suzanne, Okemos
I-Z-Z-O please say no don't go!!!! I-Z-Z-O is MSU basketball can't even imagine it without him!!! I-Z-Z-O I-Z-Z-O I-Z-Z-O we want IZZO!!!!
Lynn, Okemos
My dad always told me how lucky I was to live in the era of Izzo. I just said "psh whatever" and never really thought about what it would be if he left. I just realized how much it would upset me if you did. Please stay Izzo!!!!!
-A teenage girl who LOVES Tom Izzo, Lansing :)
A truly inspiring coach who embodies Spartan Spirit and forever changed MSU.
Katie, Haslett, MI
Tom, You told us in Sarasota a few weeks ago you want more banners hanging from the rafters but maybe it's time for us to put a statue of you out in front of the Breslin Center the same way Alabama just did for Sabin. We appreciate you waaaaay more!!! You're the BEST!!!
John C., Ft Myers, FL
What is the Izzone with out Izzo? Nothing. A championship, 6 Final Four's in the last 12 year's, Etc. Stay and continue to build Michigan State into one of the best dynastie's in NCAA Men's basketall history as you are now. We Love You Izzo! Please stay!
Chyenna Fredrickson, Jackson, Michigan
You've given us reason to be proud and we want you to stay. You not only win for all of us and the University, but you make a difference to those young men. And you add so much luster to MSU. Do you think it would be that gratifying to try to coach a bunch of overpaid prima donnas ? College coaches are a special breed. Stay, stay, please.
Kate, Atlanta
I am a 1955 graduate of MSU and an Spartan basketball fan ever since. I live in a Cleveland suburb and I am a Cleveland Cavaliers and Lebron James fan too. I will lose some interest in both basketball teams if Tom Izzo leaves MSU for the Cavaliers job. Please, Tom, stay where you are loved and respected. Don't let all yourm Spartan fans down.
Bill Bruton, Strongsville, Ohio
You inspyered me 2 stay outta jayel. Luv u man!
JRich, PHX
it's GREAT to be a spartan in March. Thanks to Tom and his players. Every year we all get to revel in our Spartan glory. Every March we get to gather with our alumni friends and celebrate the joy the basketball program brings to our lives. It is special in East Lansing. It is GREAT to be a spartan. Stay!
Brad, Tecumse
You are an amazing person, not just an amazing coach. While the majority of people are really hoping you stay at MSU, you have to do what is best for you and your family. I know you will always bleede green!
Marlene, Okemos
i would be so sadden by your departure. There is no fine coach then you!
@Michigan_mbball, AA
Aye Tom, can I play for you?
DemDors, Ft Lauderdal
...sneaking into the fan section named after Brian Gregory just wouldn't be as fun.
Card Stunt
The face of MSU athletics! Very proud of the elite program you have built.
Jim Harms, Toledo, OH
you know how to #DOMINATE.
Together Honor Courage, Grand Ledge
Interesting concept here. Great job to all involved!
Michael Rothstein, Long Island, NY
55 wings without Howe
68 tigers without Kaline
79 Spartans without Magic
84 tigers without Sparky
89 Pistons wihout Daly
90 Pistons without Thomas
97 Wolverines without Woodson
97 Wings without Bowman
00 Spartans without Cleaves
03 Wings without the Captain
04 Pistons without Chauncy
06 Tigers without Maggz
08 Wings without Lidstrom
2010 Spartans WITHOUT TOM IZZO?????
Drew Carry, Cleveland Doesnt Rock was so kind of you to give one to Grand Valley in '07! Way to help our sister institutions in the state, bro!
DAB, The Farms
Izzo is Izzo.
Brian, Okemos
From the time I was little, MSU sports were one of my passions. I live for the days of football and basketball games. March Madness and MSU are the best! We need you and your passion for our university and basketball to remain with us in the years to come! Go Green, Go White, Don't Go Izzo!
Stephanie- MSU '92
I went to UM but you're still my hero!
Andy Reid, Daily Sports
As a TRUE BLUE Michigan supporter, it pains me to say this but Tom, you are to Michigan State what Lloyd Carr was to Michigan. The Green & White need you there!
Stuey B, DC
he is the greatest basketball coach in the world
Ryan, Rochester, Michigan
he is a true Spartan.
Brandon, Boston, MA
We love you because you are a Michigan man, and in a time when most of the country has turned its back on Michigan, you have remained a created something great. We love you! GO GREEN!! GO WHITE!!!
Bruce Winters, Class of 2013, Jackson, MI
You represent this institution with the class and integrity that Lloyd did for UM. Please stay, I'm #allin for you!
Stuart, DC
Mike S., NJ then Florida then NJ
you da man izzo. I was born in Cleveland and I want you to stay!
Buck McNasty, DC
The NBA will be there next year and the 5 years after that. This is the team you've waited 10 years to assemble. Don't leave guys like Day Day, Durrell, and Kalin out in the cold. Come back and finish the job.
You are the greatest thing to EVER happen to Michigan St and I cant begin to imagine my bolved SPARTANS without you on the bench. I am sorry we are being so selfish in not wanting you to go but I hope you understand how much you are loved and needed here. What you bring to the school and our great state cannot be measured in words. You bring in boys and they leave men. You are a teacher and a father to them and you bring us fans sooooooo much joy. We NEED YOU Here ! PLEASE STAY cuz it wont be the same without you. Listen to your heart cuz I truly believe your heart is in East Lansing ! thank you for all you have done and just think about how much more you can do. We Love You more then you know ! GO STATE !!!!!
JC, Lansing, MI
what is the izzone without tom izzo? you'll never be loved anywhere else than you are at michigan state. you're a God here, pleasee don't leave us :/
Ald, Class of 2013, Muskegon, MI
dude i totaly agree with ron m tom you gotta stay dude think of all the keeeds that look up to you dude come on man!
FT, Tallahassee
Megan, Madison Heights, MI
Please stay Tom - we love you and your family. The community loves you here!!!!
Tom, Lansing
The party's here!
Snooki, Poughkeepsie
Really Tom? Your gonna choos OHIO over MICHGAN??? Come on brah, I now your way smarter then that man!
Ron M., Jerzey
We all love you Izzo and what you've done for Michigan State! Please stay!!! We need you!!
Kelly, Detroit, Michigan
Tom, this is your big chance to #savethestate!!! Pleeeeeaaaaaase stay!
L. Bro, Williamston
Please stay at Michigan State. What would the Izzone become? If you left many things would be different. I want you to stay.
Marty Johnson, age 7, East Lansing
Tom: Please stay at MSU. You are to classy of a guy to waste your talents on the spoiled, millionaire, egoscentric jerks in the NBA!!!
Steve Moritz - MSU '85, Lansing
dear izzo,
please stay your parents need you here in Michigan so please stay everybody loves you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Love,your biggest fan JAN CUPERY
jan cupery, Okemos
TB Tom, Canton
Izzo has created MSU into one of the greatest college basketball programs. We now are mentioned with the greats of UCONN, DUKE, UCLA, now MSU. Recruits come here to play for Izzo and I can only see bad things happening if he leaves. Izzo please stay!
Chad, East Lansing
We love Izzo because he has a true passion for lighting the fire inside crazies from all over Ingham County and urging them to plant litter all over the roadways. Can't I go to Biggby without tripping over a wooden stake?
newslvr, Okemos
PLEASE don't leave Tom!!! I was planning on proposing to my bf at the Breslin Center this winter and wanted you to be their for it!
Allison J., Park Ridge, IL
We love Izzo because he has a true PASSION for MSU and college basketball. Not many coaches have "it" like Izzo does!
Samantha ~ MSU class of 92, Commerce Twp, MI
Please stay, Coach!! We love you!!!!
Krisanne, MSU Class of 1978, Jackson, MI
When anyone brings up icons of Michigan State, it's always Sparty, The Red Cedar, and Tom Izzo.
Michael Prainito, Harrison Township, MI
I met Tom years ago at a family party. He was a great guy then and continues to represent well for the state of Michigan. MSU loves Izzo. The US loves Izzo. From Michigan to Los Angeles, Michigan State has pride because of his teams. Stay where you belong Tom!
Adam Joy, M.A. MSU 2005, Los Angeles, CA formerly of Haslett,MI
As I grow up and get more in depth in the sports world and pursue my dream in broadcasting, I really don't want to say the Cleveland Cavaliers coached by Tom Izzo. I want to say, "Welcome to the IZZONE as the Michigan State Spartans are battling for their 5th consecutive Big Ten Championship". Please dont go.
Nick, Mason
He is a fellow Yooper and Spartan, a superior coach and an all around classy dude...Please don't leave MSU!!!!
Angela, San Diego
I love Izzo because he's a coach from a small town in Michigan who recruits players from other small towns in Michigan. He supports the state that loves and supports his university and he bring a whole lot of WIN back into Michigan. Michigan >3 Izzo.
Whitney Gronski, Saginaw, MI
He is Michigan. Remember the support he and the Spartans showed Michigan during the Final Four at Ford Field? They felt a need to support our state. Please remember that!
I heart Tom Izzo because of what he represents. He is a shining example of what hard work and dedication can accomplish. He is a man from the Upper Peninsula where people with weak work ethics are scarce.
Jake Silverest, Lansing, MI
izzo please please please don't go everybody loves you your a legend every body all over the world knows you soooooooooo............ PLEASE DON'T GO
rebecca woodbury, dewitt
he IS Michigan State! You mean so much to us, the players, and the university, PLEASE STAY COACH!
Nathan, Portsmouth, NH
Perhaps its because we've been jaded and jilted by the likes of Coach Saban. Perhaps its because we thought you would always be a Spartan to ride off in the sunset whenever your fire grew dim. I have always respected what you have done and what you stand for. Sometimes some people need to think about what life is like without something before they realize the true value of its worth. The sun will rise and the sun will set but Michigan State University would not be the same with Coach Izzo.
- MSU Alum '02
Matt, South Lyon
because he's a CHAMPION!
David Price, South Lyon, MI
MSU & college basketball wouldn't be the same without you! please don't go izzo!
becca, springdale, ut
YOU ARE THE MAN! You Are MSU to millions of people who now think fondly of our great university. You represent what's right about college athletics. You represent what the proper level of accountability of student athletes should be. You're a great ambassador. YOU ARE MSU!
Jgregor, southern JNew Jersey
Mr. Izzo, please stay! I can understand everyone has his/her own dreams and want to exceed himself/herself by taking new challenges. BUT, we do love you!
Jerry Deng, a Spartan since 2003 (the year I came to US and joined MSU), Colorado
Stay because: you cried when we sang Happy Birthday to you, beat #1 ranked Wisconsin with a lesser team, lead your team to the Final Four in Detroit, because you do not coach players you teach boys to become men, stay because there will many more of these moments for years to come.
Jim , Stockholm
I love MSU. I Love Izzo. Please don't go! You are all I have ever known as a Spartan and without you Spartan basketball will never be the same.
Stay here Izzo... we love you more than you know.
Justin B, East Lansing
Hi Tom Izzo,
My name is Patty Dow-Rasho. I am a 30 plus year veteran teacher . I love teaching Middle School kids in Northville. I have 5 children. My daughter Kelly attended State from 03-07. She graduated and works for an advertising/PR firm in downtown Chicago. She was an MSU cheerleader under the direction of Mark Hollis. We were there in 2005 when both the men and women basketball teams were fighting for a title. You have a legacy established at MSU Tom. Please realize the importance of that verses monetary wealth. It in none of my business, but I am sure you are already a weathly man. I don't make anywhere near the money you make, but I consider myself a very wealth person. Listening to Dave Bing speak last week on a radio interview he seemed to think you had to go just based on money alone. Legacy and integrity are far more valuable than money. We don't have tremendous monetary wealth and are not able to purchase tickets to many games, but we do attend any of the "free" events. We were in East Lansing for the last pep rally. We are also pictured in your mural at State leading to you practice gym. I don't EVER take days off away from my students, but when the final four was in Detroit I did take that Friday afternoon off and went to the practices as well as the pep rally in Troy. Tom, there is way more to life than money in the bank. Of course you need to be secure, but I am reasonably sure you are a financially secure individual. Please Tom the State of Michigan needs you to remain here as much as Michigan State does. Please stay.
I went to MSU during the end of the Heathcote era, and would hate to see the Izzo Era end now. I think you still have so much to offer our university and players. I am saddened that the NBA is seen as a step up, because I think college basketball has a heart and life that the NBA will never have. You understand this heart and life. Please stay.
PeggyMSU89, Nunda, NY
He is a man of integrity. He represents the very best of MSU.....he is Michigan born and bred....he gets it....all of what is great and wonderful in Michigan! He has walked the walk! PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE DO NOT LEAVE!!!!!!!!!!!
Kay, Knoxville, TN (now)
without your emails telling us to be safe and responsible there will be chaos.. think of the children!!!! >3
Alison, East Lansing-MSU<3
He gives us hope as Spartans and Spartans-At-Heart to know that we can make a difference and do something special... even in college basketball. He's shown us how to mold youth, teach winners, and build up a program and we need him to stay and continue his good works among the students of MSU, the people of Michigan, and the community of the NCAA.
Jennifer McQuaid, Mount Pleasant, MI
President Jintao Hu called me just 5 min ago, asked me to post supporting message here. I seconded what President Hu just said, Mr. Tom Izzo, you should stay at MSU for Chairman Mao's sake.
Premier Jiabao Wen, Zhong Nan Hai, Beijing, China
Coach Izzo, you're success and influence on our basketball program were some of the reasons I was drawn to the University as a student. I spent all four of my years there in IZZONE seats and I can't imagine the University or the basketball program without you. I am grateful for the sacrifices and all the hard work you have put in. Whatever you decide, I support you, but please don't leave!
Jacob, East Lansing
of his passion for winning and teaching these young men how to be men both on and off the court. He loves his players and because of that they fight tooth and nail for him. I sure hope he stays, can't imagin March without a final four run every other year.
Aron, Austin, TX
Coach Izzo represents the best of Mid-Michigan, Lansing and MSU...integrity, hard work, excellence. Wherever he goes, we know his heart still beats Green....Please Stay ! !
Not my words but I think you get the meaning - We'd like to you to stay.
1. Success Is All About the Little Things - On the first day of practice Coach Wooden didn't discuss basketball strategy. Believe it or not, he taught his players the proper way to put on their socks and shoes so they didn't get blisters.
2. Focus on the Process, Not the Outcome - Coach Wooden didn't focus on winning. He focused on the character of his team, key fundamentals, daily improvement, effort, potential and selfless teamwork. As a result he won...a lot.
3. There's No Such Thing as an Overnight Success - Wooden was at UCLA 16 years before they won their first national title. Today we live in a world where people expect instant results. If a coach doesn't win a title in a few years he or she is fired. Wooden is a testament that greatness takes time.
4. Selfless Teamwork is Great Teamwork - Wooden said, "A player who makes a team great is much more valuable than a great player."
5. There's Power in Humility - Norman Vincent Peale said that humble people don't think less of themselves. They just think of themselves less. Wooden made his life about coaching, leading and developing others and in doing so exhibited true power.
6. Faith Matters - In our politically correct world where people are afraid to mention God, even though it says it on our dollar bill, I find it interesting how in all the media reports about Wooden they talk positively about how his faith guided his life, principles and actions. There is power in faith. More importantly there is enormous power when your faith moves you to love, serve, inspire, coach and make a difference.
7. Your Legacy Matters - The most important thing you will leave behind when you die is your legacy. And the greatest legacy you can leave is your life, your principles and the lives you touch. Wooden didn't spend his life amassing wealth and trying to make a fortune. He invested in others. And while buildings will fall, jewelry will tarnish and money will get spent, his legacy will live on in those who carry his teachings in their heart.
Andy Shotwell, Arlington, VA
Mr. Izzo, In a time when economic hardships plague nearly everyone in Lansing and East Lansing as well as those around the country, having the opportunity to watch you coach and see those amazing athletes, gives us all a way to escape our daily lives even if it is for just a few short hours. Whatever your decision may be, know that you are a like a god among men in this state and we would be saddened if you decided to leave us. GO GREEN...GO WHITE!!!!!!!!!!
Sarah, Lansing
You turned this CAMERON CRAZIE into a Spartan supporter. You deserve the same legacy as Coach him before you make up your mind!
Your biggest fan who graduated from Duke, Fred
he's as classy a coach as they come and represents all that is good about Michigan State: fair play, competitive drive, reaching for highest dreams and working as hard as you can to catch them. He epitomizes and unifies the Green & White like none other.
Kristen Daum, Fargo, N.D.
Coach IZZO, PLEASE stay at Michigan State University. You can tell from this site, people there LOVE you and SUPPORT you. We Chinese people LOVE you too.
President Jintao Hu, Zhong Nan Hai, Beijing, China
On the banks of the Red Cedar
Is a school that's known to all;
Its specialty is winning,
And those Spartans play good ball;
Spartan teams are never beaten,
All through the games they fight;
Fight for the ONLY colors,
Green and White.
Coach Izzo. Thanks to you and your family for all the years of sacrifice, and a to you for showing us that hard work is the foundation for a good life. I remember showing up at the BB office on a long ago Sunday, and at 5:00 a.m., and being awestruck to see you and your staff reviewing game footage from 6 or 7 hours prior. Coach, whatever you decide I think you and your family deserve the very best.
Tom, Lansing
A CLASS ACT!!! Spartan Basketball needs you !!! M.S.U.+ Basketball= TOM IZZO. !!
Valerie Reilly, Battle Creek, Michigan
Common Izzo, you know the only colors worth fighting for are green and white...
I can't imagine Michigan State without you.
Meg, Lansing
Coach Izzo, you are the heart and the rock of mid-Michigan. While the jobs and the Corporations leave, we have been heartened by the fact that we have one of the best Basketball Programs in the country built by the best Coach in the country. I know the "Pros" are enticing, but you are well on your way to making National history. You have already joined the ranks of Coach "K" and the like. Thank you for putting East Lansing and The Spartans on "The Map", but please stay with us and continue your legacy of integrity and excellence. You inspire the youth of the area with your high standards. For the very young and the old, please stay with the University you love, and all the rest of us who bleed Green & White.
Bob Moist, Lansing
Mr. Tom Izzo, Ignore the Machismo, Because ohio sucks, Don't chase the big bucks, Because tongiht, EL will bleed white, If you leave, Panic and sheer fright, Because Tomarrow, Hearts full of sorrow, Because Ohio Sucks, Trains Cars and Corn Shucks, Michigan State is Better Agricultural college, students making butter, So mr. lord of the dance, Come forward with the answers, And make your stance clear, TOM IZZO IS MSU, CHAMPIONS NEXT YEAR, Lead kalin, and delvon, derrick, and darnell, If you leave, MSU will wish you well, But lebron's mom got banged by Wests, If you leave, on a search for a greater quest, Theres a chance you could be blessed, Win big in NBA, Like phil jackson, with jordan or Kobe, But the odds are against that my friend, GREEN AND WHITE TIL THE END, Weigh your option, it might not be clear, But with a loss in the tournament, Your fans will be here next year, That might not be so, in the shitty state of OHIO, So come to the breslin, March through the Snow, Teach the boys, Watch them Grow, MSU needs, MR. Tom Izzo
poet son, msu baby
Izzo is goodness, Izzo is humility, Izzo has values.....Regardless of his decision, his footprints will always remain on MSU soil.
MHZS, Class of 1964
"Life is not a journey to the grave with
the intention of arriving safely
in a pretty and well-preserved body,
but rather to skid in broadside,
totally worn out & proclaiming
“Wow, What a Ride!” Author unknown..........
he is an awesome coach and if he decides to go I would really want him to think about all the MSU fans he is disappointing! It has been my dream to be on the MSU basketball team and it would mean the world to me if he was the coach!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
P.S. Don't go we love you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Mitchell Jarema, Okemos Michigan
We don't want Coach to leave, as we've written earlier on this site. However, if he leaves........... HE'S NOT LEAVING FOR THE MONEY;
We love Izzo because Izzo loves us, the green people.
Margie , Jackson, MI
Michigan State Basketball is my passion... I am a sports fan and the number one program I follow and support as a student and a fan is Michigan State Basketball. I'm currently going to be a sophomore and I couldn't even contain my excitement for this upcoming season with the returning senior class, the development of the underclassmen, the emerging leadership and improved play of Lucious, the grit and hardwork of Green and the amazing incoming freshman class. Our team has a ridiculous amount of potential this year and you leaving would really be deflating a balloon that's already in the right direction to the moon. Stay with us Izzo, for the guys on the team, for the student body and University as a whole, and for the entire spartan community who supports you wholeheartedly. Stay with us Izzo.
Javier H., Flint/East Lansing
without you Michigan State athletics as a whole would never be the same. People think Michigan State and the first thing they remember is Tom Izzo.
Scott, Suwanee, GA
He represents integrity, responsibility and the value of hard work and education to our future students.
L. Robinson, Port Huron, MI
Dont leave Mr. Izzo we need you
Travis, East Lansing
You are a class act and that is reflected in your players, that would not happen in the NBA. Also my husband said I could name our next dog Izzo (which is a big honor in our household) but only if you stay in the Spartan family.
Jill, Flwoer Mound, TX
"It's an honor to be a Spartan. Be very loud about it. Be very proud about it."-Izzo
You said it yourself. Please stay!!!!
Paul, MSU, Senior
Coach Izzo is a class act. I'm proud to be from the same hometown as him. I want him to do what makes him and his family happy, but I'd love to see him stay at Michigan State.
Toni, Portland, OR
Mr. Izzo, the grass isn't always GREENer on the other side
Mr. Tom, Green White AIGHT
I'm 1983 Grad of MSU and have followed your awsome work with the basketball team for years. What makes you special? Your faith in God and people! You're a class act and it's resulted in an elite basketball program @ MSU. You will do what's best for your family, players and MSU. And I sincerely hope and pray you remain @ MSU. Incidentally I was born and raised in Menominee; yes a uupper too!
Michael J. Smith, Biloxi, Mississippi
Tom Izzo, you are an amazing coach and are one of the main reasons I am so proud to be a Spartan! Please stay at MSU!
Lacey, California
Mr. Izzo, the grass isn't always GREENer on the other side.
Mr. Tom, Go Green Go White
Going to Cleveland making 30 million will get you?
Better house
Better cars
Better clothes
Anything you can’t afford now.
Players who could care less what you’re saying
Players who only play for the money
Players that will throw you under the bus if they don’t like you or your style
The chance to loose it all!
What does staying at MSU get you?
To get your second national championship
To be respected by everyone around you
To have your players actually listen to you
To know you’re making a difference
To form the minds and bodies of young men who respect you.
Stories you can tell your grandkids, and be proud of.
The respect you deserve
In the NBA you manage millionaire basketball players; at MSU you shape lives and have an impact on the future of the game.
Francie, East Lansing
IZ ----ZO IZ ----ZO IZ----ZO
Travis, East Lansing
Izzo is my hero. Please stay. We spartans need you badly.
Chris, New York
Tom Izzo is MIchigan State and so much more! Take the advise of Pitino and stay at MSU...... this state has lost so much over the past couple of years....don't let us lose you too! Go Green!
Brenda Brunet, Wyoming, MI......home of Drew Neitzel
Izzo is MSU....period. He's the face of MSU!
Tom - don't overlook your long term security & happiness for short term $'s.
Tim, Alto Michigan
youre a boss and you cant get all the college broads coaching in the NBA
Duke Ando, Chicago, IL
You should make your own decision.
MSU is your team. They are like your kids.
This opportunity only comes every so often.
Its a hard decision so go with your heart. Dont let anybody push you to the NBA or dont let anybody make you stay here AT MSU. Its your job its your life so take the road you want to take. Dont take anybody elses road. :)
Ashley, East Lansing
"Attitude reflects leadership"; - Remember the Titans. Coach Izzo your attitude has been such a great impact on the Spartan community please continue to make that impact. Izzo you are MSU!
Jenny, Denver, CO
Hey Mr. Izzo, the grass isn't always GREENer on the other side.
mr. tom, michigan state michigan
Why would you want to go to the NBA and coach a bunch of over-paid, spoiled brats... when you have the opportunity to change lives? Literally take kids out of the slums and give them a second chance at life. Izzo is MSU. I can't imagine you anywhere else.
He is honorable, trustworthy, classy, a great role model, an inspiration and a hero to young people who have no one in their lives to set them straight. I hope he will stay and continue to influence the young people who look up to him.
MSUMOM, Burton, MI
I know you could go anywhere with your talents but don't forget - Your career at State has been about more than winning basketball games. You are shaping young men and an amazing ambassador for the State of Michigan which is really struggling. I've always been impressed with your integrity. Please stay Green and lead us to another National Championship.
Brendan, Haslett
you are ours. Dont go Izzo. Please dont go!
spartanforever, NY
Just tell us Izzo. are you staying or izzo you going?
u should go because this chance might not come again. not saying i dont like you, i love you but this chance comes only once in a life time and u should take it.
Ashley, Grand Ledge
if you stay you can use my wiener dogs as your body guards.
ana, East Lansing
Take the money and run.
Michigan Alum, Ann Arbor
You are Michigan State. Thanks Tom!
Joe, Chicago
he's an awesome basketball coach and the team members are his boys i really don't think he should leave his team everybody will miss him being an MSU coach so.......PLEASE DON'T GO IZZO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
rebecca woodbury, dewitt
Please don't be a Nick Saban...he was all about the money. You are better than that.
Scott, Holt
Your success with MSU has greatly impacted sports fans throughout the Midwest. You have given the Big Ten a leadership position in college basketball by competing with and beating the best in the country. You have provided the individuals of Upper Michigan with a source of pride in knowing you are one of our own. Please continue to coach at Michigan State and be one of the leaders our great state of Michigan so badly needs.
Jason, Milwaukee, WI
A man is measured not by what he earns, but what he does. You shape and mold young men into being better than they were when they came to young men and as athletes. MSU needs you, and the next generation of MSU student athletes needs you! Please stay and prove them does NOT talk!
Lee, Lansing
"Enthusiasm reflects confidence, spreads good cheers,
raises morale, inspires associates, arouses loyalty, and laughs at adversity is beyond price."
K, Chicago, IL
you are a great man a man that michigan needs, a coach that the players want, and a part of michigan. you helped shape us alittle just as im sure we help shape you. well all love Izzo!!!
josh, wayne, mi
Thank you for letting me be part of the IZZONE. The time I spent cheering for your team are my greatest college memories. Remember when we upset #1 Wisconsin? How about when the Kalin hit the game winner vs UofM on the road? Please help me create more memories, we have unfinished business to finish.
Jake Bersmin, Chicago
You ruined basketball!
James Naismith
Dear Coach Izzo,
If a life is measured by the positive impact it has on others, then your decision should be clear. The question becomes "Can you have this same impact in the NBA?" Please stay Coach - I think deep down inside, in your spirit - you know you should stay at MSU!!!!!
Terry, Detroit, MI
Your beautiful.
James Blunt
Coach Izzo please stay and prove to everybody that money cannot buy everything and because if you leave all us Spartans would have to listen to those damn U of M fans run their mouths!
John, EL
I just read that Lebron would back an Izzo hiring. Exactly why you shouldn't leave Tom. An owner needs the approval of a player to hire someone? At MSU you decide who plays for you. Thanks for all you have done and go green!
Rick, Davison
.....he is a great mentor, teacher and coach!!!
Kathie, Ferndale, MI
Izzo is my antidrug
Stu, East Lansing
If you go, you have the opportunity to be a pretty decent NBA coach. But if you stay, you have the opportunity to join the ranks of Knight, Krzyzewski, Rupp, Smith and Wooden as the greatest college basketball coaches of all time. Please stick around and cement your place in history
John, Chicago
Because he brought us Mateen Cleaves and the Flintstones and has made the best basketball program of the past decade!!
Joe B, Flint, MI
I've never had you as a coach but if I had to choose an individual that I would it would be you. From your on and off air conduct, you seem to be a very humble mentoring person. What I love about Izzo is what kind of a coach you are (not a Bobby Knight throwing chairs and such) and what kind of a person you are off the court.
Besides, if you leave MSU, what are we going to name the student section?
Daniel Glinski, adrian MI
Come on people...hes got you all hangin from a string like some puppets!! He dont care about all of you or he wouldnt have considered this in the first place....all he cares about is #23, and what HES gonna do.. NEWS FLASH: LEBRONS LEAVIN CLEVELAND all of you worry warts can take a chill pill!!
Tom, you enlighten lives that you touch. You not only win games, you bring class to MSU and the sport of basketball. The hours we have spent in front of the TV or in the stands watching you mold your players has been a real joy. I really don’t think anyone can fill your shoes. I hope you decide not to leave the fans that love you.
Bev, Eaton Rapids, MI
Mr. Izzo, Come to Cleveland, Prove the skeptics wrong who say a great college coach can't win in the NBA, Win an NBA Championship, Be a Hero to Cleveland and a Legend in the NBA!!!
Paul, Cleveland, Ohio
They don't camp out for Tickets in the NBA!!! They go to the highest bidder which is usually some millionaire who only stands up to stretch at the half
My four years at MSU wouldn't have been the same without you as the basketball coach. I can't imagine MSU without you, please stay!
Anna VanAgtmael
If you leave how are you going to get the satisfaction of pounding the Wolverines year in and year out. Sorry coach but the Bird Vs Magic rivalries are gone in the NBA. These guys now are all best friends who text and twitter each other all day and could care less who wins or loses as long as they get paid... Stay and lets take that final hurdle past Duke and UNC as the greatest college basketball program in the nation.
Stay Tom Stay, The Breslin
Coach Izzo, you ARE Michigan State. The discipline and honor you teach your players is just as important as the win column. You have taught men here at Michigan State, and that's the real reason why you should stay here. Your love for teaching your players life lessons as well as basketball is what makes them great. All of us here at Michigan State are honored to call you OUR coach.
Eric Eilersen, East Lansing, MI
Tom, please stay in East Lansing! You ARE MSU basketball, and it just would never be the same without you. While I will respect whatever decision you make, because I know you will do what you feel is best for your family, I can only hope and pray that your decision is to stay here, where you belong! Thank you for all you have done for MSU, our community and the state of Michigan.
Stacy, Lansing, MI
Tom, you can't leave when I start my first year at MSU! I planned on trying to get into the Izzone at some point!
Cody, East Lansing
This is dumb. Let the man further his career and fulfill HIS dreams. He's had a good run here, but it's the nature of the job. Men come and they go on to bigger and better things. Take the Job!!
Coach Izzo is just one of those coaches that exemplifies college basketball. He brings excellence to his players and by that he brings excellence to the University. Coach Izzo is a Spartan, Green and White and always will be.
Craig, Grand Rapids, MI
you make the NBA a better place BECAUSE you create such amazing COLLEGE players. They are better players and more importantly, better people because of you! MSU is your home and not only do we NEED you but we LOVE YOU!!! Please stay in EL and at MSU!!!!
We love you, Tom. Why give up the community that adores you and the players that look up to you for the uncertainty of the NBA? You can do so much more good here than anywhere else.
Ben Lindstrom, East Lansing
Lebron is going to leave!!! If he wanted to stay in Cleveland, he has had 6 years to extend his contract. Retire a Spartan, you'll never regret it!
300, Houston
Coach Izzo, we love you because you have shaped and forever altered the lives of so many young men throughout Michigan and the rest of the country. You have given the young men that have come through your program an incredible opportunity and they have excelled because of it. You are a great asset to the University and the community, for your selfless endeavors and endless belief in MSU. We wish you the best of luck in your future, but we hope your future is in Michigan!
Steven, Lansing, MI
one word: IZZONE!
AB, Michigan
Coach Izzo,
Please stay at MSU for the integrity, honor, discipline and good cheer that you bring to a great program. The W's and Championships are mighty nice also. We love you man!!!!!
Peter Ross, Northville, MI
...he is the heart of Michigan State University. He exemplifies what it means to work hard and to never forget where you came from and who you are. He's a man of integrity that cares for his players and how they develop as athletes and young men. He has developed a program that we can be proud of. He has become more than just a basketball coach...he is the heartbeat and model of MSU athletics.
Mark Criss, East Lansing, MI
It would be yet another major blow to the state of Michigan to see you go. You are more than just a basketball coach. You are a reason to believe. You have proven what hardwork and grit can achieve. All truly Mitten values.
Melissa, Indiana
Tom, if you stay, I'll personally give you that other 3 million. Forget the Cavs.
Bill Gates
..... if he stays at MSU he could be the best college basketball coach in history.
Jason, Boston
Coach you are the heart and soul of MSU. I know the sacrifices that you and your family have made to remain our coach. All of us commend you for your years of service and your commitment to excellence. You inspire all of us to be all that we can be...regardless of your decision you will always be a Spartan!
Randy, Grand Rapids,
Don't do what Coach Wooden did. You'll be dead if you do.
As a lifelong Clevelander and Cavs fan, I sincerely hope you stay where you are. Not because I don't think you're a great coach. On the contrary, I think you're the best college coach in the country. I just don't think you leave a situation like the one you're in. Job security for life, Final Fours, adoration from your fan base, and the East Lansing nightlife. #23 can't commit to anything these days, so the heck with him. Don't let him hold you hostage like he's been holding us hostage.
Stay a Spartan. And lose to Ohio State twice a year.
Bob Aboey, Cleveland
I love Tom Izzo, please don't go!!!!!!!!
Adam, St. Johns
If you choose to go, it looks like I'll have to become a Cavaliers fan. And that's ok with me. Go Green!
Marissa, SJ
Because when people in the office pull out the old joke: "MSU, isn't that a farming school?" I can always respond, "Yeah, a farming school that has evolved into one of the nations elite Supply Chain Management programs, future home to the giant cyclotron-thingy which will either end world hunger or add "new elements" to the periodic table...and oh yeah...where The Tom Izzo lays his head at night". God Bless The Izzo's.
Nick, Milwaukee, WI
Ignore these goons who are telling you to leave.... they just want a chance to beat MSU, which obviously won't happen if you are still there. Real Spartans love you and love your style. We would be lost without you.
Allison, Omaha, NE (MSU alum)
I've been an MSU Basketball fan for as long as I can remember, and a lot of my enthusiasm is due to Coach Izzo. Not only is Izzo a great basketball coach, he's also a great man, and an inspiration. I have always been so proud to cheer for a coach who values good sportsmanship, honor, and academics, and to never have to worry about scandal. It's been great fun following Izzo and his teams to several Final Fours and one National Championship game during my time as an Izzone member, and an alumnus, and I hope to continue on in the future.
Thanks for all the memories, Coach Izzo, and for the legacy you've built at my alma mater. We'll always >3, regardless of your choice.
Leslie, Chicago, IL
If you come I promise to get aa Izzo tattoo somewhere on my neck.
Delonte West, Cleveland
You need to represent Iron Mountain and the State of Michigan becasue the is where you are born and money is not as important to you. You will never get as much backing and spirt in the NBA as you will in college especially at MSU
Gary, Iron Mountain, MI
As a MSU and Cavaliers fan, I think you should leave MSU and go coach the Cavaliers. You will succeed at the highest level and retire as a legend
Brad, ELansing
coach izzo- do what makes you happy
john, detroit
you have bring class, dignity, and honor to basketball. All us Spartan fans love you!
Jess, Minneapolis
I have felt sick for the past week and don't what I will do if you leave.
Pat, Michigan
The heart in college basketball can not compare to the NBA. If you do go I hope it's for your heart and career, not your wallet.
Adam, East Lansing, MI
Phil, Constantine, MI
you have shown us through hard work, perseverence, drive, and a kick-ass mentality the UNDERDOGS can (and will) defy the odds and prevail.
Sol M., Riverside, CA
You are a staple in the MSU sports life. Everyone and anyone knows the name Tom Izzo in relationship to East Lansing. The Spartans wouldn't have the same legacy without your time and dedication to our city and team. Please don't go! Please stay in East Lansing!
Rachel, Surprise, Arizona
Everyone LOVES you.
Michigan State will NEVER be the same without you. PLEASE PLEASE STAY!!!!!!!!!!!
We love Izzo because he and his program represent unity, blue collar work ethic, and Spartan loyalty. Please stay coach the State of Michigan loves you! Go green!
Chris m., Fenwick, mi
Coach Izzo,
You are Michigan State Athletics. You are a man of great accomplishment and desire. You prove to us that not striving for your best year in and year out is not acceptable. There is so much more you can accomplish at the NCAA level at Michigan State. MSU will not be the same without you.
You are a role model not just for you kids; but also your players, students, alumni and the entire MSU Community. Your heart has always been at MSU and I can only hope you know how much we all appreciate you. You are MSU, let your blood continue to BLEED GREEN!!
Matt, DeWitt
Living in Va. I see very little of the Big 10. I have such pride in MSU, not only b/c it's my Alma mater, but also b/c of the sports legacy. You've built a dynasty, and I shudder at the thought of you leaving a program you've worked so hard to build. STAY COACH!
Mike, Richmond, Virginia
He stands for everything that a true Spartan should. His integrity, love for the game, and honesty is honorable. We love you, Tom. Not only are we huge Spartan fans, but we are Tom Izzo's biggest fans. Thank you for all you've done...we sure hope you don't leave us:)
Stacey, San Diego, CA
I'm not a Spartan fan but I'm a Wolverine fan I think that u should try the NBA.U have accomplished everything u had to at the collegic level now I think u should thy the pro level but whatever choice u make I will be happy with that choice well good luck to ya.
Larry, Jackson,Michigan
He has made MSU a powerhouse -- a source of great pride for both students and alumni. Michigan State NEEDS Izzo, his program and his legacy to continue. Please stay, Izzo -- you will never be more loved and respected than by your Spartans!!
Julie, West Palm Beach, FL
The Big 10 championship, the March Madness, the Izzone....the list could go on.
Ronald Hunsucker , Lansing, MI
Coach Izzo-Please stay at MSU. You make such a difference in these young men's lives. You are a mentor, role model and a wonderful father figure for these guys. You've got a great chance at winning a second championship right here. WE LOVE YOU-Please don't go.
Jackie, Haslett, MI
please stay and show the world that money isn't everything and that team, family and dedication means more. do it for the kids if not for yourself!!!
go green go white tom izzo stay in east lansing
maureen, poughkeepsie ny
So few people in this world can say that they have been a positive influence and role model and impacted the lives of so many people, but you can. Your character, work ethic and integrity have helped mold the student athletes you have coached, and exemplified the best of the best in college coaching. A program mirrors its leader and with your leadership, the Michigan State Spartans are respected and not only for what they do on the court. I can completely understand that a professional team would want you to bring your coaching skills along with your purpose and character to the professional ranks in the hope that you would have a similar influence. I know that what I say, or what is said on this website will not change your mind, but I sincerely hope that you will continue to stay on at MSU - not just because you are a good coach, or because you are beloved at MSU, but because you are an inspirational leader at a time when there are few around.
Linda , Waukesha, WI
Coach Izzo, while I certainly hope you decide to stay, I have seen the grind of being a division 1 coach, when I saw you in Milwaukee on a cold dreary Friday night when you flew in to scout Korie. It was during the season, and that weekend you would be coaching the green and white at Illinois.
Sure you get paid well, but what you do is hard, tough work and a part of me says it would be easier for you and your family in the NBA. I do want to say thank you for all you have given to the University and you certainly have been an inspiration to me.
Kelly Ruschman, Milwaukee Wisconsin
Just this weekend, I heard a story about Tom Izzo visiting a boy dying of cancer. Since the child's death, Izzo has kept in touch with the family of the boy. That's heart.
Judy Putnam, East Lansing
I live vicariously through MSU Basketball success. I need something to make me feel like a "winner".
Chester M. Olester, Jackson
Because of you, Coach, our team and school are known all over the world not only for being good athletes, but for being good people. In a time when nothing else seems to be going right for Michigan, we need you here!
Jessica, Washington, D.C.
Tom, next year is the year and you know it. From the outstanding recruits, to the outstanding seniors, it could all add up next year. Let's bring another one back to East Lansing. And of course, you know we'll be back in full force. Louder than ever. The NBA can wait. Stay for the pride, stay for the GLORY.
THE IZZONE, Breslin Center
Coach is the epitomy of a Spartan. He's a warrior. He goes to battle for our beloved University every single day. He took a great program and made it elite. He makes men out of boys. He is a true example of the quinitessential college coach. He loves his job, his program, his fans, even his critics. HE IS MICHIGAN STATE BASKETBALL!
Andy, Rockford
Dear Coach, What would John Wooden do?
Zeb Olsen, Perry, MI
he is much more than just a coach. His ability to gain the respect and admiration of his players is obvious to anyone (and no easy feat when you're dealing with 18-22 year old young men). His love for the University is evident in everything he does. He loves, respects, and promotes the band, the student section, the fans, and the program in a way that brings respect and recognition to not just the basketball program, but the entire University. I attended Michigan State as did my parents & grandparents. My oldest son just completed his freshman year there, and my younger son plans to become a Spartan in Fall, 2011. Thank you, Coach, for all you have done for Michigan State in the past, and I hope you continue to work your magic there for many more years.
Beth, Class of 1989, Gray, TN
Tom, you've done so much for our community! You have provided us with a team we are proud of on and off the court. You have brought national attention to Michigan State University and to our greater Lansing community. We hope you and Lupe and your family will continue to stay here with your bigger family -- the MSU family! We're so very proud of you!
Brian, Lansing
I don't think his time is done here at MSU. He has to come back!
Suzy, Michigan
We don't want to have to riot for a sad reason. Don't leave ussssssss.
Emily, East Lansing, MI
you're a good man, fine example to your players, and the best of the best in college coaches. You ooze green and white!
Jennifer, Michigan
I remember going to the IM West pool one summer day, well after the final finals had been turned in, and Izzo pulled up in a golf cart, en route to speak to the youngsters at the annual bball camp. He looked at my friends and me, and with a big grin said, "enjoy the heat, you guys." Inconsequential? Perhaps. Exciting? Absolutely! There's nothing better than a nice guy, and Izzo wrote the book. I can only imagine how great it must have been for those kids.
Timmy, EL
we also love Lupe!
Big-D, East Lansing
With all of the cheating, lying and childish behavior in college basketball Izzo displays nothing but class, and expects nothing but class from his players. Izzo you wont have the kind of control in the NBA. Stay at MSU where you can continue to inspire young people.
Ryan, Lansing, MI
I love you Izzo and I love Michigan State. It wouldn't be the same without you!!!
Mike Hart, Indianapolis, IN
I work for another Big Ten athletic department. I can tell you that Coach Izzo is the most respected coach in the league and througout the NCAA. He would be a great loss not just for Spartans everywhere but for the entire NCAA.
Beth, Hometown: Berkley, MI
Don't Leave! The NBA is a one man show, at MSU you provide the best mentoring to your young players that anyone can ask for. Tom, you are a Spartan legend and we all want you to stay a Spartan for life!
Kevin, East Lansing, MI
PLEASE stay!!!!!! Have you ever spent much time in Cleveland? There is nothing there! You are a true Michigander and an even truer SPARTAN. YOU make MSU Men's Basketball!
Denise, Coldwater, MI
Yea seriously I've been on and off this website the last few days because I truly admire and love reading what everyone is saying about Izzo and how MANY people have come on here to do so. It' s kind of ruined when I see stupid people writing for him to come to Cleveland or stupid U of M haters bashing us...this is a WHY WE LOVE IZZO ONLY website. Thanks. IZ-ZO!
Cavs and U of M fans please get lost!
Kaitlyn, EL, MI
Dear Coach Izzo,
Through all the controversy that surrounds our University - the riots, the Football team's struggles on and - especially - off the field, you made us proud to be Spartans.
It's not the winning, the Final Fours, the Big Ten titles, the National Championship, or the top recruiting classes for me. I love them, and I watch every minute of it and obsess over the stories on every message board and blog I can find; but they aren't the reason.
The reason is that you do it the right way. You recruit kids, and you make them into men - Spartan Men - by the time they've spent their 3-5 years with you. It's obvious that you care about your kids where scum like Coach Calipari see them as only X's and O's. The class that you exude in every game, practice, media appearance, charity function, TV interview, and conversation reflects on the University, and from there onto all of us who attended it and love it.
You're the face of our school, our institution and our community, not just our basketball program. I know you're tired of dealing with the shady recruiting practices that make it harder and harder to win, but please understand that the fact that you go through that and still beat those scumbags is another reason we're so proud to have you.
In short, it's not the wins Coach, it's the way that you get them. You do things the right way, the way they should be done; and we are all, every one of us, so proud to call you a Spartan.
We Love You Coach.
Geoff Schwartz, Royal Oak, MI
Izzo is the key to MSU basketball. Stats don' t lie. He is a terrific coach but it's all the other stuff that makes the program great and MSU so special. I do not want to loose that feeling. I've lived away from home since graduation and MSU and MSU basketball helps me feel connected to the great State of Michigan.
tina, Sacramento, CA
Izzo: #1 on the court & #1 in our green hearts!
Joelle, Okemos, Michigan
Tom, please don't go. You mean so much to us.
Drew, East Lansing
Izzo, I admire you soooo much. This year I had to write an essay about my American Hero. I couldn't think of any one better to write about then you! You are one of the best coaches the NCAA has ever seen and you belong at MSU! Please don't leave!
Brendan, Owosso, MI
Coach Izzo you won't remember me, but I was one of the many students that worked training table at Crossroads in the late 80's. You were so wonderful with the team and the workers too. What a fine man. I hate to see you go, but if you do I will only wish you and your family well.
Jen, Mason
Coach, players gave up millions and opted not to enter the NBA this year so that they can help you win another national championship at MSU. You can't leave them now. Plus, a year from now, and after another national championship, the Pistons will be looking for a new coach. (:
Kenny, East Lansing
Coach, my wife and I have been season ticket holders for over 25 years. We watched Jud retire from MSU and hope we have the same opportunity to watch you retire from MSU in the distant future. Regardless of your choice, we wish you well.
John, Grand Rapids
Coach I talked with the Weave and he said to tell you that both he and Jud want you to stay at State. I do too. Dan Follis
You are a SPARTAN!
Mark, Wheaton, IL
Izzo has taught me what it means to be a true Spartan – Bleeding Green @ 4 Campouts, countless home and away games, and 3 Final Fours since I became a Spartan. I have driven around the country to watch our team play and it just won’t be the same without him. Izzo, Please don’t go!
Ryan M., Charlotte, NC
...even in a State flooded with Carolina Blue, people respect the Spartan Green.
JMH - MSU law, 2008, Winston-Salem, North Carolina
Coach Izzo, I appreciate everything you have done for Michigan State, and if you stay here you will become a legend. Next year's team is good enough to win it all. All they need is a coach that will guide them to the championship. Please make the best decision for you and your family. If that decision means taking the Cavs job then so be it and good luck, but at the end of the day I believe that MSU is where you belong, and I hope you retire a Spartan. Go Green
Dave, Lansing
Dear Izzo,
I am hoping and praying you decide to stay with MSU but I understand that you also have dreams and one of the dreams you have is probably coaching NBA. Well good luck either way coach. I stand by your decision whatever it is going to be.
Catrin, Sterling Heights, MI
Tom: I'm a 72 year old alum living in Naples ,Fl. You and your program bring me great joy, satisfaction and of course pride. The years of perfection you have brought to MSU sports is reflected in the high esteem all of us have for you. Not just the victories, but the % graduation and those making it in the NBA. Please forgo the big bucks, albeit for a short time, because we all know the longetivity of NBA coaches. Do the Wooden thing. You are an institution at State. Build on it and preserve it. We love you for your dedication and principles.
....yes, I want you to stay too!
Ellen, Howell
THIS IS AN MSU SITE - Cavaliers need to post ELSEWHERE!! The Cleveland Cavaliers will destroy Tom because all NBA players care about is their EGOS and how much money they make. They are all a bunch of cry babies and Tom will hate working with boys like that!!
I love Izzo because he cares about making a positive impact on the world by coaching young men. He is in a position to make much more of an impact in the position he is in now then if he went to the NBA and just became another coach.
Joshua, Michigan
Coach Izzo.... simply put.... you are Michigan State Basketball. My entire family went to MSU and we wish you well, whatever you choose, but we hope you stay with the Spartans! They need you and we love you! Choose MSU because you make the difference!
Cindy, Okemos
he is MSU. no one will ever love and admire him as us Spartans do. because we believe he is one of the greatest coaches ever & he will never be loved as he has and is loved by the Michigan State fans & students. please dont leave IzZo. you promised us one more, is that worth leaving for $6 million a year?
Yvette Ramirez, Chicago, Il
If we lose Izzo, we lose the HEART of the Michigan State Spartans. The man is simply an amazing recruiter, and amazing coach, and an amazing man. I hope he makes the choice to stay in East Lansing. The NBA does not play basketball, they play $$$-ball. Coach, please choose the game over the cash. PLEASE!
Andy, Clear Lake, Washington
Sick of leaving your family to go on recruiting trips and pandering to high schoolers? Come to Cleveland and coach the best players you've ever had!
Chris, Rochester, NY
Izzo, no words can really describe what you mean to the MSU community. You have built a legacy here that no one will ever forget. There is unfinished bussiness in East Lansing, and that's another national championship!!! WE LOVE IZZO!! GO STATE!
Lindsay, East Lansing, MI
You have made MSU basketball what it is today. If you leave, it will be as if MSU basketball has died. Coming from a Wolverine fan, I have the upmost respect for you and what you've done for MSU and the great state of MIchigan and everyone, including Wolverines, will be sad to see you go. Stay with the Spartans, coach.
Thomas, Mount Pleasant
I have 4 kids who are/were MSU students. (Plus 2 in-law kids, too). My youngest is looking forward to joining the Izzone, just like his older brothers. PLEASE stay, so that he can be part of the Izzone with YOU as the coach! Tom, you are such a fine role model that as a mom I really do appreciate your influence on all of my family of Spartans. Your passion rings true and continues within them even after they graduate! Please, say no to the NBA and continue doing what you do at MSU! Michigan needs you! Many of us have had to leave that beautiful state due to the poor economy. It would be nice to see someone of such high influence stay! Thanks, in advance. I know you will do the right thing and stay at MSU for many years to come! Go Sparty Green!
Debbie...Spartan Mom, Wichita, KS
Coach Izzo has brought national attention and respect to the Spartan basketball program. We are no longer in the shadows and can take great pride in our team, school and for how his players represent true Spartan excellence. Please don't leave Coach Izzo - your footprints on this program are vital!
Mike, Phoenix
He is the classiest of the classy, a hell of a coach, a hell of a person and a SPARTAN for life!
Tim, Kansas City, MO
From Dallas, Texas.....originally from East Lansing, my family still lives there and belongs to St.Thomas. You Lupe and the kids are an "ALL EAST LANSING FAMILY" Tom.....stay at MSU and you will be Governor Izzo or SEnator Izzo someday! Seriuosly are Basketball in Michigan !
Joe G. Dallas
You're the most respected man I give pride to a University, community and entire State. Stay at MSU and continue to build your legacy as the COACH and teacher you are instead of going to a rival states PRO team to be a babysitter/manager. Bring home the Championship next year or the year after or the year after that...or that one...
Carol V., Maryland (State of Michigan at heart)
Coach, You need to make a decision. We love you. We need you. But no one wants to be second fiddle. Here's hoping you make the right decision.
Mike, East Lansing
Coach Izzo will be the best coach the cavs ever had!
Even as you would have success in Cleveland, and you would, at the end of the day there would be no Cavs bending down to kiss the floor. I think you would miss that emotional tie with the players more then you know. And we will miss you more then you know....
PLEASE dont leave izzo
MSU basketball is about HEART! NBA is about money! You can take the man out of the Spartans, but you can't take the Spartans out of the man! We love you!
Mackenzie , Hudsonville, Michigan
Some of my best college memories were hanging out with friends, relaxing, and watching a good ball game... and I was never a basketball fan before Izzo. So, Izzo, thank you... and please stay. Spartan Nation loves you like no one else can. Thanks for all the great memories, and hopefully many more ahead.
Lizz, Orlando, FL
I LOVE YOU COACH IZZO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Tammy, Lowell
You are the face of MSU, the state of Michigan and college basketball. You have always carried yourself with class and dignity. You have given us, the fans of MSU, more than we could have asked for. I wish you luck in your next endeavor, whether it be in Cleveland or leading our team to another championship season.
Good Luck!
I worked with the Student Athlete Center all through college. All the athletes were great, but basketball players were the most respectful of all the sports teams. I once asked one of my athletes about it, his response, "Coach would not be happy if he heard about any disrespect to other students. We're all spartans." The fact that Izzo coaches more than basketball, but humility and accountability is what makes him great. He truly has a gift and an ability to work with young players. I'm sure he's be great at the pro level, but it would be a shame to watch someone who has made such a profound affect on so many young lives leave.
Please don't go Coach!
Jenna, Austin
you are molding young athletes into good men and you give Michigan State prestige. Please stay!!!!
Melissa-a proud grad, Tampa
Izzo taught me the real meaning of loyalty and that green blood is something you can't replace (nor fake)!
Alicia , Ann Arbor
I love izzo because he is an amazing coach and i love watching him on the sidelines during the Michigan State basketball games. I have a love for Michigan in my heart and so does he. Michigan State Basketball won't be the same without Tom Izzo.
Samantha, Chicago, IL
Tom Izzo = MSU, MSU = Tom Izzo!
Alan, Grand Rapids
He's a GREAT coach, man, and father. He's from Michigan. His heart pumps green and white. He epitomizes Michigan State. Please stay, Tom, please!
Molly, Maryland
I honestly think that Tom is an outstanding young man. I am 84 years old and attended MSU a very long time ago. It is where I met my wife of 64 years, Francine. Ever since we departed and moved to Wayland, MI, we have always attended at least 3 MSU basketball games a year. When Tom became the head coach I will admit I was hesitant at first. But then time went on and he turned into be a tremendous figure in all of college basketball. The NCAA would not be the same with out his smiling, yet defensive face. Tom, if you do leave I will be upset, but I will in turn start watching the Cav's games. You're that inspirational. Even yo an 84 year old that is soon to be 85. Please stay, Coach.
Henry Graves, Wayland
He's a Yooper!
Bobby, New York City
We Love you Coach, please don't go. You mean everything to so many people here at MSU and in the State of Michigan itself. I look up to you a great deal, and you're the only coach I would ever want for my Spartans.
Zach, Okemos, MI
I've loved Coach Izzo for years, my whole family bleeds green and every year during the tournaments and season our respect and "love" for Izzo grows. State seems to always get pushed aside in favor of that other school in Ann Arbor, but every basketball season we get the attention and respect that the rest of the year seems to be missing. Izzo has done that. Izzo changes the perception. We love Izzo!
Jenn, Boston
Because Izzo brought a National Championship to our school WHILE I was attending it! Creating an amazingly exciting experience I shared with MANY and giving all of us "once in a lifetime" memories that we will all NEVER FORGET!!!
Casey C. from Theta Delta Chi, Ann Arbor
I have been a IZZO FAN since day one. Your Spartan Family LOVES YOU and NEEDS YOU to stay. Family always comes first. Old Friends Are Your Best Friends. I trust you will make the best decision. PLEASE STAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LUPE please stay! We love you. Thanks for standing by Tom.
Deb, Holt
... he is one of the greatest all time college coaches, and he's ours.
Tom, if you leave I will wish you luck. You have every right to make a move. And I know that MSU will be in good hands with Brian G, Tom C, or ??? But I sure hope you decide to stay. MSU making it to the finals next year and with you in Cleveland just won't seem right.
Rick, Rochester Hills
if you are his mother you should be proud that so many love him..... and what will be will be.........
he brings pride to the state of Michigan, Michigan State, and myself, for being a Spartan.
RJ Jensen, Kalamazoo, Michigan
I remember coming to your basketball camps 15 years ago to watch you coach my brother. Now that I am a SPARTAN, I would HATE to see you go. You make this town what it is- anyone else in this position would just be wrong. Don't go! We need you.
IZZO is MSU, he is the ultimate amassador for college basketball, and a real class act. no where else would respect and love him the way that East Lansing and that the spartan nation does. IZZO IS MSU!!
Kathleen 2010 MSU Alumni, Kalamazoo
We will respect any choice you make... but would miss you at MSU! You are part of the Sparty culture and can't imaging East Lansing with you!! WE LOVE IZZO!!
He is a great person in that he coaches the MSU guys to be champion caliber people. Not JUST basketball players. Nowhere else in sports have I seen as well executed public display of discipline than this last years benching of a player for 'not being a team player'. Izzo makes sure his players know that off the court "stuff" will have effects on them and he translates that to the court.
John, Lansing, Friggin, Michigan!
Coach Izzo, you were there before I went to MSU and I hope you will be there when my son gets the chance to go to MSU in 2021. You are the rock that holds the athletic program together. You have shown that by sticking with a program you can have a great affect on both those you coach and those of us lucky enough to follow your coaching! Please stay!
Jeff Hough, Russellville, AR
You do not want to deal with prima donna NBA players. You need to mold kids into men and help shape their future. I think that is what gives you the juice in life you need. Stick around and become the greatest college basketball coach in history.
Randy Allaben, East Grand Rapids, MI
He is perfect for Michigan State and is the face of Michigan State Basketball, and without him, Spartan Basketball would be nothing.
Josh, Perry, MI
He brings all Spartans together and keeps our spirits up. We love you in New York, too!
Staci, MSU Alum, New York
he turns low end recruits into champions.
Steve, Grand Rapids, MI
I camped out for Izzone tickets and would do it again if it meant Izzo would stay in EL! Izzo has done fantastic things for the university, East Lansing AND the State of Michigan. He's brought hope to a community that needs it. We love you!
Lauren, Spartan in CA
Coach Izzo represents what MSU is all about. He is committed, passionate, and caring. He inspires people to be more than they think they are capable of. He is what all of us Spartans hope to be when we 'grow up'.
Michelle Schneider, Kalamazoo, MI
your the best thing to happen since the great depression... you give people something to look forward to in their week when the Spartans take whom ever... you take the stress outta the week
Dan, MI
he defines what the State of Michigan is all about. Hard work, Perseverance, Dedication, and Toughness. MSU is privileged to have him as a part of our community, and whether he takes the new job or not, he will be loved by Spartans for all time.
Adam E., Granger, IN
We love IZZO because he always makes those great QUICK decisions....what's happening here Tom?!! STAY!!!!
anne, the city of hospitality
he loves the Spartan kind of green, not the Cleveland kind...
Kelly, Charlotte, NC
Izzo is the reason I watch MSU basketball
Aly, East Lansing
Even as a Michigan and Wisconsin fan, I can't help but cheer for Michigan State (when they're not playing my teams!) because he's such a class act. The guy can just plain coach, and does it all with character and integrity. A strong Big Ten is good news for every team, and this conference can take pride in Izzo!
If it wasn't for Tom Izzo and the MSU basketball program, I wouldn't have been a Spartan. Thank you Tom for making my choice easier when the time came.
T.C. Garza, East Lansing, MI
Hey Coach...I loved my time at MSU also but trust me the NBA is the place to be. TAKE THE CLEVELAND JOB!!!
Magic Johnson, Los Angeles, CA
Coach being an Illini fan and having a son who played against you I really hope to see you back in the Big Ten. You are great for kids and the fans.
Dale Augustine, Mokena, IL
Tom Izzo is the ESSENCE behind MSU! His devotion, hard work, tremendous support for the community and University, and all around down to earth personality show why he is so important to us all. I grew up in Lansing, completed my undergrad at MSU, and now commute to work here at MSU...I truly hope that he will make the decision to stay. While we understand it is a dream to move up in the coaching ladder and advance your must realize that no school, no fans, no team, no community, no players, and no family loves you more than WE DO!! YOU ARE SPARTA!!!
Jamie, Howell,MI
We Love Izzo because he is an amazing coach!! Nobody will love you like SPARTAN FANS!! - dont go! you're what Michigan has left!!
Nicki, Charlotte, MI
Michigan State=IZZO
Coach Izzo,
You mean the world to everyone at Michigan State. We will never waver in our love for you. Please do not leave.
Forever grateful for what you have given us, and hope to give us in the future.
Andrew, St. Louis, MO
You're successful, happy, and have the very rare ability to make an entire city happy.
Why in the [choose-your-own-expletive] would you leave?
He has brought so much succes to Michigan State University and its Basketball Program! I have always thought of Izzo as a role model ever since he took the Head coaching job when i was 4 yrs old! Your a true spartan Izzo!
J-Rad, East Lansing MI
Tom Izzo is an outstanding role model and embodies everything it means to be a spartan: hard working, classy, competitive, community leader, and all while maintaining integrity in a sport where so many have cut corners. Regardless of which team you root for, you cannot deny the positive impact he has had on the whole state of Michigan. We hope in the future he continues to bestow us with his phenomenal talents and accomplishments, both on and off the basketball court.
Jake Matrille, Davenport, IA
I think you should take the pro gig. You have a chance to work with a great owner and possibly one of the most talented players of all time. Not to mention the $$ loot $$. Good luck with whatever you decide.
Todd Weaver, Egg Harbor, NJ
Ft. Collins, CO
Coach - you are the one bright shining moment at MSU that keeps us all going from East Lansing to the rest of the country. There is no other Spartan who as beloved as you. Please stay and keep the Spartan spirit going. It's not a choice kind sir - it is your destiny!
Vicky Cohorst, Truckee, CA
Izzo is MSU.
Michael Savoni, Royal Oak, Mich
Please don't are what makes the will not be the same without you and besides that I just named my puppy Izzo how can I change that????
Kim Fedewa, North Carolina
sadly, I grew up more or less a Michigan fan. Then, as I got a little older my Stepdad (an MSU alum) took me to a couple games at the Breslin. The atmosphere really hit me. I started to follow the Spartan Basketball team and a couple years later they won the NCAA Championship. I was hooked. I applied to several schools, but decided to go to State. I camped out in the rain and snow for Izzone tickets and my passion was ignited. Now I bleed green!
When I look back, I know that it was that atmosphere that Coach Izzo cultivated that lead me to where I am now. Earlier this year, I took a day off of work and drove 5 hours up to EL to attend the 1st ever Izzone Alumni Reunion Game. It was a great experience and I hope I can attend many more in the future.
Dan, Cincinnati, OH
I've been waiting forever to be a part of the spirit of Michigan State. Now, when I have my chance, it may no longer exist...
Loren, Grand Rapids, MI
Coach, you are a legend in this state. By far the greatest coach not only in wins and losses, but also what you have been able to do for decades of youth. Not only on the collegiate level, but every student athlete that grows up in this state looks to you as a role model. Thank you for everything, no matter your decision.
Kyle, East Lansing
I camped out 4 years for the ?zone, burned thousands of calories jumping up and down in the ?zone and there is no sporting atmosphere like that of the ?zone. Izzo is the "Izzone." Lets make sure it is the Izzone and not the
?zone for many years to come. Tom, you are Michigan's beloved son, stay and make us proud!!!
Eric T., Frankenmuth, MI
Coach you are Michigan State. You bleed green and white like the rest of us. The reason a vast majority of us have gone to MSU during your era has been because of you. You have shown the world how you have kept your athletes as a total athlete with high regards to not only developing their talent but also focusing on their education. You have been there with us as a coach but also as a friend. You may be our coach but you are also a fan. As you support not only MSU basketball but the entire MSU athletics and education. You are a vital part to MSU and we love you. Please stay and pursue our dreams of another National Championship. We know you can do it. You are MSU's family and it would be terribly sad if you did leave. We do wish you the best in making your decision, but please remember Go Green!
Alum in Ohio
Go Green and Stay Green Tommy!
Tom Rafferty, Brighton, MI
he is one of the few bright spots that we have in the State of Michigan. The economy has tanked, the unemployment is still high, but we can look to Tom and our Spartan Basketball Team to provide a positive light for our beloved university and state. The grass isn't always greener. Your wallet might be but you won't be able to mold young minds and teach. You'll be managing egos.
Jean, Battle Creek, MI
he is going to be a great coach for the CLEVELAND CAVALIERS!!!
Bill, Cleveland, OH
You are everything that IS Michigan State. All the very best to you!
Enver, Seattle, Washington
I've been waiting so long to be part of the izzone. i'm finally going to be a freshman this year, and when i heard izzo might leave i wanted to cry. after looking forward to this for so long, i'd hate to never be able to sit in the izzone.
Sarah D., St. Clair
...he has more influence over the university & its alumni than President Simon.
Rachel, Washington D.C.
I have loved MSU basketball since I was a kid, Tom Izzo exemplifies leadership and passion everyday at MSU, he has given every Spartan fan a sense of pride and a competitive basketball team every year. Without Coach Izzo, MSU just won't ever be the same.
Aaron Vorce, Marshall, MI
What would we rename the Izzone too?
Henry Balanon, Detroit, MI
You are classy with a capital "C", which sets our program apart from other college teams. You are an inspiration to students and alumni all over the globe. You give us hope every year. You are greatness. You leave your mark on each one of your players. You are a Spartan.
Kathy, Chicago
IZZO - NO ONE and I mean NO ONE can love you like SPARTAN NATION CAN!!! PLEASE STAY!!!
Louis, 03', Annapolis, Maryland
I never watched basketball before I came to MSU, but I grew to love it. Izzo is part of what makes me proud to be a spartan. He's what brings MSU together.
Jessie, East Lansing
he is the definition of Michigan State basketball. I don't know what MSU is without Tom Izzo.
Jessica, East Lansing
Stay where you run the team rather than have the team -- LeBron James-- run you.
Sue, Brighton, Michigan
MSU needs you... College basketball needs you... We need you! Tom Izzo is the MAN!
Ryan, Charlotte, NC
Izzo is the reason I started watching college basketball! His passion, his strength of belief, and committment to team is what drew me in. I am a spartan by marriage, but I bleed green now!
Vanessa, Wauwatosa, WI
Because with out him the state of Michigan would be Wyoming.
Lem, NYC
He is a man of integrity, confidence, fairness and sincerity. He put East Lansing on the map and has become an icon for not only EL but all of Michigan! Hears to hoping he stays with his family here!!
MSU13, Lansing, MI
Izzo represents the Spartans and our school as a whole. He is our spirit, our energy, he is one of us. It's always been about more than just the money for Izzo, and we need you now more than ever Tom- please don't leave us. Just like when you had big players step up the moments when you needed them to win those miracle games....we need you to stand up and show that you wouldn't leave the Spartan faithful! GO GREEN.
Ryan Murphy, Chicago, IL
Coach Izzo: You are more than Spartan basketball. You and your teams are inspiring, but you and your family mean so much more to the community and the state than wins and losses. We love you for who you are and for your Michigan (State) values. Please stay!
DJK, Haslett, MI
Don't go Izzo. The people of Lansing, and the whole state of Michigan for that matter, love you and what you do for your players. You will not be appreciated in the NBA the way you are here. You are truly a legend, but you risk losing that status by jumping to the pros. I can't imagine you enjoying the egos of NBA players. Stay with us and take us to another Final Four and another National Championship. We can only do it with you. Bleed green forever Izzo.
Do you really want to watch Mike Montgomery cutting down the nets next March?
Sean, Akron, OH
I wasn't able to see State win the National Championship in 2000 and since then, I have been anxiously waiting for the next time. With you at the helm, Coach, we have that opportunity. Please don't leave us! You mean so much to not only Spartan athletics, but to this entire state. There are plenty of challenges left here!
Matt, East Lansing, MI
Rush IZZ. I camped out not once but TWICE to secure izzone tickets. Love Tom and what he has done for the program in East Lansing. Class act.
Allison, Redondo Beach
I cam to school here because of you
You know, East Lansing
Tom, you can't leave us! You mean so much to the university, the students, alumni and everyone else whose lives you've touched. My family recently went to see you in Izzo Goes to Broadway and we had the best time supporting you and the players and being a part of that great MSU family. You're a role model for us all and as an alumni I have to say it just wouldn't be right to think of Michigan State without you! You're everything to us Tom... please don't go! You know your biggest fans will forever be in Green and White.
DB, East Lansing, MI
We don't know MSU basketball any other way! Izzo brought us together...because I was crazy enough to camp out with my future husband for the IZZONE lottery after the Cold War in 2001! And you're the reason we come back to MSU (besides the Dairy Store). >3
Jackie & Joffrey, Chicago
I had the good fortune of growing up around Michigan State athletics, and have had the pleasure of knowing Coach for years now, and I truly cannot imagine a Michigan State without our Izzo.
Tim has brought a spotlight to East Lansing, and to the State of Michigan with his efforts on and off the field, and it would be a major blow to Michigan State if he should choose to leave us...
Matthew Heil, Orlando, FL
We hope the intangibles win out when Tom makes his decision. Great place to raise a family in E.L. and lots of wonderful people to support the team and Tom as they achieve great sport and academics.
Dottie & Jack, W. Bloomfield
I have been such a spartan fan for many years. I have always had a dream to play for Tom. I never had that chance but I cheer for all his teams. I pray and pray every night that Tom does not leave because he will be leaving at the wrong time. We have a team coming in that can get him that 2nd championship and for him to leave and pretty much dismantle that dynasty would be heartbreaking. Tom please please dont go and coach players that will never respect you and your talent. Players come and go but there will be someone who will be better than Lebron , so please dont leave... Also, why would you leave when you dont even know if you have that chance to coach that worse excuse for a role model.
Derrek, Maine, originally from St Johns MI area
I've been a Michigander since birth, a Spartan since 1998, and a basketball fan because of you, Coach. The only basketball I watch is our Spartans, and seeing someone else on the sidelines just wouldn't be right. You make so many people so proud of their state and their school.
No matter what you choose, the people of Michigan, Spartans or not, will always love you. We owe you that. You've changed lives here, Coach. I just hope you want to keep doing that.
G, Brighton, MI
I am not a State fan, but I have come to love watching Izzo coach, watching the players play and have become a fan of the basketball team and and their impressive attitudes and athletic ability. I would be sad to see him go and I am sure there are alot more like me that are not diehard State supporters that would express the same sentiments!!! Don't go Izzo!!!!
Kandy, St Johns, MI
hez izzo. How can u not love him?
Karthik Hemmanur, Detroit, MI
Megan, Michigan
You are what makes us BLEED GREEN! I don't think Cleveland fans can represent quite like the Izzone does and we know you love having a 6th man!
Ashley, East Lansing, M
He is a well loved coach and has one of the best recruiting classes coming in.
Jordon, DeWitt, MI
Tom Izzo inspires. GO GREEN!
Sean, Washington, DC
he bleeds green like we do, and we have all the green that he wants.
Coach Izzo has created a magnificent culture winning with his basketball program. Not only do his teams win on the court, but he has created a scenario in which class and academics are expected to balance the successes on the hardwood. This culture which drives his teams and thrills his fans simply does not exist in any other program in college basketball. His love of the MSU community, as well as his love for the players, is unmatched.
Coach Izzo makes me tremendously proud to be a Spartan.
Chris, Lansing, MI
The worst part of it all, is if you leave Coach, I can't even cheer for you. There's no way in hell I'll ever support a Cleveland team, especially one with Lebron James on it.
Mark, Sault Ste. Marie
Coach Izzo is MSU Basketball. I travel all over the world for work, and have gotten up at all hours and even scheduled travel so I won't miss a game. Give us another season, Coach! Don't make me have to start rooting for the Cavs, thats a lot to ask an East Lansing native!
Kathleen '88, Washington DC
Izzo is a class act. He loves his players and demonstrates true leadership. Izzo has given MSU a reputation as an elite program and brought us to the Final Four my senior year. My four years in the Izzone are some of my favorite memories from college.
Izzo has given us so much to be proud of, and I'm not sure if he will receive the same admiration at the NBA level. I wish the best for Izzo and his family and hope that he will stay at MSU to bring us another National Championship.
Kathy, Grand Haven
You are such a good role model for all the youth in the Great State of Michigan. Please stay in East Lansing ... MSU needs you!!
Liz, Traverse City
Tom Izzo is my coach.
Joe Manzella, Lansing, MI
Tom is the best coach in college basketball. Our coach. He took a good program and made it great. Our program.
In a world full of depressing things like budget cuts and the Lansing State Journal, the only good thing we can agree on is that We Love Izzo. He inspires us, not through heroic feats of bravery, but because of his stoic adherence to his core purpose: work hard, build a great team. He represents what is greatest in all Michiganders – passion, fire, commitment – to see him go would be crushing. As some of our greatest talent is attracted to out-of-state jobs, so too would our coach and our idol.
We cannot let this happen without letting Tom know how much we appreciate him, love him, and wish him well. Stay or go, Tom Izzo is my coach.
MSU will never have another coach like Tom, and next year we are winning our 2nd title with him!!!!!
Jay, Winter Park, FL
Best College Basketball Coach Ever!! Really knew how to get the team going in the worst of times. He put a great name to MSU Basketball, which was one of the perks about attending MSU. You're a baller
David , GRap
He is a class act.
Pedro, Chicago, IL
You are the face of MSU basketball and embody the right way to coach college athletics. The NBA is a miserable product, stay in the college game.
Allen, Denver, CO
I like his hair.
Kara, Chicago
I am proud to be one of the first members of the Izzone. The 1995-96 basketball season was my first season at MSU. Izzo is MSU and no matter what he does, he'll always bleed green. And so will I.
Justin, Southfield, MI
Tim, East Lamsing
every year i look forward to the games you schedule on our birthday, january 30th. don't leave!!! not only are you important to the basketball team, but to the whole campus, and the state of michigan!
rich, new york
Tom Izzo is an MSU Ambassador for all Spartan Fans & Alumni across the globe. His compassion toward Spartan Fans, Students, Alumni, and the University as a whole - is contagious & is an example for all of us - in how we can become a stronger, more unified community - in addition to how we can each become a better person - in the way we treat others - as we ourselves would want to be treated.
Either way.... if Tom's time has come... in which he feels he must start a new chapter in his life - we are all blessed to have had him as a part of our MSU family these past several years... and he will always be welcome in East Lansing & at MSU.
Make the *RIGHT* decision Tom... what is best for you and your family... Please allow me to give you a hint... you always have and always will - look great in SPARTAN GREEN & WHITE!
Mile-High-Sparty, Denver, CO
Coach Izzo, I have the honor of being born a Spartan, thanks to my parents both being alumni. As a 2-time Grad of MSU, myself, MSU is a very special place for me. (I was even married in the Alumni Chapel) Besides Sparty, when I think of what best represents my alma mater, I think of you. Not only do the basketball players need you, but the students and community do too.
Stacey - BS '99 / MA '04, House in Sterling Heights & Heart Always in EL
You are the best coach EVER!! Don't leave us, Izzo!! >3
Emily, Coloma
Beyond the MSU basketball program, the University, and my fellow alum and all the fans, the ENTIRE State of Michigan needs you more, Tom, and appreciates you far more than the nice people of Cleveland.
You are one of us!
We are so proud of you!
John, Traverse City, MI
I am a rather new Spartan fan (thanks to my obsessed boyfriend) and I already get goosebumps when I see videos or pictures of Izzo's success at MSU. There is no one in the world to compare him to - he IS Michigan State!!!
Spartan fan in the desert, Phoenix, AZ
Don't go coach! MSU needs you! Michigan needs you!!
James, EL
hey yo yo tommy!
i love you!
bob, china
Coach Izzo, you are a class act and an amazing coach. Both times we met you were nothing but kind to me, even making sure to let the person who was taking our picture at the Izzone Campout know that the flash didn't go off on my camera and waiting for another one to be hundreds of students lined up behind us to take their turn. Myself and my cat, Izzo, would be sad to see you go. You make me proud to be a Spartan alum and I hope you decide to stay GREEN and WHITE!
Katie, Canton, Michigan
He is a true hero, a model of what college coaches and coaches in general should strive to be like. Stay with sparty, you bleed green Tom!
Matt H, Okemos, MI
He is God at MSU, and IN GOD WE TRUST.
Bobby Coleman, East Lansing
my best memories of MSU are when I worked at Breslin and stood on the sidelines listening to him coach. He represents all that I love about Michigan State... passion, dedication, and heart.
MSU Alum, 2010, E. Lansing, MI
he owns East Lansing...don't leave!
Joe, TN
Dear Coach,
We have met several times, most often when the Big 10 tourney was held in Chicago.
MSU has been blessed with success during your tenure, due to your efforts and the values you impart to college sports: first, integrity; second, academics; third, athletic success.
I hope you choose to remain at State and pursue a continuation of success. Regardless, I wish you well in whatever you choose to pursue to achieve your goals in life.
Bob Eder, '75, Evanston, IL
kellycheer ? 's coach
Kelly , Chicago IL
Izzo = Michigan State University... always and forever.
B. Reese, Chicago, IL
…he represents all things green & white, and has taught us that hard work, perseverance, and LOVE result in great reward! Coach, thank you! Best of luck in this tough decision. Remember, once a Spartan always a Spartan!
Angie, Carleton, MI
When I think of MSU sports, basketball is the first thing that comes to mind, along with your image. You have shaped our basketball program into a legend. When I look back on my years at State, I hope I can say that I attended when the great Izzo coached. I haven't had a chance to attend one of the basketball games.... I hope I get the chance to attend one with you coaching, because anything less would be disappointing. GO GREEN!
MSU junior, East Lansing
Coach, you are Michigan State Basketball. You are one of the greatest reasons I am so proud to be a Spartan. Don't go .....
Amanda, Chicago
it is rare to find a coach who invests so much in his players and has a true passion for the game. Watching Izzo coach and hearing him speak about the game reminds me of why I started coaching. It is pure love of the game.
Carrie, East Lansing
I love izzo because I am from the upper penninsula and an MSU alumni. Izzo makes me proud to be a Michigan resident and a lifelong Spartan!
Coach Izzo, you have had several talks with players contemplating the move to the NBA. Your advice: do your homework. We know you are doing your homework and will do it well. We hope that our admiration and devotion to you as our coach is a voice strong enough to be heard and noticed. You are loved dearly here, for so many reasons, by so many people. Some say it’s your character, your wisdom, your compassion, your desire, your leadership, or your integrity. You have had the honor to impact so many people, young and old. As a fan, I cannot imagine college basketball without Tom Izzo. As a Michigan State fan, I cannot imagine Tom Izzo leaving his team, not now, not with so much talent, not ever. I cannot imagine Mr. March leaving his team and the chance of another shining moment, for the opportunity or the challenge to make his move to the NBA. I cannot imagine the style of coaching we praise of you, will be honored or respected in the NBA. I ask myself, why would coach want to leave? Why would he want to leave the state he calls home, the very place he served as a former assistant, an associate head coach under Jud, and now, head coach? Is it really about the love for the game? If so, why coach, would you ever consider leaving Michigan State?
Karli H. , Michigan
Coach Izzo, Our Family believes in you, and it has been a fantasic ride with you coaching , at Michigan State, We wish you all the best, but we want you to stay at Michigan State, you are the heart of Michigan State... All the Best to You Linda , Dansville, Michigan GO STATE!
Amore, saggezza e benedizioni.
Chris Savona '86 BA, '94 MS, Okemos, MI
You are much more than a great basketball coach to this community. You are one of Michigan's most beloved and respected persons. Please don't leave something you have built up which gives our community such stature.
Elizabeth goodman, okemos
Coach, I'll be a sophomore this fall at state and you make the campus and the school what it is. The basketball games and team will not be the same if you leave. What will we call the student section then? Everyone on campus loves you and will support you in whatever you choose. But, you are so loved on campus and throughout all the state alumni that I don't know why you would want to leave us. When I came to campus last year I never imagined that a coach could be that much of an influence or an inspiration to the students at state. But you are and when you walk into a room people listen. You are inspiration Izzo and what will we do if you leave? You made State what it is, not just the basketball team, but the campus. Please don't leave. We love you Izzo!
Melissa , Riverview, Michigan
Here in Michigan we've lost our jobs, we lost our money, our roads are cracked, our buildings crumble. For all of us just trying to scrape by, you've given us hope that with hard work we might succeed. That we might pull through.
Grick, Bath, MI
We have basketball student athletes who represent MSU with class at all times. Our players get good grades, go to class (or else), stay out of trouble and are humble. All because of Coach Izzo.
SwishStone, Paradise Valley, AZ
Because you're a teacher, a mentor, a model Spartan, a true Michigander...and the best damn college basketball coach in the country.
Jen, Greensboro, NC
coach izzo embodies MSU and the East Lansing community. Wouldn't be the same without him.
Nick, East Lansing
Coach izzo my uncle pete i think ypu know him pete eardley has season tickets on the rail c'mon please stay thats the only reason we come. Please stayy! We love you!
Nick, Grand rapids,MI
Coach, you're everything that is Spartan basketball and Michigan State. You belong here and nothing the Cavs have to offer can ever change that!
Emi, Chicago
Coach don't go. We love you.
Grant , Alexandria, Egypt
Coach Izzo, because we love you so much we can tell you to do what is right for you and your family. Asking you to stay for us would only be selfish.
George, Lansing
You put MSU Basketball on the map!! I just finished reading a book about John Wooden and his UCLA legacy. I want to read the same book about Tom Izzo someday. We are proud of you and the examples you have set for young people.
Bill, Traverse City
coach, we love you. please don't leave
Aaron, Scottsdale, Arizona
Tom Izzo is the FACE of MSU across the Country, and one we can all be proud of. He represents what is great about College Sports, and what makes it different from the pros. It would be heartbreaking for the school and community to lose him.
David Halloin, Dallas, TX
he is the BEST coach that anyone could ask for! He is amazing with the team, students, and fans. It will break my Spartan heart if T. Izzo leaves MSU.
Stefanie, East Lansing
morris peterson's alley oop with 2:38 left in the elite eight against iowa state to put us up 3 points but assuring every spartan there was no way we were gonna lose that game. mateen cleaves coming out with a broken ankle to lead the spartans to victory against florida in 2000. too bad izzo's now overinflated ego has to ruin a great program. its a shame
Dan, East Lansing
Tom, you are truly a great coach and person. you have done so many wonderful things at MSU. I very much want you to stay, but if you don't, I wish you all the best in your future.
Ron , Flint
Do we even need a reason?
Sophia, Chicago
You're the reason I bleed Green and White. Watching you win the Championship in 2000 made me change my mind on who I would root for the rest of my life. Don't go to Cleveland-- not until you go out on top because with the guys you have now, you will. I can't wait for Thanksgiving when the season starts back up again. Go Green!
Nate, Grand Rapids, MI
Because this program is yours. These fans are yours. We love you! Please please don't go Coach!
Jennifer, Lansing, MI
At the first MSU Band fundraiser at Tim Staudt's home, I took my Dad. My Dad loved the marching band, but more than that he was able to a cherry on top of the day when he got a picture with Coach Izzo. He loved the Coach, his passion, his drive, and his love for doing it right. My dad talked often about that day and the picture that he got with his favorite coach and Spartan - Tom Izzo. My dad passed away in 2009 and I think about him every day and each time I hear anything or see anything about Coach Izzo, I thank the coach in my heart that he gave my dad such a special moment and gift.
I am disturbed when I read some say that they have lost respect for Coach Izzo for considering this opportunity. Shame on them, Coach Izzo has given more than anyone could have asked. Let the Coach decide for himself, his family, and his future. Be happy for the Coach no matter what the outcome and never dare speak a bad word about all that he has done for this community, his teams, and MSU.
Class deserves no less and Coach Izzo defines class.
Rick Mansberger, Haslett, MI - Izzo Country
MSU without Tom Izzo would be like Green without White..... just not right, something missing. The Izzo family has meant so much to this area, not just basketball. They are part of our family at St. Thomas Aquinas. Lupe is always volunteering her time somewhere with in our community. Rocky and Steven are wonderful role models for our children. This entire family is such a gift to us all.
The Williams Family, DeWitt, Michigan
I am proud to say I was in the first izzone. I'm not proud to say I wasn't so sure about his coaching skills that year. I couldn't have been more wrong. Whenever we watch a game with new people I have pride telling them how small the Izzone used to be and that it's huge size and success are only a small part of what Izzo has built. We love you!
Nick, Grand Rapids, MI
Izzo has led the Spartans to many final fours!
Kaitlynn Bauer, Williamston Mi
he has created an EMPIRE!
Jared, Jackson
You look dashing in green, and what would we entitle the "Izzone"?
Lauren, Bay City, MI
i may have gone to the "other" school, but i sure as heck wish i had gone to MSU. please don't leave us! we love you! you're the best out there and we're so lucky to have you. please don't goooo!
anon, Ann Arbor, MI
How can you get the second national championship you wanted if you aren't the coach?
Eric, Charlotte, NC
has any other coach *ever* inspired this much love and respect and not just at MSU or even in basketball. ...who doesn't know our coach? Tom is one of very, very few that has the opportunity to become a true 'legend' in college basketball; he's been a rare (if not nonexistent) combination of incredible talent, loyalty and wonder anyone would want our coach...but NO ONE wants him as much as we do. I hope so much that he stays and is forever Green & White, he's made us all even prouder Spartans. But whatever his decision I would always wish him well and will always admire the kind of coach and the kind of person he is.
Stay a Spartan Tom!
PJ, Southcentral MI
Coach Izzo,
I've been an MSU basketball supporter for as long as I can remember, and a major reason is because of you. I deeply respect what you've done for not only MSU, but for the State of Michigan. I will respect whatever decision you make and support you, but just know you will be terribly missed by a huge number of people if you decide to leave. Thanks for some great years!
Jennifer Geisenhaver, Ithaca, MI
Dear Coach,
I think your true talent is what you do for these boys. There are very few coaches out there who make the impact that you do on their players. They are young and impressionable and you bring out the best in them. They need you. The professional game is so completely opposite. You will make a great coach no matter what you do, but you will never do as much good as you can at the college level. You are fiercely loved by all Spartans, not only for your winning record, but for the way you run your program. Your midnight madness, your spirit, the way you smile harder, the more upset you get. We love you top to bottom. Hope you stay!!!!
Mary Anne, Bethesda, MD
Coach Izzo,
We are MSU alumni and now residing in Greensboro, North Carolina, which is on Tobacco Road in ACC Land. They have Coach K, Dean Smith and Roy Williams down here. But we always say; “We have Coach Tom Izzo!” Tom, they respect you down here!!! We are afraid that the MSU Basketball program may lose what you have built and are continuing to build with your Spartan program, if you go off to Cleveland and the NBA. When we think of MSU Football . . . we immediately think of Coach Duffy Daugherty!! When we talk MSU Basketball . . . it’s Coach Tom Izzo!! You are so good for MSU and for all of its alumni, who are scattered everywhere. There’s no doubt about it . . . it’s a big decision for you. Hopefully you will choose to stay and continue to coach basketball at MSU . . . and that we will still be able to say; “We have Coach Tom Izzo”. GO GREEN!!!
Jean & Richard Black, Greensboro, NC
Tom is a great teacher, leader, and example for all to learn from. It doesn't hurt to explore other options but at the end of the day be true to your soul.
Phil, Seattle, WA
Reach for you dreams or they'll leave you behind.
MAX, Holt MI
Say it ain't so IZZO!!!
Dan D., East Lansing, MI
Because you are the man..
Stefan, Troy, MI
Tom, You have to do, what you have to do, BUT you are the best coach for college basketball...ever. Please keep that in mind when you think about the Cleveland offer and all those egos!
Jessie, Holland
Coach is a very humble man. I met him in 2009 at the Blackwell Hotel on osu's campus. I was there for a company party & left when I realized the team was there. I was so excited when he walked off the elevator I think I startled him. I asked for a picture & with a grin on his face said sure, just not sure why your so excited about it. He stopped & talked to me for a brief time. It is not easy being an MSU fanatic in the city of Columbus. But I bleed Green/White & knowing Izzo is our coach, makes the hurassment well worth it when we beat this team down here! Please stay Coach Izzo!!
Columbus, Ohio
Win or lose we can be proud of our program and the coach and man that has built it. Izzo you're the best there is don't let the guys that play dirty drive you out. Keep showing everyone that a program can be clean AND win championships!!! In a world of one and dones and constant recruiting violations, college basketball needs youl.\\.
Ann, San Francisco
Coach Izzo, you have the full support of Spartan Nation no matter what decision you make; your dedication to MSU for the past 27 years has certainly earned you the right to pursue other challenges. We'd like you stay at MSU because we like having the best coach in the nation, but also because it is only at MSU that you can build a legacy that has only been approached by John Wooden, Dean Smith, Bob Knight and Coach K.
D.K., MSU '03, Ann Arbor (I know, I know.)
You are the spirit of the Spartans. MSU without IZZO is like College Basketball without John Wooden.
Matt Rose, London, Ontario, Canada
In my wildest dreams, I never thought MSU basketball could acheive the consistent greatness and pride that you have brought the program. You have definitely earned the right to do what you want, but I doubt you will ever get the love and adoration that the Spartan family has generated anywhere else.
Mitch, Citrus Heights, CA
My favorite thing about Michigan State is March Madness and when I think about that I think about you, Izzo. Please don't take that away. Izzo, you belong at MSU.
BetsyDeJ, Novi, MI
Today, June 14th, is my birthday and there is NOTHING else I want more than Coach Izzo to announce he will remain GREEN. Besides my own selfish reasons, as a teacher, I want him to stay because what he does for his players is some of the BEST teaching, mentoring, and guiding I have ever seen! I can't imagine ALL the future players that would miss out on his coaching. That would be the saddest thing of all...please, please, please, please (with a cherry on top)...STAY.
A, The Post
I have been raised a Spartan. I have many connections to the university, especially because my parents met there. All of my life I have heard stories about the Magic Johnson and Jud Heathcote days, and I absolutely love to watch MSU sports, especially basketball. Ever since I was old enough to understand the game, it has been my dream to be in the Izzone. I know that if Izzo leaves, there will still be a student section, but it just will not be the same.
Claire, Illinois
Izzo is a first-class coach and a first-class human. Stay with Sparty, Tom!
Marc, East Lansing
Tom, You are the "heart" of not only MSU athletics but the university as a whole. You have built a dynasty that few have acomplished. The NBA is enticing, but is cold and heartless.
Gary Gruskowski, Ferndale MI
Just flip a coin.
me, michigan
when I went to my first basketball game, I felt like a real spartan. Thank you, Coach Izzo!!
Alex Hathaway, Study Abroad in Tours, France
If I found a lamp on the beach, rubbed it, and a genie popped out to grant me three wishes... Here is what I'd wish: #1 Tom Izzo coaches MSU until he's ready to hang it up for good (think paterno) #2 That no other college or Team comes after our coach because he's a Spartan for life #3 That MSU sports dominate the NCAA for as long as we all shall live! Go State!
Clay, Perry, MI
he is the best coach in college basketball. Without him MSU basketball will never be the same. Stay green forever and retire as a Spartan. We have a great chance to win a Championship next season!! Why blow it all away? STAY!!!!
Mark Costigan, Okemos, MI
Dear Coach Hamlet, it is time to make up your mind.
I love IZZO, because without him, there would be no IZZONE and it would have made my time completely different at Michigan State...
Ann, Somewhere in the Great State of Michigan
of how much you have given to, not only Michigan State, but the city of Lansing and the State of Michigan. You are a symbol that others can look to as an example. The way you carry yourself and your program exemplifies your class and high standard of excellence. Thank you
Chris, East Lansing
you make me proud to be a Spartan! You have touched so many lives-fans and players alike, and we wouldn't be the same without you!
Anne, Fowlerville, MI
He took the time to take a picture with my two boys t the airport on the way to the sweet 16 this year!
of the great sense of pride you have brought to East Lansing through MSU's amazing men's basketball program. You have also worked wonders for local charities through events such as your annual golf outing. You have been a strong staple to the Lansing area for many years. I was born in E. Lansing, raised a Spartan, and I would hate to see you go! We love you Tom Izzo!!!!
Adam Gomoll, Royal Oak
You can't leave because you defined my MSU experience as one of excellence, and continue to serve as an inspiration to me, the alumni, current and future Spartans.
Liz, London, England
Coach, you have defined this university with your neverending committment to excellence. Please don't give up on it now.
This websites name says it all. You have done an amazing job as a basketball coach and as a figure head in East Lansing. I will always support you, whatever you decide, but I am praying to King Leonidas himself that you stay and lead the Spartans to another great season.
Sarah Ghesquiere (Izzone member 2006-2009), East Lansing, MI
Coach, you have inspired SO many children and young adults to "be like you" and your beliefs! My son is currently attending your summer sports camp and he has been so stoked about it!! I sat through the first couple hours and was awe-struck with how you had captured the attention of these campers but yet made them feel as though you were speaking one-on-one to each of them. I have been SPARTAN GREEN for over 31 years myself and hope that you know how much we all LOVE you and hope you stay on at M.S.U. to instill your beliefs and greatness on future Spartans for as long as you wish!! East Lansing and M.S.U. are your home.
Tammy Spangler, Onondaga, MI
There are lots of reasons to go or stay. One things I've learned in life is money should NEVER be THE reason. Have enjoyed your career at STATE, with both of my kids participating in the IZZONE. Whatever your decision, I wish you and yours only the best. MSU Alum "69
Rick Rose, St. Clair
As a life-long Michiganian, there is a certain pride that comes with being a native of this State. There is a similar feeling that comes when you wear the colors and follow the academic and athletic achievements of MSU. There have been a number of individuals that have contributed to this success, many we know by name. However, few have had the lasting impact on so many young lives, and that of their fans, as Tom Izzo. There is no doubt that the NBA offers finance and prestige than cannot be matched by a state university….however, the non-tangible benefits that are received when a young man comes to Michigan to play for only you or the excitement you feel when that same young man wins a National title under your direction…cannot be found in the NBA. LaBron has achieved his dream….please continue to help our boys achieve theirs. We are Michigan….you are Michigan State!
Lynne F., Fowler
Tom, I cannot even imagine Michigan State basketball without you. This place needs you very badly. Spartan basketball is something that we all look forward to each year. March madness IS Tom Izzo time and we love being a part of it. When fall rolls around and football season starts think of that crisp autum air and the smell of tailgating outside of Spartan stadium...something you live for Tom. Don't throw it all away, let's finish this thing together. The best is yet to come......
Mark, Holt
The first name that I think of when someone mentions college basketball is "Izzo". That will stay the same no matter when he chooses, but I'm in favor of him staying with MSU.
Cat, Milford
Tom!!!!!!!! C'mon, you are "hall of fame" bound, and on your way to being one of the NCAA greats, up there w/ Knight, K', and even Wooden!!!! We have a fan section named after you!! Your son is named after Mateen!!! So, STAY GREEN FOREVER!!! We love you man!!!
Brandon Hultink, Battle Creek, MI
Dear coach,
Hello. My name is Tommy Jones. I was named after you after u won the champinship in the year 2000 which is when i was born my real name is Thomas. but my dad named me after you becuse of wat you did for my dads old college. we all want u to stay coach.
Thomas Jones, St. Johns
Tom Izzo represents the very best about MSU - a world class university. Whatever he does, we will always appreciate everything he has accomplished - but I sure hope he chooses to stay at Michigan State.
Alan Harnisch, Troy, MI
You drive your players to finish strong, and as such I think you should do the same. Walk off Breslin as a coach and not a spectator.
Jon, Okemos, MI
I am a grown man and I will cry if Tom leaves. I wish him the best in his career, regardless of what he chooses, but I have to admit, I want him to stay.
Steve - MSU Alum, East Lansing, MI
how much you done for michigan state. How you help the university in so many ways,I looked up to you s a kid and i always wanted to play for you. My dreams will be crushed of plying for you if you leave to the NBA.
Ty, Kalamazoo, Michigan
The class of 2016 wants to be in the IZZONE!
Lynn, Wilmington DE
There is no other way to put this, other than COACH IZZO IS A BADASS!!!!
Tyler, The EL
Coach, You and your family are a very positive part of Lansing. We appreciate all that you have done for MSU, the students and the community. It won't be the same if you leave.... Please stay!
Laurie and Jim Jelenek, Holt
... he's an "elite" coach, but not an "elitist" coach. What other big name basketball coach has guaranteed commentary during the halftime report of every football game? I love that! He's not just about the success of his boys; he's about the success and the atmosphere of the whole university. He'll always wave to anyone who sees him around campus. What a class act.
Meredith, Dallas, TX
Dear Coach, I would understand if you decided to go to Cleveland however you have touched the lives of so many young people, not only in the name of basketball but in the committed and loyal man you are. You are a light for all people. I have been a fan of MSU since I was 6 years old and have followed the sports program with pride even in the slim years. You have given the people of Michigan something to be positive about in this time of stress. Thank you for being you.You are a man of principle and dedication, this you bring to the coaching position at MSU. I pray that you keep your heart with us. I will be praying that you make the right decision for you and your family. God bless.
Lois, Jackson, MI
Because he is an institution...only 3 or 4 people in the sporting world have suc a connection to the place they are at...Tom Izzo is Michigan State basketball...No where else do you think of a team and the coach comes to mind...certainly not Cleaveland where you can have a winning record be in the top 16 teams in the nation...and get fired...STAY PLEASE
Mike V, Grand Rapids
I love your passion, you ARE college basketball!!! Please stay Coach Izzo!!!
Laura Crossman, Quispamsis, New Brunswick, Canada
Your a father figure to us Tom. Teaching us core values and keeping our focus on academics. Irreplaceable. Don't leave, you will be loved at MSU thousands and thousands more than silly Cleveland.
p.s. have you seen Cleveland. Why would anyone want to live there?
Alex, Florida
No matter what your decision is- remember where you came from.
George, Haslett
You have always said you wanted to win another championship here at MSU and it could happen in 2011. You need to be here to help make that happen. You are one of the best college coaches in the country and have brought so much not only to MSU, E Lansing but the entire state of Michigan. We are so proud of you as a coach and father figure to your players. Your wife is another great asset to MSU as are your children. Please stay with all of us that truly love you and respect all that you stand for and have done for us. Good luck in your decision but please remember how much everyone wants you to stay. If this was the NBA, would you be getting the same kind of love?
Sandi, Mason
Tom Izzo is Michigan State University.
Dublin, OH
Kids need leaders and people that can help them develop. You were meant for college, don't change a thing.
James Anderson, Jackson, Mi
Please stay.....I would love to have you as a role model in the community that my son can look up to!
SLW, Lansing are one of the greatest ambassadors MSU and the state of Michigan has!
Tony H., Waterford
Izzo is one of the best things to happen to East Lansing and to Michigan for that matter! Please don't go Coach!
Tara, East Lansing, MI
You made the decision long ago (when you were on staff for Jud) whether the NBA was your career goal - We hope you decided otherwise. What makes you unique and irreplaceable, is your value of beautiful U.P. acreage over private jets. College basketball is yours for the taking and greatness, while probably already attained, is retirement here in the State of Michigan.
Scott, E.L., MI
you are the green and white of this university. you help us. you guide us. you define us. without you, this place would be a whole lot different. STAY WITH US! and you know you want that one last NCAA title...and your spartans can work hard to get that for you. WE LOVE YOU IZZO!
Lara, new york
Tom, Did you invent the Izzo golf bag strap
Steve Ruthenburg, USA
You define college basketball.
College game:
? Passion
? Defense
? Teaching
? Coach / players approachable
? Purity: Team game
? Players give 100% all game
NBA game:
? No Passion
? No Defense
? No Teaching, no listening.
? Coach / players are not approachable
? Purity: Me game
? Players “may” give 100% in the last 2 minutes
It wouldn’t be the same without you Coach Izzo!
Mike, MSU Alum, Milford MI
You mean more to the SpartanNation than any coach has every meant to not only a fan base, but an entire state that NEEDS you. Just remember the Beatles song "Can't Buy Me Love" and talk to your friend Rick Pitino. You are building a Legacy here at MSU and it's a "work in progress" and if I know you like I think I know you... You Don't leave work undone. I hope to hear you are staying at MSU and that you plan on coaching here as long as Joe Paterno has coached at PSU. We Love You Coach. The grass is greenest at MSU - Zeb Olsen MSU Alum '02
You are Michigan made and we need you not only for spartan basketball but the inspiration you provide to people of all ages. I am proud to be a season ticket holder and am looking forward to next season
Amy L, okemos
We have had the opportunity to meet on 3 occasions. Each time you spoke fondly of the MSU community and the lifestyle that you enjoy for you and for your family. You also mentioned the difficulty of the job and the constant demands and challenges. I remind you of a quote from a League of Their Own. Tom Hanks said, “If it wasn't hard, everyone would do it. It's the hard that makes it great”. You have made it great and possibly sustainable. But is your work done? Have you reached your goals? Has MSU? Or the NCAA? Your legacy will be defined by this decision and my hope is that you will continue to want to make it great. I hope that you will continue to be our standard bearer for Spartans everywhere. Fight the good fight, lead us, and never give up.
Randy Marshall, Ypsilanti
Izzo embodies the class, the character, the passion, and the love of the game that makes MSU the best program in the country.
A.J., Gainesville, FL
You are so much more than a coach, you've been a face for the community and an amazing leader for the entire city since the day I came here for college. You've gotten so close to winning it all, last season that should have been ours! You give us Spartan Alums something to be proud of season after season. Please don't leave us!
Carole, East Lansing, MI
What Tom Izzo has done for not only Michigan State Basketball but the East Lansing Community is nothing short of greatness. In addition, besides being arguably the greatest basketball coach Michigan State has ever seen he provides so much more than just good coaching. He teaches his players that you don't need to be "The Best" to succeed. He teaches them that as a team they are much stronger than anyone individual will ever be. He teaches them the keys to not only succeeding on the court but how to succeed off the court as well. Here's to You Tom Izzo! I think I speak for all of East Lansing when I say no matter what happens We APPRECIATE all you've done for us!
Paul, East Lansing
... he and his team are a bright spot in Michigan. They give us something to look forward to, as opposed to all of the negative things that are happening. And, he's going to lead us to a National Championship this year, so he can't leave yet!
Katie, East Lansing, MI
He is an outstanding person of character and a role model to the student athletes that are under his wing. His passion for coaching and for life is beyond words. Tom Izzo IS MICHIGAN STATE!!!!!!
Charles Hunt, Jackson, MI
We love you Tom you are the face not only of the basketball program, but of Michigan State as well. Don't go, WE NEED YOU!!
Jason W, Charlotte, NC (just graduated from MSU)
Coach Izzo, I can't imagine you coaching a bunch of NBA primadonnas', you're used to molding our MSU basketball players, the NBA guys were molded a long time ago and some not so well. I can't believe coaching the NBA will be your cup of tea. Please stay at MSU!
Sandy, Portland, MI
in his own words, "players play, tough players win." it would be a win for not only MSU basketball but for the university and NCAA basketball at large to keep Tom Izzo. He is more than a coach; he is an icon and role model whose influence is more needed and appreciated at the college level. I-Z...Z-O!
Allison, MSU and Izzone Alum '08, Chicago, IL
Don't go down the same road as Tim Floyd did with the Chicago Bulls! It's not worth it!
Steve N., Aurora, IL
Dont go tom you are the face of michigan were your family ur unreplaceable.......GO GREEN
….because you unite and inspire the Spartan Nation. You are an excellent ambassador for MSU, and you make us proud to wear our green and white. You are an amazing leader for us, our communities and all of college basketball. You are what other coaches and programs aspire to be. You are the epitome of class, character, and heart. We are better people because of you and the example you lead. Thank you for everything.
Kelley Wall, Denver, CO
Been following you since you took over. You've built such a wonderful legacy here. I think the program is on the doorstep of achieving what you have always wanted: To become a true destination for potential basketball recruits.
Your leadership cannot be matched. Stay around and finish the job!!!
MIke, chicago
"It's an honor to be a Spartan. Be very loud about it. Be very proud about it."-Izzo. Please don't leave Izzo!
You bleed green and white Tom! Stay because you know that is where your heart is. Don't be weak.
Mark, Milwaukee
The work that you do in the local hospitals and for charities will suffer greatly without your presence.
This community has been your home and you have been our coach for 15 years...we appreciate the effort and example that you have shown to us.
J, Michigan
We love you!! Coach Izzo, you have done an awesome job for MSU. You are the best coach in the nation hands down. Whatever you decide, we will be forever grateful for you and what you have accomplished at MSU. Good luck with your decision. Your fans are hoping you will still be Green.
Jan, Dewitt Township
Do you think Coach John Wooden recently went to his grave feeling any less of a man for not having coached in the NBA?
Steve N., Aurora, IL
Tom Izzo and MSU basketball are synonymous. You can't have one without the other. College basketball will never the be the same. March Madness without Izzo leading the Spartans to another Final Four appearance and Championship would truly be a travesty. Keep making college basketball history at MSU!!!
you are the best coach ever and we dont know what we would do without you coaching the spartans.
mitchell, stockbridge mi
You are MSU basketball! Only a few other people can say that. Wooden, K...and you. That alone and the love and respect from the people across the state of Michigan is greater than the additional money you could make in Cleveland. DON'T GO IZZO! Start at State and end at State.
Joffrey Bywater, Born and raised in Lansing, living in Chicago
Coach Izzo is a reflection of Michigan State University and all of us, its alumni and supporters. We look forward to celebrating many more Big 10 and National Championships together with you, Coach.
SAK, The Windy City
All the way from Orlando, FL working in the NBA....College Basketball is a place where people like you can shine for many reasons, both on and off the court. In the pros, if you're not winning, you're out. Thank you for what you've done at MSU! As a CMU alumni, I still tell people I bleed Green & White-- during Basketball Season! Good luck with your decision, but I sincerely hope you continue your work as a Spartan!
Kayla, Orlando, FL
you clearly love the game, your players, and the State of Michigan. We can replace your coaching skills, but we can't replace your heart.
Vic, NC
Happy, Happy, Happy, Happy, Joy, Joy, Joy
Jan Seal, Portland, MI
he represents all that is good and correct with intercollegiate athletics. He is an educator, a mentor, a friend and a father-figure to his players and all those who bleed green. He is a class act.
Linda, East Lansing, MI
...he gets what it's REALLY about. He passes it forward in his mentoring of young athletes from boys into men.
Liz, Williamston, MI
Coach, ask Saban if he could do it over, would he?
MSU Alum, Michigan
I am an ex-employee of MSU (17 years) and I still bleed green, love MSU basketball and it surely will not be the same if Izzo leaves......please don't go!!!!!!
donna, out of country
He is pure michigan....state and the best thing MSU athletics has going for them by far.
Fan, Troy, Michigan
You have exemplified how college basketball programs can return to the love of the game instead of bypassing education to gain endorsements and a paycheck as an end-point to career. You have shown young men around the country that you don't need to be a one in a million all star to win a championship; you don't need to abandon what you love just to earn a dollar and there is more to basketball than just a win or loss. You teach every player that comes through your program more than the game but how to succeed in life and no other coach will be able to emulate what you have created here at our beloved Michigan State University!
Amy Hine, Atlanta, Georgia
Go or stay, he has been an example of a man who uses his talent wisely and with great honor.
Go or stay, he has been an example of a man who uses his talent wisely and with great honor.
He has invested his life in helping others develop their skills and talents, his focus, courage and respect have been revealed as his teams have won and grown.
Whatever his choice, we have been enriched by his presence in our lives.
He has made a hard job look easy and revealed a clearer picture of grace to us all.
Watts, Michigan
Coach...I think the Spartan community understands your need to explore new, challenging career oppotunities. I think we all have when we have had the chance. However, as a lifelong Spartan, I selfishly hope that you and your family decide to stay in East Lansing. We love and respect what you have done with these young men. We consider the basketball team an extension of our family. Best of luck on your decision.
Troy, Minneapolis, MN
I love your passion for the game. March Madness is my favorite time of year
and all because of you .Please stay !
Diane M., Lansing
Tom's ability to lead young players to a better place on and off the court is second to none. He has the ability to touch and improve so many lives as a college basketball coach. As an NBA coach his positive impact on the world will diminish. Whatever his decision I wish him luck.
Derrick Nelson, Washington, DC have shown how to do things the right way. Not letting your players get caught up in the fame of being one of the elite. Not only do you contribute to their athletic ability but your graduation rates for your basketball players is amazing. You have set an example for all college coaches to follow and if you go to the NBA that will not be as recognized. We want you to become not only a MSU legend but a college basketball legend where your name will be in the same sentence as John Wooden, Bob Knight, and Coach K. We all want you to have a statue outside of the Bres that will forever show your greatness as a SPARTAN!
so please Izzo stay at MSU where you are loved by everyone in East Lansing, the state of Michigan, and across the country.
DJ, East Lansing
Everytime you think of MSU Basketball, Tom Izzo is what comes to mind. He has made a Dynasty at MSU, and there is no reason for him to leave.
Luke Roberts, Traverse City, Michigan
Never has MSU thrived so much in sports; much of it is because of Tom's influence at the school. Not only has the basketball team had great season after great season, but the football team has improved, the women's basketball team has improved...
I could go on. But for Tom to stay at MSU means a lot because, well, he's great for the school and community as a whole. MSU would be losing a big part of what they've been known as if he left.
Bryan, Grand Rapids, MI
Izzo, you are our King Leoinidas, you dont need to share the throne with King James, We are only 299 Spartans without you and an incomplete army of 30o. I Love You
Rahul Mehta, Ann Arbor, MI
He is simply the best. MSU basketball is what it is because of Tom.
For all the great things he does on and off the court to make Michigan a place we can celebrate. From his selfless non-profit support in and around the Lansing community to the enthusiastic and determined motivation he provides to his team, Tom Izzo is a class act that helps us all remember to be humble, results-focused, and appreciative human beings. Thank you for all you've given to your teams and our great Spartan network around the country.
Dear Tom,
You should come to Ann Arbor.
The Fab Five, MICHIGAN
Dear Mr. Izzo,
Trust me, STAY AT MSU!! Don't listen to others who tell you that life is better elsewhere. I know from experience that there are no greener pastures outside of Michigan State.
Marcus Taylor, In a van down by the river
MSU could not have picked a better coach and we hope you stay at MSU. If you do decide that it is your best interest to leave I wish you all the best and thank you for the work you have done for MSU, both in sports and in reputation.
Glen, Brownstown, MI
you brought Michigan State the respect it had deserved for so long, you run a clean program and you are loved by all. It would not be the same without you.
Laura, NYC
Tom if u leave then we wont have the Izzone and it will not be the same the fake smiling at the refs! I LUVVV U!!!!! PLLLZZZZZZZ w/ sugar on top stay!
Elizabeth, Lansing
Coach Izzo,
I'll keep it short and sweet, I truly believe that Michigan State is as much a part of you, as you're a part of Michigan State. Remember the lives you have touched, and the future ones you will touch as Head Coach of Michigan State basketball.
Chris, East Lansing
Stay or go, Tom & Lupe you've made us proud and inspired us to give back. Thanks for setting such a great example.
Linda, East Lansing
anyone can teach a kid about basketball, but very few can teach a kid the valuable life lessons of hard work and integrity. Coach Izzo is a man of character, and he makes me so proud to be a Spartan. I wish him the very best no matter what he chooses, but I hope he chooses to stay.
Madalena, Cincinnati, OH
he will lead us to a NCAA victory!
Sarah, East Lansing
Tom Izzo is a family man...East Lansing is a great place to raise his family and serve as a role model, mentor, teacher and coach to his MSU family. We hope you stay but if you go, you will be missed!
Nancy, Lansing
he will make the right move and join the NBA. Gilbert will always take care of you. No more recruiting trips, no more one and dones! It is time to relax and let LeBron make you one of the greatest NBA coaches of all time!
Mike, Elyria, OH
He wins with class. He is part of the MSU family. He cares for, molds, and loves his players as a father. He has an outstanding graduation rate. As former president Ed Hardin said, "Excellence in one area breeds excellence in others." Besides, where else could you do something so fun as "Izzo Goes to Broadway"?
Donna D, Grand Ledge, MI
Coach Izzo- I know the decisions that people make need to be the best for them and their apart of the Spartan Family...and a fellow Yooper...please stay apart of our great state...that is the Spartan State of Michigan!!!
Allyson, Cadillac
He is a great influence on the school and community. Some of the best experiences of my life have been traveling as a member of Spartan Brass to support his teams in the tourney the last couple years.
Garrett, Chicago
Izzo IS MSU basketball. Stay or go, Tom and Lupe you've made us all proud-on the court and off. Thanks! Linda, East Lansing
He is, without a doubt, the best thing to happen to MSU basketball - EVER. I sure hope he stays (and I think he will), but what's really important is that he knows how much we appreciate him. Izzo, come on back and win us another national championship!
Joash Schulman, Virginia Beach, Virginia
he will take the $$$$!!! Tom this is your opportunity to take your career to the next level!!! Please come to C-Town
Charles, Cleveland, OH
You are an excellent coach and provide your players with a foundation to ensure future successes both on and off the court. Your hard work and dedication have made MSU's basketball program grow into one of the most nationally recognizable programs. I hope you stay. Simply put, Michigan State basketball would not be the same.
Marissa, Sterling Heights
Without Izzo my husband would not watch MSU basketball with me. Izzo made him a fan.
Margaret, Lansing
I will be honest with you, I loved Jud and the first year that you took over I told my husband, this is not going to work". HAHAHa You can see how much I know -- You are Michigan State and have made our program what it is. You and Lupe are the best. When I shook your hand in Maui or stood in the hallways of the Breslin and talked to Lupe thinking these are down to earth people. Please don't go!!!!!!! We need you!!!
Sharon, Ionia
He's the only good thing East Lansing has to offer. Without him, we'll have nothing left, besides partying.
George, East Lansing
IZZO, you have built a legacy in East Lansing and are turing the state Greeen and White. Please keep living the dream as a SPARTAN!
Alysia , Wauseon, Ohio
he will come to Cleveland and bring this city it's first championship in franchise history!! Also, he will be the key ingredient in keeping our cities best player!! Our arms are open Tom!!
Chris, Broadview Heights, Ohio
He represents not only Michigan State University well, he represents the ENTIRE state of Michigan. Please stay Coach.
Thomas, Dallas
...You have shown us what hard work and dedication can do for a player, school and a community. Thank you for everything that you have done for MSU and East Lansing, I hope you know how much we all appreciate everything you and your family! It won't ever be the same with out you!
Nicole, East Lansing
So last night I had a dream. No, wait, it was a NIGHTMARE. Tom Izzo left MSU to go to the Cleveland Cavaliers. He wasn't happy, even though he got to coach Labron James. I was angry because he let so many people down by leaving, leaving something that he loves, we love, and people all over love. We are there watching you, watching your wins, sorrowing with you during the loses. You can't leave because I am a Piston's fan, not a Cavalier's:) So you will be losing love that you need to have a strong team.
Hannah, Grand Ledge
Coach Izzo has shaped and molded so many young men into not just great players, but also fine men. He won't have that opportunity in the NBA. He personifies everything that is GREAT about MSU and I can't think of anyone that is more well-respected in this community. PLEASE stay! Go Green!
Carol, Okemos
You are so appreciated in East Lansing, Coach Izzo! You are so great for the school and for the college game. Please stay!
Liz, Washington, DC
My wife, a UofM alumn, loves MSU Basketball almost as much as I do (almost) because of the class that Tom brings to the game. PLEASE STAY!!
Erik, Toledo, OH
...even Ann Arbor-ites want you to stay!
MSU Fan, Ann Arbor
As a long time MSU alum and basketball fan, the years you have coached the Spartans are a a treasured time for me. The winning is great, but the class way that you run the program means a lot to me too. You are a tremendous asset to MSU and college basketball, and I sincerely hope you choose to stay.
Russell, Lansing
you are a class act and you are helping to turn young men into great basketball players and even more importantly into great men. You won't have that kind of influence on NBA players. College basketball is the greatest - you would miss March madness. Also, WE LOVE LUPE.
lifelong Spartan fan, Lansing, MI
He is Pure Michigan. He lives in the Heart of Spartans.
Kyle Bryan, Lansing
Tom Izzo does things the right way. I always appreciated that about his program at Michigan State. I hope he doesn't leave, but if he does, here's to rooting for the Cleveland Cavaliers!
Charles, Holt, MI
You have always said that MSU is a family- you are a HUGE part of that family. What you do for the young men you coach and the students at MSU cannot be replaced. You are everything that is good and honest about college sports and you make me proud to be a Spartan. Please don't leave! We are family!
Lorraine, East Lansing
If you leave, you'll be just another Coach. In E. Lansing you are FAMILY.
David, Grand Ledge
He is MSU's John Wooden.
Bob, Lansing
he not only wins, but he does it with class. Izzo has MADE Michigan State a basketball school by building a program on the premise that he will BE THERE.
Rachel , Grand Ledge
...he doesn't make a life-changing decision for himself, his wife and kids based upon the whims of a 25 year old.
marsh249, MSU
he has created a family, you can't walk out on your family!
Shayna, Holland, MI
he is a class act and the face of Michigan State University. Coach is a teacher, mentor, winner and constant pursuer of new challenges. Through his position at Michigan State he has been able to positively influence 100's if not 1000's of young people. Coach you are too important to the student body, university as a whole and the State of Michigan to go to the NBA. The new challenges for you are not there, that is a money driven sport, not X's and O's. The challenges left for you are hopefully winning multiple national championships at one school, and remaining a positive influence on 18 to 22 year old kids well into your 70's.
Josh, Syracuse
He is classy and has brought nothing but pride to our great University - both on and off the court. You can't go yet, Izzo. Please bring us one more championship banner. The NBA will still be there after we win it in 2011...
Jessalynn, Ferndale
Coach Izzo **PLEASE** don't go!! The entire State of Michigan needs you! THE State of Basketball needs you!! MSU will never be the same :'-( Although I don't live in Michigan anymore, watching you and the team on TV down here in Dallas, TX makes me proud to be a Spartan. GO GREEN GO WHITE!!
Amanda, Dallas, TX
Coach Izzo personifies the hard work, dedication, and loves that is college basketball.
Emily, Ann Arbor
Tom - Spartan basketball is all I have.
. . . he's an excellent ambassador for Michigan State University - for the basketball team, our other sports, and for the academic side.
Vicki, Perry, MI
Because you have instilled pride, prominence and integrity to Spartan athletics.
Bruce, Coppell, TX
Pleaseeeeee Stay....!! What a good role model you have been for MSU BB,personally and professionally ... ..You make us PROUD..!!!.. Love the Respect and show for your players ! Let them take that with they move on in life..and pass it on!! What a gift can give right where you are!!! ...Priceless!!!! You are the BEST! ....Stay at MSU!!!!!!!
Judith Falls, Rochester, NY
You're a great teacher and mentor to young men. Your program is consistenty among the very best. I am a Cavs fan living in Cleveland, but a Spartan first. Please stay at State. You will be appreciated more. Sparty on.
Bob, Cleveland
tom, you have an opportunity to become one of college basketball's all-time greatest coaches (ala john wooden). money doesn't buy everything!
we have enjoyed your coaching from your days as jud's assistant to today. we hope you will continue at msu.
chuck & naomi b. williamston, mich.
chuck & naomi b., williamston, mich.
Tom, your hard work and dedication is the reason the MSU program is elite and that has helped to put our university in the national spotlight. MSU still does not get the full respect that UNC, Duke, Kentucky and Kansas does, but we are on our way. We need you to help us clear that last hurdle! I have been to three final fours and I am looking forward to more! I am sure the NBA is intriguing, but why subject yourself to all the bs that goes with it??? Stay at MSU and retire there. You have worked hard to get where you are and you deserve all that goes with it. Lebron is king in Cleveland, stay where YOU are king. Today is my birthday and I pray to hear a positive decision later today!
Gina, Orlando
it wouldn't be the IZZONE without him! We love you IZZO!
Rachel , Rochester Hills, MI
Any MSU coach who is respected even by UM fans should never abandon ship. Stay aboard, Izzo, a god among men in Michigan.
You are a Yooper! A Spartan and represent everything hardworking about Michigan!
Basia, Marquette
our student section is named after him. the end.
emma, east lansing
You are SPARTY. you are MICHIGAN!!!!!! You are the best Coach in College Basketball. Your player need your passion and intensity. College Basketball needs YOU!!!!!! There is something to be said about staying with things you love and people who love you. You will never feel that in Cleveland or any othe NBA city. Go with your heart and for the sake of Spartans everywhere, I hope you stay at MSU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Joe, Potomac, MD
he's turning Detroit green again!
Jon, Dearborn, MI
He's all that is good about college basletball. He is a teacher, a mentor, a role model, and a winner with grace and class. He is an ambassador for the program, the school, the state, the sport, and the Big Ten. Those type of figures are hard to replace. I trust he can win at the pro level, given what a great coach he is. However a successful pro basketball head coach can never be the ambassador that he is now for MSU and the state of Michigan. I hope he recognizes this before making his decision whether to stay at MSU or depart for the Cavs. I hope he stays at MSU - where he can be as long as he wants!
Herb, Dallas, Texas
DON'T GO!!! You have an amazing opportunity to win another title this year. Izzo must stay!
Sean Tenney, Atlanta, GA
I didn't even really watch State sports when I first got here. Football was something of a joke, and that turned me off from watching everything else. But I finally started following State basketball after hearing about how good this team was, and 3 years later, I'm back up on watching all my sports thanks to you, Izzo. Don't leave, we love you!
Nick, East Lansing
The impact that you make on the lives of the kids that play for you, and those that want to play for you is beyond description. Leaving won't just hurt Spartan's everywhere, you will hurt those that rely on you the most, the kids that play basketball at MSU for you! Don't go!
Karen, Grand Rapids MI
Please, Please stay Izzo. This school loves you beyond belief. Where else could you find that????
Richelle, East Lansing, MI
Don't leave!!! We Love You, Izzo!!!
Jennifer, Frisco, TX
Izzo is to MSU as beans are to franks!
Ben Main, Seattle, WA
There is no March Madness in the NBA. The best of seven format almost always favors the more talented team. March Madness always favors Izzo. Always.
Colin, East Lansing
Izzo..... STAY!!!! enough said
Allison, Haslett
Please stay. Once you make the leap, you can't go back. You have everything you need right in East Lansing.
Mary, Michigan
Thank you for all you have done for my school, but I'm just not ready to see you go!!
Jenn, Grand Haven
because he wins!
Herb Parlato, Miami, Florida
I have been active duty military for years. Some label military members as heroes, but I dismis that label. When people ask me who MY hero is, I always say coach Tom Izzo. You are a true inspiration, and represent to me all that is honorable and good. Fair or not, that would diminish in the NBA. Please let me keep my hero, and thank you for all you have done.
Dylan, where the military sends me
izzo i >3 u. you are the best basketball coach in the whole world. i wanna have your job when i grow up
andy, haslett made my time at Michigan State so special! I was a sophmore when we won the National title, and it was one of the most amazing memories that my husband and I have of our college years!! You made me love college basketball, and love MSU even more. If you leave, thousands of students will be deprived of those memories. STAY!!!! Love, Lacey Salerno
Lacey Stone Salerno, Auburn Hills, Michigan make me proud to be a Michigan State Alum and from the state of Michigan! Whenever your name comes up in conversation with the locals in Houston, TX they agree that you operate an honest, clean program and are a great man for college basketball.
Ray Gallagher, Houston, TX
...he is the BEST college basketball coach in the universe!!! Go Green Go White!!!
Thomas, Age 8, Naperville, IL
"Izzo, please don't go. I'll miss you. I hope you check this message because me and my daddy are really big fans of you. Please don't go. Please. Izzo, pleeease, I want you to stay here at MSU. I hope you see this message." ~Josephine, age 4 "I love Izzo and he's our best friend. I love Michigan State and tell him we love him." ~Cecilia, age 3
Josephine and Cecilia, Grand Haven
My Freshman year I thought I saw Tom Izzo once walking by Dem Hall. I couldn't tell if it was him because he was obscured by the other people walking around him. I shouted "Izzo!?" and he shouted back in his trademark gruff voice "Hey kid."
John, East Lansing
Izzo, you're an amazing coach and an even better human being. I absolutely love coming to Senior night and watching you tear up as your seniors kiss the "S". There is no other coach in college basketball who cares as much for his players as you do. If you leave, I wish you the best, but please, if you do chose the NBA, be careful. It can be an emotionless place to work and I wouldn't want to see you become that.
Josh McFarland, East Lansing, MI
Tom - you are an amazingly accomplished college basketball coach and most importantly, we are honored to have you as our coach at Michigan State University!
Joyce H., North Aurora, IL
First of all, I love Izzo for all the good he has brought to our school name. Everyone knows our basketball program because of Izzo, without him, it will never be the same. Secondly, I would be very saddened if he leaves the Spartans. The legacy started by Izzo is not complete and he leaves, he will never have it again. Both alum and current students know that Izzo brings a lot of values to the boys that are recruited. He instills confidence, strength, and HEART! The NBA does not have heart, they play because they get paid, and they don't want to 'learn'; whereas college ball is all about heart, no money, and learning from the best. I really hope our great leader stays and continues his legacy, especially with the great recruits he has coming in next year... we will be the 2011 champs with Izzo. Breslin would not be the same without the Izzone! We love you and want you to stay. Remember, you coach because of teaching and heart, not because of money. You have done an awesome job and will always be the spirit of MSU basketball!!
Zorisa, Clawson, MI
Tom please stay here with the Spartans. They need you AND we need you. The Spartans would not be the Spartans with out you!!!
Beckie, Crystal, MI
do you really have to ask?
Tim, Livonia
... because he represents what is great about college basketball -- and college athletics in general. He understands that his athletes are students first, and has a clear and vested interest in each player and manager. And he represents the spirit and character of Michigan State University and the state of Michigan. Though some understandably argue athletics play a much too important role in higher education, Izzo gives us all an example of the positive influence college athletics has on so many fronts. We love Tom Izzo because he is Michigan State.
Christopher Horner, Dallas, TX
If you go to the NBA, you will be very successful because you work hard in everything you do. But Lebron will never love you the way the way the Spartan players love you. And Cleveland will never love you the way MSU loves you. You are our best ambassador and have always been more than just a coach to us. We wish you well in whatever you do, but please don't go!
Cory, Grand Haven
He is a legend at MSU. It's hard to realize unless you're a Spartan yourself. But I don't think anyone could have more respect for Tom Izzo than Michigan State Spartans.
Stay HOPE, Away NOPE
Powergascan, China
Michigan is home, not Ohio. On his way to being a legendary college coach, not another Rick Pitino. STAY IZZO!!!
GA, East Lansing
It's too bad that the legendary John Wooden is no longer with us to advise you on this one. But I think you know what he would have to say...
Steve N., Aurora, IL
After 4 years in the Izzone, I can honestly say that Coach has never let me down. Wins or losses, good times or bad, Tom Izzo has proven to be a class act, and has absolutely earned my un-questioning support.
Regardless of what happens in the coming days or weeks... I'm with Izzo.
Mike, Chicago, IL
You are a great basketball coach and a huge asset for the greater Lansing community. It would be terrific if you were to continue coaching for MSU. But if Cleveland represents the chance of a lifetime for you -- no regrets. Just don't accept unless you KNOW that LeBron James is a lock for being on your team!
Paul, Mason, MI
You ARE the FACE of Michigan. Please stay here!
Clair, Detroit, MI
We (Spartans) are selfish...we want Tom to stay so our grand children will be able to experience the excitement of watching him coach an MSU Basketball team...we are selfish because no matter where we travel people recognize our Spartan tee shirts and that makes us proud...we are selfish because so many other teams want Tom and that makes us feel special...we are selfish and we can't help it!
Tim, Marshall, MI
Coach Izzo, keep your heart and your great basketball coaching here at MSU. Plus I hope you read all of these messages to you. You have too many people here that truly want you to stay here. Keep you & your family in Michigan & at MSU.....
Karen, Lansing, MI
Tom Izzo is a man who cares about his "kids". He is their mentor, their surrogate father and their life coach. Tom, you will not have this connection or influence on NBA players. I believe this is the reason you coach; to be the best and to develop the best players and people.
Jeff, Northville
I'm not from Michigan and I don't go to Michigan State; in fact, I'm from New Jersey and I go to Maryland, but I love college basketball - and you belong in college basketball. Sometimes it isn't all about the money and the fame, and to leave the situation you have in East Lansing and move to a team that would fire you after winning 66 games would be criminal. I hope you stay for the sake of college basketball everywhere.
Doron, College Park, MD
Dear Tom,
I have been so happy to say over the years ----to anyone that will listen---how proud I am of our basketball team and you as their coach. I have had season tickets since before you took over for Jud and have watched "our own Yooper" fool all the nay-sayers by developing a program that is so classy!! I hope with all my heart that you stay with MSU because, as a former teacher myself, I truly believe that that is what you are. I don't believe you would get nearly the satisfaction from coaching millionaires that you do from helping boys become men here at MSU.
Nancy Norton, Lansing, MI
He makes memories for new batches of college kids that they hold onto for their whole lives and pass down to their own kids. MSU has never been better than with Izzo! Don't go!!
Elizabeth, North Carolina
When you're making $3 million a year, money really shouldn't be a factor. Name one great college coach that's gone on to be successful in the NBA. They don't exist. Tom also made a promise to our returning seniors. I love Tom because he (hopefully) values what he's built here in East Lansing more than a monetary value.
Alex, East Lansing
Coach Izzo, I grew up in the Lansing area and now I'm a young professional working at MSU. Having grown up in the area, with parents who both went to Michigan State for undergraduate and graduate work, I've always loved MSU Basketball. But what you've done for the basketball program, the MSU community, the Greater Lansing Area, and the entire state is unprecedented. We can't thank you enough for everything you've done in terms of educating student-athletes and promoting MSU and the state of Michigan .You truly are a classy ambassador of the game of the institution.
Chris, East Lansing, MI
Go Green, Go White, Go TOM!
Steve, Cleveland
We love you Tom for your leadership and your courage to always do the right thing. I know you will make the best decision and stay a Spartan.
Harold, Kalamazoo
Defense, rebounding, fast the way it was meant to be played. That's why I love Izzo.
Hank, Haslett
I love Tom Izzo because he lead Michigan State to their only National Championship back in the 2000 season over the University of Florida down in Florida for the Spartan's 1st and only National Championship in Mens basketball ever! I also love Tom Izzo because he is the only head coach I've know since I've been watching Michigan State basketball! I really, really, hope he stays here in East Lansing and doesn't go to Cleveland.
Jacob West, Nashville, Michigan
From my 1979 championship t-shirt that I wear every year to the Izzo signed Championship poster that hangs when I watch I bleed green...especially BBall. What I love the most is knowing that every March we have the best man for the job on the sideline. I can understand this is a tough decision, the new challenge (one I'm sure he'd do fine with), but Tom, if your reading... it will hurt bad to see you go.
Pat, Grand Rapids
Tom I. exemplifies MSU and the entire state of Michigan, Lansing/EastLansing, and all the communities he participates in. He is truely a roll model for our children.
Bill R., McKinney, TX
Tom IS MSU Basketball! His values and ability to shape the lives of others are priceless. My MSU is a better place because Izzo is here!
Patty, Dewitt
COACH WE LOVE YOU! DON'T GO!!! We will not cheer for anyone else the way we cheer for you...
Brad, Portage, MI
Love ya coach! It just won't be the same without you. We need someone to lead the forces of good in College Basketball against Darth Calipari.
Newman, Chicago
Izzo... please don't go, we love you so!
Jen, Holt, MI
he is the best basketball coach in America! Don't leave Izzo! MSU Basketball won't be the same without the izzone. we love you izzo! thanks for everything!
Kate, East Lansing, MI home of the izzo(ne)
This sums it up, no reason to go, Coach --- this is all you get in the NBA ---
• Reggie Hayes, Ft. Wayne News-Sentinel:
“Izzo has turned down NBA offers in the past. This might be different. They’re telling him he can have complete control over everything in the organization that LeBron says he can.”
Smitty, Michigan State, 1983, Austin, TX
What more can someone ask for than enough money to get by and the adoration of an entire city?
Mallory, East Lansing
he personifies what it means to be a Michigander. He brings a no nonsense, hardworking attitude to our team. Its this attitude that he has built his teams on and it inspires the rest of us to do the same in all areas of our lives.
Thomas, Benton Harbor
Keep him.
Phil, Cleveland
We Love Izzo because of his heart, desire and devotion to the state of Michigan. He has made MSU into a top 10 school season after season giving MSU fans and other basketball fans something to be proud of. Just looking through the post he is not only appreciated here in East Lansing, or even only in the state of Michigan, Tom Izzo is a name that everyone knows and respect no matter where you live. People have posted from all different states, to all the way a crossed the world.
Izzo, please stay in East Lansing and bring home another National Title to the great state of Michigan...
Amanda , Lansing, MI
Coach, Good luck with your big decision. Though I sincerely hope you'll stay at MSU, whatever you decide to do, you'll have my support.
Dave, East Lansing
I...I truly believe that $3 mill (or whatever) is a better value here at MSU with our life-style than $6 mill in Clevelans where he would be expected to "roll with the Big Dogs".
marsh249, ELAN
Izzo IS East Lansing like 97.5 NOW FM IS Lansing.
97.5 NOW FM, Lansing-East Lansing
You've brought so much unity and strength to the Lansing area, in times of hardship in Michigan. We need you here!
Kristen, East Lansing, MI
His name is fun to say. And MSU Basketball wouldn't be the same without the izzone.
Victoria, Mason, MI
Aaron, owosso, mi
Thanks for all that you have done for MSU and the state of Michigan. Continue to add to your legacy! Stay Green and White!
Mark DeLonge, Traverse City
Coach Izzo: Think of how exhausted you are after coaching a season of college basketball. Now double that exhaustion from coaching twice as many games in the NBA. Do you really want to put yourself and your family through it?
Steve N., Aurora, IL
Coach Izzo - You have created something special at MSU and you have the best fans a college could ask for. Please remember - the grass can always seem better on the other side - but the grass will never be GREENER than at MSU. You have something special here at MSU that nearly all college coaches would dream to have. Sparty for Life Coach Izzo.
Sparty Summers, Waterford, Michigan
I love Tom Izzo because he is the best college coach I can remember watching. He is sooooo green! I love his commitment to his team & to the community. Kids that he coached have & will continue to come out of MSU with the spirit which Coach Tom laid on them. We will not forget Tom Izzo!
Debra Thompson, Saranac
We need Izzo!!!!
Ian J Weiss, Boston, MA
Izzo! We need you... you're a classy man. Stay classy in GREEN and WHITE! A part of MSU would be missing without you.
Stephanie, Ann Arbor, MI
Coach, You've done great things here & we thank you for that. Now it's time for you to conquer the NBA. It's a great opportunity. It would be selfish of us fans to not understand & want this for you. Go get 'em, coach!
Todd, Grand Rapids
he is the best ambassador for Michigan State today. He is one of the finest coaches in basketball and he does it with the most class. I care so much this message is currently being sent from Salvador, Brazil, on a study abroad. Don´t leave Tom! Brazil and the rest of the world want you to stay!
Amy, Salvador, Bahia, Brazil
He has kept a state that has so much financial depression in good spirits! The entire state rallies around his work. His dedication and work ethic is inspiring
Molly, East Lansing
We all know in our hearts Izzo is one of the greatest NCAA coaches ever. We also know that if he sticks around and wins us another National Championship or two, everyone else will know his greatness. Izzo epitomizes hard work, dedication, and honesty. He needs to stay!
Drew, Chicago, IL
Coach Izzo is an even better person that he is coach. I lost my mom a little over 9 years ago to breast cancer, and after I read that he is involved in Coaches v. Cancer, I simply shot him an email saying thank you for being a part of something great. We all know that Coach Izzo is a great coach, leader, mentor and ambassador for the university, but the things that he does off the court - fundraising, going to Afghanistan, Coaches vs. Cancer, teaching the young men of MSU...those are the reasons to love Coach Izzo
Matt Walters, East Lansing
his hard work and dedication to his craft is a true testament to the people in the state of Michigan
Avi, Troy,MI
Your morals and values are too high for the NBA Coach...please don't go!!
Paul C, East Lansing, MI
Mark Hollis - 1) Name the floor after him, and 2) Please give the man a pay raise. I'll pay in to it. I'm sure many others will too.
Tom - You're the greatest coach this school has ever had, in any sport. Cleveland won't love you the way that the Spartan Nation Family does. Stay and you'll win a 2nd National Championship next year. We love you.
Sam, Lansing, MI
T.I. makes me proud to be a Spartan: his VALUES are all in the right place. Lebron James will never win a Clair Bee award! Thankyou, Tom, for all you have done for MSU and for Michigan.
Ruth Hoppe, Norwood, MI
we're named the IZZONE and some day the Breslin Center will house Izzo Court.
Garun, Netherlands
As a parent of a Spartan Alumni, and for many years previous we have watched you guide young men on the Spartan basketball court. We so respect you for the guidance, care and challenges you have placed before them. We have grown to love you for what you stand for in the Spartan Basketball program and for all who love MSU. Moving to a pro-team is not all it is cracked up to be as so many college coaches are intrigued by the money involved, but so often down the road, return to the college ranks if the offering comes. You are loved not only in the East Lansing area but throughout the whole State of Michigan. We follow you not only "In Season" but throughout the year. Please stay with the "family" you have in Michigan. We love you Tom Izzo!!!
Sherry G., Reed City, MI
Is you go, we'll understand and still love you, but please don't go!
Remember, you'll always bleed green and white and nothing can change taht.
Mary, East Lansing
of your passion for what you do, it is intoxicating. You are an inspiration and a role model for all ages. Your dedication to the MSU community, college basketball, your players and fans is unprecedented. There is a transfer of energy from fan to fan when it is basketball season and I believe that begins with you. You create the wave of hope, determination and success within the MSU basketball program. It flows within the players and to the fans and to the community. I have a sense of pride knowing that you are our coach and leader. Thank you for that.
Amanda, Haslett, Mi
Because he made me fall in love with the spirit of college basketball. Now nothing brings our family together more than watching those clinching games during the best season of the year. GO STATE!
Amanda Ross, Grand Rapids, MI
He is the face of MSU!!
Jamie, Rossland, British Columbia
There's a very good reason that Coach K and other college coaches have tried their hand at coaching NBA players in the Olympics and then returned to coaching at their respective universities. NBA players don't want to be coached; all they care about is making millions... Take a cue from Coach K...
Steve N., Aurora, IL
Years ago, he gave honest advice to a young guard, Taylor, and told him he was not ready for NBA. Although Taylor had strong desires to play in NBA, most experts agreed that he would not succeed yet. Please take your own advice Coach and listen to those that know. Your desire does not trump the fact that you are a GREAT COLLEGE BASKETBALL COACH.
Your the reason why I watch basketball. Please Stay! But we support the decision you make, gotta do whats best for your family.
Maggie, East Lansing
C'mon, Tom, we all know you bleed green and white. Please don't go the way of Calipari, Pitino and the others who thought they could coach a bunch of prina donas. Do what you do best - coach college basketball!
Larry, Brighton, MI
JC CAnty, Atlanta by way of Lansing
He makes a difference here!
Kim, Mason
he has such a huge heart that is evident in the way the team comes together for the tournament. Although my family is spread across the U.S. we always form our own virtual I-Zone via phone and text for the games!
Lisa L., Conway. AR
I started school at MSU, the same year that you started as head coach... There was history already here, but you created a precedent for ongoing success. You are the reason for basketball excitement in East Lansing... heck, in the whole state of Michigan. We can't lose you now... with a tough economy, a struggling state... you give hope!
Peter, Williamston
he is amazzinnnn
ujyfvlihyv, michigan
I remember being on campus for the 2000 championship: one of the greatest nights of my life. Two years ago I sat in Ford Field and watched a team and their coach play their hearts out for an entire state. Last year I watched you almost do it again... You're the one common factor in all of these. Thanks for the amazing memories and for always coaching a team and in a way I could be proud of. I hope you stay and keep making Spartan fans proud!
John, Interlochen, mi
I was never the basketball playing tom-boy my Dad probably wished for, but one time, he was able to get us tickets to an MSU basketball game (obviously) where we were seated right behind the press table. Right in front of me, stood Tom Izzo, only a few short feet away (I've got a pretty sweet picture of one of Izzo's expressions after a bad call by the ref), that was one of the greatest moments ever shared with my father. Please let other girls have that same moment, please stay Izzo!!! We love you!
Samantha Hallenbeck, Lansing, MI
It is easy to show loyalty and respect to Izzo because he gives it to students, players and staff. For that reason, good luck in whatever your decision is!
Linda, Northville
Because he is a great role model. Because he shows us all how to be a good winner. Because the Izzone wont be the same without him. Because he bleeds green and white. Because he CAN win a national championship next year. Because he is a great mentor to Coach Dantonio. Because Michigan State is his home. Because he is inspiration to everyone. Izzone, Please stay!
Lindsay, East Lansing, MI
he dresses up every year for Midnight Madness!
Richard, East Lansing, MI
he demands excellence!
he is Tom Izzo and he is OUR coach.
Scott Pantaleo, East Lansing, MI
Don't go, Coach. I like writing about you too much.
Andi Osters, Okemos, MI
Coach Izzo, what you've done at MSU is the reason I'm a basketball fan. Please don't go!
Matt, East Lansing
of all he has done for a State that has not alot smile about until someone mentions Spartan Basketball and then it is all :) and that is because of the MAN that is making some real MEN here in Lansing. Coach do you really wanna deal with a "FEW" primmadonnas? I hope you stay and continue your legacy here. If you do go, all I can say is thank-you!
Larry , Clarksville
Coach Izzo, thank you for all you have done for Michigan State University and the state of Michigan. We are fortunate to have you as a coach, mentor, and role model for so many people of all ages. You are well on your way to being one of the most successful college coaches in history. This is an honor that very few people can be mentioned in the same breath as John Wooden, Dean Smith, Coach K, etc, and you are right there in this discussion. Joining the never-ending NBA coaching carousel is something that we all would hate to have you lose that legacy over. You deserve more!! GO GREEN!!!
Zoey, Royal Oak, MI
He makes us all proud to be Spartans!!!
Celia, Ann Arbor, MI
My favorite part of the year is college basketball season! The games, the emotions and the memories I have had while watching and attending these games, I would not trade for anything! There is a lot of money on the table and a chance to coach the NBA, but those players are not playing for the coach they are playing for their paycheck. The group of kids you have every year play for you! STAY GREEN
Tom......Someone put it best......"you have a gift" is not as a basketball coach but it is as a leader and mentor of young people. You inspire not only your players but all of us who want to believe that class, humility, humor, integrity and character mean something today. I am proud as a Spartan to have you represent the very best of Michigan State University. Even people who hate seeing MSU succeed in basketball acknowledge the class of the program you have built, the integrity with wich you and your team conduct themselves and the legacy you are building. Yes I want you to stay.......Yes, I think your talent is best served in college basketball......but regardless......what you have already given MSU is beyond description so if you move on.......all any of us can say is Thanks and Good Luck.....IF YOU STAY I JUST LOOK FORWARD TO THE 10/11 CAMPAIGN !!!!!
Scott Cameron, Fishers, Indiana
Coach, we love you for all you have given to and done for Spartan basketball.. and would love you to stay.
Marcos and Michele, Lansing, MI
Because he represents the university and the game so well. Because his teams have been a model of what college basketball should be (players developing together over a period of years) and not what it is becoming (rent-a-pro 'schools' like Kentucky). Because he makes us proud. Because as bad as Cleveland basketball may be, MSU needs Coach Izzo more.
That's why we love him. That's why we want him to stay. But this is the real world, and the school can't win a bidding war with a pro team. And it would be completely understandable if Coach decided that this is the right move for the financial security of his family at this time. ... What's really sad and frightening is the thought that he might make the jump, flame out in a couple of years (there's no guarantee LeBron would be a winner with Red Auerbach as his coach) and then end up going back to the college game at another school.
Stephen, North Adams, Mass.
I was fortunate enough to be a student assistant for the MSU coaching staff during the 1996-1997 season. Coach Izzo is by far the hardest and most determined individual I have ever come across. In the years since I graduated from MSU, I always look back on the way he led his team and treated individuals. Coach, if you read this, please don't leave. You ARE Michigan State University. You represent everything at MSU that we want to be a part of as Alumni. Not only are you great for MSU, you are great for the game of college basketball. If you would chose to leave, just know that I, as well as other MSU alumni and fans, wish you and the family the absolute very best. Thanks for everything you did for me as a graduate student trying to find his way through life. You continue to be a person from my school days that I admire and respect. But, please, don't go!
Bryan P. McNamara, Harrisburg, PA
We admire you for your leadership and dedication, on and off the court, and we would love to have you stay in our community.
Lori, East Lansing
Eight year olds, dude.
Walter Sobchak, Los Angeles, CA
Mr. Izzo- I brought my 3 year old and 5 year old to campus a few weeks ago- They kept asking "Where is Mr. Izzo?" Thank you so very much for your tireless efforts to bring us to national prominence. I hope and pray you will remain a Spartan. Thank you!
Randall Klonowski '98, Grand Rapids, MI
Izzo- you have been a great coach for us the past years. You have made Spartan Basketball what it is today. You have made a dynasty that no other coach could compete with. BUT, I think that you DESERVE the chance to coach for one of the best teams in the NBA and one of the best players in the world. It is time for you to capture this chance. Although I hurts me to say this, it is time for you to go.
Rick, East Lansing
you stand for everything MSU!
Tony, Miami
Tom, you are a class act and are very close to being the best college basketball coach ever! It won't take much to top Coach K. You are loved all over the world - everyone respects you from the media to the fans. You are such a wonderful influence on college kids. They listen, work hard, and want to do their best to make you proud of them. You are a wonderful mentor and a great father figure to your players. They look up to you and trust you. You have made them better people as they have gone on with the lives after college. You can make a big difference in the life of your college players; you won't make that much difference in a pro's life. At the pro level, you won't be able to really coach like you like to coach. They aren't going to listen because they have their own agenda. Please stay at Michigan State where you are appreciated and loved. You have made a name for yourself at the college level. Your next national championship will be this season! I can feel it. You have a great class coming in that is ready to play for you. Young men have grown up with the dream to play for Coach Tim Izzo at Michigan State. Most of them have lived that dream -- please give this incoming class the same opportunity. You will make a big difference in their lives because you are a mentor and a wonderful father figure to your players. You can make a difference at this level. That satisfaction won't be the same in the pros. Please stay. I'm not being selfish -- just wanted you to continue to produce great players and eventually great citizens from the players whose lives you touch. This isn't an eacy decision, but I pray that you will make the decision to stay at the Head Basketball Coach at Michigan State University.
Beverly, Holt
Coach there are still too many records left to be broken, too much history left to right and too many lives to change in college basketball. How do you expect to have as big of an impact on guys who will barely listen to you? Plus, there will never be any guns in a college locker room.
Nick, Eaton Rapids, Michigan
Tom, you are a gentleman with a lion's heart. You make me proud to be a Spartan.
Brooks , Lexington, Michigan
MSU will never be the same without you! The grass is not greener on the other side because nothing is more green than a Spartan
Lydia, East Lansing
I met my wife while we were students at MSU. I realized that I loved her and wanted to spend the rest of my life with her during MSU basketball season.
Andrew, South Lyon
Money, fame, love, stability, respect, legacy. You have all of it right here. If you leave you might get more money, but the others are not for sale.
Jack, Haslett
At least twice a week I know that on a cold Tuesday or Sunday that I have the chance to brighten my Day by watching my Spartans play hard, smart and tough. A reflection of their coach!!
Anthony, San Fran California
Coach you make MSU, yourself and basketball seem more like family rather than just a coach or just a basketball game or just another college. It makes all of us comfortable knowing that you are on the sidelines coaching as we know you get the best out of every player you get!!
If anything coach the Detroit Pistons and stay in Michigan!!! ;)
Scott H (hemy), Lansing, MI
If Izzo leaves can we still riot when we lose in the NIT tourney?
Frat BRAH, Kappa Alpa Delta
H to the IZZO.
Jay Z, Marcy Projects, Brooklyn
he makes us so proud of the players he turns out - as men.... He is a great person apart from being a great coach!
Elizabeth Kloha, CLemmons, NC
In '87, Huey released this, Fore!, their most accomplished album. I think their undisputed masterpiece is "Hip to be Square", a song so catchy, most people probably don't listen to the lyrics. But they should, because it's not just about the pleasures of conformity, and the importance of trends, it's also a personal statement about the band itself.
Patrick Bateman, NY, NY
Becuase college hoops is about passion, the NBA is about money. Trust your heart you are full of passion, stay where it belongs helping other reach their dreams!
Tim, Royal Oak
Coach when most people think about the elite coaches in College Basketball your name always surfaces at the top. Please realize you will go down as one of the best in College Basketball, and stay true to your heart GO STATE!
Patrick Paterno , Grosse Pointe Michigan
He always does it the right way.
Chris , New York
We love Coach Izzo because he is the best representative of MSU and the State of Michigan. We love Coach Izzo for so much more than basketball. Coach Izzo positively impacts the MSU community, fans, players, and kids he's never met, on so many levels.
So please don't go, Coach! Your class and integrity will not be appreciated in the NBA or in Cleveland the way it is at MSU.
Joel, Grand Rapids, Michigan
If you go to the CAVS Mo Williams will probably try to sleep with your wife. Go for a 3rd straight FINAL FOUR!
Catlin Michael , Baltimore, MD
Coach I hope you stay, but I can't blame you if you go. Just know that the entire Spartan Nation supports you no matter what.
Alma, Michigan
It's not everyday that you encounter a coach that has as much overall class and integrity as Tom Izzo does. We feel very fortunate to have him, not only as a part of this school but also in the community. It would be extremely difficult, if not impossible, to find another school that has as much respect and appreciation for a coach - basketball, football, or any other sport - as MSU has, and will always have, for Tom.
Mallory P., St. Johns
Go Green! Go White
DRC, Virginia
Don't leave for the NBA too early. Trust me this...
Maurice Taylor, Sioux Falls, SD
Tom's a sweet, sweet, intense very square-shaped man.
Lupe, Live with Tom
Hedo Turkoglu, Orlando, FL
I like your humor, I like your work ethic, I like the fact that you are from Michigan. Best of all I like that you bleed Spartan green and that will not stop even if the Cavaliers give you a bigger challenge.
John K., Fenton, Michigan
Only leave if you get 7 million.
Mark Dantonio, The house that John L. Smith built.
Izzo not only great COACH but MENTOR for young men. CoachBT wish Eroc be like Izzo.
CoachBT, Columbus, OH
If you leave Izzo than you will be forcing one poor little sole into a life of sadness. I will spend each day lying in bed listening to "Don't Wanna Miss a Thing" by Aerosmith, drinkin' red wine, and watchin' repeats of the Final Fours and National Championship you gave us...
Sad Sparty, MSU
Please don't go!!!
Jane, Okemos
when he coaches, its not just coaching, he is developing young men into leaders with integrity, trust and influence on and off the court.....because 1 national championship isnt enough....and because SPARTANS NEVER GIVE UP
Jon, Cincy, OH
I love Izzo, but I will hate Lebron James forever!!!! Don't fall into the Lebron mess Izzo, your the real king!
Paul, East Lansing
Coach Izzo, I love you no matter what happens. If you become coach for the Cavs, I would be the biggest Cavs fan. I wish you and your family all the happiness you deserve. May your best days still be ahead of you...and I pray they are spent as the head coach of MSU basketball. Thank you Coach!
Alan Watson, Hemlock, MI
You are the best representative of Michigan State University in the past 40 years ... possibly ever! First class leadership is a precious commodity ... very few have it ... you do. You've made it easy to be proud to be a Spartan. Thank you. Make your decision, then make it work. Good luck always.
Ken, Naples
Tom, you are not only a GREAT COACH but a true CLASS ACT. Losing you at MSU would not only be a great loss for our school but for the entire state of Michigan.. as you have proven to be an admired ambassador on and off the cout. We Spartans may be selfish, but we want you to stay!! Please!!!!
Carol Yancho - Alumni , Philadelphia
We love Tom Izzo!! Please don't leave!!!
LT, Bath
If Michigan State basketball loses Tom Izzo, it loses its identity. "Players play, tough players win."
Joe, Lansing
Do you think anyone would EVER care if a NBA coach left? We really do love Izzo!!
Tom Izzo is more than a coach to the men that he coaches. He is a mentor, friend and father. He cares about his kids enough to push them to the limits. His former players talk about him in a way of respect, and love. MSU has been blessed by the years that he has been here, and hopefully will be blessed with years to come. But if he decides to go to cleveland, even though i'll be sad, I hope and pray that God will continue to bless him in his next journey in life. We love you Tom and do what is right for you and your family.
Matt, Lansing MI
Pride comes before the fall.
Michael Patrick Shiels in the Morning Loves Coach Izzo and all he has done for the State of Michigan.
Thank you for your integrity, and for building such a strong MSU basketball program. You have made us proud to be SPARTANS; and put us on the map. Hope you'll stay with us.
Bonnie MSU 1967
Tom is one of us and he lived through years of Jud. Tom Izzo cares and everyone in Lansing knows what a class act he is. I am proud to say I know Tom Izzo and want him to know staying home, at MSU, is the best thing for all of us.
Dave Patterson, Brutus, Mi. and Palm Desert, Ca.
Coach Izzo, You have built a dynasty here at MSU. You can still take it higher. Please stay
Mark Marsh, Columbus, Ohio
...he is what college basketball is all about. His love and dedication to MSU will be missed by Spartans worldwide and the NCAA basketball program. Please don't go!
Sarah, Okemos, MI
He is honest as the day is long. He does it the right way. He has tremendous class. He is a teacher and mentor. He is family. He has brought tremendous excitement, credibility and pride to MSU athletics. He is known as one of the best in the game but can go down in history as one of the greatest coaches in college basketball of all time. He is a Spartan.
JD, Glen Ellyn, IL
I have worked at MSU for 23 1/2 years and during this time Coach Izzo has shown not only the MSU community but the community as a whole what it means to be a true SPARTAN. How to to be a class act whether winning or losing, always keeping a smile on your face and bein respectful of others and their property. He is always reminding the students during playoffs not to riot, to keep a peaceful celebration. His caring ways also show in how he promotes many charities around the community as well. If he goes, he will be greatly missed, not only by this Spartan but by all!
Theresa Doerr, Grand Ledge, mi
As a grad of both Michigan State and Duke, I've been blessed to have two incredible basketball programs and coaches to lead them. Duke and Coach K are the pinnacle - but MSU and Coach Izzo are getting closer. Coach Izzo, you're not quite there yet, but you do have the opportunity to become THE best in the college ranks, not just today but for all time. I hope that you stay and reach the top, and that you do NOT become a Rick Pitino! Either way, THANK YOU and God bless you and your family.
Lance B, Okemos
MSU will never be the same without you coach. Your players need you and so do your fans. PLEASE STAY BECAUSE WE LOVE YOU!!
Grandma Judy, Lansing
There's no one that can represent MSU as well as Izzo does. He is one of the best and most well respected coaches in basketball. He's done so much for us and we're so greatfull for it.
Mike, Chesterfield, Mi
I can't picture MSU without coach Izzo. He is MSU. Please stay coach. You're the best around, we'd hate to loose you.
Spengal, Macomb
Without coach Izzo we wouldn't have one of the best basketball programs in the country and I wouldn't have so many amazing memories from my college career, of all of students coming together to cheer our talented teammates. Thanks for creating such a great program and being so loyal to us here at MSU, I hope you can stay forever. We will miss you more then you will ever know if you decide to leave.
Joe, Plymouth, MI
My high school daughter and son are sooo looking forward to being proud members of the Izzone! The pride, dedication and devotion to the program and university show well beyond the walls of the Breslin Center.
West Side Guy, Grand Rapids, MI
We love coach Izzo because he is a great man. If he decides it's time to move on to the NBA, it will be unfortunate for us Spartans but we should all still wish him the best. He has done so much for the state of Michigan and for the University and to turn our backs on him for opening a new chapter would be selfish and unfair. Please stay Izzo. But if you don't, I'll still love you.
Kristen Warner, East Lansing, Michigan
As someone who lived in Lansing for 21 years, but was born and raised in the UP - a fellow Yooper - I can tell you how proud Michigan is of Tom Izzo! Now living in WI, I can also tell you, Tom, how much respect there is here for you as well! I hope to be cheering for you for many years to come! You are loved!
Mary, Cleveland, WI
he should be free to choose his own path
john djon, cleveland jk jk jk
Please stay, MSU needs you as does The Great State of Michigan. You must finish wanted you started here at MSU, and get that second NCAA Nationtal title. The NBA does not have the sprit and drama that college basketball has. College basketball needs leaders like you to continue the tradition and excellence of NCAA basketball.
Dick Anderson, Portage, Michigan
Coach Izzo, not a totally accurate title. You are larger than a coach at MSU and in college basketball. You are a role model, ambassador, leader, mentor, friend, champion; I could probably go on to list many more, but you get the drift. I hope your decision about where you will coach next year is inclusive of the many things you are today, and not just what you think you will be.
Tom G., Rochester Hills, MI
You have a gift. This gift is far more precious than being a great basketball coach. You can reach young men and help them head down a worthwhile path. You touch so many lives. Think about it. Think about the young men who were struggling and you helped them focus. You will not be able to do that as a professional coach. Those athletes are already impressed with themselves and their high salaries. You will be a nuisance to them as they feel that they already know it all. We had one of them in our family and I have seen it. Stay where you can make a real difference! It isn't about championships. It is about people. Mr. Izzo, your niche is at MSU.
Lynne, St. Clair Shores
You are an amazing roll model for kids, in the NBA you will just be another coach stroking egos!! PLEASE STAY
Carrie, Millington
YOU have made Tom Izzo and Michigan State a household name. MSU cannot be mentioned without Tom Izzo connected to it. One of my very most prized possesions is a MSU basketball signed by you. It would never appear to be the same without you as OUR coach. You have brought MSU basketball to a position it has never been consecutively and I can gaurantee it will never be again if you make the decision to go. Its your respect and love for those players that make the successes, the team performs because of there love of the game. YOU have instilled that in them. The payday for college ball comes with a tournament. Pro ball is no comparrison, those players KNOW their gettin paid anyway, performance or not. When money is involved the dynamics of the game changes!!!!!!!
Joy Wicke, Lansing, where blood runs GREEN!
My husband and I won't spend winters in Florida (yet) because we don't want to miss MSU basketball games, home or away. The decision is yours and I know it is a difficult one, but we really want you to stay! It won't be the same without you. You are the face of Michigan State basketball.
Sherry, Westphalia
coach you are msu!! you have earned the right to do what ever you want.however you bring so much to the university as a person you could never be replaced. do the right thing.
chuck, ft lauderdale
You are a role model who is full of passion for what you do. When one isn't driven by the all mighty dollar amazing, good things can happen. You have proven it.
Karen, Okemos
In March 2010 you did an interview and talked about another national championship for MSU. Don't forget this. Watch a NBA game and you will see it does not compare to NCAA game. You love this game.
dan, Mason
You are a Michigander and hail from the U.P. You have turned the lives of young men around and are appreciated more than you will ever know. The satisifacation of guiding these young men in the right direction has to be priceless. Let's keep up the great work in the State of Michigan and you won't have the headaches of those overpaid pro athletes who think they all are owed more. Your achievements are unmatched and we are very proud of you. You are what Michigan stands for. When times are tough, you buckled down and work that much harder just like the work ethics of Michiganders. You do boost our economy and sel esteem and we need you here
Mike Carlson, Holt (formerely Marquette)
There is nothing more PURE Michigan than Izzo
Tim Allen
You embody that extraordinary, one-of-a-kind MSU spirit that separates our school from every other university ... and because MSU would not be the same without you.
Samantha K. , East Lansing, Michigan
Coach Izzo,
You have done some amazing things for MSU and for our State over the years. It has been great to see how you've touched the lives of the kids you coach and our community throughout your tenure. Our State could sure use your leadership and mentoring skills during this tough time. All of that said, This decision remains yours and yours alone. We should all respect that. God bless you and your family! Thanks again for all that you have given and I wish you nothing but success in whatever path you choose.
Rus, Eaton Rapids
Your passion, work-ethic, principles and results make living in Michigan tolerable. Spartan Basketball gives one reason to endure the winters!
fred, E
Coach Izzo, Yes, your coaching skills are top notch, and we do absolutely appreciate that, however, the influence you have on these young adults in unbelievable. Not only do you help shape the future of your athletes, no matter where they are headed after their four years at MSU, that influence extends to the MSU Spartan Community. Go Green!
Rita Krause, White Lake, MI
Dear Tom Please stay. We need you and love you and your family so very much. State will never be the same without you.... I know your happy in okemos. Stay Tom Stay.....
Kari, West Bloomfield
Because it isn't Michigan without Mr. Izzo
Charlie - STA, Laingsburg, MI
After a certian amount of money the rest is just fluff. So stay at MSU we need your coaching stuff.
Robbie, Stanton
He's the best thing that ever has, is, and will be to happen to MSU basketball.
Michigan State is forever grateful to Tom Izzo and his family. Whatever they decide, I hope they know that the MSU and Spartan community wishes them nothing but success. Here's to many more Final Four appearances and NCAA Championships under Izzo's coaching.
B. Scott, East Lansing, MI
I'm a Spartan fan from Spain. Tom, please don't go!
Josemi, Irun, Spain
You've mad this program what it is today. It is a spitting image of you and Jud. Stay and continue to build it into and even great program. You are appreciated!
Bryan, Minot, ND
We have so many more ships to win in East Lansing!!!!! Please God......... not for an ohio team? ...atleast hook the pistons up.
Eric Slom, The glove, with love.
Dear Coach, you are the most classy and honorable man that basketball has to offer. You inspire the state of Michigan and a hero to the city of East Lansing. I will respect every decision you make, but I would love to spend one last year in the IZZONE, while you lead us to a national championship! Please stay coach!
Nate Clark, Michigan
you're just too important to the people of this university and the image of this university...we need you to stay!
Coach you are what makes the state of Michigan so great, please dont leave for ohio
Mr. Izzo,
your a legend in East Lansing and you know the town loves you, not just as a coach, but for being who you are. Do you think Cleveland fans will ever feel that love, or will they only care about the wins in the win column?
that one guys, Detroit Michigan
He brings out the Spartan spirit in all the students and fans. You're an amazing coach and person Izzo.
Mikayla, Ypsilanti, MI
Not all change is good change.
I hope your decision comes easy to you and I personally hope it's to stay and grace us on the sidelines of Breslin Center for as long as you want to be there. If you choose Cleveland, I wish you success and happiness, but damn.....please stay.
Zach, Los Angeles
Coach, the past three years at MSU have been some of the best years of my life, and one of the main reasons has been the opportunity to be associated with you and your team. The Izzone, the trips to the Final Four, and the camp outs are some of the best memories I have of college so far. I'm proud to wear the Spartan colors wherever I go, because of the great image you have helped create for our school. I know this is a big decision for you, and I will support any decision you make, but I hope you stay at home in East Lansing and help make many more memories for myself, and all of your fans.
Gary, Howell, MI
I came to MSU only to be a manger for Izzo. I knew I wanted to work for him because he stones and turned it into gold. Its to hard to get to you tho...been here for four years and only talked to u twice...but you once told me "I do anything for a flint guy." That meant a lot. I don't have an opinion on what you should do. But do what you think is right.
You are the best, coach. The grass isn't greener anywhere else.
Is Lebron really the main reason why you want this particular job offer out of all the NBA offers you have ever gotten? Yes he may be one of the best players this sport has ever seen, but I can give you thousands of reasons why you should stay where you are. You are writing history even where you stand, and when you take a look back and look at what you have done, you will see it is more than what you could ever accomplish with the NBA. You are more than a coach to us. You are a father, a friend, a mentor, a leader, a teacher, and our very own beloved coach. What more could you ask for? Money? Money comes and goes just like the great players do. You name will be in history forever no matter what. You are loved in Michigan and at MSU. Don't forget where you come from, we love you izzo
It would be such a disappointment for the incoming Freshman class to never have the opportunity to see a MSU basketball game coached by you! Please stay at MSU Coach Izzo! WE LOVE YOU!!!
Coach I don't have 30 million bucks to offer you, but if you stay I will buy you lunch everyday for the rest of my life!!! I can't even imagine someone else coaching my SPARTANS. That's like watching your best friend's wife with another man. It's just wrong. Besides, I don't wanna root for the Cavs, I'm a lakers fan! PLEASE don't make me root for the Cavs!! We love you Coach and I hope you stay with us. God Bless
James Jackson, Lansing,MI
Coach Izzo, you are building something that can be ranked up there with Duke, UNC, UCLA and a few others. Please stay and show the country that this really is the STATE of basketball! GO Green! GO White!
Eric, Lansing MI
Coach Izzo made us proud to be a Spartan!!
Keith, NZ
Coach Izzo, you are truly an inspiration to not only your current and future players and staff, but also to your fellow Spartans and fans spread out around the globe. My husband and I, sporting our MSU t-shirts, went to a Dusseldorf Giants vs. Artland Dragons game while living here in Germany last season just to watch Drew Neitzel play and to cheer for him abroad. Lo and behold, there in the stands we saw two separate Spartan fans wearing their Izzo shirts doing the same. Your influence carries much farther than your court. Don’t doubt that you are creating a legacy at MSU and how unbelievably appreciative we are of the program you have built at our school over all of these years. I hope you continue coaching at MSU not only for my sake, but also for the sake of our school, state, and all you represent… determination, loyalty, teamwork, good sportsmanship, and passion for what you do.
Brooke, Howell, MI & Currently Dusseldorf, Germany, Class of 2004
MSU would have to rewrite their yearly would replace the month of Izzo ?
Rob DeBrooke, Harlingen, Texas
Because win or lose nobody does it with as much passion and pure effort. He has set a standard of excellence that is nearly unattainable, not to mention his ethics and standards. He molds boys into men and because of him MSU is the ideal program, regardless of that years particular team. Words can't do him justice.
Any fan of college basketball, Planet earth
When I was in 8th grade you signed a basketball for me before I had surgery with a get-well message. That basketball is still on my bookshelf and is my most prized possession. I can't imagine anyone else coaching your Spartans. You are my hero and I pray that you will stay at Michigan State.
Grant, Los Angeles
Coach is the Renaissance man of MSU athletics.
Michael Motta, Marshall, MI
Tom, above all I'm concerned for your well being and that of your family. I understand your desire for a greater challenge, but I'd hate to see your legacy at MSU sullied by a poor NBA record or for you to be frustrated by the selfishness of NBA players.
Tom DeWitt, Hilo, Hawaii
Stay with the Green and White!! We love you and this is your home!!
Sparty Fan from Grand Ledge
you are a regular guy here at MSU and at the same time so special.
This past year, you talked more and more about program building and less about winning individual games. While there is no doubt that you have many great accomplishments, you are on the cusp of joining the ranks of the best college basketball coaches in the history of the game. Sure, Lebron could win a World Championship, but you could win a second national championship. You are adored by the player and all of the Spartan family. In the NBA, you'll never have thousands of students camping out each fall, or welcoming the team back from a tournament game in March. You'll never fill Quicken for Midnight Madness and you'll never have thousands of fans gather in a mall for a pep rally. Lebron will never sing along with an accordian, and you'll never hear One Shining Moment. You won't have to recruit, but then you'll never watch young players mature to become successful men on and off the court. A few years ago, Charlie Bell spoke at the Big Ten Tournament Pep Rally about how you have enriched his life, along with the countless players you have coached over the years. You'll never have that same proud moment in the NBA. I don't doubt that you could have success at the pro level, but your work is not completed until MSU reaches the same status as the great programs around the country. You are almost there, please don't quit now. You were born to coach college basketball, and you were born to coach at Michigan State. I hope that I'll see you at Cameron Indoor Stadium in December.
Aaron, Durham, NC
We have been spoiled. I was lucky enough to be there and have 3 season tickets for the '98, '99 and '00 seasons. BUSH/GORE/IZZO... that still says it all. Please do what is in your heart, but our heart is with you and your love for your state of Michigan and your Michigan State. You are a legend and the legend is still in the making here in your State! Stay and spoil us some more.
Jeffrey Kawa, MSU '01, Los Angeles, Ca
You were born to coach College Basketball here at MSU. You are Michigan State through and through
he is going to win us a 3rd National Championship.
Pat Goll, Los Angeles, CA
Coach you are more than just a basketball coach, you are what people think of when they hear Michigan State University, when you show up to charity events, people give more-such as coaches for kids and Childrens Miracle Network at Sparrow, you are a legend in this community, and Legends live forever, dont leave us coach, You Are East Lansing, You Are MICHIGAN STATE, you represent everything good about this state, and have always taught us loyalty. We are all part of a Spartan Family, and we all know you Bleed Green. Stay Home Coach.
Danny, Haslett
We love Izzo because he inspires athletes ... and more importantly, he inspires students and this community.
Please stay, Coach ... continue the legacy, tradition, and inspiration.
Lesley , Izzone Member 2006-2008
Mr. Izzo;
You of course have a tough decision to make. My two cents is this. You have taken so many young men and made a difference in their lives. If you stay at State you will continue is this mission. You,re a mentor to so many young men. You're in a position to change lives and futures of young men. In the NBA most of these men have already charted out their paths. You will be just a coach and not a mentor. Either way you're a great coach and a great mentor for young men. I hope you continue in both. Stay at State.
Ray, Surprise, AZ
MSU bball is the ONLY sport I watch religously. And its all because of YOU Tom! Dont leave us!
Dori - MSU alumni, Lansing MI
Tom, Our family watches every MSU Basketball game together. You've given us many great and thrilling memories over the years!! Thank You. We would like nothing more than seeing you and your Spartan teams leave more footprints in the sand. Go Green!
The Wilsons, Lansing MI
Coach, throughout the years you have personified what it means to be a role model through your actions and behavior. You have meant more to the University and Spartan fans than words can say. I hope that you stay so that you can continue to have such a great impact on the lives of so many here in the great State of Michigan.
Mike, Detroit
I'll support what ever you choice you make, you've always been a class act. But if you decide to leave it will be one of my saddest days as a Spartan fan.
Jim, Oregon
once a spartan, always a spartan
… I could wholeheartedly agree with every respectful comment written on this site. It may be sad that it takes the possibility of losing you for the Spartan community to voice our appreciations, love, and unwavering confidence, respect, and loyalty – but know that it has always been there, and always will be. MSU basketball is an amazing part of the culture in East Lansing, and that is all thanks to you, Coach. On a personal note: I live out in Connecticut, so after a week in April 2009 of heckling and Hasheem Thabeet statistics…. The knowing look I now get from UConn fans when I wear my Green & White out here will never get old! (-: I hope you stay at MSU, because no matter what, the next National Championship we win will be for you!
Cheryl '07 , Middletown, Connecticut
You have been an inspiration to us all here in Michigan. You have touched the lives of so many people that you are beloved everyone, far beyond the boarders of this state. You are the heart and soul of MSU. It is understandable, though, why this decision is so hard for you. Who wouldn't want this opportunity? TO coach in the NBA? To have the chance to coach Lebron in his prime? (Not to mention the pay increase). But what this lacks is legacy. You bring a new classification to college basketball. You teach your players to have dignity, do their very best, to not believe in the word impossible, that there are no excuses, and to NEVER give up. One might think that your coaching ends at the court, but it is obvious it has touched everyone here at this university and in this state. You are a remarkable coach and we have been honored to have had you as long as we have had you. We love you Izzo and I will always support you in whatever you choose, but just take a moment and think. The NBA isn't all what it is cracked up to be. You would be leaving the world of teams working together to over come adveristy to a world where you would have to rely on individuals to rise above. In my opinion, the NBA has a different classification of its own and I don't think it is a place you will be happy. You are a legion Izzo and you will always be. Just follow your heart.
Lauren, East Lansing
Coach Izzo: You're a great coach, and you could do very well in the NBA. But I think you'd lose so much more. You might not have the stress of recruiting, but you'd have a killer playing schedule. When you play the shorter college schedule, both you and your players tend to play at a higher, tougher level. And you're a teacher, as well as a coach, and defensive-minded, a team guy. That is not the NBA. The team that came the closest was the Pistons' championship team. But, lets face it, that's not NBA basketball. It's a superstar game (just listen to the ESPN guys for a while if you don't believe me). And the bigger the superstar, the less the coach coaches. And the extra millions ARE nice, and great for the ego (although you're not exactly hurting in that department), but ask Ben Wallace about his decision to go to Chicago. More millions, but I think he sure did miss the love, and in some primal way, it really hurt him and his game. And ask your friend, Nick Saban. There's a message in his experience with the pros for you. The pros don't love their coaches like the college game does. In the pros, it's the superstar players that win championships. The coaches are just to blame when they lose.
Jan B, Holt, MI
East Lansing needs you more! Byron Scott is no Tom Izzo (but then again, who is?) but he will do just fine. If anything, you need to coach the Packers. You wouldn't have let them trade Farve!!!
he was an integral part of shaping so many kids' best college memories (including mine), he represents the best of college athletics, and MOST OF ALL because he would look soooooo out of place anywhere other than the sidelines of Breslin !!!!
Dennis, Chicago
If Izzo does leave, I would hate to see all of the players that would leave too. This reminds me of Lloyd Carr and UM, after he left, there was a ton of players that left to. Lets not be like UofM...we're better than that. please stay Izzo.
Zach, grand rapids/soon-to-be east lansing, MI
Izz, please don't go! Cleveland sucks!
Jason, MI
Coach please don't leavee!!!!!!!!
Tom Izzo defines Michigan State. He is green and white and represents the Spartans to the fullest.
Tom Izzo, Tom Izzo
Before Jesus Christ there was Tom Izzo.
G. Aaron, Adrian, MI
Please stay Coach Izzo...We need you for more then just basketball..we need you for Michigan State University and the State of Michigan!
Ryan Conlin, East Lansing, MI
We love Izzo because he inspires people... young and old... people that need a role model to better themselves, to better the world.
Clint LaFayette, East Lansing
he could be the one to fill the void left by the passing of John Wooden.
Brian Bank, Moorpark, CA
As a Cavs fan since '88 (age 4), I'm far from impartial. I'm also uncertain whether Izzo is the best choice for the Cavs to both help keep LeBron, and win a championship (even though he's a great coach, NBA basketball is such a different game). But I have to say, I'm impressed with this website and most of the messages left. I'm an OSU fan as well, but there's no coach or program in college basketball that I have more respect for than Izzo and the Spartans. He's obviously meant as much as a coach possibly can to MSU, East Lansing, and the state of Michigan, and I have the utmost respect for that, regardless of where he coaches next year. And I'd be lying if I said I didn't think he should stay in East Lansing, based solely on what he means to the MSU fans. We in Cleveland are in a similar boat: hometown hero, who's taken our team to new levels, and at risk of leaving for bigger and brighter lights. But I'd be a hypocrite if I wanted to steal Izzo from you guys. Final thoughts: The grass isn't always greener... and us midwesterners ought to stick together.
Biff\, Cleveland
We love Izzo because he inspires people... young and old... people that need a role model to better themselves, to better the world.
Eric Leclair, East Lansing
if I ever have a son good enough to play Division 1 basketball, there isn't another man in the country that I would consider having him play for.
Jake Sutter, Livonia, MI
he is seriously considering staying at MSU to make the bigger difference in a player's overall life despite the personal sacrifice.
Brian Bank, Moorpark, CA
Cause the first thing I ever knew as a child about Michigan State was that it was really, really good at basketball. and now i go there. and were still really, really good at basketball.
Mike Scavo, East Lansing
I know for you this is not about money. Its about a challenge. A challenge in coaching one of the great players in the league. If he stays... Its about an opportunity to grow in your career. I know you are not asking yourself "what happens if I fail?" I know you don't consider failure because its not in your vocabulary. But consider this... No one in Cleveland is coming to East Lansing to rally for you to coach there. No one in Cleveland is creating a website to lure you to coach there. The love doesn't come unless you bring them a championship. The love is for what you have meant to thee Michigan State University. Its not for the Final 4 appearances and National Title. Its for you being there for student athletes and just plain old students. Its for your smile and how you represent what being a Spartan is all about! Its for basketball practice with football pads on. Its for midnight madness theme's! Its for you...Michigan State is for you!
Khary, Woodbridge, VA
Please stay. You have inspired not just your athletes, but students, the community and the entire state of Michigan. We would be losing part of our family.
Amy, East Lansing
"I'll have a blue Christmas withou you, I'll be so blue just thinkin about you..."
MSU's heart will break... Michigan's heart will break... College basketball's heart will break... if you leave, Izzo. What good is an Izzone without the man who inspired it?! Camps will be a cold and gloomy place this winter without you if you go to Cleveland. Please don't leave! Us Spartan fans are selfish - but it is because we have been blessed with such an amazing basketball coach who has displayed great sportsmanship.. great passion.. great knowledge.. great experience.. great integrity.. and great basketball. We want you to stay! We truly love you and think the world of you!
Emily, East Lansing
he loves us!
Lindsay, Grand Rapids
Tom...Your MSU Dynasty is well-begun, but far from done!
As I have worked across the eastern US in recent March-madness years, I can go into any sports bar in any city and be well-respected in my white and green, cheering for the Izzo-machine. You are a class act, win or lose, because you are always coaching to win while developing character. Thanks for the thrills...hoping for many more years ahead!
Dean, Hanover, MI
As a couple in their 70's we live to watch MSU basketball with Tom Izzo leading our team . The heart he puts into, not just the game, but each of his players shows in each one of these young men. The gathering the other night, with Nix speaking to the crowd with tears running down his face, shows the feelings these players have for this man - THEIR COACH.
We know Nix, Lucas and Summers and all of the MSU players are praying as hard as we are that Coach Izzo will stay with MSU. We hope you stay where your heart is Coach.
Irene and Bob Jewett, Charlotte, Michigan
Coach Izzo has taught me so much. he provided me with so many memories that can't be put into words. The izzone and the kids were his main priority and made sure we had a say in most things. He lead us to be better people and work hard for what we got. Please stay coach!
Jenna, Indianapolis, Indiana
Coach Izzo,
I remember when I was a 14-year-old 4-h member attending the 4-h convention at MSU in 2000, where I met you face to face and shook, your hand, along with Mateen Cleaves, and David Thomas outside of IM-West. I know we simply shook hands, and exchanged words of encouragement. I just want to let you no matter where you end-up that you will forever be my encouragement to never give up on my dreams. If it is your dream to be an NBA coach, you can bet that I will always have your back. The question is: Is that your dream? Your are loved dearly here at MSU, the university will not be the same without you. I would really love to see you stay!
Kevin Drescher, Mount Pleasant, Mi.
he is Tom Izzo.
ejwyq, Beijing,China
Tom: the Spartans will always love you, and I doubt that anything can change that. While I understand that you want to do what's best for your family and perhaps challenge yourself at what you see as the next level, no one loves you more than the Spartan family. We'd be heartbroken to see you go, but we want to see you succeed either way.
Meg, California
when i saw u and kalin hugging at mid-court after lucious hit that shot i said i know he will be our coach forever. i still believe that.. prove me right!!
Tyler Stoner, East Lansing
The grass is not necessarily greener in the NBA...if you are happy in East Lansing that is a good enough reason to stay. You are beloved in Michigan and that has to be a great feeling...anything less than a championship in Cleveland would be considered a failure and that is a lot of pressure to live up to.
A.J., Studio City, California
we named our daugher "Izzobella"; that's a problem if he goes to Cleveland
Phil McCracken, Saline, Michigan
I'm hoping that this is just a ploy concocted by Dan Gilbert to help Coach Izzo to get a well-deserved raise to surpass Kentucky's John Calipari as the highest-paid NCAA men's basketball coach. Calipari is making $31.65 million for 8 years, so upping Izzo's salary from $3 million to $4 million per year and extending his contract by a few years would do the trick -- and keep Izzo a Spartan for life. MSU AD Mark Hollis said that Izzo is the best NCAA men's basketball coach, so it's time to put your money where your mouth is and "Pay the man!"
Steve N., Aurora, IL
Coach... You are beloved in the state of Michigan. The story of where you came from and what you have become, has inspired us all. You are truly a class act. I challenge you to continue to stay at MSU, to show this world that it is not all about the money. Rather, it is relationships, commitments, family, and friends that are truly important. You are loved here. You have a family here. You have grown up to know that hard work and practice makes a great team.... not money and stardom.... In my mind you have the opportunity to put your selfish desires to the side -- and to show again that you put others and relationships above your own personal gain.... You can do it Coach!
Haley , Iron Mountain, MI
PLEASE don't go! It's as simple as that. MSU LOVES you.
Jen, '99, Florida
. . . He hates the University of Michigan. But he can still do that in Cleveland.
Jack Salame, Saline, Michigan
It doesn't really matter whether we love Izzo. You cannot seriously take a job from an organization so pathetic it couldn't build a success playoff team around the most gifted NBA specimen to ever put on a uniform -- and, looking seriously at the situation, thinks the way to resign that player is to hire a coach without any -- any -- NBA experience, as either a player or coach. Come on. We love Izzo. But Cleveland's off-season plan to get LeBron a championship was to hire -- gulp -- Shaq. Come on. You don't leave next year's National Championships for such an organization. You WILL NOT win a championship there.
Mike Gavin, Midland, Michigan
i know the msu spartans bball program won't be same....i'm not a nba fan at all, so please coach izzo....please stay put!!!!!!!!!!!!
jeanette 4back, jerome, pa.............
he is fun to be around!
Brian Bank, Moorpark, CA
You are the heart and soul of MSU basketball...I'll support you whatever you decide, but please don't go Coach! We love you!
Jake, michigan
YOU are a great teacher. And, there will always be a lot more teaching in East Lansing than there ever will be in Cleveland. You can make a much greater difference at MSU.
Dr. Dale S. Rogers ('79, '83, 90), Spanish Springs, Nevada
You are not cut of the cloth be an NBA coach....and that is no disrespect. You intensity and love for the game is something that cannot be matched at the professional level, because they don't care for the game as much you do or the high school players that you recruit. The NBA is such a joke it would only be retroactive for you to go the Cavs. Honestly the Cavs? the greatest moment they have in their history is Michael Jordan hiting a shot over Craig Ehlo, please just continue what you have started, you owe the university nothing but you do owe Kalin and Summers, for convincing them to return for their senior season. You also owe to the recruits that you sold not only your University to but also yourself. With Payne, Appling, Byrd, and Guana coming in you have a legit shot to only make 3 straight Final 4, but to also cut down the nets. You really want to go coach a potential team that will not field Lebron, not to mention it is the mistake by the lake. Tom don't be greedy, you didn't get into coaching so you could be a the Head Coach of the Cleveland Cavaliers. Don't be a fool.
Michael, The Almighty Glove
You are the basketball coach a team, a university, a fan base, or an entire state could ask for! ...and we could still use someone to turn our football team around, I'm just sayin'!
Lance Gwyn, Marietta, GA
I support Tom in whatever choice he makes, but I hope he retires at MSU. He deserves the good fans that MSU provides and to be truly appreciated by the community, the students and the state of Michigan.
This isn't Ann Arbor; Spartans respect their university icons and hope for their success in every walk of life.
AJ, St. Louis
I was raised on Spartan Basketball. Coach, you are such a huge part of the heart and soul of the Breslin. Please stay; you are a SPARTAN through and through. GO GREEN!
Becca, East Lansing, MI
Haven't you been told that Cleveland sports are cursed?
Craig Ehlo, Cleveland, Ohio
Izzo was the reason I came to state. He has a chance to solidify his legacy as one of the, if not THE greatest college coach of all time if he stays. If he goes, he could wind up being just another NBA coach. Please stay, Izzo. There's no way Cleveland would love you 1/2 as much as we do.
MSU4EVER, East Lansing
Coach, you embody some of the best things about Michigan. Your integrity, work ethic, morals, and passion are something we should all strive for in Michigan (and the rest of the country). By raising MSU basketball to an elite level, you bring the best qualities of Michigan to the national stage. You have done so much to better MSU in more than just basketball, and the same can be said for your effect on the surrounding communities and Michigan as a whole. You are so much more than a coach to those players as well as the rest of us. Here at MSU, you can change the lives of your players for the better, but I don’t see that happening in the NBA. College is the true basketball, and it’s where you fit so perfectly. Michigan State needs you , the fans need you, the state of Michigan needs you, and most importantly, college basketball needs you! You are on the cusp of creating a dynasty at Michigan State. Thank you for all you’ve done – please stay keep doing what you do so well! GO (and STAY) GREEN!!
Matt, Bath, MI
Coach Izzo, My reasons for you to stay at MSU are completely selfish. In 2000, when I had to leave a job I loved, the National Championship helped me to cope. In 2001, I went to the Final Four. My heart broke when Raquel cried. In 2002, when I got breast cancer, Spartan basketball helped to distract me. Your participation in Coaches For Cancer means more to me. You function with moral and ethical standards that are hard to find now. You touch the lives of your players and of people you have never met. When you fight against adversity and win, the good guys win. I am a Cleveland Cavaliers fan. I have no doubt that you could be a great coach here. I'm just afraid that we will lose the benefits of your mission. Thanks for everything.
Vicky '82, '86, Akron, Ohio
An NBA locker room is a great place to take your son.
Gilbert Arenas, Saline, Michigan
You have a chance to build a legacy. When people think of MSU they will think about the basketball program Tom Izzo built and what he truly meant to our state and city. A pure class act. You're truly a hero and I trust you will make the right decision in the end. This is your home and we welcome you with open arms. Half of the NBA is trying to make your guys play for you. I'm sure that's not what you want. You're there to mentor players not to babysit. You know what to do Tom.
The One and Only, MSU
Coach Izzo,
You are an amazing coach! You've been the face of Michigan State and with you gone it just wouldn't be the same. Please stay. We love you here in Texas. Go Green!
Jennifer Martinez, Harlingen, Texas
Coach Izzo - You epitomize hard work, you command respect, and you inspire passion. You put the Michigan in Michiganders. This entire state loves you and admires you and wants you to stay at MSU. Take us all the way Coach!
Dave, Macomb Township
Dear Coach, You are a gift to Spartans everywhere. What you have done with our team and what you have done for MSU and Spartans across the globe can never be repaid. No matter what you decide to do, you will always be a hero to all of us that bleed green. Life presents us with difficult decisions all the time. Some more difficult than others but please know that your legacy and your gift of talent and love that you have shown to our Spartans is something that will never be forgotten. You have many things you may yet want to accomplish in your life and you are entitled and capable of meeting any challenge you wish without any disappointment or regret. Knowing that you will be a success in any endeavor you choose, please don't ever forget that you haven't yet achieved all that is possible at MSU. There are many more mountains to climb, championships to win and lives to change. The money will always be there. The lessons you've taught, the lives you've changed both on and off the court and the Spartan famly that appreciates you will continue to support you. Your Spartan family loves you. Please consider the long view. Good luck and God Bless you and your family. Go Green!
Bruce D., Grand Haven, MI
COACH - You've taught us all to chase our dream by making a commitment and working hard to pursue it. Whether it be an NBA Championship or another NCAA Championship, only you know your dream.
Bird Lanstra, Los Angeles
Tom, you run a classy, clean program that is well respected throughout the entire nation, not to mention all the success you've had. You demostrate what it means to put on the Green and White with intensity, respect, and a general passion for MSU. I wish you the best of luck in your decision, I know you'll do your best to represent MSU in the future, whether it's with the Cavs or at MSU. You'll always be a Spartan at heart, and I'll never forget the Izzo era at MSU. Thank you.
Matt, Class of 2010 (December)
Izzo has created something that all Spartans can be proud of/
Greg, West Michigan
Coach Izzo is more than just a basketball coach he's leader in this state. Losing him to the nba would be bad for everyone. Go Green!
dw, rockford
Every single year, Everyone doubts him and his team. Every year "Fans" sit at home and think they can coach better than Tom. Every year people talk bad about Tom and his team, Every year "Real Fans" sit and watch the best coach who ever lived do what he does best. Teach and coach the best damn school in the world. MICHIGAN STATE. HOPE you stay forever!! If you dont ,I will still cheer for you and remain loyal, Like you have been to the SPARTANS.
Ashly, Dewitt
Because he is a great coach and its time to prove it at the highest level. Cleveland loves Mr. Tom Izzo
K Church, Cleveland
What would the Izzone be without it's inspiration the one and only TOM IZZO! Please stay!
Joe , DeWitt,MI
…because not only is he a phenomenal basketball coach, but he’s also a good human being, a mentor, and a father figure to young men. Why waste all that talent coaching in the NBA? Coach Izzo, Derrick Nix said it best when he said, "Coach is the best thing that ever happened to me.” The NBA can’t possibly give you the rewarding feeling that you get when you read something like that and realize that you've actually made a difference in peoples' lives. I think you know what to do.
Marc, Wixom, MI
Go with your heart but stay where the legacy of love and respect will remain strong--at MSU
A fellow Yooper, EL and Menominee
Don't be a fool...Stay in school!!!!
Todd, Bloomfield, MI
Tom Izzo is a role model in every sense of the word... father, husband, coach, mentor, boss, and representative of MSU. He is everything to MSU. I feel so proud as an alum when I tell people I went to MSU and the first thing they say to me is "You guys are very lucky to have Tom Izzo, I have the utmost respect for him" because you know, us Spartans are lucky and we know it!!! Tom please dont go! We still have so much to do especially with this team. No one in the NBA will appreciate you like we do. You give us (alumnus and students) so much pride, so much to look forward to, and so much to look up to! We love you Tom! From a fellow Spartan pizan!
Gianna Genovese, Chandler, AZ
Coach, follow your heart and your head. Go to Cleveland if that's what you really want. Spartan Nation will survive and continue to thrive.
Dan Gilbert, Franklin, MI
You are integrity and class - College basketball still needs you. In KY tonight on business- I could speak proudly about the CLEAN MSU program and our coach the ROLE MODEL. 'Nuff said! Please stay! Go Green!
Jeanne, Plymouth, MN
Don't make me cheer for Cleveland.
Joseph Laviolette, San Diego, CA
He's the best coach, the best spartan and the finest person I've ever known
CG, Grand Rapids
...he is a true "class act". Tom, every season you teach us about loyalty, respect, and family. Please don't divorce us.
Jill, MSU class of 2000
Toledo Ohio Spartans say stay in school TI......We love you and your coaching style is built for the guys not getting paid (except Kentucky)those over paid guys will not listen to you.Stay home and keep being the man and keep beating Meet chicken so we can keep bragging
Rusty, Toledo,Ohio
Coach you have given spartan nation so many great memories, we have become a spoiled fan base because of you. Thank you for all you have done at Michigan State. Oh yeah, please stay!
Bill Case, Battle Creek
Izzone remains at MSU!!! Cleveland can not be named Izzone because it is MSU trademark!!!!
MSU fan
you are Michigan state! it may sound selfish to want you to stay at state but this is your year! you have an amazing recruiting class coming in along with players who didn't go into the NBA draft to stay at msu and win a championship and I don't think that they would want that to happen without you. not to mention, if you do end up going to Cleveland your gonna have to look way down the roster to find someone that is making the same amount as you. NBA is a whole different world! a world where heart doesn't matter and money is everything. whatever you choose your fans will be behind you, you have a great oppourtunity with whatever you choose!
Coach are the best thing that has happened to the GREEN AND WHITE in all my memory...and I'm 54 years old, well almost. You are the epitome of what MSU stands for, hard work, determination, and a desire for the best. I'm wishing all the best for you and your family.
Maggie, Lansing
Tom, I wouldnt blame you for taking th nba job. its a hell of alot of money. In the nba you cant have the same passion, and if you stay youll be able to watch these kids grow into adults. you love the passion of college baskettball. there are many msu fans that want you back. I know you probably will not read these but just remember this... if you take the cavs job, thank you for everything you have done for msu, but if you stay (which i belive you will because your a loyal person) many spartan fans will be extremley happpy and you can win another ncaa championship. i no you will make the right choice, just listen you your heart.
Danny, Haslett, MI
I love Izzo because theres nothing like watching one of his practices, they are more fascinating to watch than a game. Hes down to earth, shows tough love, but real love, not fake like Calipari or Pitino, but genuine love. We need and want u Izzo. Dont go
Dan, EL (DC)
Coach Izzo, you have made MSU the top program in the country over the last 10 years, and I have no doubt you will bring another National Championship to MSU. Whaterver you may decide thanks for all the memories you have brought to MSU! We all bleed green because you have made us so proud!!!
joey DiMichele, Chicago 87 Alum
He was ending his sophomore year. He led the Big 10 in scoring and assists, 1st team All-Big Ten, some All-American lists. He got the NBA itch. Declared for the draft. Destined to become a Spartan legend. Marcus Taylor........where is he now. Sometimes scratching the itch is too costly. We want you to stay as much for you as for ourselves. Stay a Spartan and continue to build your legend. John Wooden, Dean Smith, Coach K, Bob Knight.........Tom Izzo? The job isn't done. The challenge continues.
Charlie P, Wauwatosa, WI
I chose to attend MSU over UK, UF, and Oregon all to watch you coach the Spartans. You are the Head of the Spartan family.
In any case you will always have the eternal appreciation of all Spartans for all you have given us.
Good Luck and God Bless
Kyle Howard, Midland
Mark Gensler, San Diego
he's the definition of everything I want MSU to represent. Do what's best for you and your family coach and we wish you all the best
Coach, you deserve the best. I want you to be happy in whatever you do. If that means moving to the NBA, I know you'll be a huge success.
You might feel like you have the weight of the world, or at least the weight of MSU, on your shoulders. Don't let this affect your decision. Your legacy speaks for itself. Take the challenge.
Mateen Cleaves
Coach. Show everyone what makes the state of Michigan special. Loyalty and grit. Stay for the people who really matter.
Andrew, CA
To all you Cleveland fans, the City is not what is gonna draw Izzo to the Cavs, he will always love Michigan more than Ohio, he's a native Michigander, from the U.P., the only reason he is even considering the move is because he is supremely talented as a head coach and has an opportunity to shine if LeBron doesn't spurn Cleveland (like he should). Izzo needs to stay!!! Another National Championship is laying in waiting with this 2011 squad and possibly another to follow in the years coming...with these tremendous recruiting classes...WE LOVE IZZO!!! WE ARE THE IZZONE! STAY AT MSU! Go Green! Go White! I-Z-Z-O!!!
Adam, East Lansing, MI
All I can say is with all the love you fans are showing for Tom, if we do get him in Cleveland, we'll have a guy with a helluva heart. Classy comments from you Michigan fans out there for Tom.
Mike, Youngstown, OH
Coach Izz, I love you
Sean, West Windsor, NJ
Coach Izzo molds his players into not only great basketball players, but even better human beings. As a teacher, we need more coaches like Coach Izzo impacting the college ranks. WE LOVE AND APPRECIATE YOU, COACH!
Shannon, Class of 1999, Owosso
Cause it Dont get better then MSU.. Run 1 more title run
You constantly prove that impossible is nothing. Please stay with us.
Joe, East Lansing
What separates MSU from everywhere else is not location, salary, prestige, or opportunity. It is not the number of titles we win, the number we still hope to, the stats of our recruits, or the strength of our program. A Spartan's true strength comes from his great heart.
I am the Spartan Marching Band. I am the heart of Michigan State University, and I am telling you, Coach Izzo. There is heart here that does not exist anywhere else in the world. And if you don't believe me, come watch a rehearsal.
The heart of Michigan State, Demonstration Hall
Coach -- YOU have made East Lansing synonymous with Chapel Hill, Durham and Lawrence. It was you that said that it was your goal to turn MSU into one of college basketball's "blue bloods" just like UNC, Duke, Kansas and Kentucky. You're ALMOST there, but we can't do it without you. Please, please, please finish this journey! MSU Basketball = Coach Izzo, just like UCLA Basketball = Wooden, Duke Basketball = Coach K and UNC Basketball = Dean Smith. Now let's get another national title!
Chris, Dulles, VA
I like to oot oot oot ooples and boonoonoos lol
Jay Z, NYC
Italian food is better in Cleveland than in Michigan. Heck we got the mob in Cleveland, you know its gotta be good.
Ratso Malony, Broadview Heights
Challenge yourself & live life with no regrets. Saying goodbye is never easy, but I think you know that you've accomplished all you can at MSU. This is your decision. Follow your heart
Tony Robbins
Believe it or not Jingle Bells, one of the most famous American Christmas songs, was originally written for Thanksgiving! The author and composer of Jingle Bells was a minister called James Pierpoint who composed the song in 1857 for children celebrating his Boston Sunday School Thanksgiving. The song was so popular that it was repeated at Christmas, and indeed Jingle Bells has been reprised ever since. The essence of a traditional Christmas is captured in the lyrics of Jingle Bells and the sound effects using the bells have become synonymous with the arrival of Father Christmas or Santa Claus to the delight of children of all ages!
Santa, NPOLE

I love you
You love me
We're a happy family
With a great big hug
And a kiss from me to you
Won't you say you love me too?
Barney, Mesozoic Era
Make the best decision for you and your family. The most magical moments are not about money or fame, but come from the heart and the people who love you.
Carol, Coral Springs, FL MSU grad
Garfield the Cat, NC
Tom, you want a Ferrari, come to Cleveland and we'll put you front of the list. Ferrari 599GTO, 458 Italia, 612 Scaglietti, you name it. Cauley Ferrari in Michigan can't deliver, I can. Ask for me, Georgio, I'm in the Ferrari Club, Cleveland Chapter
Georgio, Cleveland
In the overall, I do think Tom Izzo is great coach for MSU, technically, I never like MSU since I am UofM fans but don't hate me for this. Tom Izzo will always make the MSU games more interesting and exciting. Never will be bored. Please stay at MSU and they need you since you are making a great overall as for coaching. Tom Izzo, why would you move to Cavs since they will not treat you same like MSU did? Think about who have your back as always. :) follow me on ;)
Theodore, Lansing, Michigan
Now you're like me.
Jacob, The Island
He is a winner, and he does it with class. He's won at MSU for over 12 years, and he's done it the right way. He's a bright spot in Michigan in a time when it desperately needs one.
Ed, East Lansing, MI
Coach text me on mah cellie cell - I am smoking pot and want to trick you into being photographed in front of my house. Thx.
Matt Phillipe, Denver
He is such a great role model and teacher for young athletes.
spartan01, Elyria, OH
Tom, turns out I lied. We can't resign Lebron and I have no idea how I would go about doing it anyway. We probably would not be able to win a championship with him anyway because we are really a sub-par organization. I didn't even really graduate from MSU.
Dan Gilbert, Ohio, the worst state in the US
He is a Spartan through and through. He is obviously torn between his passion for coaching MSU and his dream of coaching in the NBA. Any other coach would make a quick decision to jump, but Tom is no ordinary coach. He bleeds GREEN with the rest of us and only a SPARTAN can appreciate the gravity of the situation. East Lansing is a special place, and the Spartan family is unlike any other. We love you coach...and we wish you the best regardless of your decision. GO GREEN......!
Bill L., Royal Oak (MSU ALUM)
Best thing to do in Ohio Tom? Get the F*%$ out. The clouds are darker in Ohio for a reason. Please stay.
Joshua, Lansing, MI
I'm cheating on my wife as I type this. It feels great.
Tuba McShoes, New Vermont City
Coach Izzo,
Think about it this way. If you go to Cleveland, the best you can do is win an NBA championship. If you stay at MSU, the best you can do is win another NCAA championship. Both are big, though I'd say an NCAA championship means more in the sports world. If you stay at MSU, the worst you can do is continue an unmatched legacy in college sports without winning another championship. But if go to Cleveland, the worst you can do is fail to win, get fired in a year or two, and stare at your unfinished legacy at MSU with little chance to continue it. You have a lot to gain with both options; but you only have a lot to lose with one. Simple rational thinking, Coach Izzo, presents the obvious choice to you: stay at MSU.
Andrew C., East Lansing
Reasons to come to the NBA, Tom:
1. cold hard cash- how about doubling that salary of yours?
2. Coach the best athletes & basketball players on the planet.
3. Test yourself against the best...we think you're up to the challenge.
4. LeBron's re-signing if you come aboard.
5. Dan Gilbert is a great owner to work for. He will do whatever is necessary to put a winner on the floor.
6. Cleveland is a short plane trip from Michigan
7. Your kids will love Cedar Point.
8. Cleveland fans are starved for a champion. You will be absolutely revered if you deliver.
Tom Izzo. Please Don't Leave! You mean too much to the students of Michigan State University. Because of you, I can brag to all of my non-MSU friends about why my university is better than theirs. MSU basketball is what made me care about college sports. Without you, MSU is incomplete. No one will ever take your place. Please don't leave!
Gerrard, East Lansing
Tom Izzo is complete class and has saved the integrity of college basketball by doing things the right way. I wish him all the best in any decision he makes regarding his coaching future and hope he remains at Michigan State. Please choose iconic status in our great State over another challenge.
Class is in, Wyandotte
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
They're all my favorite numbers, Coach. Just like you're my favorite coach.
Timothy Nations, Detroit
We do indeed LOVE IZZO !!!!!! :)
Linda, DeWitt, MI
Tom Izzo has made Michigan State Basketball something that unites the community as well as families and friends. It wouldn't be the same with anyone else. Please stay in East Lansing where you are loved!
East Lansing
I like lemonade.
Lemonade Liker, Baltimore
I swear Tom, the next private plane I send for you will have untrackable tail numbers. Please come back.
Dan Gilbert, Cleveland, OH
You have given meaning to life. You are like a father to so many Spartans around the nation.
I cannot imagine life after IZZO.
Spartan Alumni 1980, Naperville, Illinois
he is what u think of when thinking about Michigan State. He's at the top of his profession. If he stays he can be considered among the best ever. I can't imagine watching STATE BASKETBALL without IZZO on the bench. PLEASE STAY COACH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Joe, NJ
Its obvious the Michigan fans love you, there must be a ton of positive reasons for that love. It would be great to see you make the jump to the NBA, but you got a great situation there in MI. As a Ohioian, I'd love you to give us a shot, we'd treat you right, but I know it must be tough leaving all this great supporters on this board.
Joe Harrison, Beachwood, Ohio
Lisa, Chicago, IL
Izzo belongs to MSU that is where his heart belongs....It is his Legacy and kids respect him and look up to him...
John , - Dewitt Mi
Chelsea, Izzo's East Lansing
Help us Izzone kanobi, you're our only hope
Mike, San Francisco
I was wrong Coach, Cleveland DOES NOT ROCK! MSU DOES !
Drew Carey, Cleveland, OH
Tom, seriously dude.
-All college coaches who left for the NBA not named Larry Brown.
He is a molder of men. He loves the kids as much as I love my students. He exemplifies what college sports should be about. Regardless of the choice he makes, I will always be proud that he is one of us. Go green!
Brandelyn, Fort Thomas, KY
Tom Izzo and MSU basketball make it fun for us Spartans living in Columbus among the Buckeyes. Please stay for another national championship . . . this is the year!
pk, Columbus, OH
Izzo gave MSU a sport that we can constantly beat U of M in! Izzo bleeds green, he wouldn't dare leave a place with so much Izzo love!
East Lansing
YOU ARE A CLASS ACT!!!! NO ONE CAN WALK IN YOUR SHOES.......I hope you stay at MSU. You are a very kind man to the public here . THANK YOU.
Tom Izzo's number: 630-877-2193
Call if you want to persuade him to stay!
Jim Caulian A.D., East Lansing, Michigan
Come to New York with Lebron.
Spike Lee, N.Y.
May you choose wisely and follow your heart, I know this is a very difficult decision. As one who grew up in SoCal I was a follower of Coach Wooden and the program he built. I look back at his legacy and realize he did not follw the money only his passion. May you do the same. Hopefully on behalf of All Spartan Fans that is at the mothership in E. Lansing
Ron Rosenbaum, San Marcos, CA
Coach Izzo, I would like to say that regardless of your decision I will always be an Izzo fan. You have gotten me through many winters (springs) with your teams exciting runs deep into the NCAA tournament. The NCAA tournament didn't change their field from 65 to 98 (everybody) because it is quite simply the best sporting event there is. Just as the NCAA tournament wouldn't be the same without 65 teams, Michigan State wouldn't be the same without Tom Izzo. I speak deep from the hearts of everyone in Michigan, "WE LOVE YOU COACH IZZO."
Ibleedgreen, East Lansing, Michigan
On behalf of the Cleveland Mob, we' d love to have you in Cleveland.
Tony Faguzzo, Cleveland, OH
Seriously, just wait a year or two and the Pistons will be hiring a new coach.
Signed - Rick Carlisle, Larry Brown, Flip Saunders, Michael Curry and John Kuester, Well I move a lot so the bags are always packed!
You made me love the game of basketball. Prior to coming to MSU, I would never watch basketball, but after watching one game with you coaching, I became hooked and I try to watch every game I can. You made me a basketball lover and kept me from transferring to U of M. MSU LOVES YOU IZZO! Please don't leave!
East Lansing, MI
You have unfinished business at Michigan State
The NBA doesn't have enough heart for you! MSU loves you and your family and appreciates all that you have done for our team. I wish you the best in your decision but I truly believe that MSU is your home forever.
Molly, Lansing
Here's a little quote I came across that sums it up for me. Not sure what motivates you, but I honestly think this might hit a nerve with your fans, players, and recruits...
“The leaders who work most effectively, it seems to me, never say 'I'. And that's not because they have trained themselves not to say 'I'. They don't think 'I'. They think 'we'; they think 'team'. They understand their job to be to make the team function. They accept responsibility and don't sidestep it, but 'we' gets the credit.... This is what creates trust, what enables you to get the task done.”
Bob Hemond, Howell, MI
you are the best college coach state will ever see.
Jon, East Lansing
Tom, sometimes the grass looks greener on other side of the fence. But when you grasp for something new, you lose something you had. You'd be leaving a consistent top-5 program, a legacy that is still building, and thousands of fans, students and alumni that love you all over the world. I wish you the best no matter what you do, but I really hope you decide to stay.
Matt Serafin, Busan, South Korea
he makes me proud to be a Spartan
GD, Lansing
Tom, please come to Cleveland. Free pizza for as long as you live here in Cleveland. Come to Little Italy and ask for Gianni.
Gianni Luigi Buitoni, Cleveland
Very shortly after winning the 2000 national title, Tom still showed up to be the keynote speaker at the Chemical Engineering Symposium Day. I think he had to turn down Letterman to honor his prior commitment. That type of character matters in the college game, not in the NBA
Mark, Rockford, IL
What these fans don't understand is that your big dream has always been to coach in the NBA. If they were true fans of yours, they'd support your dreams.
God, Upstairs
Tom Izzo with Mike K, Dean S, and all the good college coaches. Don't leave that world !!! You are so good for the world of good enjoyable b-ball. Keep the Izzone alive!!
donald c, west chicago, il
La mayoria de la gente en Mexico quiere Senor Tom Izzo en Cleveland. Senor Izzo en Cleveland puede ayudar la economia en Mexico. Gracias, Selma Hayek.
Selma Hayak, Guanajuato, GTO Mexico
Dan Gilbert, Michigan
Hey Tom, please sign on with the Cavaliers. You'll be getting a whole lotta money for a couple of years in the NBA system, maybe win a couple rings then you have the chance to go back to your beloved MSU.
This is your last chance at coaching a team in the NBA, and what an opportunity it is.
Aaron, Melbourne, Australia.
If you take the job in Cleveland, my Badgers will win more often. Seriously, we want you HOME and that is right here in East Lansing. We can handle the competition
Dennis, Midland
Coach Izzo, you are one of the best and most respected coaches in the NCAA. Leaving for the NBA would be leaving behind an entire legacy not only here in Michigan, but in the entire country. March would be nothing without Spartan basketball with Tom Izzo on the sideline. Please stay and continue to give us hope and inspiration every year. We love having you at MSU.
Spencer, Williamston
We'll love you also here in Cleveland, Izzo. If you came here -- And LeBron stays... we'd all think YOU were the reason. You'd become a Legend in Cleveland alone for that.
Nate , Akron, Ohio
Its important that we support the Ferrari team. Izzo is italian and Ferrari is Italian. Lebron James loves Italian food. Grazie.
Flavio Briatore, Turin, Italy
Cleavland is a really crappy town and I'm a huge jerk to work for.
Dan Gilbert, MSU class of 83
Izzo you are my second father. Don't leave without that second championship. Don't leave before my senior year. You are this university. Money can't buy happiness and happiness is East Lansing and the support you have here.
Doug, East Lansing, MI
he's the reason I've rushed the court, gone to the Final 4, stayed up all night, gone to the National Title game, upset the #1 team in the land, camped out for basketball tickets, stood out in the cold for hours to get a front row seat, worn ridiculous costumes in front of a crowd of thousands, gotten up early on a weekend, skipped class, chosen MSU for college, won Conference Championships, met Magic Johnson, screamed until my voice was gone, got great legs & lung capacity (from all that jumping up & down in the IZZONE), stayed up late, been on TV, cried my eyes out, traveled thousands of miles & spent hundreds of dollars to follow the team, & of course he's the reason I've had the time of my life, known people I'll never forget, and created memories that will make me smile for years to come. & those are just a few reasons why I love Coach IZZO, and why he should stay at MSU, because I would like to wish all those things for many Spartans to come.
Lisa Danno, Chicago, IL
Tom Izzo is East Lansing, he is MSU, and he is more than Basketball.
Jared, East Lansing
I could understand if you were running for President, but Ohio? I cannot imagine STATE without you. PLEASE STAY
donna, Midland
God Hates Cleveland.
Westboro Baptist Church, Kansas
My MSU experience would not have been the same without Izzo and the Izzone... it contains some of the greatest memories of my time at school. My husband and I still watch every game with our Izzone shirts and root for the team. Coach you are an inspiration, your story motivates younger athletes to be their very best. In working at the college level you change people's lives through your work, charity, and character. You are a LEADER and MSU and our state need your leadership!
Stephanie, Dewitt, Michigan
Izzo, you rock. Stay at State, please!
Austin, East Lansing
Ryan Conlin, Aurora,IL
He is Michigan State and a perfect fit here. We are selfish and want to keep the greatest coach to ourselves. "If it ain't broke, don't fix it" Stay Izzo Stay.
Shannon, Battle Creek
Even though we don't live in the Lansing area any longer, we are still HUGE fans of MSU and Tom Izzo is part of the reason. MSU wouldn't be the same without him at courtside.
Please don't leave. College basketball would never be the same.
Connie, Conroe, TX
You ARE MSU, Coach! You make a huge difference in the lives of the young men you who aren't playing for money, but for the love of the game. And where will your own kids go to college??? Hope you stay!
M. Anderson, Grand Rapids
At MSU, you can win championships, develop players AND develop lives! As an NBA coach, you can win a championship.
You decide coach!
Randy Buist, Hudsonville, Michigan
Ohio > Michiagain
Kobe Bryant, Lebrons ball hairs
I have such respect for him as a coach and a person! He has built a top program and has made such a positive impression on MSU! He is loved by all of MSU.....he is MSU and I don't know what we would do without him!!!!
Nikki , Haslett, MI
Just sign the f'n contract already. Jesus Christ...
Dan Gilbert, Cleveland, OH
We need you to win the championship next year! Besides, you'd spend the extra $3 million a year on air filters, air freshners, and other junk to keep the stink of Ohio at bay. Stay in EL, coach!
R Dell, Bismarck,ND/Lansing, MI tell this garden gnome looking fool how sad and pathetic he sounds.
Don't go Tom... they won't appreciate you in Cleveland like we do!!!
Brandon , Los Angeles
He makes me proud to be a Spartan. He is legendary but his work is not finished here yet...he needs another championship. And Ohio just isn't good enough to have him.
Jaclyn '08, East Lansing
Izzo helped this native Ann Arborite bleed green when I enrolled at MSU in 1999. The past ten years have been filled with the most memorable moments, shared with friends and family, watching Izzo and Co. through the cold Michigan winters. Don't hesitate any longer Tom. Stick with us, your MSU family.
Noah Hurwitz, Ann Arbor
NBA coaches are a commodity. At MSU, we know what we've got with you, Tom. You'll never lack for support and recognition for your efforts. Make the best decision for you and your family, but know how much Spartan Nation cares about you!
Ben, Grand Rapids, MI
Thank you for allowing us all to escape the down economy in Michigan and enjoy cheering the MSU Spartans and it brought all students and citizens together for something positive to cheer about! Whatever Izzo decides to do, thank you for boosting our spirits.
Pamela Dilley, Okemos, MI
College basketball is the greatest sport on Earth, and Tom Izzo IS college basketball. The big business of NBA basketball destroys the game. No longer is it about pride, hard work and determination. . . it's about money. I hope Coach is above this draw, and realizes his importance to this school, community and state. Plus, I am not afraid to admit that I have a man crush on Coach Izzo. . . and there is nothing wrong with that.
Brian, Haslett, MI
Because this guy!/profile.php?id=2304376&ref=ts would cry if you didn't stay.
Justin - MSU 05', East Lansing (Still, Obviously)
Who Tom Izzo is, what he has accomplished, and what he has done for an entire community is unmatched by anyone I have ever known. MSU basketball is the most important team in my sports-filled life, and Izzo has made it what it is, and has done it with every ounce of class. He is truly, truly a legend and I would be devestated if he left. Every moment right now feels like MSU is down by 1 with 30 seconds left in an NCAA tourney game. I just hope it ends like so many in the Izzo era, a historic MSU win. I have had a sibling at MSU for every Izzo Final Four, my brother's legacy being a student for an amazing five of them. Having just experienced my first, I am hoping to write a legacy of my own, and not have it be the one who was there when he left. Tom, you will be loved forever no matter what, but I believe there can be even more amazing moments. Please, please stay.
Matthew Meyer, East Lansing
He is more than Michigan State. He is the State of Michigan.
Pierce, DeWitt, MI
Tom has brought respect and created basketball tradition and for that I am grateful. Many thought how could you improve on Jud. You showed us how. Please stay...a few more years and maybe they will rename East Lansing after you. Thank you for all you've done.
Andrew Shoup, Lansing/Flint
Remember.....You are coaching young men in the prime of their lives. They respect you, and the whole Spartan World respects you. If you leave you will be coaching RICH young men in the prime of their lives. Who do you think could use your skill's more. Take those young men and turn them into RICH men. Thanks for everything you have given to the Spartan World! I look forward to more
Doug Gutzki, Grand Ledge, MI.
Why walk away from the world class program you have assembled You have created a standard here that will never be matched. You and your family are loved and respected by all. Why would you want to go to the mistake on the lake? Go State!!! Stay Izzo!!!
Dearborn, MI
You are an inspiration about how to win in life... and...
You have proven that MSU is superior to U of M in all ways...
We can't imagine EL with out you.
Mike Kalis Class of '04, Plymouth MI
MSU Basketball - Tom Izzo = :(
Mike T., Lansing, MI
Izzo is the greatest thing that has happened to MSU sports, ever. If he left we would be losing one of the most beloved person in the area. Please stay Tom, we all love you here.
John, Williamston
he'll get me an assistant coaching gig when he signs with Cleveland. Boo-yah!
E. Snow, ATL
SlickNickShady on Twitter is off the hook crazy. I would worry about that bad 70s porn haircut and moustache if I were him. Looks like a lawn gnome.
Tony, Chicago
...Because without Spartan Final Four runs the month of March is pretty average.
Guido, Mi.
You're a winner. We love you. Please stay.
Pete Wagner, 09 MSu Grad, Florida Keys
Bro...don't coach for the NBA, they're just a bunch of overpaid glorified Lamborghini owners. You are the NCAA GOD. I could only have wished for an amazing coach like you when I played for MSU. Don't let me down, Tom. I'll call you later and we can discuss this.
Magic Johnson, Los Angeles, California
he is Michigan State!
Tom, East Lansing
Come win us an NBA championship IZZO. We need one more than any team, across every sport!
Scott Hoyer, Chicago, IL
We've got two Junior Spartans coming up that want to have the chance to see the greatest coach of alltime coach our beloved MSU basketball team.
Krista, Owosso
His passion and love for teaching our Spartans on and off the court is impeccable. Coach is truly one of a kind and could never be replaced. I could not imagine Spartan Nation without him.
Yonni (2007), Lansing
When I think of Izzo.....I think of MSU!!!!
Natalee, Fenton, MI
You bring the entire community together! You've shown your love for the sport and helped us build the best student section in the country!
Mickayla Grosskopf, East Lansing
I love you because you've been coaching at MSU since the year I was born and the school would not be the same without you and my experience at MSU would not have been the same without you. I finally got to meet you a few weeks ago and get a picture with my beloved Tom Izzo. It took me 8 years of trying and I'd hate for it to go to waste.
Stay, Tom, stay! WE LOVE YOU!!
Stephanie, Chicago, IL
... he's sometimes better than we deserve but always exactly what we need!
Optimistic, E-Sing, MI
Tom Izzo is a class act coach with the fire it takes to INSPIRE. No one has done more with less and its a testiment to his ability as a coach. Sure, other coaches have accomplished more with superstar recruits, but IZZO picks guys for his system and coaches them to victory over 4 years. Please stay Tom!!!!!
Tones B, Seattle
the coach is a class act and always has been. He has the complete respect from all in mid-Michigan and, actually, all across the country.
College basketball is fun. College basketball is all about team. Pro basketball has become all about the individual player and has become boring. Money is money, but Fun is fun. Chose wisely. Chose the FUN.
Bob, Haslett
We will Love Izzo too, when he comes to Cleveland and LBJ re-signs. Then Cleveland wins a Championship. Love ya Izzo.
Mo Williams PG, Cleveland, OH
Get over it already! He is ready for a new bigger challenge. Let the man move on without all the whining. Have some pride MSU. He's just not that in to you anymore
Bob, Detroit
Yeah I want Tom on my team along with Bosh.
LeBron James, Akron, OH
Tom, you are the heart and soul of this University, the public face we all see when we think of MSU. The epitome of humbleness, you are a Michigan man through and through. MSU needs you, the state of Michigan needs you, and college basketball needs you. Thank you for everything Tom, regardless of your decision.
KMB, MSU alum '04 & '06
You're a class act, coach! You've been such a positive influence on so many people: Michigan State students, athletes, alumni and fans! Here's to many more years at MSU. Thanks for all you do!
Sue, Grand Rapids, MI
Your passion and dedication to the team, university, and community are unmeasurable.
AP, Lansing, MI
you're a great coach to have at a great school, it wouldn't be for you that we went to the final four.
Sean, Lansing, MI
People need to GET OFF this website if they are telling Coach to leave or being jerks because this is a website only for saying how much we love and appreciate, Coach! It should be taken seriously because there are Spartan fans from around the nation coming on here to say why we love him as much as we do, and that's an amazing thing. So spread the word, spread the love, spread class, spread spirit, as Mr. Izzo taught us to do. WE LOVE YOU, IZZO...GO STATE!
#1 Spartan Fan, East Lansing, MI
Tom, you're the only coach who can build a dynasty without cheating. How 'bout we all pitch in with incentives to keep you at MSU. I have a timeshare in Maui your family can enjoy next year. Oh, and I'm sure my daughter (MSU music ed grad) will provide free voice lessons for your children. Sound good?
Craig, Milford
MSU basketball is the best thing about winter in Michigan, and Tom Izzo IS MSU basketball. Coach Izzo, our team and our state need your continued presence, grace and energy. Thanks for all you have done!
spartanfan in Grand Rapids, Grand Rapids
Coach, I am 16 years old and my parents surprised me with a puppy two Halloweens ago. They told me that I had the honor of naming him, so I thought long and hard and the decision was simple. Name him after the best coach for the best school ever. Izzo. Now I have a two-year-old puppy named Izzo Thomas Broderick and I love him dearly, he loves his name as well and watches every MSU basketball game with me. Coach, you have changed the face of college basketball and I hope you want to continue to help those college kids grow into the adults they hope to become. I graduate next year and I would love to attend MSU and see you coach. Please stay with MSU Coach Izzo.
Bailey Broderick, Battle Creek, Michigan
Izzo is coming to Cleveland because he tired of the watered down college game with unethical recruiting. He has given you 15 years and MSU will NEVER be Duke or NC. It's too bad he is stringing you all along. I think Nick Richardson should be checked for mental illness. IF Dan Gilbert turns up dead we can arrest SlickNickShady on the spot.
Bro, don't go. We're (blood) brothers–we bleed green!
BIll , Lansing / Atlanta, GA
I think the guy is a class act. But one of my worries is that the NBA wants Izzo involved with it for his reputation and following because they really need some props now that their business model is falling apart. If Tom walks away from them, perhaps they start pulling their puppet strings on all the Agents, Runners, Shills, and Bagmen that control the really big talents, in such a way as to shut Izzo out of the running for them in the recruiting race. Don't think that is possible? Just look at NCAA football and the USC situation. Those puppets, controlled by the NFL, and associated with certain NCAA coaches, can sure wreak havoc! Resist it, Tom. You have carved out your niche - and an admirable one it is. Go State! We will stand with you. The response here is evidence of that.
Randy, Detroit
When the final story is told, let it not be your name among those that saw evil and did nothing to stop it.
Js, Lansing
we love Tommy Izzo because he can take young men and mold them into basketball machines. We love him because he emphasizes the imporrtant things in life, like winning basketball games. It is important to keep Tom in East Lansing, and to have websites like this, even if there is war, famine, racism, torture and stuff like that in the world. Americans need to place even more emphasis on sports, and spend as much time as they can fretting over whether Tom Izzo coaches in college or the NBA, because it would be wrong to actually read a newspaper or a good book, or maybe learn about an important political issue. WITHOUT TOM IZZO IN EAST LANSING LIFE WOULD NOT BE WORTH LIVING.
Can you please make your decision Monday. Lebron is texting me off the hook about you. Oh, Gilbert said his private jet will pick you up around 8pm on Tuesday before the presser in Cleveland. Wait.... hold on Lebron wants to know what you think about Chris Bosh?
Chris Grant GM, Cleveland, Oh
He's from my hometown (Iron Mountain) and he is one of the alltime great coaches in college basketball history.
johns560, Owosso
Bro, don't go. We're (blood) brothers–we bleed green!
BIll , Lansing, MI/Atlanta, GA
Working at the Breslin has to be the best job on campus. Izzo appreciates all the employees there and really takes to heart the work that everyone else does to get ready for games. Izzo is Spartan Basketball and represents what a true institution should possess; CLASS. Izzo, you're a first class guy, stay in East Lansing and keep making the NBA a better association with you're players, not the hot shots that lack the class that you build into your players....
Jason, East Lansing
YOU ARE MSU BASKETBALL!!! You went to the Final Four last year without Lucas. You will win the 'SHIP this year and you know it!! People think IZZO when MSU basketball is brought up, NOT mateen, mo-pete, or even Magic!! I know you want to go back into crisler arena and watch your bench players throw down oops off the back board too!!
Sean, Plymouth MI
we love izzo cause he'll be a great casv head coach.
chip, thank god im not in michigan
if you dont have anything nice to say, please create your own website. You could call it this website is for those who love tom izzo and all he has done for michigan state. Your comments are not appreciated. IZZONE FOREVER
Michigan State needs you and the State of Michigan needs you. I hope you will choose US over Ohio! Either way, we appreciate what you have done for MSU and know what you can do for the Spartans and NCAA basketball in the future. Thank you for everything and hope you will stay home!
Dave Peterson, class of '85, Clarkston, MI
It is so clear to me that you belong at the college level. You are one of the most respected people in this entire country for the passion and leadership you bring to the MSU basketball program. LeBron doesn't need you. The
players and fans at Michigan State do. Please, please stay.
kate lazuka, ann arbor
He gives me a huge sense of MSU pride!
L, East Campus
Come on Izzo! Stay! How can you think about going from a job where your players love and respect you to a job where you're opinion don't mean jack. The pros never listen to their coach. If he stays, and you go to Cleveland, LeBron will run the show, not you.
Jeff Adamski, Bay City, MI
Coach, I am a 1968 MSU grad. I has been a fan of MSU hoops for the past 42 years. There have been so many endearing memories going back to Coach Heathcote. Beginning with Jud, you have brought the Spartans to the pinnacle of college basketball. You have built a legacy that is rivaled by only a few. Dean Smith, Bob Knight, Coach K and few others. Your legacy has not only been built on victories, Final Fours, and a National Championship, but on your conduct as a coach and member of the MSU community. Competitive? Always. Tough? Always. Fair and honest? Always. Respect and care for your players? Always. Commitment to doing your job the right way? Always. You are special in so many ways to all of us. In many ways you are "the face" of the University we love so much. I really hope you stay so we can enjoy you and Spartan basketball for many years to come.
Chuck P., Milwaukee, WI
Bro, don't go. We're (blood) brothers–we bleed green!
Bill Kelley, Lansing, MI/Atlanta, GA
Cleveland will never love you like we Spartans do. You have many young men to shape, and those overpaid NBA stars won't like practicing in football pads. Please stay where you're loved! I named my dog after you, so I'll say what I say to him: "Izzo, Stay!"
Lisa, Muskegon
he has made the Spartans into one of the greatest college basketball teams in the country!!!
John, Grosse Ile
Despite what some may think about his decisions as a head coach, he still prevails and does what he has been good at for years, WIN. As a head coach and mentor, I have seen him change boys to men. He has evolved MSU Basketball, College Basketball, and the game of Basketball as a whole, but his work is not done yet. Don't leave, not yet coach Izzo.
Matthew M. Washington, Flint, MI
he is an amazing coach for so many reasons on so many levels. Between Izzone campouts & games when I was in undergrad at MSU to watching him lead us to so many Final Four appearances, I can't imagine what MSU basketball would be like without him! In the pros, it's so much more about the money, but in college, it's more about the PRIDE!!! Go Green! Go Izzo!
Jess , Okemos
The pros are a business coach, and MSU is a family. This family needs you!
Jason, Grand Rapids
Not long ago I said Coach Izzo is the John Wooden of our time - very different personality and yet, still able to have a truly positive impact on young men's lives. Please stay at MSU and continue to be the positive influence on the players and college basketball in general. You are needed here much more than you will ever be needed in the NBA. Here it's about a great game and shaping young men's lives. There it's all about the money. Stay where you can have the most positive impact, please!!!
Sue, St. Johns
Sorry Mich., we need Izzo in Cleveland. We know how you feel we have Lebron and if Izzo signs with Cleveland we are sure LBJ will stay here. Besides it's time for Izzo to go to the next level....the NBA!
Shawn, Ohio
This may not be the most popular, but coach Izzo deserves the best. For selfish reasons, naturally I want him to stay. However, coach has more than earned the respect to take his time and make the best decision. I am confident whichever choice he makes, will be the right one.
Yonni, Lansing
he stalks around the court ranting and raving like a lunatic, yelling at his players and refs and generally giving all who witness his crazy antics a warm fuzzy feeling about what a great example he is to all coaches, players and sports fans
John, St. Johns
More that a coach, you are a teacher to these young men. You are proud when they succeed and use tough love when it is needed---just what teachers do. You also are able to work with the parents---just like teachers do. I don't believe there is an NBA player who believes he can be taught anything. You would be giving up your 'calling' by leaving.
If you come to Cleveland. Chances are...I will re-sign. It would be absolutely humbling to play for you.
P.S. - do me a favor and stop hogging the spotlight. Thanks.
LeBron James, Cleveland, OH
You are an amazing person and I want to attend a basketball game that involves our newest addition to the Big 10 conference, Nebraska and MSU! I love both schools, graduated from one and work for State. Please don't go, you have made a difference in many lives both on and off the court in EL and in Michigan!
Shannon, East Lansing
Coach, you are on the verge of becoming a legend, and you are already the King of East Lansing and can remain so for as long as you choose. Why would you give that up for a job that has a life expectancy of maybe 3-5 years with no guarantee of success? Howmuch money is enough? Stay in East Lansing where you belong.
Rick, West Bloomfield
While we respect Coach Izzo's right to make whatever decision he believes is best for himself and his family, it is our fervent prayer that he remains a Spartan for life (as we are!). We had the good fortune to see him perform in Izzo goes to Broadway at the VanAndel this year. It is hard to imagine a person with such ties to the State of Michigan going anywhere else. The reputation that he has in Iron Mountain, East Lansing, etc. is of shaping young men and helping them to grow into outstanding adults, not just on a basketball court, but in life. The same opportunity cannot exist in the NBA. While we are writing this mostly for ourselves, perhaps Tom Izzo will see some of these and it will help sway his decision and keep him in East Lansing!
Tom ('72) and Mary ('75) W., Grand Haven, MI
Coach!! You have done a wonderful job at MSU for a very long time but there certainly is nothing wrong to move on to bigger and better things before retirement!
Rayna Smith, I live in the D.........
Stay, because we love you a hundred times more than Cleveland ever could.
Proud Sparty, East Lansing
You are the greatest coach i have had to privelge to watch, michigan state is a classy program and that is all because of you.
Kyle, East Lansing
I don't remember MSU without him. Tom Izzo IS Spartan basketball.
Lauren, East Lansing
I love Tom Izzo because he gave me blumpkins in my freshman year. He washed my enormous head and EGO. If Tom stays at MSU I volunteer my anal services to all who want them. P.S. T Fos has a huge penis.
mike Valenti, royal Oak
You're the best. Thank you sir.
HE is NCAA BASKETBALL!!! He makes MSU... WELL M-S-U!!!! STAY WITH WHAT U KNOW BECAUSE some ppl dont accept change n CAVS dnt want change so y go thru the disrespect!! N LEBRON is LEAVIN if IZZO come cuz he made it clear he will not play for a COACH who WASNT in THE NBA... MSU LOVES U EVERYONE LOVES U MSU IS HIS DESTINY!!
Paige, Grosse Pointe,Mi
Hopefully, Coach Izzo comes to his senses and realizes that MSU is his home and that money is secondary to happiness. Tom Izzo is happy being the top dog in the NCAA. He won't be happy if it all goes downhill in the NBA.
Scott McLellan, Sarnia, Ontario, Canada
. . . of your character, intensity, commitment, and heart. You are what it means to be a Spartan, Tom. Please don't go, but if you do, you go with our love.
Burton Bargerstock, East Lansing, MI
he is the man! he is one amazing coach! and MSU would never be the same without him! <3
amanda, lexi & ally, okemos
because he brings a passion to the game that no one else can match. Izzo you belong at MSU. I am sure you can succeed at anything you do, but at State you have the opportunity to be the greatest ever.
Brad, Columbiaville, MI
If you go Im sure you will do well....
cheffry, East Lnsing
he makes me proud to be a Yooper.
Tom Izzo is MSU basketball :) Please do not leave MSU!!!
Julie Farmer, Waterford MI
Izzo, one of my favorite memories from College were the pre-season meetings you had with the Izzone. I remember how passionate you were about MSU. It always strengthened my pride about being a Spartan. You mean more to the MSU community that you could know. Do you what you have to Izzo, but know that MSU will always be your home.
Eric Mills, Clawson, MI
You have shown how to win with class, on the court and off the court. You told us you would remain a Spartan until we didn't want you, well, pbviously, we want you! Please stay! (But if you go, I'll still support you!)
JBCC, Elgin, IL
He has built our basketball program into what it is today. If he leaves, he will break the hearts of many Michiganders and Spartans. MSU basketball just won't be the same with you, Izzo!!! Please stay.
SpartanAlumGrace, MI
If Izzo stays, MSU will win the NCAA Championship next season.
Joe, EL
Coach, You epitomize all that is good about college basketball. Your program is a model of integrity. Players become men and more importantly, they graduate! No coach in the college or professional ranks matches your value to an institution. This is your home, your legacy. We hope you stay where we think you truly belong---as MSU's head basketball coach.
Peter, Deb and Lauren, East Lansing, MI
Izzo is a really nice guy, besides being a great coach. He will have a conversation with anybody. He's just really down to earth
Jentzen, East Lansing
You can teach in the college game, motivate, get the kids to listen. In the pro game, the stars run things more than the coaches. Look at the great college coaches who have struggled in the NBA. It's your choice, but I think you might want to stay where the game is pure.
rodriguez morehead, royal oak, michigan
Tom you don't want to coach a bunch of over paid pros. They could care less except for the money. You care about the game and improving it. Some people are just meant to be a college coach not a pro coach. You are one of those inspiring people that need to be an influence on the college ranks.
izzo man you should leave ifou tryin to get paid and further your carrer.I would do it .
Darrius, southfield,michigan
Coach, you have been great at MSU, but it's time to take on a new challenge. Nothing would be better then seeing you go from my favorite college to my favorite NBA team. I believe you can win a NBA Championship. Take on the new task!
Timmy, Columbus
Go to the NBA! Prove you can do it anywhere!!
Don't make me cry, Tom.
Jon, Hubbard
I can't imagine MSU without IZZO.
Sheep, Izzo-town
Because we NEED you!
Jackie, East Lansing
I've always hated basketball, that is until I watched you with the Spartans
Rachel, East Lansing, MI
Coach - you know we love you and appreciate everything you have done for MSU! However, they call it "MARCH MADNESS" for a reason. It is special, and you will not find that in the NBA. They don't have a "JUNE MADNESS". It's not the same. Also, think of all of the young men's live you have had the opportunity to change for the better. Not to mention, all of the young men out there that dream of playing for you in a SPARTAN uniform! Please stay at MSU and continue that magic in March. Tough decision, but we will not let you regret it...
Michael McCardel, Haslett, MI - Indianapolis, IN
Izzo, you are our hero and have made us love MSU basketball. You not only inspire the entire MSU community but the state of Michigan as well. We admire and respect you, and look forward to every basketball season. When we look back on the last 4 years of college, we will think about all the great games at Izzone. Please stay at State!!!!!
S & J, MSU Alums 2010, Portage, MI
...Izzo and MSU bball go together like peanut butter and jelly. You can have one without the other, but not the same when they are apart. Don't break my heart and leave us Tom!
Cassie, Lansing
Nobody plays defense in the NBA. It's kind of like your there just to be there as a token- until your three, four, or five years are up. You have the real deal at MSU: 10-15 years more of MEANINGFUL coaching and a cushy Athletic Director job when that is finished. I think the answer is clear.
J. Dick Jones, Miami, FL
When one thinks of honesty, integrity and leadership in college basketball, Tom Izzo's name is at the top of the list. All Spartans around the world are proud of him and the legacy he is building. Let the hall of fame career continue for many years at MSU.
Vegas Vic, Sterling Heights, Michigan
...he loves MSU and basketball more than anyone I know! Hoping like heck he stays here because MSU won't be the same without you.
Lisa, Haslett, MI
You are simply the best coach and man MSU could ever hope for. Stay and continue your legacy.
Doug, Lansing
"I"... is for the "Izzone" he brought our way.
"Z"... is for the zeal he shows each day.
"Z"... is for zillions of fans who want him to stay.
"O"... is for OUR love of Coach Izzo!!!
Nancy, Albion
you are college basketball to me...
Dan Reiff, Philadelphia
You created a tradition of excellence at Michigan State. You also made me happy that I chose to attend graduate school at MSU.
Kevin Kijewski, East Lansing
I love Izzo because he is a really good coach. He is really cahrasmatic. Just a really cool guy. It's been a privelege to be a part of the Izzo era at MSU
Jelly, the d
You are gonna stay and lay the beat down on Duke this year.
Ken, Orlando, FL
You said you wanted another championship, and your a man of your word.
Garrett, Royal Oak, MI
You belong in EL. You've been great and earned the right to consider your options but you fit in perfectly at MSU. Why mess with a great situation?
Coach, a lot of things have changed since you started coaching. The NBA is no longer the highest level. It's an elite program in college ball. You brought MSU to the highest tier. Your passion is contagious and your players feed off of it. Look at Derrick Nix, it seems like you changed his life. Thank you for the memories, but we all feel that you are on the cusp of creating so many more. That court (Breslin Center) needs your name on it...we need you on that court.
Rich, Traverse City
I don't believe any town, team or fans will ever appreciate Tom Izzo as much as the Spartan Nation does. Stay here Tom. We are family.
Margie, East Lansing
Because Spartan basketball isn't the same with you. Don't leave, we all love you at MSU!!!!!!
Becky, Chicago, IL
IZZO is the man...enough said...
Martin, East Lansing/Muskegon
Tom, please stay and complete the basketball legacy that you have started. The university needs the inspiration you provide, the state needs you and the young men that play for you need you.
Steve, Traverse City, MI
He is our coach
Alex, East Lansing
You have built a great program and enhanced the university as well. And you did it by turning boys into men. You've also earned the love and respect of everyone, and are building a legacy to be proud of. The pros can only offer you money because there it's all "business", and that's never been what you've been about. Why start now? Stay true to what you love. And stay Green.
John R Meyer, Lombard, IL
We need to keep good people in college sports, you are the best!
No blemishes, only great results, both academically and athletically.
Nicole, Owosso
Tom Izzo epitomizes what makes Michigan State great - the "blue collar" work ethic, the classy way he deals with students, the way he takes young talent and moulds it into champions. We are all proud of Michigan State Basketball and the reason is Tom Izzo. Tom, if you read this, know you are loved by hundreds of thousands of Spartans. Please stay.
Paul, Branch
Michigan State basketball will not survive without you on the sidelines
Steven Burkhart, Leslie
Tom Izzo has shown that hard work pays off and has produced classy well-educated players. He is a devoted husband and father, a refreshing example for all. He is deeply involved in the Lansing community and truly an MSU icon. I can't imagine March Madness without him.
Jessica Thompson, Grand Rapids, Michigan
It makes so many of us glad to be a Spartan when we watch someone like you shape the lives of those you coach. You are training them for more than basketball. You are training them for life. You make us all proud!! You must know how much we all want you to stay. You feel like family. Please stay.
Sally Smith, Wyoming Michigan
I grew up watching Tom win the title in 2000, and never stopped loving MSU after that. Seeing him leave would be crushing, one of my childhood heroes (and one of my favorite people in the world) leaving an incredible legacy behind. Don't leave Coach! We all love you and want you to stay and cement yourself as one of the greatest coaches in college hoops history!
Lucas, Southwest Michigan
NBA does not equal true basketball...not anymore. Stay at MSU where basketball is played as it was meant to be. Stay...not because you win, but because of what you stand for and mean to your players, MSU community, and the entire State of Michigan!!!
Be the John Wooden for this generation of college players. Stay at MSU.
Sue, Lansing
please stay & be the college basketball coach legend we already think you are! i started being a basketball fan because of you :)
just graduated from msu, east lansing, mi
Coach Izzo makes me proud to be a Spartan - he is the definition of class and integrity. I hope he stays a Spartan for life, but wish him and his family the best of luck wherever he may end up. Go Green!
Andrew, Washington, DC
Tom, your the best. My three daughters 9,11&13 make it to most games including tourneys. You have everything to Win staying at MSU. As I look at the state, you ate the largest figure. There is no other coach, politicin,business leader........ That even compares. UofM fans even love you. You are the best at what you do. This world, children, and basketball need you. Let's have many more years of go green, go white together.
Mike, Grand Rapids
Tom, you are a coach. You are a role model, for young men and they need you! You won't be the coach at the pro level, you'll be managing mega egos ... and that's not you. Remember your blood is green! Please stay at MSU, retire like Jud and be proud of all your accomplishments at STATE! You are MSU!
Nancy, Holt
Coach, even if you would be successful anywhere in the NBA I can tell you, you will never be more loved than you are in East Lansing-not anywhere! What you have done for MSU, the community and Green and White fans everywhere must not be obvious to you. We hope you stay!
Lynne, St. Johns
Our family will always respect and admire Coach no matter what the final decision is, but we hope that he stays with the Spartans because he has been a tremendous reprsentative of the school and state!
Chris, Chicago
We love you coach!! Come back next year and get us that 3rd basketball championship!
Bill, Macomb,MI
Coach, i'd hate to see you leave, but if that is what is best I will accept it, and probably even become a Cavs fan! Regardless , I would like to say Thank You for all that you and your family have done for MSU, mid Michigan, indeed the entire state of Michigan, and all of college basketball. Your giving has been from your heart, has touched innumerable lives, and is truly appreciated. In closing, I truly hope you do stay and prosper here, but if you must leave I have only one demand, you're going to have to leave Lupe here with us! Thank You.
Terry, Lansing
Coach Izzo,
Thank you for all the lives you have touched and influenced, both on the court and off, in a positive way! Your example of doing the right thing and doing things right have impacted more people than you will ever know. I hope you remain on the "Spartan Ticket" to continue your most appreciated work of love.
L, Falardeau, Hartland MI
he polished the "Flint-stones" to shine like diamonds for basketball fans around the world. Flint loves you Tom Izzo!
Lori, Flint MI
Stay at State coach, finish your legacy and become the best college basketball coach ever!
Chris, San Francisco
I don't even like sports - but, as a Spartan - you have my heart!! You're a fantastic coach and a great role model.
K, Oregon
Just leave the guy alone and let him make up his own mind. Geez!
Sparty #15, Metro
Where are all the faculty at Michigan State in this??? I have seen a few postings, but not many. If you know any, call, email, twitter, cajole, threaten, them to get on here and make their feelings known. With all their supposed intelligence, they should be able to see that it is in their interests - their departments interests - their research interests - their students interests - that Izzo stay. It is that simple. There is no division between athletics and academia. We are all one family, and we all benefit if this quality program is maintained.
Gary, Minneapolis, MN
Whatever your decision, we will always appreciate what you've accomplished.
Joe, GPF
Tom, College basketball needs you. There are only a few really honest and genuine guys left coaching college ball at your level. If you stay you will surpass records by Coach K, Dean Smith and even John Wooden. You are a model to what a college coach should be. Pro coaches are a dime a dozen, not worth the dime most of the time and are short-lived. You have created a life, a family, a program and a reputation at MSU. Yes, you deserve to go if you want to, but you could mean so much more to so many more people if you remained a Spartan. I'm praying you decide with your heart and you know who really loves you and your family. That's priceless.
Lynn McCurry, Mooresville, NC
Please stay off of here if you are from U of M (and stating that you are from around here). NOONE around here has anything bad to say about Izzo you BOZOs! You want him gone alright and we know why.
I know Tom Izzo has to to what is best for Tom and your family. But your family is larger than the 4 of you. You have made all of MSU your family. MSU basketball will never be the same without Tom Izzo. And Cleveland basketball will never be Izzo's team. No matter how many NBA championships you may win. I only hope that you can be like all the other great college coaches who resisted the NBS temptation and stay where you will always be loved and always remembered. College sports have so much more heart and soul than any NBA franchise.
Patrick Laurie, Grand Rapids, Michigan
Coach Izzo, you have brought many years of basketball joy to this MSU alum and i have always appreciated how you demanded the best of both yourself, your players and the MSU athletic dept. employees. I believe you stand on the cusp of cementing MSU as a legendary basketball program. Dealing with those prima donas in the NBA will drive you crazy, your detsiny is at MSU.
Matt, Traverse City
Simply Put... He IS Tom Izzo and we love you.
Jake, Detroit, MI
Tom Izzo is a great coach and an awesome person and I have the utmost respect for him, unconditionally. Growing up in Iron Mountain, Tom Izzo is a huge reason why I became a Spartan. As the mascot, Sparty, I spent years doing events with coach all across the great state of Michigan and have gotten to know him personally. His connection with his fellow Michiganders and willingness to give back to the community is why I *heart* Tom Izzo. I feel blessed as a Spartan/Yooper/Iron Mountain native to have Tommy as a representative.
GO GREEN! -Sparty On!
C. Susott/Sparty/Spartan Alum, Iron Mountain/East Lansing/Indianapolis
Don't go - Please stay. March and early April just wouldn't be the same.
Alex, Stevensville, MI
he is coach of my team. I had four great years of cheering on Tom Izzo and his squads in the Izzone. My time at MSU showed me how much the man does for the university and the community. Spartan Basketball is not complete without Coach Izzo at the helm.
Matt, Indianapolis
Chris, East Lansing, MI
I complete support Tom Izzo staying at Michigan State. I am technically a Michigan fan but still pull for State when they are not playing U of M. Either Way you cannot deny that he is an amazing coach and would love to keep him in the state of Michigan and not lose him to Ohio!!
SFC MICHAEL HILLS, Fort Campbell, Kentucky but Born in Detroit and fully support Michigan!!
Coach Izzo -- think about it... what about defense and rebounding? What about the blue collar work ethic? Will Lebron put on football gear for practice? Please do a 'gut check' on this. You belong here at MSU with your Spartan family.
MSU Alumni and faithful fan, East Lansing
"I have been a Spartan fan all my life and I want to thank you for all the wonderful things you have done for MSU. I am praying for you and your family so that you make the best decision for them and you...but I must admit I hope that means you will stay at MSU. We are so proud to have you as our men's basketball coach because of everything you stand for. Best of luck in all your future endeavors and I hope we see you coaching in Breslin this fall."
-------------------------------Every single word.-------------------------------
The D
I am an MSU alumni and have thoroughly enjoyed watching the MSU Men's NCAA Basketball team not only when I was a student, but also now. I was a senior in 2000 when they won the NCAA Championship and it was one of the most memorable moments of my college career. I have a lot of respect for Tom Izzo and what he has done for MSU and college basketball. I hope he stays and contributes much more and continues to touch the lives of his players, MSU students and fans.
Kate Mauntel, Lansing, MI
Tom, The State of Michigan does not have too many positive things going on right now outside of You and Michigan State Basketball. Plus I think you are great guy! All my out of state (MSU haters) nag me by saying you are gone and levaing for the money. I continue to tell them "NO Way, he is smarter and better than that". But if you decide to go (for reasons unknown to me) I want to thank you for everything you have done for MSU and the great State of Michigan!
Dace C., Allen Park, MI / Atlanta, GA
Izzo is the man! Cleveland does NOT rock, contrary to that stupid theme song...
Cameron, Ann Arbor
MSU fans and basketball fans throughout our country admire the way you run your program. If MSU is to reach the status of a North Carolina or Duke, then we need you to stay as coach and to build upon the traditions that you have started. Make us proud and continue to work with the student / athletes and make a legacy that will make both you and the citizens of the state of Michigan proud of your achievements. Lloyd Allen, North Port,
im a student at MSU and an Izzone member i could not just imagine having another coach courtside at the breslin during my time in east lansing, Just a few months ago i remember being blown away by the fact that i have older cousins who graduated from state before you were the coach, the tradition and family atmosphere which most programs dont have in our program could take years to rebuild, and im pretty sure you would be much happier here in east lasning then with a bunch of primadonnas with no respect for there coaches and teams. Please Tom stay, ill be going with you to houston this april
Thomas, Brighton Mi
He is my hero.
Gordon Gradinscak, East Lansing
You're one of the only pure coaches left in this game. The whole state needs you for all the reasons you put forth during the '09 championship run
Chris, Chicago
You are a Michigan man and Michigan needs you!!! You have the chance to be one of the best college coaches of all time...
djldetroit, Ravinia, IL
you brought us many happy memories. You are an encourager and I appreciate you.
He is arguably the best Recruiter in College Basketball. This Particular skill he has will not be able to be carried with him to the NBA. Not To Mention he's an excellent Ambassador for the University and a great guy for us!!
Jeffrey Bowdell, Worcester, MA
Please don't leave me...
Breslin Center, East Lansing
There's no place like home. MSU is your home. Go State!
Steve, West Bloomfield
We appreciate all that you have done for our university. We would really love for you to stay but we wish you well with whatever you decide is right for you and for your family.
Jim, East Lansing
Coach Izzo,
You have been an inspiration to all of us alumni of MSU. Your contributions to our school and your players are truely beyond measure. From the Green and White in my son's room to the tears in my eyes when the senior kiss the floor, you have made an incredible impact on my life. I hope you recongnize that your true home is in East Lansing Michigan surround by the players, fans, and alumni that truely love you. Go Green!
Peter, Muskegon, MI
You've done so much for MSU =) and I hope you continue to! We love you so much, you are MSU!!
East Lansing!!
he is a king at msu. he bleeds green and white and we love him no matter what. he keeps our spirits alive.
stephanie, east lansing... home of the greatest izzo
I loved seeing you in Izzo Goes to Broadway and don't want to see you go to Cleveland! Please stay with MSU!
Sue, Grant
He inspires me as a volunteer basketball coach for Boys and Girls club
Kate, Romulus MI
My granddaughter's name is Isabella. I call her 'Izzy'. Coach, how am I going to explain that one to her if you're gone?
KEJ, GREEN country
I am in love with Coach Izzo.
izzo the rizzo the oll dirty cizzoach,dont leave us when we need you the most.
Nick Seguin, Grand Haven, Michigan
Thank you for all you have done for MSU, Lansing, and the State of Michigan. Please stay!
Dave, Lauren, and Grace, Dewitt
Coach, Thank you for your high standard of integrity, honesty, excellence, and community involvement, and for how you have helped young men become men of accountability. As a long time faculty member and BB season ticket holder I have taken great joy in watching you become the best. If you stay you will be ranked with the best like John Wooden. Often I have been asked why we don't go to Florida, etc. during the winter. My response is two words, Tom Izzo. If you leave, I will have two regrets: MSU will lose the best coach in college basketball; and I have not had the opportunity to shake your hand and thank you personally for all you have meant to MSU and all your fans. Whatever your decision I wish you great success and fulfillment.
Paul, Professor Emeritus
I said a prayer at church today that you will stay at the place that loves you, MSU. I've been going to State games for over 40 years and your work ethic is reflected in your players. Please consider where you would like to spend the rest of your career. We need you.
Diana, Lansing
You are very easily the most loved, respected and well known person in all of East Lansing. This whole city is going to be so heart broken if you leave us. WE LOVE YOU, COACH IZZO!!!! Please don't go!
Courtney, East Lansing, baby!
I never liked basketball but my husband is an avid msu fan and has converted me to watching msu bball, along with football. I have travelled to the palace to watch the spartans and just love you as a coach. I don't think anyone would be as caring to the players as you are. You need to go with you gut and do what you need to but we would really like you to stay a spartan!
carole desprez, st. johns,mi
Whatever you decide we will still keep it the izzone!
Kevin, alum, Royal oak
I think the reason why we want you to return so much is because you exemplify Michigan State. If you leave, a lot of people feel like MSU is losing its identity. You have been a great ambassador for the school, the East Lansing community, and for the state of Michigan.
Adam, Dublin, OH
you are the face of the university!
John, Ohio
I understand Izzo. Everyone wants to reach the highest level in their career. If MSU really loved you they would understand that and be happy for you. Plus, sports is a waste of time and money and shouldn't be a part of academic institutions.
Suckittrebek, Bigbooty
Once in a generation a coach will define an institution or an organization. Once in lifetime a coach can personify a state. You are Michigan.
Andrew G., Grosse Pointe Woods, MI
Stay Coach, you have touched so many lives and you still can touch so many more.
Jerry, Lansing,MI
At the Izzone Alumni Game on Jan. 6th 2010 you said you would stay at MSU as long as you were wanted. Well you are not only wanted but needed. We love you Izzo!!!!
BMHLAW, Kalamazoo
I love Coach Izzo because of his dedication to MSU and making his players better men. He defines MSU. He runs a great kids camp in the summers and finds a way to touch each kid. Coach we need you - please don't go!
Tammie and Anthony Valentini, Austin, TX and Canton, MI
Because my boyfriend loves him, and it helps our relationship. If he leaves my boyfriend will become depressed.
Cute Girl, Rochester, MI
Sparty can't move to Cleveland. Coach, you are the grist that makes our mill work. Without you more young men will be without the beacon that points them to higher ground. Please continue to serve as a waypoint for our collective future. Our faith lies with you.
Jerryinatree, In a van down by the river
I have been a fan since i was 12 yrs old and have watched MSU from jenison and judd..and was there the year the breslin opened...and have watched you MR IZZO CREATE THIS MAGICAL THING THAT HAS MADE MSU a basketball DYNASTY!! Don't leave have more to accomplish!!!
Terry A. Vander Molen 40 yrs and still following!!!, Grand Rapids
he is the type of coach that values mentorship and building great character, not just great players. The NBA is full of selfish, thankless, and uncoachable jerks that will not give Izzo what he really loves and desires--the knowledge that he has and will change lives.
Jason Schmidt, Lansing
Tom Izzo, what more can be said about you! When I think of being the ultimate MSU fan I think of you, I mean my dentist is even named Dr. Izzo! Even if you decide to leave us, know that you have millions of Spartans who will always love you and support you and your team. Thanks for all that you have done!!!
Lisa Mixter, Lincoln Park, MI
you do things the right way. Hard work & good honest sweat have brought MSU a lot of great things. Coach, no matter what you decide....thanks for years of greatness.
Gary Mathias, Haslett
Don't Go WE need you more than they do.
Richard Brunk, Okemos, mi
Please stay....
Megan, Grand Rapids
I love MSU. And you make the Basketball games worth watching. Knowing that you want the boys to become men of integrity. And be the best they can be in the walk of their life. Thanks for all you do. And please don't leave us.
the world needs more Tom Izzos and John Woodens; people whose character is not defined by money, nor diminished by fame. We love Izzo because he is among the few public figures we can point out to our kids without fear of some future embarrassment. He walks the talk because there is no other way. In God We Trust, on Izzo we can bank. Michigan loves you Tom. Please ask yourself what clause covers that in the Cleveland contract offer.
Scott H., East Lansing
Izzo is more than a great basketball coach. He is respect, inspiration, and is Michigan State! You develop the talent of your player and create an atmosphere like no other in the Breslin Center. Life at MSU would just not be the same without you.
George, Washington DC
I love Coach Izzo because he represents everything that is right about college basketball and Michigan State University. He is the perfect ambassador for a such a great school and the sport in general. He is the perfect coach because he treats his players as if they were his own kids. I love Coach Izzo because he is simply one of the greatest men alive. Please don't go coach, we need you here in Michigan.
Mike G., Troy, MI
You are the heart of East Lansing and of MSU. Students and alumni who have never met, who come from different backgrounds, and who graduated during different decades can always unite in their respect, appreciation, and love for you. You have taught us all so much - please continue to do so and don't leave us!
Julia, Washington, DC
Coach Izzo thanks but no thanks. I advise you to stay right there in East Lansing as I intend to sign with another team in July.
Lebron James, Cleveland, Ohio
Summers could have went to the NBA but came back to win a title, help him and the team achieve that goal IZZO!
Tom O., DeWitt,MI.
At your speech during the Izzone camp-out my freshmen year you said something that I have come to live by: "Learn to listen and listen to learn." I think that if you listened to how much the Spartan family wants you to stay you would have no problem deciding where you should be. We love you no matter what, Coach, but you're a Spartan and MSU is where you are needed. Go Green!
Elise, East Lansing
I hope and pray that Tom will stay at MSU. We need his integrity, spirit, and leadership. Go Green Go White!
Because you teach the game of LIFE to the students you coach, not just the game of basketball. You will never be happier any other place besides MSU and we will never be happier with another coach. Please dont go.
Ray, Jackson, MI
Coach, I love you. Please stay at MSU, the best school in the world. I really don't want to become a Cleveland fan....
"Their eyes may shine like diamonds, and their money may be green, but LEAVE COACH IZZO ALONE!"
I am a M.S.U. Mom. My child graduated from M.S.U but not before she made sure she was part of of "The IZZO ZONE". I will always remember how one of her friends gave me her sit at the IZZO ZONE on my birthday and I was one of those proud students along with my child, since then, I have being a faithfull fan of the coach and the team. Please, allow us to keep being sooo proud of our M.S.U. men basketball team. Together you have made history you have conquer our love and appreciation. We have the heart of the team in you and we would love to keep the beat going because you help us go.
Maria M. Martin, Lansing, Mi.
Coach, everything I hear about you is good. My dad is impressed with the way you treat the high school coaches. Ane we treasure your authographed pictures. We all are impressed on how you can take a bunch of kids and make them a TEAM. And you do this the right way! I can understand the delimea you are in now. Remember Magic stayed here so he could be Magic. If you stay, you will be IZZO, in Cleveland you will just be the short little coach. But please stay as you are the one that makes UM shake in fear.
Rob, DeWitt
In 2005, I was debating what college to go to. I was visiting the University of Texas at Austin in March and I happened to get a ticket to watch MSU play Kentucky in the Elite 8 instead of going to an application meeting... I became a Spartan that night. Tom Izzo and his basketball program made me a fan immediately. 4 years of Izzone tickets and 2 Final Fours later, I'm still glad I blew off my meeting to go watch Izzo and his Spartans. Please stay, coach. It won't be the same without you.
Arturo, East Lansing
Your accomplishments on the basketball court and your contributions to the community are an inspiration. You are the glue that keeps much of the extended MSU family together and a touchstone and source of pride for Spartans everywhere. Best of luck to you and your family - PLEASE STAY!
Chad, Chicago
I am organizing a 'Mr. March march' in support of YOU coach, because we NEED YOU TO STAY!
Izzo is all that is right with college basketball, michigan state, and the world. izzo 4 msu, izzo 4 prez, izzo 4 life.
Janey, Farmington, MI
Coach, they don't have Tasty Twist in Cleveland!
Mariana, East Lansing
Coach Izzo - you are what's right about college athletics - dedicated, caring, always teaching, pushing young men to be at their best at all times ( a true life lesson). The best part is that you love each student/athlete as if they were your own child. In today's world you are a true role model.
Walt F, Grosse
Please stay, because our state can't handle any more heartbreak.
You are what makes MSU basketball MSU basketball. We have the Izzone. Which won't be the same without you. I want to be in the Izzone someday, cheering you and the team on, which sadly, may never happen if you leave. Please don't leave, Tom!!!:(((
Undetermined, Somewhere
Tom Izzo - the heart and soul of the Spartans.
MSU73, St. Joseph
I turned on the BB game - just to see if Shannon Brown was playing. It was a time out - the coach was talking to the players and the players were yawning away. Coach Izzo, you have a rare gift. You can change lives. So many parents wish they had your gift. Please, please don't throw it away. So many young men need you. The Pros don't. I honestly think you will be completely miserable. Your family is so loved here. I've watched Raquel grow up from dancing with the Motion team at half time to stepping in for her Mom this year for the food drive. Please don't take that away from her - don't leave us. Please.
Karen, Okemos
Coach Izzo, I can't imagine you leaving. You are Michigan State basketball. I remember being an honorary "Izzoner" for one game when I came back to MSU from grad school. What a highlight!! Plus, you're in a "Michigan" commercial...proudly. You and your family make MSU proud. We would be so sad to see you leave. Most importantly, those boys/your boys need you. I believe they are better people after being coached by you. Much love and good luck on your decision.
Melissa, MSU alumni 1997, Grand Rapids, MI
If you decide to stay I will start a petition to get the "final four" changed to the "Tom Izzo Tournament"
Laura, East Lansing, MI
There is a new post on here every 3 seconds... That's LOVE that cannot be described in words. I haven't seen support like this since before Obama was elected.
Obama hater, DeWitt, MI
You have a great opportunity at MSU to influence young men in a positive manner and you have created a true family here. You are not only a role model for MSU but the whole State of Michigan. Cleveland will only offer money and not those things that are most important in life.
Dave & Nancy, AA
Izzo - Cleveland does not rock, stay in East Lansing.
Jack, East Lansing
Momma always said, 'You don't need too much money....the rest is just for braggin.' Please listen to momma and don't leave your Spartan family for the money.
Forrest Gump, Greenbow, Alabama
Walking up to my seat at this year's MSU vs. U of M football game, I saw the Tom Izzo standing right in front of me. He was sitting right there in the stands with all the rest of us. Furthermore, he was at the end of the row smiling and greeting people as they walked by. I couldn't resist and walked up to shake his hand. Graciously he took my hand and thanked me for coming to say hello. That is Tom Izzo. That is MSU. Please don't go. It is your influence that has furthered the MSU tradition of treating everyone like "family."
Garret Miner, Mesa, AZ
A few years ago, I took my 4 year old son to watch Coach Izzo and MSU win yet again in Grand Rapids. He spotted Jack and gave him the "thumbs up". Just a few months ago we drove 9 hours to watch Coach Izzo work his Magic in the NCAA Regionals in St. Louis...Jack "cried and cheered" for those fantastic 2 days....Thanks for the great memories.. Our only hope is that we will continue to see you on the MSU bench teaching so many the importance of hard work and persistance...Good Luck with this tough decision...
Scott, Minneapolis
Tom Izzo, we love you too much to see you go! You will be letting so many people down by leaving, and you are perfect for MSU. When I think of MSU, I think of Tom Izzo. You have so many titles, past and future, to gain and have. Please don't leave, the future of MSU basketball rests in your hands! NBA Basketball is so much different than college, and you will find that college is much more fun to coach. WE LOVE YOU, PLEASE DON'T LEAVE!!!
Hannah G., Grand Ledge, MI
Izzo is god!!! stay at MSU!!!!
Sammy, Lansing
Your passion has helped mold the lives of countless young men playing basketball at MSU-there is no greater service than being a role model for others. College basketball needs you. Please stay:)
Elaine, Williamston
I know we can't keep you forever, but how about if you stay until we get another National Championship?
Ana, East Lansing
Tom reach for your DREAMS or they'll leave you behind
Coach, thank you, thank you, thank you for all of you have done for MSU. ALL of us hope you continue on as our coach for years to come.
On a side note, half the people on this board probably have their dog named after you. :)
Amber, Austin, TX
He is the best college coach the game has ever scene and not only does MSU lose a legend but all of college basketball is losing a great man and a tremendous competitor.
Dave, Maryland
I am not really a MSU fan i am a georgia fan but i think u are a really cool and a liad back person.
abigail silvey, kalamazoo MI
Great Horned Owl, The Woods
What would have happened if George Bailey left the Savings and Loan to got to work for Mr. Potter? Or Luke Skywalker joined his father and the dark side??
Don't you get it Tom... the world needs heroes to fight all the evil villains around us and dammit you're OUR hero. We can't possibly fight the evil empire (The Wolverines, sleazy agents, Bo Ryan, John Calipari, the Pump Brothers... there are too many to name) without you? Please Come Back From the Edge, stand with us and help fight the GOOD fight and change the collegiate game for the better, otherwise the dark side wins and we ALL lose!
Matty, Grand Haven
IZZO is an East Lansing institution. I really hope he stays. He means so much the the MSU community worldwide.
Please stay, coach!
PPTPW-Go Green-Go White-Let's go State!
Matt, Denver, co
Izzo is AMAZING! Enough Said!
Sarah, Mishawaka, IN
Because I live in a city that by default hates anything Detroit or Michigan related, yet to a man, I can't find anybody here who has a bad word to say about our coach. There hasn't been a finer man to represent my home state in my lifetime, and I really hope that he finishes his career where it started, in EL.
Thanks, Coach, for being a symbol all of us Michiganders worldwide can point to with pride.
Alan, Chicago
"I have been a Spartan fan all my life and I want to thank you for all the wonderful things you have done for MSU. I am praying for you and your family so that you make the best decision for them and you...but I must admit I hope that means you will stay at MSU. We are so proud to have you as our men's basketball coach because of everything you stand for. Best of luck in all your future endeavors and I hope we see you coaching in Breslin this fall."
Every single word.
The D
Tom Izzo is such a great coach, it wouldnt be the same without him being the head coach of the Michigan State Spartans. He is one of the greatest coaches in the history of NCAA basketball. I hope he makes the right choice.
Jon Howard, Olivet, Michigan
I have been a Spartan fan all my life and I want to thank you for all the wonderful things you have done for MSU. I am praying for you and your family so that you make the best decision for them and you...but I must admit I hope that means you will stay at MSU. We are so proud to have you as our men's basketball coach because of everything you stand for. Best of luck in all your future endeavors and I hope we see you coaching in Breslin this fall.
KC, Portland, MI
Coach Izzo - You make me proud to be a Spartan.
Aaron, Flint, MI
Tom Izzo is one of the greatest coaches in the Country. We love him, we need him, and we cant win the championship with out him. PLEASE STAY IN EAST LANSING!
Kim Howard, Olivet, Michigan
As a former teacher I know what it is to be able to lead and mold young minds.There is no greater privilege than seeing a student achieve who is considered at risk because of your efforts. Coach Izzo you are the kind of coach who is able to mold young adults to not only become better basketball players but better people. Your influence is great and greatly appreciated. You create the kind of players the NBA needs and the men that our society can respect.
Sharon, Haslett
True Spartans bleed green, Izzo you have proven that you do time and time again. Do it one more time, we love you here, the school and the sport will lose a great person, and role model.
Jason, Grand Rapids
Man Coach I am from Saginaw and a graduate of MSU. I remember coming to campus in the early 90s and how supporting Spartan Basketball wasn't the cool thing to do. We couldn't even get "Raycom Sports" to televise the games locally. When you took over the program, you made it cool to be a Spartan Basketball fan again. Don't leave coach solidify your legacy here at home with your family. We love you man!
Anthony H, Chicago, IL
I have been lucky enough to sit on the court for three years now and watch Izzo coach his players to victory. I have danced with Izzo for two years in Izzo Goes to Broadway. And I have been an MSU basketball fan my entire life. Izzo has made each of these experiences amazing and I couldn't imagine him not around for my senior year. Please don't leave Izzo! Your team and the rest of the university need you this year to take us to the national championship.
izzo is all we have ever know, he is always been there for the michigan state community is it really about money look what he is making at state how could he be so greedy to want more izzo bleeds green and thats why he cant leave.
seth, carson city mi
Izzo, you are the man.
David Chung
Thanks for all your hard work and dedication to the Spartans!! Thanks for being a coach that exemplifies what Michiganders are all about, honest, hardworking, tough, competitive, loyal and humble too.
I will always remember the copy of "Green Glory" you signed for me with the other players who played such an important role in winning that National Title in 2000. It is a treasure too me. Your the best!!
Thanks Always.
Jeff Michael, Eats Lansing, Michigan
He has done so much for the university I love. Please don't go coach!
Jack, Atlanta, GA
Favorite memories have been shared at games! You can't have the Izzone without the man himself! We need you coach! Being only a highschooler and planning of college is a big thing for me and MSU is a top choice because of the spirit you bring! Stay strong coach!
Lauren, Michigan
Michigan State Basketball would not be the same without you!!!!!
Penny, Lansing
Izzo is what makes Michigan State basketball what it is. Without him the program wouldnt be what it is today. If he decides to leave he will always have the memories from MSU in his mind. Please stay Mr. Izzo! :) We love you like no other! Let's go for another Final 4 baby!
Olivia, Grand Rapids
Coach...there are not many challenges greater than helping young men reach their potential, both on and off the court. There is little that brings greater rewards either. Please don't are making an impact here that no one else can!
Coach, I know you don't understand the full impact you have had on MSU and you won't until the high school classes of 2012, 2013, and 2014 arrive on campus. My boys and many of their classmates have been diehard fans since 1999. There is an entire generation of young people in the state who have grown up only knowing MSU as a winner. You are their John Wooden. You are MSU.
Coach, i have grown up watching you coach the greatest team in the past decade. After what you did last season with the way things were going with the team, i thought that this year just might be fate and i have very high hopes for this year. I really hope you stay. I love watching you coach. I know a lot of other people do too. The way you can bring a team together is inspiring. Pro is just no heart at all. When it comes to sports its all about passion and effort. college is the place for you. I hope you stay Tom. Ill be crushed if you leave.
Ryan, Lansing
Coach, I don't know what will transpire in the next few days but I want to thank you not just for building on thebasketball foundation built by Jud, Gus, Ralph Simpson, John Bennington, Earvin,Scott, Greg, Sam, Steve, Mateen, Kalin and the current playerd ... and those that precede my living in EL, but for becoming such a positive icon for MSU, Lansing, and Michigan. Please choose well for your family - however broad you define it.
Matt, Eagle
Izzo is such a part of MSU over the years. He is such an excellent coach because he is not just call about basketball, but all about the players. I think all MSU fans see that. Izzo will always be a spartan. Izzo, please don't leave us!!!!! PLEASE!!!
Josie, East Lansing
You don't owe us anything. You need to do what is best for you and your family. We will continue to be proud of you, no matter what your decision is. Your program has been a living example that hardwork, honesty and self accountability will be rewarded. Even though you have been rightfully rewarded, you have never lost touch with your roots. You have remained remarkably humble, even though you are the best in your profession. This means alot to people in a blue-collar state like Michigan. We realize how tempting it must be for you to take on a new challenge. In the NBA, there is no loyalty. We hope you know how much you mean to the MSU community, and this will be a factor in your decision. Thank you Tom, for all you and your family have done for MSU!
Bruce Francke, D.V.M., CVM 91, Essexville, MI
Greg Shire, Lansing, Migichan
Izzo, I don't know much about basketball but I do know you are the heart and soul of Michigan State. My dad always talks about what a great guy you are and how you always make your rounds and say hello to different tailgates for MSU football. Clearly you are in a difficult spot and I hope you make the right choice....Whether you walk into the breslin center next Fall or the Cavs court, I will be cheering for you..and No matter your decision I think the Izzone should ALWAYS be the IZZONE. We can not/ will not forget all you have done for MSU. My prayers are with you...but PLEASE STAY! GO GREEN. WE <3 IZZO
Britt, ROC
Coach Izzo, you are everything that is right about college athletics! The world needs mentors/teachers like you in the NCAA. Please know that your impact on young people does not go unnoticed.
JN, Chicago, IL
Tom Izzo, if you stay at MSU, you'll be on the same platform as John Wooden. Your class, dignity... and loyalty are unmatched. All of us Spartans hope that you realize how loyal we are to you. We're looking forward to watching you lead us to many, many more Final 4's and national Titles!! GO STATE!
Coach. I am taking my son to his first Tom Izzo basketball camp at 8AM tomorrow.... He is 8 years old and has been to a Final Four! He is spoiled and it's your fault! Thanks for all you do and it is my hope that my son will be "spoiled" for years to come. Coach, all our thanks and blessings in what ever you choose. You make it easy to be green!
Dan, Okemos
I love Izzo because of the way he represents the University I love so much. He works tirelessly and wins the right way. Izzo and Michigan State Basketball always make me proud to be a Spartan.
Joe, East Lansing
What if you go to the Cavs and they sign Juwan Howard? Think about that for a moment.
MSU '97, Saginaw
Some of my favorite memories with friends and family have come as a result of watching you and your team. Thanks, Coach.
NC, East Lansing, MI
Coach Izzo, NBA coaches are only as good as their last victory. Go out like Heathcote, not Carlissimo. How could you leave when you would break so many hearts??
Kaye, Ionia. MI
Coach, you need to do what is best for you, and nothing anyone says on this page will more than likely sway you. But if you do happen to read this, think about this: no billionaire owner with a private jet, no superstar multi-millionaire player, and no NBA fan-base would even think to go to the trouble the Spartan faithful are doing to prove their admiration for a coach and member of the Spartan Family. Cleveland may look sexy and new right now, but our hope is you realize the impact you have with Michigan State is so much larger, nationally and internationally, than you will ever have in the NBA. At State the reality is you make a difference in people's lives, in the NBA you have the potential to win or lose ballgames, no more, no less. Here is hoping you stay where you are loved, appreciated, and home.
Todd, Los Angeles
You are needed by the players and all things MSU. One more championship and the Governor will rename Lake Michigan after you. How can you leave a situation such as this? Sometimes situations can't be recreated. Stay and be the King.
Jim B, Ann Arbor
I appreciate everything you have done for MSU and the great State of Michigan. You have created so many GREAT memories for us. I hope that you will stay and continue the dynasty that you have started. We love you Coach Izzo. Please stay at MSU!
Rick R, Dallas, TX
Tom invest his life in the young men on his team and according to what I read awhile back MSU Basketball is your is life Tom and when you invest your life in young men it will reap rewards that money can never compare with. Staying @ MSU will be a Great investment that will give you joy that will not be found in the NBA people are of far much more value than money or trophys. You have made a great difference in many peoples lifes here @ MSU stay home where your heart is and your MSU family cares for you.
Tom Albert, Lansing
Coach Izzo you have been a wonderful role model to players and fans alike. Please don't go Cleveland! No one could love you and your family more than the people here in mid-Michigan.
Jennifer, Mason
prior to you, I was a wolverine....your class, integrity and passion made the switch make sense!
My two young kids think of Coach Izzo as a hero and Coach makes all of us proud to be Spartans!
Pete Frommeyer, Rockford, MI
Coach Izzo, you have been a great inspiration to me never to quit. In my 4 years in the Izzone and through all the games I watched on TV before the Izzone you made me happy with all that you were able to help the team achieve. I'll never forget the first time I ever met you was my sophomore year and it was surreal. I felt like the day would never come, and since then I have been around you plenty and I feel like just from being around you and occasionally talking to you that I have gotten to know you. I are nice but you are tough, exactly what is needed in a coach and why everyone loves you. All I can tell you is that I am grateful for the years of great basketball that you have given me. You don't owe MSU anything and if you choose to go to Cleavland I will wish you well and I will be cheering for Cleveland hoping that you get that NBA ring. I just hope you know that I love you, MSU and the entire community love you, and that whatever you do I think we all wish you well. GO GREEN!
Andrew B., Lansing, MI originally from Saginaw
Your impact in E. Lansing and at M.S.U. cannot be measured in words...stay and you will find out yourself. You are appreciated more than you realize.
Glenn Walquist, Ludington
Please take the Cleveland job. I would like to see Michigan win!!!! Plus more millions are calling your name. Go Blue!!!
Amanda, Jackson have made Michigan State a state treasure in difficult times. As a former Spartan Marching Band member from early in your tenure at MSU, I am honored to have met you and see how much you appreciate the diverse efforts and support that the basketball team has been a part of over the years. I stayed in East Lansing after graduation and was thrilled to live in town when you took the team to the national championship. There was an incredible sense of pride that you showed for your team at the parade following the championship. I loved your commitment to